Chapter 448

On this day, Zhou Yun will meet with Wen Bing to talk about the filming of "One Mountain Two Tigers".

Wen Bing actually brought a young girl by his side.

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "Girlfriend?"

The girl next to Wen Bing blushed slightly and said, "Hi, I'm Windsor."

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yun turned out to be Wen Bing's girlfriend.

"Hi, I'm Zhou Yun." Zhou Yun warmly hugged Windsor, then turned to look at Wen Bing, "When did you get a girlfriend, and you didn't tell me."

Wen Bing said: "We just got together not long ago, but there is no need to tell the world about a relationship, right?"

Zhou Yun: "That's what it says."

She smiled at Windsor and said, "Your earrings are so beautiful."

Windsor smiled shyly and said, "He gave it to you."

He was referring to Wen Bing.

Zhou Yun immediately clicked his tongue twice and said, "It's pretty good at giving it away."

The three sat down.

Windsor said: "Let's chat, I'll go to the side for a stroll."

Wen Bing nodded and said, "We're almost done talking, I'll call you."

"Yeah." Windsor nodded, and kissed Wen Bing on the lips, "Then I'll go shopping first."

When she left, Zhou Yun spread out his hands and asked, "What's the situation? Why didn't you tell me in advance that you brought your girlfriend over?"

Wen Bing hesitated to speak.

"She knew you were coming to see me, so she insisted on coming with me?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Bing didn't speak, but his silence was an answer.

"Oh, it's normal. After all, I'm so beautiful, I'm a threat to everyone." Zhou Yun fiddled with his hair, "But when did you find such a beautiful girlfriend? What does she do? Also actor?"

"She works in a law firm and does clerical work." Wen Bing said.

"It looks beautiful."


Zhou Yun sneered: "Oh, man."

Wen Bing touched his nose and said, "Let's not talk about that, let's talk about "One Mountain Two Tigers"."

"You said."

Wen Bing asked her to come out today, saying that she had something to say about "One Mountain Two Tigers".

Wen Bing said: "Didn't I want to write a derivative story based on your character in the drama "One Mountain and Two Tigers"? I have been thinking about this for a while, and I was thinking, how about Leave a tail in this movie."

"What tail?"

"Injured." Wen Bing said, "According to the setting of the female killer you are going to play in "One Mountain Two Tigers", it is very powerful. If the male protagonist didn't suddenly come out to help, let's deal with it together. You are not your opponent at all, such a female killer suddenly fell in love with the male lead, just to accentuate the male lead's charm, I plan to change this scene."

"That's great, I didn't like this forced turning point." Zhou Yun said happily, "When I was reading the script, I already thought it was nonsense."

Wen Bing: "Yes, I think so too, but the script was written like this at the beginning, and there's no way around it. It needs to accentuate the charm of the male lead, and at the same time add a little bit of emotion and desire to the play, so that the audience Attracted to go to the cinema, I will discuss it with Mr. Yao."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "If you change this paragraph, she will be a cold and sassy female killer, very cool."

"Yeah." Wen Bing nodded.

"No problem, I accept this modification." Zhou Yun said.

Wen Bing: "I know you will agree. Mr. Yao may come to ask your opinion at that time. You have to speak with me."

"Of course." Zhou Yun said, "This change makes the script reasonable. It was supposed to be, how could a female assassin with such a strong ability suddenly fall in love with the leading actor just because he is handsome? It's so nonsense. It's all popcorn brainless logic, purely to give the audience something adrenaline-inspiring."

Wen Bing: "I have the same opinion as you."

"Besides this, is there anything else to say?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Well, you also know that "One Mountain and Two Tigers" is a serious adventure action movie, completely in the way of commercial movies, if this movie is going to be developed into a series of movies, are you interested in joining the second one? "Wen Bing asked.

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Isn't it possible that Xindun is going to make the second film before the first film is filmed?"

Wen Bing shook his head and said: "Of course not, it's just that I have such an idea. If you plan to continue filming the second part, when I write the script myself, I will add the role of the female killer. I really like it." This role, especially the thought of letting you play it, makes me very excited."

Zhou Yun smiled, "Director, you are trying to tie me firmly to your movie, won't you ask me to act in every movie in the future?"

Wen Bing shrugged his shoulders and said, "At least it's like this for now, maybe in the future when you get tired of shooting you, you'll find someone else."

"Oh." Zhou Yun rolled his eyes.

"What do you think?"

" be honest, I don't know." Zhou Yun said, "One "One Mountain Two Tigers" is a spin-off film about a female killer. I’m worried that I’m making too many action movies in one go.”

"I am confident that the box office of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" will not be low, and of course, the word-of-mouth will not be bad. It is definitely not that kind of garbage commercial film." Wen Bing said, "If you wait until the first film is released, then talk about the second When the time comes, various factors will come into play, and I may not be able to guarantee the role of the female killer."

Zhou Yun understood what Wen Bing meant.

Wen Bing is now writing the script for the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers", and he can write it completely according to his own wishes, but if the first part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" achieves a huge commercial success, the second part will definitely With more capital forces joining, it is estimated that all parties will want to plug their own people in and get a share of the action.

"Do you want to start filming the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" now?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Yes." Wen Bing nodded, "I know you have concerns. If the first film does not do well, you don't want a second film to be released, which will damage your reputation. But, I think, I want to put "" "One Mountain, Two Tigers" has been made into a series, if I want Xindun to pass this series, I have to bring in a few actors who make them nod, your importance to this movie is unquestionable."

"Besides, if it can be finalized now, no one else will come to cut it off in the future."

There are indeed many such phenomena in the current film and television market.

In some dramas, whether it's a movie, a TV series or an online drama, the first one becomes a big hit, and some characters will be targeted by others in the second one, trying to find a way to replace them and picking peaches.

Even though the audience has expressed their disgust for this substitution countless times, the film crew still enjoys it.

Because there are always employers who want to be demons.

Even Zhou Yun can't guarantee that he will not be pushed down by others [-]%.

Zhou Yun understood what Wen Bing meant.

"Actually, it is an intentional agreement. I will sign three films for this series, and Xindun must guarantee that this character is mine, and my character will definitely appear in three of these films, right?" Zhou Yun Say.

Wen Bing nodded.

"I have a request."

"What request? Just say it."

"In this intentional agreement, your request to star must include one item: the director is me."

Zhou Yun reacted and smiled.

She finally knew why Wen Bing went to such great lengths to get her to agree to act in advance.

It turned out to be to protect his own directing rights.

Zhou Yun can also understand.

Xindun is mainly engaged in commercial films, and has signed many directors, and there are many directors who want to come to pick peaches.

Although Zhou Yun didn't know why Wen Bing was worried that his future director position would be taken away, it seemed that Wen Bing felt the crisis in Xindun.

"It's not impossible, but have you ever thought about when these three movies will be shot? When will the female killer spin-off film be shot? When will the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers" be shot?" Zhou Yun asked, "I will also pick up Lots of other plays."

"This can be coordinated according to your schedule. The preparations for these two plays have not yet started." Wen Bing said.

Zhou Yun nodded, "I will tell Sister Lan."

Wen Bing: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Zhou Yun said, "If it weren't for your director, I really wouldn't be bothered acting, I can't believe it."

Wen Bing smiled lightly.

"Then, I'm leaving?" Zhou Yun said.

Wen Bing nodded, "Then I'll wait here for Windsor."


Zhou Yun put on his sunglasses, walked towards the door, and heard him calling Windsor from behind: Sasha, I'm done talking here, where are you?I'm coming to you.

Zhou Yun: "..."

Wen Bing found another girlfriend so quickly, Zhou Yun didn't expect it, it was a little incredible.

However, Wen Bing is now an upstart director, talented and young. It is normal for a girl like Windsor to like him.

Zhou Yun didn't take it seriously, so he went out, went downstairs, and was about to get in the car to leave, but was taken aback.

In front, Windsor was hugged by a handsome man with a strong figure.

Windsor saw her too.

Her complexion changed, and she pushed the man away fiercely, looked at Zhou Yun helplessly, and took two steps forward, as if she wanted to explain something to Zhou Yun, but stopped again and did not come over.

Zhou Yun looked at her in surprise.

Windsor finally came over, stood in front of her, and said: "Zhou Yun, my relationship with him is not what you think, he is my ex-boyfriend, I have broken up with him, and he has been pestering me... "

Zhou Yun glanced at the man in front of him, but said nothing.

"I don't care what kind of relationship you have with him, you can explain it to Wen Bing yourself." Zhou Yun said, "It's better if you take the initiative to tell him about it than for me to tell him."

Windsor's face changed slightly.

"I'll go first." Zhou Yun got into the car, nodded to Windsor, closed the door, and said to Cao Jun, "Let's go."

Windsor seemed to want to say something to Zhou Yun through the car window, but Zhou Yun didn't put down the car window, nor did he intend to continue talking to her.


(End of this chapter)

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