I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 453 Nomination Storm

Chapter 453 Nomination Storm
"Congratulations, you got your wish."

Xu Siyao raised his wine glass and clinked it with Yu Yan.

Yu Yan looked smug and said happily, "Thank you for your help."

Xu Siyao: "I just set up a bridge, but this time, Su Yan should be pissed off."

Yu Yan said: "If you want to be angry, you are also angry with Liu Qingqing. I never thought that I would squeeze her out. Who would have thought that Liu Qingqing would also put herself on the nomination list."

"Liu Qingqing took on the drama "Red Sun", didn't she just go for the best actress? This kind of drama won't be popular at first sight, and the benefits it can bring her are positive images and awards." Xu Siyao shook her head , "It's a pity that she didn't perform very well, and she didn't have the strength to let her go for the award."

Yu Yan was taken aback.

Xu Siyao immediately realized that what she said just now was not level, so she brought Yu Yan along.

"That's not what I meant," she explained.

Yu Yan smiled and said it was nothing.

When she acted in "The Tavern", she also went for the award.

"The Tavern" was a CCTV drama, and it was directed by a veteran director, so even if she could have made another movie and earned millions more, she still chose "The Tavern".

But after "The Tavern" was broadcast, Yu Yan's performance in it was not bought by everyone. They didn't think the performance was very good, and they could only say that they had completed the task.

But Yu Yan thought to herself, even if she couldn't win the award, it would be a good thing to get nominated.

After so many years of filming, she hasn't even been nominated.

The Huayu Award is not any other pheasant award. It has an official background. Even if it is nominated, a certificate will be issued. It is also very beautiful on the resume.

Therefore, Yu Yan spent a lot of time looking for people everywhere, and found Xu Siyao. Through her matchmaking, she met He Yong and Chen Wenjun, and from their public relations to one of the judges.

Finally got his wish.


Su Yan walked into the room angrily, and as soon as she entered the room, she couldn't bear it anymore, dropped the thing and called He Ting.

"What exactly is going on?!"

Su Yan scolded on the phone.

He Ting quickly comforted her: "Yanyan, Yanyan, calm down first."

"Calm down? How can I be calm? Why am I not even nominated?" Su Yan roared, "Didn't you say that I could be nominated [-]%? Why did Liu Qingqing get nominated for her role in "Red Sun", but I didn't! "

He Ting: "This time we were squeezed out of places and hacked."

"Who?" Su Yan asked, "Is that bitch Liu Qingqing?"

He Ting hesitated for a moment and said, "It's not her, it's Yu Yan."

"Who?" Su Yan didn't even think of who this person was at the first time.

He Ting repeated the name again.

Su Yan said, "Where did she come from?"

"At the beginning of last year, she played "The Eighth Heartbeat" with Zhou Yun. She has debuted for several years, but the only well-known character is the character in "The Eighth Heartbeat." He Ting said, "I also I went to inquire about it, and her "The Tavern" was not in the primary selection list at all, it was added later."

Su Yan: "What's the use of talking about this now! I told you at the beginning that I was going to go to public relations, and you said it was unnecessary, and I would definitely get nominated. Now it's fine! Everyone is watching my jokes, don't talk about getting nominated!" Awarded, not even nominated!"


Seeing the final list of nominations, although Wei Ruxue didn't show it on her face, she was relieved in her heart.

Zhou Yun did not apply for Best Actress, but Best Supporting Actress, so she will not compete with her.

Although Wei Ruxue felt that even if there was competition, she would not be afraid, but Zhou Yun's winning luck in the past two years was really good, and his rising momentum was the most fierce newcomer in the past few years. The performance was praised by many older generations.

This is not the word of mouth bought by the navy, but the real praise in the industry.

Zhou Yun was not shortlisted for Best Actress, and Su Yan accidentally called up the nomination list. There are few remaining people who can compete with her. It is almost certain that she will win the award this year.

Wei Ruxue felt a little excitement in her heart ahead of time, and at the same time felt gloating that Su Yan was dropped from the nomination list.

After all, during the period when "Question" was on the air, Su Yan bought a lot of marketing, saying that she was very likely to win an after-view trophy with the drama "Question".

After that video, she relied on this marketing to overwhelm Zhou Yun, because Zhou Yun did not have a similar topic in marketing.

From the public's point of view, if one is expected to win the top spot and the other does not, it means that Su Yan's acting skills are better.

Now it seems that it is like lifting a rock to shoot yourself in the foot.

Wei Ruxue was in a good mood, posted on Weibo, reposted the official list of nominations, and humbly expressed that nomination means approval, thanks to the judges for their appreciation, and she will work harder in the future.

After quitting Weibo, Wei Ruxue immediately sent a message to her agent, asking for the best stylist, and she wanted to be the most beautiful person at the Huayu Awards Ceremony.


The list of nominations for the Huayu Award naturally set off a wave of discussions on the Internet.

The most discussed one was the fact that Su Yan was not nominated for Best Actress.

Su Yan's fans made a fuss, scolding the Huayu Award for lack of vision, and scolding the primary election for shady things.

Secondly, "Questioning the Heart" has just aired not long ago, and it is still airing in the second round. There are already a lot of viewers, and there are many people who like Su Yan.

When they saw that Su Yan hadn't been nominated, they were equally indignant, and they all scolded Su Yan's fans together.

The entry "Suyan Huayu Award Nomination Legacy" rushed to the top of the hot search list, more popular than all the nominees.

The audience has their own score in their hearts, who can act well, who can't act well, who's performance they like, and whose performance they don't like.

Seeing Yu Yan who appeared on the nomination list, a group of people directly bombarded: Who is this?

Immediately afterwards, someone questioned how Yu Yan got the nomination.

The viewership rating of "The Tavern" is only 0.1, the audience's reputation is not high, and the Douban score is only 6.2 points. Such a play, such a heroine, why should it be nominated for the best actress?

Those who complained about Su Yan were all criticizing Yu Yan for being unworthy.

Yu Yan is not an actor with high popularity and many fans. The audience of "The Tavern" is even smaller. It is still mainly middle-aged and elderly people. It is not the main body of Internet users. At first glance, the entire Internet There is no one who supports Yu Yan.

When Yu Yan saw the public opinion on the Internet, she was stunned.

Many people suddenly appeared on her weibo and scolded her, especially in private messages.

After Yu Yan entered the industry, she had never experienced such large-scale attacks and insults, and she didn't know how to react for a while.

She only thought about the benefits of being nominated before, but she never thought that a nomination would have such a negative impact on her.

Seeing the real-time Weibo posted by every netizen, about her Weibo, there is almost no one who supports her. Yu Yan is not disheartened, but flustered, flustered, flustered because of a guilty conscience.

Someone left a message on her Weibo: Thief, you stole someone else's nomination, can you sleep at night?
Yu Yan didn't even dare to refute: Who do you call a thief?

At this moment, Yu Yan's cell phone rang.

When she saw it, it was an unfamiliar number.

Yu Yan couldn't help frowning.

She answered the phone and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm Su Yan." The woman on the other end of the phone said directly, "I remember you, Yu Yan."

After speaking, the phone hung up.

Holding the mobile phone, Yu Yan was stunned for a long time before realizing what the content of the phone call she heard just now meant.

Su Yan actually called her directly? !

There was a chill in Yu Yan's heart.

At the same time, there was a hint of regret.

In a panic, Yu Yan called Xu Siyao.

"Siyao..." Yu Yan said, "Have you seen the comments on the Internet? Why do they all know? They..."

Xu Siyao comforted: "Yu Yan, don't be nervous. It's normal for these comments to appear on the Internet. Su Yan's fans have always been very powerful. I thought you were already mentally prepared. It's okay. The list of nominations is complete." It has already come out, no matter how violent they are, this list cannot be changed, you just let them scold for a few days, and within a few days, this matter will be over."

Yu Yan said: "Su Yan called me just now, she, she knew that I pushed her down."

"She took the initiative to call you?" This incident made Xu Siyao a little surprised, "I really didn't expect that."

Yu Yan said: "I didn't think about it either, what should I do now? I have completely offended Su Yan, and she will definitely not let me go in the future."

"Don't worry too much, it won't happen, it's just a nomination, and at most she just hates you, and there's nothing she can do to retaliate against you, right?" Xu Siyao said, "Relax, the most important thing is It is you who want to reap your benefits from this incident. Take a step back and say that your current reputation has grown many times. After this incident is over and you find a suitable opportunity to wash it, your reputation will It has become a huge gain for you, who has evidence to prove that you are a PR judge? No one has evidence, and no one can make a conclusion for you without evidence!"

Xu Siyao's words calmed Yu Yan's flustered heart a little.

Yu Yan: "I never thought that they would point the finger at me so quickly."

"Oh, what is this? I have experienced worse times than you, and I survived them too?" Xu Siyao said, "As long as I don't knock you down, any bad times are not bad."

Yu Yan: "Thank you for comforting me."

"We are friends. Don't read comments on the Internet these days, and don't go out. Wait for the public opinion about you these days to pass before you come out." Xu Siyao said, "As long as they can't hurt you, let them scold you." Well, scolding you can also increase your heat."

Yu Yan hummed.


In addition to regretting Su Yan and attacking Yan, "Ask the Heart" became the drama with the most nominations for Huayu Awards, and it was also in the spotlight.

"Questioning the Heart" was nominated for Best TV Series, Jiang Xin was nominated for Best Director, Song Chi was nominated for Best Actor, Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen were both nominated for Best Supporting Actress, as well as several technical awards such as Best Cinematography, and gained a lot.

In the crew of "Ask the Heart", everyone congratulated the nominees.

Song Chi was the first to hand out red envelopes, ten in a row.

Jiang Xin also came out to give out red envelopes, followed by Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen.

The group is very lively.

No one expected that Su Yan would appear in the group at this time and give out a round of red envelopes to everyone.

After posting, she said in the group: Although it's a pity that I didn't get nominated together with everyone this time, I'm very happy to work with you to film this drama, and congratulations to everyone who has been nominated, you must win the award!

Song Chi replied to her first: It is the biggest regret that you did not get nominated, but in the hearts of all our crew, you are our recognized best actress.

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes, then +1.

Jiang Yuzhen +2.

A group of people brush +++.

Su Yan didn't know whether she was really touched or faked, and said in the group: You guys encouraged me so much, even if I didn't get nominated this time, I'm still very happy!thank you all!Love you guys!On the night of the award ceremony, I will definitely stand in front of the live broadcast and cheer for you!

Sitting in the hotel room, Zhou Yun watched the words Su Yan sent to the group, and thought to himself that it might be true that Su Yan would watch the live broadcast, but it might not be so if you work hard.

Speaking of Su Yan this time, Su Yan was really a bit confused. Zhou Yun didn't even compete with Su Yan for the best actress unit. In this case, the organizing committee didn't even give Su Yan a nomination. It really couldn't be justified.

It can only be said to be too dark.

At this time, Jiang Xin said in the group: It's okay, everyone is watching your progress, and there are two big prizes in the future, I believe you will be able to reap good results in the future.

Jiang Xin also came out to encourage Su Yan.

At this moment, Zhou Yun suddenly felt a little emotional.

Although Jiang Xin had a lot of dissatisfaction with Su Yan during filming, Jiang Xin is really a director who loves actors.

From the filming to the broadcast, Jiang Xin only praised Su Yan without any criticism. At this time, Jiang Xin would stand up to cheer for Su Yan and tell her that there is still hope for the next two awards.

This is not a kind of love.

Su Yan said in the group: Thank you director!I'm going to cry!
Zhou Yun didn't say anything.

In the evening, Zhou Yun went to the preparatory meeting for the recording of the program.

She saw Su Yan.

Su Yan was chatting and laughing with the others, and seemed not to be affected by being dropped out of the nomination list.

After Zhou Yun appeared, everyone greeted her.

After exchanging pleasantries one by one, Zhou Yun took the initiative to walk in front of Su Yan and said, "Although I don't like you very much, it's a pity that you didn't get the nomination you deserved this time, but just like Director Jiang Xin said, There are two more awards in the future, your performance will not be buried."

Su Yan was taken aback.

She obviously didn't expect Zhou Yun to come to comfort her.

Zhou Yun said: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to comfort and cheer you up, I'm just an actor who filmed "Question Heart", I know how much you have paid for this movie, so, as an actor, no matter No matter what, I hope that hard work will be rewarded, and whoever should belong to it.”

Su Yan's expression was a little complicated, she looked at Zhou Yun, and didn't speak for a long time.

"Xiao Yun."

Yu Chu is here.

Zhou Yun nodded to Su Yan, then turned and walked towards Yu Chu.

"You're here." Zhou Yun hugged Yu Chu's arm, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Yu Chu said: "The plane is late, it just arrived, and I haven't congratulated you yet."

Zhou Yun winked at Yu Chu, signaling her not to mention it here.

Yu Chu understood when he saw Su Yan, and nodded.

"sit down."

The director held a preparatory meeting for the recording of tomorrow's show with everyone, and explained all the precautions for shooting.

After the meeting, Zhou Yun asked Yu Chu, "Have you eaten yet?"

"No." Yu Chu shook his head, "Let's eat together?"

"Well, shall we order takeaway or go out to eat?" Zhou Yun asked.

"It's all right, how about you?"

"Then let's go find local delicious food." Zhou Yun said, "Takeaway is always not as delicious as it is made right now."

Yu Chu nodded and said yes.

The two were about to go out when Liu Haiyu suddenly walked over and asked, "I just heard you guys said you were going out for dinner, take me with you, I didn't have dinner either."

Zhou Yun was happy to introduce Liu Haiyu to Yu Chu, so he nodded.


"I didn't have much to say in it just now. Congratulations. You just won the Aoki Award for Best Actress, and you were nominated for the Huayu Award right away. It's amazing." Liu Haiyu congratulated, "It's been a long time since there has been a showbiz as fierce as you It's a newcomer, and everyone is talking about it."

Zhou Yun smiled shyly and said, "It's just luck."

Liu Haiyu shook her head, "If it's just luck, how can you win prizes one after another? This is your strength, so you don't need to be humble."

As a senior in the industry, he is naturally qualified to say so.

Zhou Yun could only laugh.

"Yu Chu, this is the first time we've met, right?" Liu Haiyu asked Yu Chu.

Yu Chu nodded and said, "Yes, hello Brother Haiyu."

"Don't use you between us, it's strange." Liu Haiyu smiled kindly and said, "Let's add a WeChat later, and we will contact you later if you have anything to do."

Yu Chu said yes in surprise.

Zhou Yun found the place, but after dinner, Liu Haiyu rushed to pay the bill.

Zhou Yun said: "Brother Haiyu, I'm so sorry to ask you to treat me. I clearly agreed that I will pay for it."

Liu Haiyu waved his hand and said, "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm not embarrassed to accompany the two girls out for dinner, but they won't let me pay the bill."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Then thank you Brother Haiyu."

"To be honest, I'm a southerner, and I'm not very used to the food here."

"Me too." Zhou Yun smiled, "But no matter where I go, I still want to try the local food."

Liu Haiyu nodded, "I used to have this habit when I was young, but now I always run around the country, and I gradually lost the interest. I eat too much food outside, and I still like home-cooked food."

Zhou Yun asked, "Is Brother Haiyu married?"

"It's over, I have children." Liu Haiyu said with a smile, "I came here yesterday, and my son was still holding me and crying. He didn't want me to go on a business trip. There's nothing I can do about this job. I'm always away from home, and I can't accompany him every day. He, every time I want to go out to work, he hugs me and cries, oh, my heart is pierced."

Zhou Yun asked curiously, "How old is your son?"

"Four years old." Liu Haiyu said.

"It's so small, no wonder." Zhou Yun said, "It must be cute, right?"

"Yeah." Liu Haiyu nodded, "It's very cute. Every time he goes home, he will give me the snacks he secretly put away, saying that they are for me. Alas, after having a child, I really want to save the world Give him the best."

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu looked at each other and smiled.

Suddenly at this moment, there was a rush of footsteps from behind, it sounded like someone was running towards them.

They subconsciously stopped and looked back.

I saw a young girl rushing towards Yu Chu angrily with a fruit knife in her hand.

Yu Chu let out a scream.

Zhou Yun subconsciously pushed Yu Chu away and hid himself.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cao Jun running towards them.

The girl holding the knife was full of anger and hatred, as if Yu Chu was her father-killing enemy. After Yu Chu was pushed away by Zhou Yun, the girl also randomly stabbed Yu Chu with a knife.

Just because Yu Chu was suddenly pushed by Zhou Yun just now, he couldn't stand firmly, staggered, fell to the ground, and dodged the knife.

The girl grabbed the knife, saw that it had been stabbed empty, and made another stab at Yu Chu.

At the very moment, Liu Haiyu reached out to grab the girl's hand and clasped her wrist tightly.

As soon as the girl loosened her hand, the fruit knife fell straight down.

The tip of the knife pointed at Yu Chu's chest.

Yu Chu and Zhou Yun, who witnessed this scene, widened their eyes in shock at the same time.

Liu Haiyu's other hand actually grabbed the falling knife with his bare hands, and flung it to the other side.

"Ah—" Yu Chu screamed when he saw Liu Haiyu's injured and bleeding hand.

At this time, Cao Jun finally arrived, and together with Liu Haiyu subdued the girl who appeared out of nowhere.

"Let me go, let me go!" the girl screamed angrily, "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

The object of her complaint was Yu Chu.

Her facial features were ferocious, as if distorted, and she was full of hatred for Yu Chu.

The blood on Yu Chu's face faded. Looking at this strange girl, his mind went blank for a while, not knowing what was going on that caused someone to hate her so much.

Call the police, and when the police come and take the person away, everyone is relieved.

Liu Haiyu's hand has been simply bandaged, so he still needs to go to the hospital for an examination.

Several people took notes.

After the program team heard the news, they were frightened into a cold sweat, and hurriedly sent someone over.

After some investigation, the police told them that this girl is a mentally ill patient and also a fan of Yin Zhou. She saw the news before that Yu Chu abandoned Yin Zhou, which made Yin Zhou very sad, so she held a grudge against Yu Chu. It just so happened that Yu Chu went to the restaurant owned by her family for dinner and was recognized by her, so what happened just now happened.

Zhou Yun felt disillusioned and unimaginable after hearing the whole story.

How is it so coincidental?
Turned out to be a psychopath.

Zhou Yun took Yu Chu's hand and comforted him softly.

Yu Chu was terrified and his face turned pale.

She was almost stabbed just now, so it's impossible not to be afraid.

The girl's parents got the news that it was indeed the owner of the restaurant where they had dinner just now.

A terrified couple bowed and apologized when they saw them, tears streaming down their faces, and begged for their forgiveness.

Zhou Yun originally wanted to say, since her daughter is a mentally ill patient, why not take care of her?

Seeing the weathered faces of the couple, they couldn't speak again.

After leaving the police station, Zhou Yun and Yu Chu went back to the hotel, and Liu Haiyu had already returned from the hospital.

They went to visit him, and he said, "It's all right. Fortunately, it's just a cut, not a muscle."

Yu Chu stood in front of Liu Haiyu, bowed, and said, "Brother Haiyu, I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, I might be lying in the hospital right now."

Liu Haiyu smiled and waved his hands, and said, "At that time, it should be done."

Zhou Yun said, "Brother Haiyu, you have done something that many people dare not do."

Liu Haiyu smiled and touched the back of his head with his uninjured hand, and said, "Not really, no one would have thought of such a thing."

Yu Chu said, "The girl's parents paid us [-] yuan, so I'll transfer the money to you."

Liu Haiyu shook her head and said, "No, it's fine."

He said: "It's getting late, you must have all been frightened, you'd better go back and rest early, we have to record a show tomorrow."

Yu Chu hesitated to speak.

Zhou Yun pulled Yu Chu and said, "Okay then, let's go back and rest first, see you tomorrow, Brother Haiyu."

"See you tomorrow."

Coming out of Liu Haiyu's room, Zhou Yun said, "Yu Chu, since Brother Haiyu doesn't want the fifty thousand yuan, don't force him. He doesn't need the fifty thousand yuan. If you insist on giving it to him, instead not good."

Yu Chu: "My mind is in a mess right now."

"I understand, let's take a good rest first." Zhou Yun said, "However, Brother Haiyu is brave enough to help you at such a critical time, you really should thank him well, and when you finish recording the show, think about it again, what should you do?" Say thanks."


Zhou Yun also felt that this was too unfortunate. If it wasn't for her suggestion, Yu Chu wouldn't have come to record this show, and if Yu Chu didn't come to record this show, he wouldn't have encountered such a thing.

Zhou Yun didn't blame himself for the incident, he just felt that it was really unfortunate.

In the evening, before going to bed, Yu Chu posted a Weibo: Today is really a day that I was frightened and moved.

Zhou Yun liked this Weibo.

During the entire recording process of "Geological Tan", Liu Haiyu's left hand was wrapped with a bandage.

Everyone also knew what happened and highly praised Liu Haiyu.

When the recording of the program was finished, everyone went their separate ways.

Yu Chu found Liu Haiyu again and said, "Brother Haiyu, if you have a chance, let me express my gratitude, okay?"

Liu Haiyu yelled, and said: "I said it's not a big deal, and I didn't get hurt too much. Don't take it to heart, go back quickly."

Yu Chu was so moved that he didn't know what to say.

Back in Shanghai, both Zhou Yun and Yu Chu were deeply impressed by this shooting trip.

It's also impossible not to be impressed.

Yu Chu said: "I'm going to buy some dresses. When Brother Haiyu is at home, I'll make a special trip to thank him. What do you think I should give?"

"Didn't he have a son? Look at what to give a four-year-old child." Zhou Yun said.

Yu Chu sighed, "Although I know it would be exaggerated to say so, I really feel like I've walked around before the gate of hell."

Zhou Yun patted Yu Chu's head, but said nothing.

Yu Chu said again: "I really didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen when I was in love with Yin Zhou. I have encountered things that others have never encountered in eight hundred years."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Are you going to tell Yin Zhou about this?"

"Why tell him? Tell him, can he help me solve any problem?" Yu Chu rolled his eyes, "The police can't help me solve my problem, he is a mental patient."

(End of this chapter)

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