Chapter 452 Game Again
Yao Yuanfeng suddenly appeared clapping.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised when he heard the applause, but when he turned around and saw that it was Yao Yuanfeng, he understood.

Yao Yuanfeng always has exaggerated actions, Zhou Yun is used to it.

"Xiaoyun's suggestion is good. I always say that no matter how commercial a movie is, it must not be clichéd. It must be innovative and surprise people. Otherwise, it will be vulgar and impossible to be liked by the audience." Yao Yuanfeng said , "I have always supported Wen Bing's ideas, but there are always some fools who like to watch people who completely expose their sex appeal to their eyes."

Zhou Yun looked at Yao Yuanfeng with a smile, and asked, "Then why did Mr. Yao ask them to show me these two designs?"

Yao Yuanfeng spread his hands and said helplessly: "I said, there are always some idiots who like it, and idiots account for the majority."

"What fools? The director should have the final say on how to make a movie, right?" Although Zhou Yun said this, he also knew that the director couldn't have the final say on everything.

Especially investors, always have various ideas.

The same goes for studios.

It is common for directors and production companies to fight and argue.

Yao Yuanfeng said helplessly: "Our company is more democratic, and this plan was approved by everyone in a meeting."

Zhou Yun chuckled, "Democracy?"

Yao Yuanfeng: "Most of the decisions for each of our Xindun films have to go through our screening committee."

"Film review committee?" Zhou Yun said in surprise, "When I was filming "Days", how come I never heard of the existence of this organization?"

Yao Yuanfeng smiled dryly.

Then why, because at that time, no one was optimistic about "Days", so the money was only given a symbolic amount, so that the director they were optimistic about, Wen Bing, could fulfill his dream, so that he could make money for them later. commercial film.

who knows……

Yao Yuanfeng didn't mention this, but said: "Xiaoyun, let me reflect your thoughts to them and let them discuss it."

"Mr. Yao, if I remember correctly, the salary I want for a guest appearance in "One Mountain, Two Tigers" is not high?" Zhou Yun said.

Yao Yuanfeng was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why Zhou Yun mentioned this suddenly.

"Yes, yes, it's really not high, what's the matter?" Yao Yuanfeng asked.

"I came to shoot "One Mountain Two Tigers" because I came here for director Wen Bing. Not only this movie, but I also signed with you the spin-off film "One Mountain Two Tigers" and the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers". I don’t even have the final say on the look of this character, and I have to let the film review committee decide my thoughts, so I don’t think it’s necessary for me to let others decide what clothes I want to wear.”

Yao Yuanfeng frowned.

Zhou Yun looked at Yao Yuanfeng, "Mr. Yao, you keep saying that you want to sign a contract with me. I haven't signed with Xindun, but at this moment, you also know how many film companies are looking for me to make movies, and at this moment, it doesn't count. "Days" and "One Mountain Two Tigers", I have signed three new dramas with Xindun in one breath, including "Four Killers", which is about to start filming. I am grateful for the cooperation of this film, that’s why I did this, you should understand how much sacrifice I have made invisibly by doing this, there are so many films from other film companies, and I have not accepted a single one.”

Yao Yuanfeng laughed dryly and said, "Why did Xiaoyun say this suddenly? Of course I know that you are very supportive of me and value Xindun very much, and we are the same. No actress in Xindun has been with us in such a short period of time like you. Signed so many film contracts."

"I don't need to sign so many." Zhou Yun said directly.

Yao Yuanfeng hesitated to speak.

Zhou Yun said: "I hope that, at least on my role, I have the right to express my opinion, and I also have the right to make some decisions, instead of things like styling, which need to be decided by a film review committee. Yao Sir, can you understand me?"

The surroundings became quiet, and they looked at Zhou Yun and Yao Yuanfeng in bewilderment.

Who would have thought that Zhou Yun would suddenly say such serious things to Yao Yuanfeng?
All the people present were from Xindun, or were invited by Xindun.

They have been with Xindun for a long time, and they also know what kind of style Yao Yuanfeng is.

Therefore, they were even more surprised by Zhou Yun's attitude.

No matter how popular Zhou Yun is and how good his acting skills are, then Yao Yuanfeng is still the boss of Xindun, the head of a powerful film and television company in the industry.

How dare Zhou Yun talk to Yao Yuanfeng directly?
Isn't she afraid that her relationship with Xindun will deteriorate in the future and she will never cooperate again?
But Zhou Yun really didn't look worried at all, she kept a smile on her face all the time, this smile eased the toughness in her tone just now.

Under Zhou Yun's direct gaze, Yao Yuanfeng backed down, nodded, and said, "Okay, I'll tell the review committee."

Zhou Yun immediately cheered excitedly, in front of everyone, as if the toughness just now was not her display, and said: "I knew Mr. Yao is the best!"

Wen Bing scolded with a smile: "You are relying on President Yao to treat you better than us, so presumptuous."

Zhou Yun made faces at Wen Bing.

Yao Yuanfeng didn't speak.

It's just that he expressed his opinion, and no one else would say anything. The designers and stylists looked at each other strangely and fell silent.

Zhou Yun pretended not to see it.

If something like this happened today, it is estimated that there will be news that she is playing big names.

Do not respect the fruits of labor of the staff, change as soon as they say, and do things completely according to their own wishes.

Zhou Yun often sees such news coming out. Once such news appears, some people will attack celebrities for playing big names, or disrespect the labor achievements of the staff, or act arbitrarily, and so on.

In fact, although this is the case most of the time, there are also a small number of times because the labor results of the staff are really not very good, because there is no way to make things better if you don’t play big names. it is good.

Several people sat down and discussed the appearance of the female killer that Zhou Yun was going to play.

"I tend to use white." Zhou Yun said, "Of course, how to choose this color, directors, you can make adjustments according to the picture. In my imagination, most of the backgrounds inside the hotel are golden or darker gray. Yellow, and carpets are generally dark. Against this dark background, wearing a white suit can stand out more in the picture. This is my idea. Another aspect is that if I don’t If you guess wrong, Teacher Liang should be wearing a black suit here, right?"

Wen Bing nodded.

Zhou Yun went on to say: "Since Mr. Liang is wearing a black suit, I will wear a white suit, which can also form a kind of collision in color."

The stylist suggested: "White suits are very common, the key is, what style is it?"

"Professional, it's best not to have any personal emotional decorations in it." Zhou Yun said, "Since our setting is that this suit is designed for fighting, there should be no personal emotional decorations in it." Inside, but every design has its meaning, of course, I know that it is impossible for every design to come in handy, which is too complicated.”

The designer has already sketched a sketch on paper based on Zhou Yun's ideas.

"Pants or skirts?" the designer asked, "Pants are actually more suitable for fighting in terms of fighting, but if you want to create a contrast, I would recommend skirts, skirts, and cut a seam on the side for easy movement. , and Zhou Yun's two legs are very beautiful, suitable for showing off, and the fighting scene will be more sexy."

"There's nothing wrong with being sexy, but I hope it's a high-end sexiness, not just selling meat." Zhou Yun said, "That is, I don't want people to think that I'm showing off my legs on purpose."

The designer nodded, "Understood."

At this time, Yao Yuanfeng sat on the side all the time, did not interrupt, and listened carefully.He even took a pen and jotted down something in his notebook from time to time.

Wen Bing said: "The fight in the hotel is designed for the two of you to use the four scene changes in front of the hotel elevator, corridor, fire escape, and room to complete the fight for the suitcase. I was inspired to make every accessory on your body into a weapon, and it is the kind of unexpected weapon that will make everyone's eyes shine."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun smiled, "For example, the suit I saw now, I think a black or gold belt can be added, once I take it off, it can become a whip."

Wen Bing: "When the whole situation has turned against Mr. Liang, when you are about to leave with your suitcase, you suddenly remove your belt, throw it at the suitcase, tie the handle of the suitcase, and put It took it by surprise."

Zhou Yun nodded, "This is good."


Zhou Yun discussed with them all afternoon, and at night, he felt a little mentally exhausted.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Let's have dinner together. You artists have too many wonderful ideas. However, Wen Bing, you don't care about your girlfriend too much. Look, Miss Wen is asleep."

Hearing this, Zhou Yun looked back, and sure enough, Windsor closed her eyes and fell asleep without knowing when.

It is estimated that Windsor is not interested in the things they discussed in the afternoon.

Because it was dinner, Zhou Yun didn't dare to eat too much. He didn't want to add rice to himself, and only drank soup.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "I saw Xiaoyun's state when he was creating a character for the first time today. It's really incredible. Niu, I thought you got your current achievements by relying on talent, but now I know that what you do to a character The preparation is no less than any of us, and this is just a cameo role."

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "I still have to thank Mr. Yao for his support, so I can express my opinions so happily."

"To be honest, the reason why I set up such a film review committee is because some directors and some actors are too messy." Yao Yuanfeng said, "It doesn't matter whether it is suitable or not, and it doesn't matter whether the style of the film is What, I often meet an actor, I'm sorry, I can't change her hairstyle, even if she dyed her hair, and she is going to play an ancient person, the hair color can't be changed, the clothes don't look good, no, can't wear it, it's too ugly, This will affect the image, oh, and even if I just rolled around on the ground, my face can't have dust, how can my pretty face have dust..."

Yao Yuanfeng talked about some of the current chaos in the film and television market.

"I've listened all afternoon, and knowing that you care so much about this role, I can rest assured," he said.

Zhou Yun: "I thought Mr. Yao was assured of my professionalism long ago."

Yao Yuanfeng said with a smile: "This is really not something that can be achieved with one or two cooperations. To be honest, I appreciate your talents, but if you want to say rest assured, I really don't feel relieved. It may take a long time to realize it." .”

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I understand."

"Why does Xiaoyun only drink soup?" Windsor asked suddenly.

As soon as she opened her mouth, everyone's eyes focused on Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was stunned, smiled, and said, "I'm about to join the group, I have to control my weight so that I don't look ugly on camera."

Windsor showed a look of admiration on his face, and said: "I really admire your self-control. Whether it is me or my friends, although they all say that they want to lose weight and keep in shape, they can't actually persist. You have already You're much thinner than when I last saw you."

"Occupation." Zhou Yun said.

Yao Yuanfeng said with emotion: "I really admire you girls who have lost weight. You don't eat if you can't tell. I am a typical person who feels uncomfortable and has a stomachache if I don't eat."

Windsor: "Me too, I can't do without a meal."

"But you are also very thin." Zhou Yun said, "You are so beautiful. When I first saw you, I thought you were an actor."

Windsor said with a look of embarrassment after being praised, "I am relatively fit and not fat."

Zhou Yun wanted to roll his eyes when he heard that.

"However, Windsor is indeed very beautiful, suitable for debut as an artist." Yao Yuanfeng said, "What do you do in a law firm?"

"I'm just doing odd jobs." Windsor said shyly, "I didn't get good grades in my studies, and I didn't go to a good university, so I couldn't find a good job. I could only do a simple clerical job in a law firm through my family relationship. .”

"Then you can actually give it a try." Yao Yuanfeng said, "Of course, in this business, you can't succeed just because you are beautiful. There are too many good-looking people who have stumbled. It's just that you have a good-looking face. It’s easier for others to get some opportunities.”

"I..." Windsor turned her head to look at Wen Bing, shook her head with a smile, and said, "My character is not capable of being an artist. I am easily influenced by other people's opinions. If someone says something bad about me, I will It's been a long time."

Wen Bing grabbed Windsor's hand and said, "Yes, Xiaosha is a very gentle and sensitive girl. She is really not suitable for this job. She is actually quite suitable for her current job. She works from nine to five every day. There is no need to work overtime, and the work pressure is not too great.”

Windsor and him looked at each other with tender love in their eyes.

Zhou Yun lowered his head to drink the soup silently.

She was not curious about what kind of development Wen Bing and Windsor would have. She even hoped that the two of them would break up as soon as possible.

In Wen Bing's eyes, Windsor is a very gentle and sensitive girl. In her eyes, Windsor is not that simple.

Of course, she just saw it in her eyes and kept it in her heart, and she would not talk nonsense with Wen Bing.

In the second half of the dinner, Song Chi sent Zhou Yun a message: How was the dinner?My preparations are over here, do you want to drop by to pick you up?

Zhou Yun thought to himself, if Song Chi came to pick her up, Cao Jun and Zheng Xiaoju could get off work earlier and go back to rest instead of waiting for her outside.

She sent Song Chi: OK.

He also sent messages to Cao Jun and Zheng Xiaoju, telling them that they can go back first, and Song Chi will come to pick her up later.

Cao Jun said that they should wait for Song Chi to come before they left.

The reason why Cao Jun did this was to prevent something from happening later, they left, and Song Chi hadn't come yet, Zhou Yun couldn't resist by himself.

Zhou Yun said yes.

Windsor didn't know when, people stuck to Wen Bing's body.She hugged Wen Bing's arm, and leaned on Wen Bing's body with her whole body, looking like a small bird.

After a while, their topic has changed.

Zhou Yun heard Windsor's worried tone and said, "Wen Bing works in the entertainment industry and has many beautiful actresses around him. I'm afraid that one day he won't be able to withstand the temptation."

Wen Bing said: "Sasha, I am absolutely loyal to you."

Windsor patted the back of Wen Bing's hand lightly and said, "Of course I believe you."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes silently in his heart, waiting for Song Chi to come over.

"Windsor, you are exactly the same as your sister-in-law. You worry about these things every day." Yao Yuanfeng took up the conversation with great interest, saying: "I worry about whether someone around me is trying to trick me every day. If you want me to say, a If a man likes you, no matter how many Yingying and Yanyan are around, he won’t offend you. Worrying about these things is a waste of time. Although Wen Bing is young, he is a relatively calm and reliable person that I rarely see. Watch him make movies It’s been so long, and I’ve never seen him play.”

Windsor groaned and said, "President Yao, you have to understand me, Wen Bing is so good, how many girls are staring at her, my sister-in-law must have the same idea as me, otherwise why would you be so nervous?"

Yao Yuanfeng said with a smile: "On this point, I think you should learn from Zhou Yun. You see, her boyfriend is Song Chi. I have never seen her check up and worry about it."

Zhou Yun didn't expect Yao Yuanfeng to lead the conversation to her.

Zhou Yun concealed his irritability, made a gesture of helplessness, sighed, and said, "Mr. Yao, don't use me as a shield. I just don't do meaningless post checks or complaints. In this line of work, I will Encountering these things is inevitable, and it’s not something I can say no to. I can’t ask Song Chi not to act with young and beautiful girls, and I can’t ask him not to eat and drink with others, and I can’t refuse the necessary entertainment. , but we know each other well, what can and cannot be done, where are the boundaries, where are the minefields, where there may be misunderstandings, we will report in advance, or find ways to reduce misunderstandings, I will see you two days ago A man who brought my assistant along, who was present the whole time. Wen Bing had already fallen in love with Windsor before, and if he wanted to talk about "One Mountain, Two Tigers" with me, Wen Bing took Windsor with him. I think This is also quite reliable, to reduce the possibility of misunderstanding between each other, don't put me on a high platform and say that I don't mind, I do."

Windsor laughed and said, "Look, Xiaoyun said the same thing."

Windsor looked at Zhou Yun again, and said, "You are so kind, I was still worried that you would not be happy if I rashly met you with Wen Bing last time."

"Ah? How do you say that? Why am I unhappy?" Zhou Yun asked directly.

Windsor was taken aback.

Wen Bing explained for Windsor: "She means that she didn't greet you in advance."

"Oh, what's the matter, I didn't know you were in a relationship before I went." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Don't mind this little thing."

Windsor's face was a bit reluctant.

Zhou Yun was actually saying that it would be fine for Windsor to go there with Wen Bing, but instead of telling her before going, he was caught off guard. What does that mean?Want to see how she reacts?Why do you want to see her reaction, want to test, does she have other plans for Wen Bing?
Zhou Yun was clear in his heart, of course, he didn't say anything.

She was not used to Windsor's harmless behavior.

At this time, Zhou Yun's phone rang.

It was Song Chi who called.

Zhou Yun answered the phone: "Are you there?"

"Well, it's at the door, do you need me to go in?"

"It's okay, I'll come out directly." Zhou Yun said.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun said to everyone: "Someone is here to pick me up, I'll go back first."

Yao Yuanfeng got up: "Then let's go together, we are almost done eating."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Who will pick you up?" Yao Yuanfeng asked.

Zhou Yun said, "Song Chi, he just came out of the company."

"Song Chi? That's just right, I'll go say hello to him." Yao Yuanfeng said.

Cao Jun and Zheng Xiaoju were still waiting for Zhou Yun outside. They had already had a simple dinner, and when they saw Zhou Yun coming out, they followed immediately.

Zhou Yun said: "Song Chi is here, you go back and rest."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, we'll put you in the car and leave."

Zhou Yun touched Zheng Xiaoju's face and said, "Why do I think you have gained weight recently?"

Zheng Xiaoju blushed, as if he had done something wrong, feeling a little guilty, and asked, "Is it obvious? I can't help it lately, and I always eat supper."

"It's no wonder that you should eat less for supper. It looks good now, but it's a little rounder. But if you lose weight, it will be more difficult to lose weight." Zhou Yun reminded.

Zheng Xiaoju couldn't help sighing.

Walking outside together, Zhou Yun saw Song Chi at a glance.

He stood at the bottom of the steps and beckoned to her.

Yao Yuanfeng immediately greeted him enthusiastically, and said, "I knew I'd invite you to eat together."

Song Chi said: "Boss Yao is polite, I work overtime at the company at night, otherwise I wouldn't have come here without invitation."

Only then did Zhou Yun walk over.

Song Chi looked at her and asked with a smile, "Are you full?"

"It's bad to be full." Zhou Yun stood beside Song Chi, "What about you? Have you had dinner yet?"

"I drank some porridge that the company ordered for me, let's eat some wontons when I go back," Song Chi said.

Yao Yuanfeng: "Say it earlier, I'll ask them to make two more dishes for you to pack and take home. If you don't want to wait a bit, let the chef cook some for you here."

Song Chi declined with a smile: "Thank you Mr. Yao, you don't have to be so polite, I don't dare to eat too much at night."

"That's right. As actors, you are very strict with yourself." Yao Yuanfeng nodded.

Wen Bing held Windsor's hand and stood next to Yao Yuanfeng. At this time, he began to say hello, saying, "Don't starve yourself too much. Starve yourself all the time, and your body is prone to problems."

Song Chi nodded and said, "Yes, that's what Zhou Yun told me, so I ate some porridge. I used to have irregular meals, but now I still make sure I eat something."

Wen Bing smiled and nodded.

"This is?" Song Chi saw Windsor who was holding hands with Wen Bing, "Director Wen, your girlfriend?"

"Yes, Windsor." Wen Bing introduced to Song Chi.

Seeing Song Chi, Windsor seemed a little excited and excited, stars were shining in her eyes.

She stretched out her hand and shook Song Chi's hand, her tone could not hide her excitement, and said, "Hello, I'm Windsor, you are more handsome in real life than on TV!"

Song Chi nodded slightly and said, "Thank you."

Zhou Yun didn't like the way Windsor looked at Song Chi very much.

That was not a simple look at the idol.

"Then let's go back first." Zhou Yun said, "Go back to rest early, and be careful on the road."

"OK Bye Bye."

The group bid farewell.

Zhou Yun returned home with Song Chi.

Before entering the house, Song Chi suddenly said, "Huh? Wen Bing's girlfriend asked to be my friend."

Zhou Yun stopped in his footsteps and said, "No addition."

Song Chi was taken aback, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Yun said: "I hate her, she also added me, but I didn't pass."

"That's it." Song Chi put down his phone, "However, if you didn't approve her friend application, how did Wen Bing explain it?"

"I didn't explain, what should I explain?" Zhou Yun said, "I explained that I will add friends with her after he has been in love with her for three months."

"Haha, aren't you making it clear that you don't like the relationship between the two of them?"

"I don't like it. I really don't like Windsor very much. I like to pretend to be innocent and harmless." Zhou Yun said, "You don't even know how much green tea she had during the meal just now. I really didn't like it for a second. Don't want to stay longer."

"It seems that I came late." Song Chi smiled, "I should have come to save my princess earlier."

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Yes, you are late, I really annoy Wen Bing, I have to bring her here at work."

Song Chi: "You just have to bear with it, there's no other way."

Zhou Yun was puzzled: "Wouldn't Windsor be on the set when filming "One Mountain and Two Tigers"?"

Song Chi: "What's wrong? She has already influenced you so much, you don't even want to see her on the set?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "I don't care how long she and Wen Bing can be in love, whether they will get married, but I hope that when I am working, she will not appear, it will seriously affect my mood."

"You and Su Yan have finished filming a TV series together."

"Then, for whom?" Zhou Yun glanced sideways, "Isn't it because a certain person is the actor and the producer, so in order to take care of the overall situation, I endured her from beginning to end."

Song Chi knew that he had said the wrong thing, he laughed, hugged Zhou Yun, and said, "Thank you, my princess, for cooperating with the person I hate for me."

"It's good to know." Zhou Yun snorted softly.


During the next preparation time for "One Mountain, Two Tigers", Zhou Yun also passed subjects three and four, which means that she finally got her driver's license and can drive on the road.

Zhou Yun was still a little nervous, Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun were more nervous than her.

Especially Zheng Xiaoju, who sat in the back seat, fastened his seat belt, and tightly grasped the handle in the car.

Zhou Yunkai's speed is not fast, but very slow, mainly based on familiarity.

After driving for half an hour, Zhou Yun was tired.

Although it only drove for half an hour, Zhou Yun was still very happy.

I can drive by myself in the future.

Zhou Yun was very excited.

The phone rang suddenly, it was Zhou Lan calling.

"Hello, Miss Lan." Zhou Yun first reported the good news to her, "I got my driver's license!"

"Got it, I've seen it on the Internet." Zhou Lan said, "A netizen posted on Weibo, saying that when he took the driver's license test, he was very lucky and took the test in the same car as you."

"Oh." Zhou Yun said, "What can you do if you call me?"

"Well, the director of "Geological Tan" called me and wanted to invite you to record another episode of the show. He promised that in the future, Wang Jing, Lu Zhongting, and Huang Zicheng would each have a chance to fly as a guest."

"Is the schedule suitable? If it is suitable, no problem." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "Okay, there is no problem with you, I will reply to them."

"Oh, by the way, Sister Lan, tell the director, see if you can include Yu Chu in the episode I was on," Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "Okay, let me ask."

"Well, Yu Chu needs to make money very much recently, please help me get it."

"It's not a big problem, leave it to me."

After hanging up the phone, after a while, Zhou Lan sent Zhou Yun a message: It's settled, and the program team will go directly to invite Yu Chu.

Zhou Yun: Thank you sister Lan, I love you.

Zhou Lan: Fortunately, you don't have many friends.

Zhou Yun smiled and turned off the phone.

It’s been a long time since I recorded Geological Tan.

Zhou Yun packed his luggage, this time the recording will go out for two days.

Song Chi helped her clean up and asked, "Where are you going this time?"

Zhou Yun said, "Go to Gansu."

"Northwest? Is it cold there now?" Song Chi said, "It's only the beginning of March."

"Yes, I have brought down jackets." Zhou Yun said, "But it's okay, it's only two days, so it's not a big problem."

"It's true, you are about to join a filming group, why are you recording a variety show?" Song Chi said.

"It's not very tiring for me to give a few children a chance to appear on camera." Zhou Yun said, "This program is relatively easy to record, and I have recorded it many times."

Song Chi nodded, "Okay, anyway, you've already picked it up, and I can't let you break the contract temporarily."

"Well, by the way, do you have time tomorrow morning? I'm going to visit Yu Zhiyang in the hospital before I go." Zhou Yun said, "He had a car accident, and there is no one at home to take care of him, because this This incident also led to the inability to perform "Under Dress."

"Yes." Song Chi nodded.

Zhou Yun has visited Tai Zhiyang several times.

Early the next morning, they went to the hospital together to visit Yu Zhiyang.

Standing at the door of the ward, Zhou Yun saw Yu Zhiyang sitting on the bedside, looking out the window with a gloomy expression.

Outside the window is the sky, and there is nothing but the sky.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yun sighed softly in his heart.

She knocked on the door and called out, "Zhi Yang."

Yu Zhiyang didn't expect them to come, he was surprised.

"Brother Chi, Miss Xiaoyun."

Song Chi put down the fruit and milk in his hand.

Zhou Yun said, "How is your recovery recently?"

Yu Zhiyang said: "It's okay, the doctor said that after a while, if he recovers well, he can be discharged from the hospital."

"That's good." Zhou Yun said, "If you need help here, send me a message. I see that you never send WeChat Moments. I don't know if you need it."

Yu Zhiyang smiled bleakly, and said, "I don't have anything to worry about either."

"Well." Zhou Yun said, "If you have nothing to do now, just read a book."

Yu Zhiyang nodded.

"Do you want me to recommend some books for you?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yu Zhiyang said: "Sister Xiaoyun, no need, I'm not in the mood to watch."

Zhou Yun wanted to sigh, but she was too embarrassed to do so in front of Yu Zhiyang.

"No matter what, make sure you feel better and recover your body earlier, so that you can take more initiative in your own hands." Zhou Yun said to Zhi Yang, "You are only eighteen years old, and you still have a lot in the future. great opportunity, bright future, Zhi Yang, do you understand what I mean?"

Yu Zhiyang nodded silently.

Zhou Yun didn't know how to comfort him anymore.

""Under Dressed" was unable to cooperate because of an accident, but there are other opportunities." Zhou Yun said, "When I was shooting commercials with you, I discovered that you are a person with strong sensibility, and you are suitable to be an actor. , So, don’t give up, try to seize every opportunity you can grasp.”

Yu Zhiyang asked: "Sister Xiaoyun, will we have a chance to cooperate in the future?"

Zhou Yun thought to himself, it depends on the opportunity in the future, whether there are suitable works and whether there is a suitable schedule.

There are too many factors to consider when making a movie, cooperating with a movie, even if it is a movie with Song Chi, it is not just the two of them.

There are many stakeholders involved behind each of them, and every decision cannot be made easily.

But Zhou Yun still said firmly at this time: "Of course, when you are well, we will find a suitable project and film together. You are the one I like."

Yu Zhiyang didn't laugh until this time.

"it is good."


Coming out of the hospital, Song Chi asked with some taste: "Is he the one you fancy? Then who am I?"

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes at him and said, "Sweetheart, is it alright?"

Song Chi nodded in satisfaction, "That's about the same."

"You're jealous of him." Zhou Yun sighed the breath he hadn't let out just now, "It's really not easy for him."

Song Chi didn't speak.

Zhou Yun: "If you can help him, please do your best."

"Why are you so interested in him?"

"To be honest, don't laugh at me, I really think of him as my younger brother in my heart." Zhou Yun said, "I always feel that he was the one I picked to play my hero. I hope he will be fine, and since he has been tricked so much by Xu Guiying, I always hope that I can help him."

Song Chi: "You'll make me jealous if you do this."

"That's why I asked you to come with me." Zhou Yun said, "I swear to you, I have no unrighteous feelings towards him."

Song Chi smiled.

He grabbed the hand that Zhou Yun used to swear, and said, "I see, I will follow your instructions and see if there is anything I can do to help him."


In the afternoon, Zhou Yun was about to leave for Gansu.

This time Zheng Xiaoju didn't accompany her, but Liu Yun.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that Liu Yun brought several lunch boxes, which contained the kimchi and stewed vegetables that she usually sat on.

Liu Yun said: "If the food you eat is not delicious, you can still eat these."

Zhou Yun suddenly felt that it would be nice to have an assistant who is good at cooking.

Fans knew her itinerary and spontaneously came to the airport to see her off.

Zhou Yun didn't encourage this kind of behavior, but they had already come, and she still smiled, told them that it was hard work, and also told them not to come in the future, she really didn't like this kind of behavior.

He clearly told his fans what he didn't like, Zhou Yun didn't know if they would listen, but he hoped that they could slowly understand her.

Before boarding the plane, Zhou Yun sent Song Chi a message that he was going to board the plane. Song Chi: Tell me after landing.

Zhou Yun: Ok.

The flight time was not short, Zhou Yun prepared a book for himself, and planned to pass the time by reading.

Recently, she was reading an online novel, "My Eight Wonderful Lives" written by an author named Putao. The story was very good. She read the beginning and liked it very much.

Who knew, it was so unfortunate that I met Su Yan who was also going to record "Geological Tan" on the same flight.

Zhou Yun said "recite like this" in his heart.

What's more unfortunate is that the two of them were sitting next to each other.

Zhou Yun didn't even bother to read, so he put on an eye mask and earphones and went to sleep.

He even fell asleep in a daze.

The two of them didn't speak the whole time.

Until it was time to land, Zhou Yun took off the blindfold and earphones under the reminder of the stewardess.

It was as if the two of them didn't know each other at all, and neither of them spoke to the other.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that when the plane landed, as soon as Zhou Yun turned on his phone, a lot of news popped up on his phone.

Zhou Yun knew at a glance that something must have happened, otherwise so many news would not have come in in a short period of time.

It turned out that she was shortlisted for Best Supporting Actress in this year's Huayu Awards for "Ask Your Heart".

Zhou Yun opened the complete list of nominations and was stunned.

Su Yan was not on the nomination list for Best Actress.

She put down her phone in surprise, and turned to look at Su Yan.

I saw that Su Yan was also looking at his mobile phone, with a very ugly expression on his face.

Zhou Yun said in her heart that she was unlucky and gleeful, but she really didn't expect that Su Yan didn't even get nominated for the best actress.

After all, "Questioning the Heart" is such a hit, it's a big hit, it has a high reputation, and Su Yan's performance in it is considered outstanding, so it's not like she won't even get a nomination.

Su Yan left aggressively.

Zhou Yun took Cao Jun and Liu Yun to pick up her luggage, got into the car arranged by the program crew to pick her up, and then called Song Chi.

Song Chi answered the phone and asked, "Did you see the nomination?"

"I see, but Su Yan didn't get nominated for Best Actress, what's going on?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Song Chi said: "It should be because of public relations. I think there are two surprising names on the nomination list."


"I don't know the exact news yet, not necessarily, it's all speculation." Song Chi said, "But even if she is nominated, she won't win the award in the end. This year's Best Actress, you didn't apply for this unit in the end, basically Up here is Wei Ruxue."

Zhou Yun: "Who publicized Su Yan's nomination? Su Yan's nomination can also be robbed, who is so capable?"

"It's all just guesswork right now." Song Chi said, "However, this year's Huayu Awards are really messy. I've heard a lot of news before."

Zhou Yun: "Okay."

Song Chi: "Are you here?"

"Here we are, on the bus to the hotel. I was so embarrassed just now. Su Yan and I happened to be on the same flight, and we were sitting together. When we saw the news, we hadn't parted yet. Her face was so ugly. to die."

Song Chi: "You are so lucky that you can buy lottery tickets."

"Oh, Su Yan is probably going to die of anger." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi: "She's not strong enough. It's a pity to be publicized, but there will be other awards in the future."

"I annoy people who take other people's things into their own hands the most," Zhou Yun said.

Although she didn't like Su Yan, she didn't like this unfair behavior even more.

Song Chi: "Oh."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun carefully looked at the nomination list for Best Actress.

"Cold Spring" Wei Ruxue.This is beyond dispute.

"Tianyu" Mo Zhihan.Mo Zhihan is an actor from Renyi, and "Tianyu" was broadcast on CCTV. Although it was not popular, its reputation was frighteningly high. If it was nominated, it would not be a qualification for public relations.

"Eighteen Bends of Love" Luo Ziying. The name "Eighteen Bends of Love" is quite rustic, but it is indeed very popular. Luo Ziying is an actress of the same generation as Wei Ruxue. This is the first time she has been nominated, and her performance has indeed received a lot of praise.

There are two left.

One is Yu Yan from "The Tavern", and the other is Liu Qingqing from "Red Sun".

Zhou Yun was taken aback when he saw these two names.

Zhou Yun had never heard of the drama "The Tavern", but Zhou Yun remembered that "Red Sun" was broadcast in September last year.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised that the two of them were nominated.

She suddenly understood why Song Chi had such doubts.

If it is said that Liu Qingqing's nomination list was secured by the main theme of "Red Sun", Yu Yan of "The Tavern" is really hard to understand from any angle.

Zhou Yun and Yu Yan filmed "The Eighth Heartbeat", and then Yu Yan acted in "The Tavern". The reputation of the TV series was mediocre, and her performance in it was not heard to be very good, but she suddenly appeared in the nomination list ...

Zhou Yun felt very strange.

She called Zhou Lan and said, "Sister Lan, have you seen the nomination list for the Huayu Awards? Yu Yan was nominated for Best Actress. What's going on?"

Zhou Lan: "We're all curious too, we're all talking about this matter, everyone thinks why Su Yan will get this nomination."

"Yeah, I thought Su Yan's nomination was a certainty." Zhou Yun said, "What's the situation with Yu Yan's "Tavern"?"

"Some people say that it's because someone is helping Yu Yan behind his back." Zhou Lan said, "But the news is spreading so much that I don't know if it's true or not."

 [-]D update, big fat badge, ask for a wave of monthly tickets and rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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