I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 449 Who is the Killer

Chapter 449 Who is the Killer

Zhou Yun intuitively felt that Windsor was not a simple person.

Of course, she can't use her intuition to judge whether a person is good or bad.

But it's always okay for her to use her intuition to decide what she likes and dislikes about a person.

When Zhou Yun was thinking about Windsor, she suddenly received a phone call that surprised her.

Jiang Haitian called.

Jiang Haitian was Jiang He's son, and he had only met Jiang He once before. Zhou Yun couldn't think of a reason for Jiang Haitian to call her.

"Hello, senior." Zhou Yun answered the phone.

Jiang Haitian's voice came from the phone: "Zhou Yun, I'm sorry to bother you."

"No, senior, do you have anything to ask me?" Zhou Yun asked directly.

Jiang Haitian said, "Do you have time now? Can I come and see you?"

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, and asked directly: "Is there anything that I can't talk about directly on the phone?"

I regretted it when I said it. This is too straightforward, almost directly saying "If you have something to say on the phone, don't meet in person."

Jiang Haitian smiled and said, "It's more convenient to talk about it when we meet."

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, senior, where are you? I'll come to you."


"I just finished a job and I'm in the car. I'll come directly."

"Then why don't you come to the coffee shop next to my house?" Jiang Haitian said, "It was remodeled by a private person in his own house, and it's relatively secret."

"Okay, senior, please send me the address."

Zhou Yun hung up the phone and sent Song Chi a message: Jiang Haitian asked me to meet and said he had something to say.

Song Chi replied in seconds: What did he ask you for?
Zhou Yun: I asked him, but he didn't say on the phone, I'm going to go now.

Song Chi: Do you need me to come over?
Zhou Yun: No need, Cao Jun is driving, he is with me.

Song Chi: Good.

Song Chi: Turn around and tell me what he said to you.

Zhou Yun: Hmm.

At this time, Jiang Haitian sent her the address.

Zhou Yun transferred the address to Cao Jun and said, "Cao Jun, please take me here first."

Cao Jun responded and said yes.

Jiang Haitian sat in the cafe and waited for her.Probably because it was winter and it was in a residential area, he and the boss were the only ones in the cafe.

There is no waiter, and the boss supports this cafe by himself.

Zhou Yun took off his mask and sunglasses, and sat down opposite Jiang Haitian.

Cao Jun sat down at another table next to him.

"Senior." She called.

Jiang Haitian asked: "What are you drinking? And, your... assistant? What are you drinking?"

Zhou Yun said: "Two cups of latte, can you make a package?"

Jiang Haitian nodded, "Wait a moment."

He got up and went in to order.

The place where the boss makes the coffee is in another room, blocked by a door curtain.

After a while, Jiang Haitian came out with two glasses of latte.

Jiang Haitian put a glass on Cao Jun's side before putting the other down in front of Zhou Yun.

"Senior, why are you looking for me?" Zhou Yun asked.

"I want to ask you about it, Xue Qin." Jiang Haitian said, looking directly into Zhou Yun's eyes.

Zhou Yun was stunned.

Jiang Haitian: "I know this request is very abrupt, you probably don't know that I know Xue Qin."

Zhou Yun: "I thought you were boyfriend and girlfriend, or ex-girlfriends. The last time I met you, Song Chi and I were waiting for the driver to come and saw Xue Qin coming to you."

Jiang Haitian smiled in surprise, and said, "So you know that I know her."


"She and I... are half siblings," he said.

Zhou Yun widened his eyes in surprise.

Zhou Yun really didn't think of this kind of relationship.

"It means...Xue Qin is the daughter of Director Jiang He?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Jiang Haitian nodded.

"Yes, but please keep this matter a secret. Only very few people know about it." Jiang Haitian said, "Xue Qin's mother used to be my father's girlfriend, and later went to the United States. At that time, she had She was pregnant with Xue Qin, but she didn't tell my father."

Zhou Yun was silent for a while.

Jiang Haitian smiled slightly and said: "Because of this matter, Xue Qin has been in conflict in her heart, unwilling to recognize my father, but after my father knew that he still had a daughter, he always wanted to find her back. My father's heart disease."

"The person is not missing, so why don't you ask him to come back?" Zhou Yun questioned.

Jiang Haitian was taken aback for a moment, and answered "Yes".

Zhou Yun said: "The senior asked me to come, what do you want to know about the situation with me? To be honest, I am not familiar with Xue Qin, so I don't know her very well."

"You made two movies with her a while ago, even if you are not familiar with her, you should know her better than us." Jiang Haitian said.

Zhou Yun did not speak.

"Don't be burdened, I just want to ask, has she mentioned family matters to you?" Jiang Haitian said, "My father very much hopes that she can go back to see him, but no matter what I say, she refuses to agree. , I have no choice but to think about whether there is any other way to persuade her. "

Zhou Yun did not speak.

After a while, she said: "She never told me about her family. I only know that she grew up in America."

Jiang Haitian nodded.

"Then, does she have a boyfriend now?" He asked again.

Zhou Yun smiled in surprise.

"Are you going to ask me about this? Although I don't know her relationship status, even if I do, I should ask her about this kind of thing."

Jiang Haitian was helpless, and said: "If I could get the answer from her, I wouldn't have to bother to ask you about her. My father is old and always wants to know something about his daughter. I should know more. It can also let him know more about the old man, who cares about his children, but he has old grievances. I also know that it will not be easy for Xue Qin to let go of his worries for a while, so I just want to understand as much as possible what my father wants to know information."

Zhou Yun said: "Senior, I also want to help you with this matter, but I'm sorry, Xue Qin and I are just a director and actor's cooperation relationship. To be honest, the cooperation process was not very smooth. What kind of personality is she? I have been in contact with her, so I should know a little bit, after filming, I haven't met her."

In fact, she had seen it before, but she guessed that Jiang Haitian didn't know.

Sure enough, Jiang Haitian did not raise any doubts.

He just sighed in disappointment.

"Since that's the case, then fine."

Zhou Yun said: "Xue Qin is not a cold-blooded person. If it is true as you said, you should communicate with her a few more times. I think she will understand."

Jiang Haitian nodded, "I will."

"Senior, do you have anything else to say? If not, then I'll go first, because I have another shoot later, but it's already delayed a little bit now."

Zhou Yun smiled apologetically at Jiang Haitian.

Jiang Haitian got up quickly and said, "Then I won't bother you."

"Goodbye, senior." Zhou Yun said.

She grabs her coffee, smiles, and leaves.

(End of this chapter)

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