I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 444 Locusts Transit

Chapter 444 Locusts Transit
At the same time, outside the community where Song Chi's family is located, a nanny car parked quietly under a roadside tree, covered by shadows.

Lin Xiaomiao was sitting in the car, looking at the entrance of the community from time to time.

"Xiao Miao, today is just an ordinary private party, do we have to hold it here?" the companion asked.

Lin Xiaomiao said: "Trust my intuition, there must be something wrong with Zhou Yun's past, don't you think it's strange? So far, none of Zhou Yun's family members have appeared. When we went to investigate her past, we only had Knowing that her grandmother passed away in her senior year, what about her parents? What about other relatives? And she doesn’t have any friends, it’s so strange.”

"Then what are we squatting here?"

"Look at this private party, is there anyone I don't know?" Lin Xiaomiao said, "Zhou Yun refused to accept my interview, there must be an unknown past."


This private party lasted until nine o'clock in the evening.

Director Jiang Xin and his wife left early.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi personally sent them to the door.

"Let's go back to rest first, you have fun." Jiang Xin said.

Song Chi handed a bag to Jiang Xin and said, "Director Jiang, you love tea. This is the tea from a tea factory of a friend of mine. How about you try it? If you like it, I'll ask him to bring it over."

Jiang Xin didn't refuse, took it in his hand and said, "I'll accept what you give."

Song Chi nodded with a smile, and said, "I gave it to you because I know you are a true tea lover. It's a waste to send someone who doesn't understand tea."

Jiang Xin said: "I heard that you are preparing a movie called "Battle of Measure" recently?"

"You heard what Director Jiang He said?" Song Chi said, "I wanted to ask Jiang to lead the mountain, but Director Jiang refused."

Jiang Xin said: "His energy in the past few years really can't keep up. This movie has a lot of war scenes. It is true that no one else can make it except him. After so many years, there has never been a good war movie."

Song Chi nodded, "That's right, so although this movie is said to be filmed every year, it has never been filmed, and it has passed into my hands. I really like this script, and it is also a genre that I have never acted in."

Jiang Xin gave him an idea: "If there are no suitable senior directors of the older generation, it is better to find young directors. Now more and more young directors have this talent. It is different from us at that time. The current degree of industrialization It's very high, not everything needs to be worried about by the director."

Song Chi sighed, and said, "I'll look for it again. I hope I can find a suitable director. Movies are still the art of directors."

Jiang Xin laughed.

"You kid, why don't you try to be a director yourself?"

Song Chi immediately shook his head, "I don't have the ability, don't harm the director industry."

"It's so easy for an industry to be ruined. You should try everything first." Jiang Xin said, "But if you plan to try directing, try not to star in yourself unless you are particularly energetic, but I understand You, you are also the kind of person who likes to focus on one thing and do it well, if you are a director, you will not have the energy to act."

Song Chi smiled helplessly.

After sending off Director Jiang Xin and his wife, Song Chi and Zhou Yun walked back.

There is no moon tonight, and the night sky is a rich black color.

The cold wind howled like a galloping imperial horse.

Zhou Yun lowered his head and smiled, and said, "Look, Director Jiang also said that you can try to be a director yourself."

"Director Jiang just mentioned it casually." Song Chi took Zhou Yun's hand, "Is it cold?"

"It's okay, alas, I'm going to join the filming of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" soon, and I will be separated from you for a while." Zhou Yun turned his head, looked at Song Chi, and said, "Let's go on a trip this summer. .”


"Well." Zhou Yun said, "After filming "Four Killers", there should be more than ten days of vacation. I want to go out and have fun."

Song Chi nodded, saying yes.

"I'll make arrangements."

"That's fine then."

"we have a deal."

The two returned home.

Everyone is still playing.

They don't know when they started playing "Who is undercover".

They are all actors, one is better than the other.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi also joined in.

Playing until ten o'clock, Gu Huaichun suggested: "Would you like to go to KTV to sing?"

"Go, go, I want to go!" Liu Yuqian was the first to raise her hand, "It's been a long time since I went to sing."

Song Chi said, "Then I'll make arrangements, you guys wait a moment."

Liu Qingqing said: "I won't go, the pregnant woman has to go home to rest, and play together next time."

She packed up her things and called the driver.

Before she left, she came here to say goodbye to Zhou Yun.

"I had a great time today," she said.

Zhou Yun said, "You just have to have fun."

Liu Qingqing said: "When I have a baby, I invite you to play with Song Chi."

Zhou Yun said yes.

As for whether he will go or not, we will talk about it at that time.

KTV is always the busiest time at night, even in a deserted season like the end of February.

A group of people came to the KTV in a mighty way, entered the box, and sang and sang one by one.

Liu Yuqian is the most active among them.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi sat in the corner without singing.

In the middle of singing, Gu Huaichun suddenly turned to them and said, "Song Chi, Zhou Yun, you two are sneaking in a corner and having sex!"

Zhou Yun, who was suddenly named, raised his head suddenly, grabbed the pillow and threw it at Gu Huaichun.

Gu Huaichun turned around and hid, and shouted into the microphone: "Song Chi, why is your wife so violent!"

Everyone roared with laughter.

Angrily, Zhou Yun thought that K Gu Huaichun should give him a good meal, but he didn't want to fight with Gu Huaichun.

She gave Gu Huaichun the middle finger.

Gu Huaichun: "Tsk tsk, the whole box is full of the sour smell of your love."

Zhou Yun complained to Song Chi: "Why do I know a friend like Gu Huaichun? I regret it."

Song Chi smiled, and said with a good temper: "It's pretty good, but my mouth is a bit cheap."

"He is already very restrained in front of you, you don't even know how vicious this guy usually talks." Zhou Yun complained.

As soon as the words fell, Gu Huaichun's voice was amplified through the microphone: "Ah, I'll go, Yu Chu, who are you holding hands with!"

Zhou Yun was startled, and immediately looked in Yu Chu's direction.

As far as he could see, Yin Zhou was sitting next to Yu Chu.

Yu Chu's face flushed immediately.

Yin Zhou picked up a pillow and hit Gu Huaichun directly, "Stop talking nonsense here! You are spreading rumors!"

It seems that Gu Huaichun is playing tricks again.

Zhou Yun: "..."

She couldn't bear it anymore and stood up, "Be quiet, my friends will be wiped clean by you!"

Gu Huaichun must have drank too much wine and became a little crazy, making faces and screaming, ignoring Zhou Yun at all.

Zhou Yun was speechless.

She looked at everyone and asked, "Is he drunk?"

Yin Zhou nodded, "It should be a little bit."

Gu Huaichun retorted: "I'm not drunk, don't talk nonsense, I can drink well."

Zhou Yun snorted.

Gu Huaichun put down the microphone, "Okay, forget it, I won't play with you, I'll go to the bathroom."

He waved and walked out.

Zhou Yun asked: "Is he really okay? I can't tell, is he really drunk?"

Yin Zhou said: "If he didn't fall down, he should still be rational."

Zhou Yun was worried, and said: "This lunatic, I don't know which woman can hold him down in the future."

Yin Zhou laughed so hard that his body trembled, and said, "Perhaps only Goddess Guanyin can restrain him."

Half an hour later, Zhou Yun asked: "Why hasn't Gu Huaichun come back yet? Could it be that he fell into a pit?"

Song Chi stood up and said, "I'll go take a look."

Yin Zhou also stood up, "I'll go with you."

As a result, the two of them went for ten minutes and did not come back.

Zhou Yun and the others felt strange and went to the bathroom together.

The mighty line, everyone wears hats and masks.

When they reached the door, they heard Yin Zhou's voice: "Gu Huaichun? Open the door! Gu Huaichun!"

When Zhou Yun and the others heard the shout, they thought something had happened, and rushed in, regardless of the men's toilet.

After entering, the picture that appeared in their field of vision was a bit horrifying.

Song Chi was climbing onto the door frame of the toilet and riding on it.

Liu Yuqian opened her mouth with a blank face, "What's going on?"

Song Chi's action looked particularly wretched.

Yin Zhou looked back at them, with a helpless expression, and said, "Gu Huaichun sat inside and fell asleep."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun's eyes widened in disbelief, "Is he asleep?"

"Well, no matter how you scream, you won't wake up." Yin Zhou said.

Song Chi jumped in and opened the compartment door from the inside.

Zhou Yun and the others suddenly thought of something, and ran out of the men's room in a swarm.

As soon as I went out, I caught up with four or five mobile phone cameras to take pictures of them.

It was the other guests of KTV who recognized the stars.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and thought, this is too bad.

Fortunately, the mask was not taken off.

Song Chi and Yin Zhou walked out with Gu Huaichun on one left and one on the right.

The girls had to help them block the camera.

"What are you guys doing? Are you filming?" Someone asked, looking around for the camera.

In this situation, they can no longer continue to sing, they can only leave the KTV quickly, or else they will be rushed by the paparazzi after hearing the news, and they will not be able to leave.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, Zhou Yun and Song Chi didn't return home until early in the morning.

Gu Huaichun was taken away by Yin Zhou.

"This matter will be a hot search tonight, right?" Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi nodded: "I guess I didn't run away, so many people took videos."

"Although Sister Lan arranged for someone to solve it, it probably won't be solved." Zhou Yun said, "Oh, Gu Huaichun is really ashamed."

Song Chi raised his mouth slightly, "I don't know if he will regret coming today when he wakes up tomorrow."

Zhou Yun sneered and said, "Then he can only blame himself, he deserves it!"

The facts were just as they judged, and the next day, they collectively went on the hot search.

Many media reports are also very detrimental to the name: Zhou Yun, Song Chi, Gu Huai, Chun Wenxi and others opened a toilet party.


Zhou Yun specifically looked at the reports and comments on the Internet, and was so embarrassed that he wanted to dig his toes.

Almost everyone knew that the party was organized by Zhou Yun, and also knew that Gu Huaichun was drunk, fell asleep in the toilet, and was carried out by Song Chi and Yin Zhou.

There are even moving pictures of Gu Huaichun being helped out by Song Chi and Yin Zhou, one on the left and one on the right, and they are widely circulated on the Internet.

It's not a scandal at all.

Zhou Yun didn't want to say a word, and threw the phone aside.


Zhou Lan felt that the hot search was quite good.

"Don't you think it's been a long time since you haven't been on the hot search for fun things like this? Before, it was all news about work, or winning awards, or red carpet looks, or magazine covers. It was all about work, isn't it? It is good for your friendly image, I am worried that everyone will praise you to the altar, and now everyone thinks that although you are big stars, you are just like ordinary young people. You did something embarrassing." Zhou Lan said, "Gu Huaichun's manager communicated with me, saying they don't want to press hot searches."

Zhou Yun: "...I don't understand what your manager thinks."

Zhou Lan smiled and asked, "Are you still doing exercise this morning?"

"Go, there's nothing else to do anyway." Zhou Yun said.

"I thought you played very late yesterday and didn't want to go." Zhou Lan said, "Yao Yuanfeng regretted leaving too early and didn't see such a wonderful scene."

"He is more than a round older than us, and still curious about these things?" Zhou Yun said, "Tsk tsk."

"He will be dissatisfied with your evaluation."

"Then let him be dissatisfied." Zhou Yun smiled.

After finishing the call with Zhou Lan, Zhou Yun called Gu Huaichun.

Sure enough, Gu Huaichun had already woken up, and when he answered the phone, his voice sounded weak, without the arrogance of last night.

"Why? Come to comfort me?"

Zhou Yun laughed so hard that he let out a goose cry.

"See what you did last night?"

"I see." Still with a weak voice, Gu Huaichun sighed, "I woke up early this morning and looked at my phone, heh, it was all gloating."

Zhou Yun: "Your fans are probably heartbroken. In their hearts, your brother who is handsome and impeccable fell asleep in the toilet in embarrassment."

"Shut up, you." Gu Huaichun said.

Zhou Yun said, "Why don't you post a Weibo to explain?"

"Excuse me." Gu Huaichun said, "Just wait quietly for the limelight to pass."

Zhou Yun: "How about I explain it for you?"

"Zhou! Yun!" Gu Huaichun immediately raised his voice.

Under the threat of Gu Huaichun, Zhou Yun promised not to speak, and hung up the phone happily.

When such an incident happened, the fans of several people were just like the annual meeting, swiping more frequently than passers-by, swiping emoticons under the microblogs of various masters like locusts crossing the border.

It is also a big event.

Regarding this matter, many media have sent interview applications.

Zhou Lan unified declined.

It's okay if this kind of thing is photographed and posted on the Internet, most people are happy to see these news about celebrity embarrassment.

But if Zhou Yun accepted the interview and explained this matter seriously, and the last trending search, he would be suspected of buying a trending search.

Of course, normal people know that there is no need for Zhou Yun to buy hot searches at this moment, and she does not lack this kind of popularity.

But I can't stand it. There are ghosts and ghosts on the Internet. It is better to say less than to say more, and less mistakes will be made when less is said.

(End of this chapter)

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