Chapter 450
"Director Jiang He still has a daughter outside."

Song Chi was equally surprised when he heard the news.

He has been in this circle for so long without knowing it, so it is indeed a secret.

Zhou Yun didn't feel guilty about telling the secret. Since Jiang Haitian was able to tell this secret to a person like her who only met once, it shows that although not many people know this secret, it is not necessary to strictly guard it. secret.

Zhou Yun: "I don't know whether Jiang Haitian is telling the truth or a lie. If Xue Qin's mother hadn't told Jiang He that she was pregnant when she went to the United States, how could Xue Qin deny Jiang He's father? I found it strange, so he asked me about Xue Qin, and I didn't want to tell him rashly."

"You did the right thing. This is their family business. What they want to do is their business. Let's intervene rashly. Don't be a human." Song Chi nodded, "Besides, this kind of thing is really bloody. , I was accidentally bloodied by dogs."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"You stay out of it like this? I thought you would want to help him when you heard that it was Director Jiang He's family affairs."

"Because it's other people's family affairs, I can't help, even director Jiang Xin can't help." Song Chi said, "After so many years of acting in plays, you can see how many conflicts arise because of family affairs."

Zhou Yun: "Maybe Jiang Haitian will come to you again."

"It's useless for him to look for me. I'm even less familiar with Xue Qin." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "Say, should I call Xue Qin? Tell her."

"It's fine, but if it's me, I won't talk about it." Song Chi said, "Since it's agreed, let's just pretend I don't know about it."

"Well, you're right."

"One more thing, I think Wen Bing was deceived." Zhou Yun told Song Chi what he saw in the parking lot, "Do you think what Windsor is telling the truth?"

"I don't know, but why did you still encounter this? Whether it's true or not, that Windsor will definitely not speak well of you in front of Wen Bing."

"Let her say."

Song Chi: "But if Wen Bing is really deceived, you still have to remind him."

"I'm just wondering if I've misunderstood, what if that man is really pestering Windsor's ex-boyfriend?"

"That's okay, it's none of your business, you just told Wen Bing what you saw." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "Oh, I just don't want to get involved in these things. It's too troublesome. I have to think about this and that."

"Do you know which law firm Windsor works for?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head.

"If I know which law firm she works for, I can ask someone to ask what kind of person she is."

"It's not reliable either."

Zhou Yun said: "Forget it, next time you see Wen Bing, ask him if Windsor explained to him."

Unexpectedly, the next day, Windsor sent Zhou Yun a friend request.

Zhou Yun frowned directly.She doesn't want to apply through Windsor's friend application, but she is currently Wen Bing's girlfriend, and she is embarrassed if she disagrees. How can she meet Wen Bing in the future?

Why can't I meet Wen Bing without going through Windsor's friend application?Not her girlfriend.

Zhou Yun turned a blind eye and put down his phone.

After a long time, Wen Bing sent her a message: Sasha asked me to ask for your WeChat, add you as a friend, remember to check it out.

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes, and Wen Bing didn't reply to the news.

At night, she replied slowly: Oh, I just saw, did she tell you anything?
Five minutes later, Wen Bing replied: You mean you saw her being pestered by her ex-boyfriend in the parking lot?You misunderstood. I know that person. That person is a bastard. He broke up with Sasha half a year ago, but he has been pestering Sasha to get back together. When you saw her being hugged by him, he forced her to do so. She didn’t respond at all. Come here, don't get me wrong.

Zhou Yun: I misunderstood something, it's not my girlfriend, I just remind you.

Wen Bing: I know, I know, thank you.

Zhou Yun: Why did she add me as a friend?

Wen Bing: Isn't it because you are my friend, she said, she wants to meet my friend, and will meet often in the future.

Zhou Yun: Let's wait until your relationship lasts for three months, who knows how long you can talk.

Wen Bing: I am serious with her!

Zhou Yun: I don't care, we'll talk about it in three months.

She snorted softly, determined not to pass the friend application for Windsor today.

Originally it was just a matter of intuition, but because of today's actions, Zhou Yun hated Windsor even more.

After meeting her once, she applied to be added as a WeChat friend, but there was no movement from her side, and Wen Bing sent a message to urge her in the afternoon.

Zhou Yun didn't know what Windsor was up to, but she just didn't like her.

At the beginning of March, when the grass was supposed to grow and warblers were flying, a cold current came again, blowing the whole city down with a piece of March snow.

Zhou Yun had several shoots, and the cold wind blew on the road, and his shoulders and neck shrank inward from the cold.

"Why is it so cold after winter?! I'm dying of cold!" Zhou Yun screamed in the car.

Zheng Xiaoju hurriedly handed over the kettle, which filled with hot soup.

Because of the filming, Zhou Yun has not eaten, and now he can drink some soup.

Zhou Yun took a sip of the hot drink, and his body trembled.

Liu Yun handed over another lunch box.

Zheng Xiaoju took the lunch box from Liu Yun, and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, would you like some first? It's not a salad, it's chicken breast, fried in an air fryer."

Zhou Yun was already hungry. Hearing this, he immediately stretched out his hand, "Give it to me, I'm starving to death."

Zheng Xiaoju couldn't help laughing at Zhou Yun's exaggerated expression.

Zheng Xiaoju glanced back at Liu Yun and said, "This is Liu Yun's own thinking. It's delicious, not fatty, and sprinkled with chili powder."

Zhou Yun gave Liu Yun a thumbs up.


Liu Yun blushed slightly, and said shyly, "No, this is very simple."

Zhou Yun said: "Is it possible to make some of this at ordinary times and eat it as a snack? It is really easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. I used to film "Words of Fallen Leaves" and ate it casually every day, but now I can't. It was screaming from hunger."

In this regard, Zheng Xiaoju is helpless.

She said: "There is no way, Sister Xiaoyun, you are going to shoot "One Mountain and Two Tigers" soon, the female killer has high requirements on her figure, and she will have to wear tights at that time, even a little bit of fat will be obvious .”

Zhou Yun nodded in frustration.

"I also know, I just can't control myself, I want to eat meat every day."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "It's okay to prepare a piece of chicken breast like this for you every day, but you can't eat too much."

"That's good too!"

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(End of this chapter)

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