Chapter 447
What should a love story look like?
A romantic encounter, an unexpected misunderstanding, or a helpless parting, and then, either eliminate the misunderstanding, or reunite after a long absence.

Everyone dreamed of their future love when they were young.

Who is he/she and where is he/she?
Yu Chu said: "When he appears, that's when I need him the most. I know I shouldn't fall in love at this time, but when it appears, I can't refuse."

Zhou Yun understood.

In the darkest moment of life, a person can of course grit his teeth and survive, but if there is a light at this time, that light is the warmth that pierces the night, it is a torch, and it is the madness that makes a person let go of reason.In the boundless barrenness, people always go to the light and warm place, which is the nature that has been engraved in the genes of the ancestors and passed down for thousands of years.

"Will you love me forever?" Dimly, Zhou Yun asked this question that she had sneered at once.

"Yes, I will love you forever." Song Chi also said this promise that he thought he would never say in his life.

People can't define eternity, and they can't promise eternity, but promise eternity, it's this moment, it's a moment in life, it's me meeting the handle I want, it's belief, it's the stubbornness of spirit and flesh that transcends rationality and unknowability, It is persistence, even if one day in the future the promise becomes rotten and the sea becomes mulberry fields, at this moment I will deceive myself and others to stick to my own opinion.


The next day, Zhou Yun woke up from the wine, a little dizzy, rolled on the bed hugging the pillow, and then yawned long.

Drank a little too much last night.

The smell of meat wafts through the house.

Zhou Yun sniffed his nose, got up from the bed, followed the scent to the kitchen.

Sure enough, Song Chi was busy in the kitchen.

"What are you doing? It smells so good," Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi: "Soup, soft-shelled turtle soup."

"Wow, no wonder." Zhou Yun rubbed his stomach and said, "I'm hungry."

Song Chi: "Go and wash up, I'll make you a small bowl of noodles later to cushion your stomach."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "Fortunately, I have you."

She went to the bathroom, yawned at herself in the mirror, and then saw the little strawberry on her neck.


She couldn't help but wonder, did he kiss her last night?
Some doubts, no impression.

Zhou Yun reached out to get the toothbrush, but his hand suddenly stopped in mid-air.

A picture flashed across her mind like lightning.

Zhou Yun petrified in place.

Why in that picture, she hugged Song Chi like an octopus.

Like a mad dog, to be precise...

Zhou Yun couldn't accept himself for a while, and froze in place.

Is this what actually happened?
For a moment, Zhou Yun's soul went out of his body, and he lost his mind.

She didn't even dare to walk out of this bathroom.

She had to pat her face with her hands to wake herself up a bit.

"Dong dong", Song Chi knocked on the door twice and said, "Are you ready?"

Zhou Yun replied vaguely "Okay".

Song Chi: "The noodles are ready, hurry up, or the noodles will be lumpy."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun said, "Come out right away."

She wiped her hands, opened the door, and walked out, her cheeks still a little hot.

Song Chi had already returned to the kitchen.

Zhou Yun sat at the dining table and began to eat noodles.

She has been trying to recall exactly what happened last night, but the fragments of memory are vague and there is no complete and coherent memory.

After she finishes eating the noodles, send the bowl into the kitchen.

Song Chi said, "Wait for me a moment, I'll serve you a bowl of soup."

"You..." Zhou Yun faltered and asked, "What did we do last night?"

Song Chi glanced at her in surprise, and asked, "Don't you remember?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I don't remember, there are only some fragments, I don't remember clearly."

"It's nothing, just a kiss." Song Chi smiled narrowly, "It's just that the kiss took a little longer, from the car to the bed."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Song Chi: "It's not that I took advantage of you, you took the initiative."

Zhou Yun's face was burning with fire: "Okay, don't talk about it."

Song Chi chased after him desperately: "You insist on hugging me and kissing me on the cheek."

Zhou Yun's face burned even worse: "I know."

Song Chi suddenly turned around and hugged Zhou Yun, "Are you shy now?"

Zhou Yun just wanted to run away quickly.

The face is almost gone.

Fortunately, Zhou Yun was going to practice driving in the afternoon, so Zhou Yun went out in a hurry.

Too thin skinned.

Subject [-] has passed, and now it's time to practice subject [-] on the road.

Song Chi sent a message saying that the company had something to deal with and would not come back at night.

Zhou Yun practiced for two hours and felt good. He thanked the coach and asked Yu Chu to have dinner outside.

"Drinking with you last night, I was really hurt." As soon as Zhou Yun met, he complained to Yu Chu about the embarrassing things he did last night, "I'm almost ashamed."

Yu Chu couldn't help laughing, "Why do you look like this when you're drinking, pervert."

Zhou Yun sighed, "I never thought I would be like this."

"But Song Chi has such a handsome face, it's normal if you can't control yourself, which irrational woman can control it." Yu Chu said, "The beauty is delicious, and it doesn't just refer to female sex."

Zhou Yun squinted at her and said, "That's right, Yin Zhou is also very handsome, and he's so pretty."

Yu Chu: "Of course."

Zhou Yun smiled.

Yu Chu: "He contacted me today and asked me to meet."

"So are you going to see him?"

"I didn't want to see her at first, but now I'm a little hesitant. I think we should make it clear to him, from the beginning to the end." Yu Chu smiled bitterly, "And, to be honest, I also want to see her again, but I'm afraid of being caught again. It was photographed, and people added fuel and vinegar to say that we got back together."

Zhou Yun: "Why don't you ask him to call Shang Gu Huaichun and I'll accompany you? In this way, it's okay even if it's actually photographed, just call it a gathering of friends."

Yu Chu shook his head and said, "Forget it, this makes it seem like the two of us are getting back together under the guise of a friend gathering."

At this time, there was a sudden flash of light, as if someone had taken a photo of them.

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu turned their heads to look. Sure enough, a little girl was holding up her mobile phone with an embarrassed expression on her face. She didn't seem to expect her mobile phone to take pictures with the flash light on.

The little girl bowed to them apologetically.

Zhou Yun smiled reassuringly, and shook his hand at her, indicating that it was okay.

The little girl immediately bowed to them with some excitement.

The waiter comes to serve the meal.

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu leaned back.

"Don't you need to ask that little girl to delete the photo?"

"Forget it, a little girl, and she's not a paparazzi, so if she shoots it, she shoots it." Zhou Yun said, "I didn't shoot anything that can't be seen."

Yu Chu: "That's true."

What Zhou Yun didn't know was that after what happened just now, the little girl who took the photo just went to the forum she usually likes to visit, described what she had just experienced, and finally expressed her feelings: Zhou Yun really It's so gentle!Road to fans!

Su Yan saw the screenshot of this leaking post on Weibo, and immediately sneered.

"I'm used to doing this kind of superficial work." Su Yan sarcastically.

When He Ting saw the content on Su Yan's phone screen, she understood why Su Yan said these words.

She didn't reply, but continued: "This drama between you and Xu Siyao, Xu Siyao's side proposed that it must be a second play."

Su Yan frowned slightly.

"She wants the second round? Doesn't Lu Guangzhong want to be in the third round?" Su Yan said, "Lu Guangzhong is the leading actor."

"But Xu Siyao insisted on it, saying that if it wasn't the second show, I wouldn't act." Su Yan curled her lips, "A second show is also worth grabbing, and the price can't be lowered. Forget it, since she said so, I'll give it to her. "

"What about Lu Guangzhong? How could he agree to do it three times?" He Ting said, "It's reasonable for him to do it for you twice, but it's impossible for him to agree to do it for Xu Siyao."

"Then keep it a secret from both sides, and we'll talk about it later." Su Yan said, "As long as the trick is filmed, we'll talk about the rest."

He Ting: "It won't be good if the trouble is not good-looking."

"That's something the producer should solve. What's our business?" Su Yan said with an expression of "what's the point?" "It's not up to us."

He Ting sighed, and said: "At the beginning, both Lu Guangzhong and Su Yan were recommended by our side to the producer, and when they agreed to act in this movie, they both asked that they be Only the second time I want to come."

Su Yan: "I agree?"

"Did you forget?" He Ting said, "You promised."

Su Yan frowned and said, "Then let me talk to Lu Guangzhong, I'll give him a call, what's the fight with Xu Siyao?"

He Ting said: "Don't take it easy. Lu Guangzhong has made a lot of movies in the past few years, and they are all male leads. It's not the same thing as Xu Siyao. If Xu Siyao wasn't famous, she would even have to qualify for a second film." None, if you want to persuade Lu Guangzhong to do it three times, Lu Guangzhong will definitely be angry."

Su Yan: "I told him, he will accept."

He Ting didn't say any more.

Su Yan is too confident in herself, but He Ting knows that fan position is very important to an actor, not only a matter of face, but also related to the bonus of the following drama.

He Ting thought, no matter what, let Su Yan call Lu Guangzhong first.


Zhou Yun and Yu Chu finished their dinner and were ready to go back.

Yu Chu asked, "Do you want me to take you back?"

"You can see me off, Song Chi is having a meeting at the company." Zhou Yun said, "I don't want to call the driver over either."

Yu Chu nodded.

Zhou Yun said again: "Tell Yin Zhou well, don't be perfunctory."

Yu Chu rolled his eyes: "Who do you think I am? Still perfunctory."

Zhou Yun said: "I'm afraid you won't tell him anything, and I'm afraid that you will bear all the things by yourself."

Yu Chu stopped talking.

She knew what Zhou Yun meant.

She also knew why Zhou Yun said that.

(End of this chapter)

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