I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 446 Out of Control Cliff

Chapter 446 Out of Control Cliff
Yin Zhou still failed to contact Yu Chu in the end.

His manager watched him [-] hours a day, afraid that he would secretly contact Yu Chu.

"Yin Zhou, don't be impulsive. It's the company's rule that you can't fall in love. Now that the company has made a decision, as long as you break up with Yu Chu, everything will go on as usual, and you will be obedient." That's what the blogger said? Don't you understand what she means?"

Yin Zhou didn't speak.

Agent: "I know that you can't understand what I'm telling you now, but after a few years, when you look back, these things are nothing, and being in love is not such an important thing."

"I see." Yin Zhou said expressionlessly, "You also saw that Yu Chu broke up with me, now you can go."

The broker was taken aback.

Yin Zhou and Gu Huaichun debuted together. "The Eighth Heartbeat" has selected their two male actors, but Yin Zhou and Gu Huaichun have two completely different personalities.The latter is more willful, has a big temper, gets angry easily, and has some eyes above the top.Yin Zhou is a gentle person who is easy to deal with. He hardly causes unnecessary troubles at work and has a friendly smile.

Such a person had a look of disgust on his face just now.

Although not obvious.

The manager felt as if his heart had been chiseled, and with it came sudden annoyance, annoyance based on a guilty conscience.

"Is that how you treat me? You think I'm willing to be your babysitter, Yin Zhou, don't think that just because you're famous, you have the right to flirt. You're not Gu Huaichun. You don't want to be in this business. There are people want to do it!"

Yin Zhou glanced at his manager expressionlessly, and suddenly felt regretful.


Yu Chu didn't go anywhere else, so she stayed at her home.

In the past two days, someone came to ring the doorbell and someone knocked on the door. Yu Chu pretended that he was not at home and waited quietly for them to leave.

She didn't have that tragic sense of self-sacrifice, not to mention, but she just didn't want to bother herself or Yin Zhou.

The relationship between her and Yin Zhou is not really that deep, they just have a crush on each other, and they are still in the initial stage of holding hands and kissing.

Knowing that Yin Zhou was threatened by the company, Yu Chu's first reaction was that it was unnecessary, really unnecessary.

So, she took the initiative to post on Weibo.

And she also knew that if she tweeted herself, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble.

So, after she tweeted, her phone turned off and disappeared without a trace.

I stock up on food at home, which can last for a few days.

Yu Chu never thought that she was irresponsible in this way, and she felt that this matter could not reach this point.

It doesn't matter, when the limelight passes, it will be fine.

It was not until three days later that Yu Chu turned on his cell phone.

Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of missed calls and unread messages on the phone.

Yu Chu didn't read it, and didn't plan to reply.

Even Zhou Yun's is the same.

The turmoil on the Internet has subsided, and she and Yin Zhou are not big stars, so the turmoil they caused cannot last long.

She had expected it.

Now that the turmoil has subsided, she can also reappear.

Yu Chu sent a message to his manager: I'm fine, don't worry.

Two minutes later, the agent called.

"Where are you?"

"Home." Yu Chu said, "But don't come looking for me, I'm hungry and I'm going out to eat something."

"You stay at home, I'll come to you." The manager's tone had an undoubted meaning.

Yu Chu sighed lightly and said, "I'm really fine."

"It's not a question of whether you are okay or not, Yu Chu, you just played disappearing for me after such a big incident, and you still pretend that nothing happened?"

"That is to say, I was scolded by the whole network. It's not that I haven't experienced it. Anyway, my reputation is already bad."

"Anyway, your reputation is not good, so you just toss about it? Yu Chu, what do you want me to say about you?" I said I have to work hard? Do you still work hard with this attitude?"

Yu Chu was silent.

Why doesn't she mind the manager's words?Why do you have to speak so clearly?Why, can't it be a little vaguer, a little bit vaguer?Just let her walk out of that big mess as if nothing had happened, won't you?

"I'm tired," she said, "what's the matter, let's talk about it later, okay?


Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief when he got the news of Yu Chu's appearance.

A large living person suddenly disappeared, and no one could find her. Even if she knew that she was hiding on purpose, it was still worrying.

Zhou Yun originally wanted to call Yu Chu, but when he was about to dial, he stopped again.

After thinking about it, she found Yu Chu's home with a bottle of wine.

Yu Chu opened the door for her. His hair looked like it hadn't been taken care of for a long time, and there was a sense of slack in it.

Her face was plain, she didn't even wear lipstick, her lips were a little dry, and her skin was wrinkled.

She pursed her lips and smiled at Zhou Yun, "You still understand me and brought the wine here."

Zhou Yun glared at her angrily, and said, "Have you gone crazy enough?"

She involuntarily entered the door without the owner's permission.

Yu Chu followed her, clapping on his slippers, and said, "I'm not crazy, but I don't want to explain why to so many people, so I found a place to hide."

"I don't want to explain to so many people why there is an essential difference between "Nobody Finds" and "Evaporation in the World", okay?" Zhou Yun retorted, "Don't confuse concepts here."

Yu Chu sighed, "Let's stop correcting words like this."

"Do you have any idea how much this worries us?"

"I was wrong."

"I don't feel the slightest sincerity in your apology." Zhou Yun rolled his eyes at her.

The two sat down.

"Now tell me, how did you and Yin Zhou get together?" Zhou Yun said.

"There's really nothing to say."

"If you don't accept it, say it again."

"Let's watch a movie together." Yu Chu said, "What do you want to watch?"

"Be honest and be lenient." Zhou Yun stared at Yu Chu's eyes, not letting her escape.

Yu Chu sighed deeply.

"You're the one who won't let me go."

"You told me that in your current state, you don't want to fall in love, and you don't want to harm others."

"When he appears, that's when I need him the most." Yu Chu lowered his head and smiled slightly, "I know I shouldn't fall in love at this time, but when it appears, I can't refuse."

Zhou Yun understood.

"Love's trap." She opened the wine, got up and went to the cabinet to take out two glasses, "Okay, needless to say, drink."


When the two talked about filming together, at that time, both of them were newcomers, unknown, being bullied in the crew, complaining to each other, comforting each other, chatting, just laughing, obviously nothing funny.

It may be that the drunkenness is rushing to the top, which makes people want to laugh at every turn.Not laughing because of something, but wanting to laugh.

"Have you talked with Yin Zhou?"

"No." Yu Chu shook his head, "However, he should understand what I mean."

"Shouldn't you say it face to face?"

"No need, lest his company misunderstand."

"Now the Internet says that you are playing with Yin Zhou's feelings, you are a scumbag."

"A scumbag is a scumbag." Yu Chu held his cheek with his left hand and smiled charmingly, "It's fine to let me realize this ultimate dream while being misunderstood."

"You really..." Zhou Yun sighed.

"Sigh, drink!" Yu Chu raised his glass boldly.

In the middle of the night, both of them lay down on the carpet and fell asleep.

The screen of Zhou Yun's phone lit up several times, and it was Song Chi who called, but Zhou Yun's phone went silent at some point, so the phone could only use light to indicate its existence in vain.

In the early morning, Zhou Yun woke up from the cold, shivering, and opened his eyes.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, he was shocked.

She sent Song Chi a message: I had a drink with Yu Chu and fell asleep just now.

Song Chi sent a series of ellipses.

Zhou Yun: You haven't slept yet?
Song Chi said: I'm waiting for you, where is Yu Chu's family?You send me the address and I will pick you up.

Zhou Yun sent Song Chi the address.

"Wake up." Zhou Yun pushed Yu Chu and woke her up, "Go to bed and don't catch a cold."

Although the heating was turned on in the room, the heating was useless in this season, and it was in the south.

Yu Chu's eyes were sleepy, and his cheeks were still flushed from drunkenness.

"Where do you sleep?" Yu Chu asked.

Zhou Yun: "Song Chi came to pick me up, I'll go back later by myself."

Yu Chuqiang raised his eyelids: "Then I'll wait with you."

"No, you go to sleep, I'll just go by myself later." Zhou Yun yawned.

Yu Chu didn't insist. He nodded and went back to his room.

Zhou Yun was sitting on the sofa with drooping eyelids, feebly swiping his phone.

Replied a few messages, checked Zhihu and Weibo, and when Song Chi called, he turned off the lights and went downstairs.

Song Chi's car squatted silently downstairs, its headlights looking straight ahead.

While yawning, Zhou Yun opened the car door and got in the car.

"I don't know when the phone was muted. I didn't hear the call you made to me earlier." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi: "I guessed it."

"I'm sorry." Zhou Yun stretched out his head and kissed Song Chi on the cheek.

Song Chi: "How much wine did you drink?"

"Not drunk yet." Zhou Yun emphasized.

Song Chi smiled, "Well, I'm not drunk."

Zhou Yun patted his stomach, "I just drank and didn't eat. I'm so hungry."

"Then... I'll cook you some wontons when I get back." Song Chi said, "There are wontons."

"Will you gain weight?" Zhou Yun still had some concerns.

Song Chi: "Cook less."

"Then I won't be fat!" Zhou Yun laughed, his eyes narrowed into crescents, "I'm so hungry."

Song Chi suddenly turned over and stretched out his hand to help Zhou Yun pull the seat belt and fasten it for her.

Zhou Yun caught off guard and kissed him on the cheek again.

Song Chi paused.

Zhou Yun's eyes seemed to be flooded with water, and he stared at Song Chi.

Song Chi couldn't take his eyes away, so he could only let himself be dragged to the precipice of losing control by the irrational impulse.

(End of this chapter)

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