Chapter 445
I thought this was the end of the matter.

Lively and lively, for people to joke about, go over.

Who knows, the next night, the famous entertainment reporter Lin Xiaomiao exposed a news: Yin Zhou and Yu Chu are in love.

Neither of them can be regarded as newcomers, especially Yin Zhou, as the second male lead of last year's small hit "The Eighth Heartbeat", and the first male lead in the second part of "The Eighth Heartbeat", he has played one after another. There are many plays, and the popularity is not small.

This was especially the case for Yu Chu, as Zhou Yun's only girlfriend in the circle who took the initiative to claim and was in the same frame many times, and because of his family's debts a few days ago, he was on the hot search, and his popularity was not low.

Both of these two people appeared at Zhou Yun's party, which aroused a lot of discussion. No one expected that the two of them were actually photographed by Lin Xiaomiao in the same car, and they were also photographed in the same car. A picture of kissing in the car.

Zhou Yun was dumbfounded when he saw this revelation.

The night before yesterday, Gu Huaichun said that when she saw the two holding hands, she only thought that Gu Huaichun was talking drunk and didn't take it seriously.

Is it true?
Yin Zhou and Yu Chu?
Zhou Yun never thought of this anyway.

She immediately called Yu Chu.

Yu Chu's phone showed that he was on a call, and he didn't know who was on the line.

Zhou Yun thought about calling Yin Zhou again.

Yin Zhou's phone also reminded him that he was on the phone.

Maybe they're talking on the phone.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, it's Lin Xiaomiao again.

But how did Lin Xiaomiao capture Yin Zhou and Yu Chu by such a coincidence?

Half an hour later, Yu Chu called Zhou Yun back.

"Xiaoyun." Yu Chu sighed as soon as he opened his mouth, "The situation is a bit bad now."

"I didn't expect you and Yin Zhou... When did this happen?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yu Chu said: "It's just a recent incident, because his company has regulations, so we haven't said it to the outside world. This time, being photographed has a great impact on him."

"Why?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yu Chu said: "On the one hand, his company doesn't encourage young artists to fall in love. You know this. On the other hand, you also know that there have been some scandals in my family recently, which makes his fans even more unacceptable. , I think his eyesight is not good."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes directly and said, "What kind of logic is this?"

"I feel sorry for him too. His agent has already scolded him." Yu Chu said, "He may still be punished by the company and stop working for a while."

"Don't worry, it's impossible. Yin Zhou is not a newcomer who needs resources from the company to receive resources. Is it possible that someone came to cooperate with him, and his company also pushed out the money he could earn?" Zhou Yun said.

"I don't know, there are many actors in Yue Hai, I heard him tell me that if someone is disobedient, the company will deal with it coldly for a while." Yu Chu was a little worried, "I don't know what to do now. "

"You can let him handle these things by himself. On the contrary, you are in love with Yin Zhou. If you don't tell others, it's fine. Why don't you tell me?" Zhou Yun complained, "I'm with Song Chi I was the first to tell you about it."

Yu Chu defended himself: "The situation is different. None of us told this matter, and we planned to keep it secret."

"It's still a secret. Gu Huaichun has long found out that Yin Zhou is in a relationship, but he doesn't know who that person is." Zhou Yun said, "You two really surprised me. I was shocked when I saw the news. At first glance, I thought it was paparazzi spreading rumors."


Yu Chu sighed.

"Don't sigh, let's see what's going on first."

However, the situation in this matter was worse than everyone imagined.

Yue Hai actually asked Yin Zhou and Yu Chu to break up, otherwise Yin Zhou would stop a lot of follow-up work.

When Zhou Yun heard about this, his first reaction was that Yue Hai was mentally ill.

Song Chi said, "They're trying to make an example to other artists in the company. They must listen to the company. Otherwise, even a well-known actor like Yin Zhou will be treated coldly."

"Yue Hai's doing this is really laughable and generous. Now which agency company would require an artist not to fall in love?" Zhou Yun said, "Even if you are an idol or an idol, don't you all have a good relationship?"

Song Chi: "Yue Hai is indeed strict in managing artists. I heard that the director of Yue Hai's management department used to be the director of a management company specializing in idol artists."

"It's too much to ask an actor to use this set." Zhou Yun said, "How can an actor know what love is if he doesn't fall in love? Art comes from life, and they manage the actor into a perfect human form." Stand up, how long can you stand? It will be broken with one kick."

She was outraged.

Talking to Gu Huaichun on the phone, Gu Huaichun was not in a high mood, and seemed to blame himself.

"I communicated with the company, but they ignored my opinion." Gu Huaichun said, "They said that if Yin Zhou didn't break up with Yu Chu, they would stop Yin Zhou's work."

"Why is your company so cold-blooded?" Zhou Yun fired angrily.

Gu Huaichun sighed, "When we signed the contract, it also required us not to fall in love. From this point of view, we are at a loss."

Zhou Yun: "I'm not afraid that this news will spread, it will make me laugh."

"Don't mess around. Don't talk on Weibo. It's best to deal with this matter privately. Yin Zhou's fans are also very dissatisfied with Yu Chu."

"What are they dissatisfied with Yu Chu? The parents' problem is not her problem, and they can stand on the moral high ground." Zhou Yun complained, "This is really annoying, really, why!"

Gu Huaichun: "I have already expressed my attitude to the company, but it is basically useless. The company will not change the decision of the top management because of my attitude."

"If you were in a relationship, would the senior management of your company force you to break up? If you don't break up, will you also stop your job?" Zhou Yun didn't believe that Yue Hai would do this at all.

Gu Huaichun also knew that the company would not do this.

Today, Gu Huaichun is the most popular niche in Yuehai, with high popularity and top-notch gold-absorbing ability.If such a thing happened to Gu Huaichun, Yue Hai must have another face.Yue Hai simply felt that the value of Yin Zhou was not worthy of them turning a blind eye to the company's regulations, so he chose to crack down hard, and he couldn't let this kind of atmosphere form.

Zhou Yun couldn't help thinking, would Yin Zhou break up with Yu Chu?
Regarding this matter, Zhou Yun took a pessimistic attitude.

But what Zhou Yun didn't expect was that without waiting for Yin Zhou to make a decision, Yu Chu posted a Weibo on the same afternoon: I don't want to fall in love in full view, I unilaterally propose a breakup to @阴周, whether you accept it or not, We stop here.

Directly, it exploded.

Zhou Yun was stunned, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

What is Yu Chu doing?
Zhou Yun was shocked by Yu Chu's weibo.

The Internet was even more popular, and the hot search put Yu Chu in the first place.

In real-time weibo, almost everyone was scolding Yu Chu.Some people said that she was hype, some said that she took advantage of Yin Zhou and deceived Yin Zhou's feelings, some said that she was mentally ill and impulsive.Almost no one supports her, no one understands her.

Zhou Yun sent a message to Yu Chu, asking: What are you crazy about?
Yu Chu didn't reply to her.

Zhou Yun called her and told her that Yu Chu's cell phone had been turned off.

Zhou Yun was anxious and wanted to know what was going on with Yu Chu, but he couldn't contact Yu Chu, no matter how anxious he was, there was nothing he could do.

She called Yu Chu's manager, but Yu Chu's manager also said that he couldn't reach Yu Chu.

After posting a Weibo that blows up the entire Weibo, Yu Chu disappeared.

Zhou Yun immediately put on his shoes and went to Yu Chu's house to find her.

But there was no one in Yu Chu's house, and after ringing the doorbell for a long time, no one came to answer the door.

Yu Chu's agent said: "She has no work arrangements for the past few days. Because of the exposure of her relationship, I wanted her to take a vacation and rest at first, but I didn't expect—"

When Zhou Yun was thinking about where Yu Chu would go, Yin Zhou called and asked her if she knew where Yu Chu had gone.

"I can't get in touch with her," Yin Zhou said.

"I'm looking for her, her agent and I are looking for it." Zhou Yun said, "She's hiding."

Yin Zhou was silent for a while, and said, "She hid on purpose, she didn't want to embarrass me."

"Your company is a stupid company." Zhou Yun scolded.

Yin Zhou didn't speak.

"Have you made up your mind?"


"After you find Yu Chu, what are you going to do with her?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yin Zhou still didn't speak.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and said, "No matter what your decision is, you have to give her an explanation."


Zhou Yun hung up the phone and sent a message to Yu Chu: Contact me as soon as you see it!

The message was sent out, but there was no response, and there was no reply until the evening.

Yu Chu deliberately hid by herself, and Zhou Yun couldn't find her even if he tried to find her.

No one could be found, so Zhou Yun took all his anger on Yue Hai and scolded Song Chi at night that Yue Hai was a black-hearted company.

People who are usually calm and mature are as ignorant of reason as a little girl when they are emotional.

Song Chi comforted him for a long time.

"They're all adults now, career or love, it's up to them to make their own choices."

"Whether I will cooperate with Yue Hai or not in the future, I will wait for him to go bankrupt!" Zhou Yun folded his hands on his chest and cursed angrily.

Song Chi: "Don't make decisions out of anger."

"When I scold others in anger, please go along with me." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi spread his hands and said, "Okay, I know, Yue Hai is a dog company."

Seeing Song Chi scolding Yue Hai seriously, Zhou Yun laughed.

"Ah." She smiled and sighed again, "This incident annoyed me so much, not only did Yue Hai force Yin Zhou and Yu Chu to break up, but I also knew that the two of them had just been together, and they hadn't talked about love yet. For a few days, it is unrealistic for Yin Zhou to abandon his career for the sake of this relationship, but seeing Yu Chu's Weibo, seeing her unilaterally breaking up with Yin Zhou in order not to embarrass Yin Zhou, and being so When many people scolded me, I was very irritable and annoyed. I felt worthless for Yu Chu. Yin Zhou breaks up!"

 200+ are ordered!
(End of this chapter)

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