I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 454: 1 Mountain and 2 Tigers

Chapter 454 One Mountain Two Tigers

After Song Chi came back, Zhou Yun told Song Chi about this matter. When Song Chi heard this, his face changed, and his first reaction was: "Are you not injured?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I'm fine. I avoided it at the time. Fortunately, Brother Haiyu was there, and he was really manly enough to block the knife with his bare hands."

Song Chi frowned and did not let go, "This kind of thing happened."

"Don't be too nervous, I told you, I'm fine." Zhou Yun patted him on the shoulder, "But it's true that I was shocked. It reminds me of being splashed with tomato juice by one of your fans at the airport. It's time."

When Song Chi heard this old incident, his face became a little weird.

"That's when I hate my fans the most." Song Chi said.

"It doesn't have to be like this, what happened to me is nothing compared to what happened to Yu Chu," Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi asked, "Are you going to tell Yin Zhou about this?"

"I asked Yu Chu, and she said she didn't want to tell Yin Zhou, so I plan to be like her and not mention it." Zhou Yun sighed, and she found that she had sighed more recently, "She You are right, it is useless to tell Yin Zhou about this matter, and Yin Zhou has no way to solve anything, except that he is anxious and angry, and can do nothing."

"Yu Chu sees it quite openly."

"She has always been open-minded, and she has such a personality."

"No wonder you have been friends with her for so long." Song Chi said with a smile, "I have been in touch with her a few times, and I found that she is indeed a very clear person."


"As far as I know, because of this incident, Yue Hai even passed a notebook to Yu Chu, because the Weibo she posted made Yin Zhou retreat completely, but Yu Chu didn't answer it."

Zhou Yun was furious after hearing this.

"Yue Hai still did such a thing?"

Song Chi: "Don't get excited, Yue Hai wants to make up for Yu Chu."

"It's their turn to make up for it? If Yu Chu took this drama, who would he be?" Zhou Yun was furious, "It's just a matter of uneasiness and good intentions. If Yu Chuzhen took this drama and the news spread, he would become Yu Chu To kick Yin Zhou away for the sake of his own career? Could it be that people in Yue Hai would not have thought of such a thing? I don't believe it."

Zhou Yun said angrily: "What Yue Hai did is really disgusting."

Song Chi: "It's possible if you say so."

"Absolutely. Otherwise, why did Yue Hai pass the notebook to Yu Chu?" Zhou Yun said, "If it had such kind intentions, it wouldn't beat the mandarin duck!"

Song Chi: "You still have prejudice against Yue Hai now, don't let your previous dislike cloud your judgment."

"It's not that my judgment was influenced by my previous dislike. I just hate Yue Hai very much. I hate every move it does. From the very beginning when it made a deal with He Yong and forced me to play "The Eighth Heartbeat", I hated it. It." Zhou Yun said, "So, why after that, I haven't acted in a single Yue Hai play, every time I contact them, I never feel any signs of correction, they are as arrogant as ever .”

Zhou Yun didn't say these words out of anger, but out of anger, so he said what he usually kept in his heart.

"I know you have a cooperation with Yue Hai, your company has a project to broadcast in Yue Hai, this is your business transaction, I will not use my affairs to try to influence you, but I will not act in Yue Hai's play again " Zhou Yun said, "Unless they change people from top to bottom."

Song Chi smiled helplessly.

He had seen how bad Zhou Yun's temper was.

In fact, no matter how dissatisfied Zhou Yun was with Yue Hai, she would not attack Yue Hai openly.

Not only because of Song Chi's cooperation with Yue Hai, not to mention Chengqian Entertainment, but Zhou Lan's staff, from Wang Jing to Huang Zicheng, they all have time to film Yue Hai's drama now or in the future.

Because of the second part of "Dark Sky", Wang Jing finally has a masterpiece in the entertainment industry, and is no longer an unknown actor.

It is even more impossible for Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng, two newcomers, not to act in Yue Hai's play.

Zhou Yun was thinking of them, and he still had to maintain a good relationship with Yue Hai on the surface.

She could only get angry by herself, and after one night, she suppressed her anger to the bottom of her heart and said nothing.


Zhou Yun thought that the story of Liu Haiyu helping Yu Chu block the knife with his bare hands would slowly spread. After this incident happened, many people in the "Geological Tan" program group knew about it, but Zhou Yun didn't expect that after coming back for so long, This news has not been posted on the Internet, nor has it spread around, and Zhou Yun has not received a phone call wanting to know about this matter, which is really rare in the very gossip entertainment circle.

Zhou Yun talked about this to Zhou Lan, and Zhou Lan said: "Liu Haiyu specifically greeted the people from the "Geological Tan" program team, and asked them not to publicize this incident to outsiders."

Zhou Yun's eyes widened in surprise.

"Brother Haiyu specially said hello? Why did he do this? Isn't it good for him if others spread the word?"

Zhou Lan said: "He didn't say the reason, just please everyone, I have received a message from the director of the program group."

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and called the director of "Geological Tan".

"Director Zhao, I, Zhou Yun, didn't disturb you, did I?" Zhou Yun said with a smile when the call was connected.

Zhao Qin didn't seem to have expected to receive a call from Zhou Yun. He was a little surprised and asked, "Xiaoyun, are you looking for me? What's wrong?"

Zhou Yun said: "I want to ask you about something. I heard that Brother Haiyu specifically greeted you. Please don't publicize the fact that he blocked the knife with his bare hands. Is there such a thing?"

"You said this, yes." Zhao Qin said, "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"No problem, when I was going to send a Weibo to thank some Haiyu brothers, sister Lan reminded me, I felt strange, I don't know why I didn't publicize this matter, this matter was publicized, and it also has a lot of feelings for Haiyu brother benefits."

"He's just like that. He doesn't want to promote himself when he does good deeds. He is afraid of being hyped up by himself." Zhao Qin said, "Although he didn't tell me the reason, I guess it has something to do with what happened before. , he helped a person before, when that person was not famous, he often cue him on the show, and took him on many shows, that person is now a big star, no one thought that he would Being my younger brother who has helped so many people, after he became famous, he has been saying inside and out that he is just trying to gain popularity, and he has also said on many occasions that when Haiyu approached him and helped him at the beginning, it was out of the right mind. Rumor, of course these things have not been fully exposed to the public, but that person's fans can more or less feel his idol's dislike and rejection of Brother Haiyu, so they also fabricated a lot of rumors about Brother Haiyu. It had a great influence on Brother Haiyu. After that, he didn't want to appear in front of the public very much. Basically, he just worked dully. Anyway, on our "Geological Tan" side, he has always cooperated with our program group to do a little publicity , and others, I haven’t done any marketing for myself.”

Zhou Yun was very surprised after hearing Zhao Qin's words.

"Who is that person? He is so ungrateful and doesn't know how to repay."

Zhao Qin said: "I can't say who it is, but many people know about it, because he is a big star, so it's hard to say anything."

"Big star is a ghost, people don't do it anymore, and they are still stars." Zhou Yun sprayed, "I understand, thank you Director Zhao, if you have a suitable theme in the future, please remember to invite me to the show. I will definitely do it when I have a schedule. here."

Zhao Qin was flattered, smiled, and said, "You can come any time."

Zhou Yun: "Then if I appear too frequently, the audience won't feel fresh. I'll wait for your call."


Zhou Yun hung up the phone and showed an incredible expression to Zhou Lan.

"So, who is this person?" She knew that Zhou Lan must know.

Zhou Lan said, "Are you going to get involved in this matter?"

"I don't get involved, but I know the true face of this kind of person, and when I meet them in the future, I have to be careful when dealing with them." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan said: "This time, Jiao Youmeng, who was shortlisted for Best Actor in the Huayu Awards together with Song Chi."

Hearing this name, Zhou Yun showed a shocked expression.

"Really or not, I rely on it." Zhou Yun had never dealt with Jiao Youmeng, and had met Jiao Youmeng a few times before at events, but they were just nodding acquaintances.

Because Jiao Youmeng, like Song Chi and Li Ci, are top-notch and extremely popular, Zhou Yun is afraid that if he has unnecessary actions with him, he will be misunderstood by fans and interpreted by the media, so he always keeps his distance.

But Zhou Yun herself still admires Jiao Youmeng. She has seen Jiao Youmeng's play, and her acting skills are good, not comparable to Li Ci's parallel imports, and Song Chi has two styles.

Jiao Youmeng's acting will give people a very calm and down-to-earth feeling, and he himself is the same.

There was no impetuous breath about him.

Zhou Yun couldn't believe that this person was Jiao Youmeng.

"This matter has been circulating in the circle, whether it is true or not, but no one knows what the situation is." Zhou Lan said, "I only know that Liu Haiyu did help Jiao Youmeng a lot when Jiao Youmeng first debuted. Sometimes, the rookies want to get ahead, and there are no talent shows, so we can only start from the rookies honestly. Liu Haiyu has a lot of connections in the variety show circle, and he is good at acting, and knows a lot of film and television producers, so he recommended a lot for Jiao Youmeng. It’s true that after Jiao Youmeng became famous, he also thanked Liu Haiyu, but for some reason, Jiao Youmeng didn’t like to be mentioned about Liu Haiyu for a while. Once a reporter asked him if Without Liu Haiyu, do you think you can still be as popular as you are today? Jiao Youmeng replied, has Liu Haiyu been as popular as I am? If I am so popular because of Liu Haiyu's help, then how come Liu Haiyu has not been so popular before? ? This is the only time he lost his composure, said the wrong thing, and was caught by everyone, not to mention the seniors in the circle, and the media reporters also scolded him for not being grateful. After that, he never said it so directly It’s too late, but everyone can feel that he doesn’t like Liu Haiyu, and during interviews, this name is a forbidden word.”

Zhou Yun pouted.

""One Mountain Two Tigers" has designed the costume you want according to the results of your last discussion. Go and try it today?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun asked: "Isn't there a commercial shooting today?"

"Well, let them send the clothes to the shooting location and try them on." Zhou Lan said.

"That's fine too."

Zhou Yun yawned.

"A little sleepy."

"Since you go to exercise training every morning, you are prone to sleepiness." Zhou Lan said, "It's also hard work. Have you learned all the movements?"

"I have learned it." Zhou Yun said, "But because I want to play beautifully, I have to do a set of training every day, so that I can play with ease when it comes to the official filming."

"Very good. You used to act in literary dramas. If this guest appearance can let everyone see your potential in acting in action dramas, you will be able to act in more types." Zhou Lan said, "Our Chinese films are famous in the world. Action movies are the most popular, but unfortunately there have not been any good movies in recent years."

Zhou Yun said: "My background in martial arts is not serious. It's okay to embellish it. Let me really act as a martial artist. It's too easy to pass through. I don't have many muscles on my body, and I basically pass it. This period of time has grown out of movement training."

Zhou Lan: "I think you are in better shape now than before, very healthy."

"I also feel that I can sleep soundly." Zhou Yun smiled.

In the afternoon, it was the first upper body makeup test, and Zhou Yun was quite satisfied with the upper body effect.

She moved again and made her own suggestion: "My two sleeves are still a little tight here, which is not convenient for me to move. The other one, this earring is in the form of a pendant, which is very obstructive. I want to make it that small , won't dangle."

The stylist recorded her opinion, nodded and said yes, and they went back to make changes.

Zhou Yun said: "I want to wear another pair of glasses. Please help me find out which pair of glasses is better. I want the kind that is a bit fashionable but not exaggerated."

The stylist nods.

Zhou Yun turned around and showed Zhou Lan his appearance, "Sister Lan, what do you think?"

"Elegant and sexy, okay." Zhou Lan nodded, "Judging from this alone, I think this is a very beautiful woman who is not easy to mess with, and will think of you in the direction of a female executive, waiting for you When you fight and find out that you are a female killer, you will be pleasantly surprised, but you won’t find it nonsense.”

Zhou Yun: "I also think it's good as it is. Wen Bing still has two brushes. This was his original idea."

"It's really good."

After trying on the clothes, Zhou Yun went to change clothes to prepare for the next commercial shooting.

Because it was a jewelry advertisement, there were many bodyguards guarding the jewelry.

Zhou Yun dutifully completed the filming, and when it was over, the night had already fallen and the lights were on.

Zhou Yun took Zheng Xiaoju and the others to have dinner together, to a restaurant they liked to go to before.

Usually, if you are working in Shanghai and the end of work is relatively late, Zhou Yun will take everyone to have a delicious meal, which can be regarded as a reward for the people in the work team.

Because of frequent visits, Zhou Yun and the owner of the restaurant knew each other. When she called, the owner agreed to reserve a box for her.

When they arrived, it was already half past seven in the evening.

Zhou Yun got off the car and saw an unexpected figure ahead.

Yu Yan.

Why is Yu Yan here?

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, seeing her hugging the arm of a strange man, talking and laughing for some reason, the relationship was very intimate.

That man was potbellied, and he didn't look young anymore, he was a middle-aged man.

It's not the small opening that I saw last time.

Yu Yan changed her boyfriend again?
Zhou Yun didn't go up to say hello to Yu Yan, but there were a lot of people getting off the bus here, and the momentum was huge, which naturally attracted Yu Yan's attention.

Yu Yan looked towards them.

The moment she saw Zhou Yun, Yu Yan's expression turned ugly.

Zhou Yun subconsciously reacted, maybe Yu Yan didn't break up with Xiaokai Zhong Zitong.

So, who is this man?
Zhou Yun led the people into the restaurant, and just as he sat down in the box, the phone rang.

It was Yu Yan calling.

Zhou Yun was not surprised when he received this call.The moment Yu Yan saw her, Zhou Yun had an intuition that he would receive this call.

"You guys order first, eat first when the food is served, don't wait for me, I don't eat much, I'll go out to answer the phone." Zhou Yun said to Zheng Xiaoju and the others.

Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

Zhou Yun got up and went outside to answer the phone, and said, "Are you looking for me?"

"Just now..." Yu Yan stammered, "Did you see us in the parking lot?"


"I and that person just now are not what you saw." Yu Yan said.


Zhou Yun thought, this statement is consistent with what Windsor said after she saw a similar scene.

Yu Yan: "Can I ask you to help me keep this secret? I don't want Zhong Zidong to know about it."

"I don't know Zhong Zidong well."

"If you are willing to help me keep this secret, I can give you a secret back." Yu Yan seemed to grit her teeth before saying this.

"Yu Yan, I'm not interested in the matter between you and Zhong Zitong and that man just now, you don't need to call me specifically to talk about it."

Zhou Yun really doesn't like meddling in other people's business.

But Yu Yan seemed worried, and still said: "This matter has something to do with you, and it also has something to do with Xu Siyao."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked, "What do you mean?"

Yu Yan: "Promise me that if I tell you about this, you will help me keep it a secret."

"You said."

Yu Yan: "Recently, I got closer to Xu Siyao because of some things, and I accidentally found out that she is collecting some dirty information about you, including those two people who came forward to blackmail you in the name of your high school classmates. The individual was found by her."

Zhou Yun felt as if someone had stabbed him with a stick.

Not surprising, but still shocking.

"is her?"

"Well, it's her." Yu Yan said, "After I knew about this, I actually wanted to call you a long time ago to remind you, but I had something to ask her, so I didn't call. There is a person who has a very close relationship with her. Close, I only met once, Xu Siyao cooperated closely with her in finding your black material, I know Xu Siyao trusts her very much."

"Her name is Yu Ling."

The moment she heard Yu Ling's name, Zhou Yun's eyes felt as if a blizzard had blown up on the snow field. Her eyes were completely swept by the emptiness of the storm. The surrounding voices receded like the speed of sound, and the world became empty and quiet.

She returned to that year, to the world filled with crazy cacophony.

"Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun—"

Yu Yan's voice brought Zhou Yun back to this world.


Yu Yan asked: "Are you okay?"


"I've already told you this secret. Be careful yourself and be prepared. As far as I know, the two of them didn't give up because of the previous defeat. They are still trying to find your black material and give you a fatal blow." hit."

"Yes." Zhou Yun said, "I see, thank you."

"Then my secret... please."


The call was cut off.

Zhou Yun stood where he was, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Seeing that she hadn't come back for a long time, Zheng Xiaoju came out to look for her, saw her standing by the window in a daze, and was taken aback for a moment.

The dark sky outside the window was reflected in Zhou Yun's eyes.

She was already thin, her long hair was not tied up, and it sometimes flew up under the evening wind.

Zheng Xiaoju has seen many faces of Zhou Yun, but this is the first time Zheng Xiaoju has seen such a quiet scene, as if the whole world has nothing to do with her.

She saw that Zhou Yun's eyes were devoid of any emotion, but seemed to be full of all emotions. This strange and contradictory sense of desolation spread around her.

Zheng Xiaoju didn't dare to bother Zhou Yun for a moment.

"Miss Xiaoyun."

Zheng Xiaoju shouted timidly.

Zhou Yun suddenly heard the voice and turned to look at her.

Her pupils are so dark and deep.

In the next second, Zheng Xiaoju saw a smile appear on Zhou Yun's face.

"Why did you come out?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I see that you haven't come back, Miss Xiaoyun, so I came out to look for you. Why are you standing here in a daze, Miss Xiaoyun?"

Zhou Yun said, "I'll blow the wind."

"I'll catch a cold."

"It's okay, I'm very excited now." Zhou Yun said softly, "Go back and eat quickly, or they will all snatch it up."

"Aren't you going to eat?" Zheng Xiaoju asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I can't eat, let's blow some wind here, you go."

Zheng Xiaoju always felt that something was wrong with Zhou Yun's current state, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"How about I stay here with you for a while." Zheng Xiaoju said.

"Why are you accompanying me? Are you not hungry?" Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Don't bother me. I'm usually surrounded by you and I don't have any personal space. Now let me be alone for a while."

"Alright then." Zheng Xiaoju couldn't say anything more, and returned to the box hesitantly.

Zhou Yun put away the smile on his face and looked out of the window again.

Yu Ling.

After so many years, when Zhou Yun heard this name again, he never imagined that she would still cause such a big wave in his heart.

What's more, she didn't expect that she didn't know when she would return to her side, hide behind Xu Siyao, and start her actions.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, if she hadn't accidentally bumped into Yu Yan's secret today, how long would it take for her to know that Yu Ling has made a comeback?
Be prepared for danger.

This sentence had educated them for so long, but she had forgotten it.

At night, when he got home, Zhou Yun took a hot bath first, and then buried himself in the bed early.

When Song Chi came back, he was a little surprised to see that Zhou Yun had already fallen asleep on the bed.

Because Zhou Yun would never go to bed at this time.

Are you tired today?
Song Chi walked over lightly, seeing Zhou Yun's closed eyes, he didn't bother her anymore, and walked out lightly again.

Zhou Yun didn't actually fall asleep. She knew Song Chi was back and heard Song Chi's footsteps.

She didn't make a sound, pretending that she was asleep, thinking about the next countermeasure in her head.

Yu Ling.

Zhou Yun sneered in his heart.


Before the filming of "One Mountain, Two Tigers" officially started, Xindun prepared a press conference to build momentum for the filming of the film.

It was originally a commercial action movie, and from now on, it will build momentum to raise everyone's expectations and attention, and it will also help to talk about some implants later.

Zhou Yun didn't want to participate at first, but Yao Yuanfeng personally called to invite her to participate, and was willing to pay a high appearance fee——Zhou Yun knew when he heard this, this press conference is not for reporters , It is aimed at the subsequent sponsorship and advertisement placement.

Her appearance can bring more attention and impress more benefactors.

Zhou Yun did not refuse.

This time she didn't wear VX, but wore a simple set of clothes between formal and casual, which she matched herself.

Zheng Xiaowen called immediately.

"Honey, it's the clothes we sent over. Are you not satisfied?"

Zhou Yun: "No, the clothes you sent are beautiful, Xiaowen, but I don't think I can always appear in front of everyone in your clothes. Today is just a simple press conference, so I will dress casually. .”

Zheng Xiaowen doesn't mind that Zhou Yun doesn't wear VX once or twice, as long as he confirms that Zhou Yun has no objection to VX.

She hung up the phone with confidence.

Zhou Yun put on a pair of earrings from Jin Ling Jewelry for himself, and then a pair of black-rimmed glasses (the kind without lenses) endorsed by the eyewear brand.

Just go to the press conference to attend.

Zhou Lan asked: "Miss, do you know how many media you will face later?"

"It's not about walking on the red carpet. I don't want to dress up so grandly every time I appear in front of everyone. That's enough."

Zhou Yun is wearing jeans and a white knitted sweater today. It is indeed relatively simple, but Zhou Yun thinks it is very comfortable.

Zhou Lan clicked his tongue twice, but didn't stop him, just said: "Okay, I guess your colleagues will be stunned when they see you."

In fact it is.

Except for Zhou Yun, including Liang Yuanpu, all of them were dressed in formal attire. The other actresses were all so delicate and beautiful that they could walk on the red carpet at any time.

In comparison, Zhou Yun is as simple as a staff member.

But no one will regard her as a staff member, because her aura has become very strong invisibly.

Among all the red lips, her lipstick is light and thin.The more so, the more eye-catching.

She is just a guest actor, but in terms of seating arrangements, Xin Dun still arranged her on Wen Bing's right side, and Liang Yuanpu's left side.

In the background, Zhou Yun exchanged greetings with everyone.

When the other actresses saw her, their faces changed.

Zhou Yun dressed like this, but the comparison made them pay too much attention to this press conference.

But it was difficult for them to say anything. Speaking of which, Zhou Yun was the least sensible one among them, dressed so casually.

Even Wen Bing asked in surprise: "Did you rush over just after receiving the news?"

Zhou Yun scolded: "Get out."

After receiving the instructions from the staff, everyone came to the stage one after another and took their seats.

After Zhou Yun sat down on the seat on the stage, he found a comfortable position subconsciously and crossed his legs.

The staff gave them a microphone.

After the interview officially started, everyone said hello first, and then the interview started directly.

Xindun is still good at doing things. The host first ordered a few "self-made people" and asked a few professional questions to Wen Bing and Liang Yuanpu, so that the whole atmosphere revolved around the movie, instead of all kinds of gossip questions at the beginning .

When the atmosphere is almost here, the host no longer clicks on "myself", but starts to ask the media to speak and ask questions casually.

A male reporter stood up and asked: "Ms. Zhou Yun, hello, we see that you are dressed a little differently from everyone else today, and are more casual. Is there any special purpose for this outfit today?"

Zhou Yun picked up the microphone, smiled, and said: "There is no special intention, as I said before, I am not the leading actor of "One Mountain Two Tigers", today's protagonist is not me, so I dress a little simpler .”

The reporter asked in surprise: "Miss Zhou Yun is not the protagonist?"

This information hadn't been hyped before.

Now Zhou Yun is an upstart movie star, and the movies with Zhou Yun's participation have attracted the attention of the sponsors.

Yao Yuanfeng didn't specifically emphasize that Zhou Yun was just a cameo.

Yao Yuanfeng was about to pick up the microphone to speak, and to smooth things over, he heard Zhou Yun say, "I'm really not the protagonist, Mr. Liang is the protagonist, the real protagonist of this movie."

The reporters reacted now, oh, it's true to say so.

"One Mountain, Two Tigers" is indeed a movie built around Liang Yuanpu.

"You will act with Mr. Liang in this play, what do you expect?"

"Of course there are a lot of expectations. Mr. Liang is one of the best actors. Who wouldn't want to cooperate with Mr. Liang? Thank you Mr. Yao and director Wen Bing for giving me this opportunity." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "There is no such thing as yet. I was filming with Mr. Liang, but in private, Mr. Liang is a very gentle and patient senior, I am looking forward to playing with Mr. Liang on the set."

"Mr. Liang, do you have anything to say about working with Zhou Yun?"

Liang Yuanpu said: "I have watched her "Days" and "Ask the Heart", so I am looking forward to acting with her."

There is no special content.

Everyone's problem has gone to someone else.

Wen Bing whispered to Zhou Yun: "President Yao said, don't tell everyone that you are a guest star, it will affect his implantation."

"Isn't this a lie?" Zhou Yun curled his lips.

Wen Bing: "It can't be helped, who made you the most marketable actress now."

When the reporter's interview was about to end, someone asked another question.

"We have received news that Xindun is not only developing the movie "One Mountain, Two Tigers", but also plans to make it into a series, is that right?"

Yao Yuanfeng and Wen Bing immediately looked at each other.

Everyone has been hiding this news and has not said it.

All preparations will have to wait for the results of the movie "One Mountain Two Tigers" to come out before there will be any follow-up actions.

Where did you get the news about this reporter?
Yao Yuanfeng picked up the microphone and said: "When we were writing the script, we really felt that this play could have more development possibilities, but all of this is still in the imagination. The only thing we have to do now is to first write "One Mountain" The movie "Two Tigers" is shot well, if the movie is not shot well, then we have to make subsequent plans, putting the cart before the horse."

The reporter said: "But I received news that Zhou Yun will be the lead actor in the second part. Is there any plan for this?"

There are thieves.

There are thieves in the company.

This was Yao Yuanfeng's first reaction.

He froze on the field for a moment.

What makes it difficult for him to answer this question is not only the follow-up plan, but also the fact that he has not told Liang Yuanpu about the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers". I plan to let him continue to act in the second part, but to pick peaches for Zhou Yun.Liang Yuanpu will definitely be upset in his heart.It would be bad if it affects the cooperation between Xindun and Liang Yuanpu.

Seeing that Yao Yuanfeng didn't speak for a while, Zhou Yun realized that this question probably made him a little embarrassed, so he spoke directly and said, "There may be something wrong with your news."

When she opened her mouth, everyone looked at her.

Including Liang Yuanpu.

Zhou Yun said: "I do have another movie with Xindun to cooperate with, and it has a similar theme, but it's not the second part of "One Mountain, Two Tigers", nor is it directed by Wen Bing. Everyone will know by then, now It's still in the confidential stage, so I won't answer it now."

Yao Yuanfeng knew what Zhou Yun was talking about.

It's "Four Killers"!
Yes, and "Four Killers"!
Yao Yuanfeng understood what Zhou Yun meant by saying this. If he said this, he could divert everyone's focus from the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers".

"Xiaoyun said that the movie will start shooting in April or May. It really has nothing to do with "One Mountain and Two Tigers". Miss reporter, the person who gave you the information probably didn't figure it out, so I figured it out. About the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers"." Yao Yuanfeng laughed, "Now that I'm talking about this, I might as well tell everyone that the movie that Zhou Yun will star in later is called "Four Killers" ", is another movie that we Xindun will make."


After the press conference ended, everyone went backstage.

As soon as Yao Yuanfeng arrived at the backstage, his face immediately became stinky, and he explained: "Go and investigate immediately, how did you get the news about that reporter?"

The staff below him responded immediately.

Yao Yuanfeng nodded to Zhou Yun and said, "Fortunately, you react quickly."

Zhou Yun smiled, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "I thought it was strange that the filming of the first part hadn't even started yet, so I'm talking about the second part."

Yao Yuanfeng walked up to Liang Yuanpu, and said, "Mr. Liang, I have booked a place to have dinner together later?"

Liang Yuanpu smiled kindly and said, "My wife has already prepared dinner and is waiting for me to go back. This time, I won't eat it."

Yao Yuanfeng could only nod his head.

"Then I'll see you off."

Liang Yuanpu asked: "Mr. Yao, is there any plan to develop "One Mountain, Two Tigers" into a series of movies?"

Yao Yuanfeng said: "To tell you the truth, there are indeed, but this will have to wait until the first film is released to see the results of the first film."

Liang Yuanpu nodded and said, "Of course."

He glanced at Zhou Yun, who was talking to Wen Bing a few meters away.

"Miss Zhou Yun is really good at acting, but I don't want the movie I starred in, the second Li Daitao, to be stiff." Liang Yuanpu said, "It's not time for me to retire yet."

Yao Yuanfeng nodded, and said with a smile: "Mr. Liang, don't be sowed by that reporter. Even if we invite Zhou Yun back to continue acting in the second part, it is on the premise that you are still the leading actor."

Liang Yuanpu got a satisfactory answer, nodded and left.

Yao Yuanfeng wiped his forehead.

With Liang Yuanpu's status, even Yao Yuanfeng should be polite and respectful to others.

Yao Yuanfeng turned back to Zhou Yun and Wen Bing, and said, "Let's have dinner together, I've already booked a place."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I can't go, Mr. Yao, I have a live broadcast event tonight, so I have to go back and make preparations."

Seeing that Zhou Yun had a job, Yao Yuanfeng stopped persuading him.

"Let's suppress the matter of the second part and the spin-off film first, don't mention it." He said, "Just now Liang Yuanpu had some opinions."

Zhou Yun nodded understandingly, "The reporter probably got some wind today, maybe someone was dissatisfied with me or you, so he deliberately provoked it."

"Well, I think so too, and I've asked someone to investigate."

"Well, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. I'm just a cameo in a play, and I have to be targeted." Zhou Yun pursed his lips, "I'll go first, bye."

Zhou Yun and his party left here and went straight to Chengqian Entertainment.

Tonight's live broadcast was done by the company. It was a live broadcast with a brand. They found He Yong, offered a high appearance fee, and asked Zhou Yun to come out again and again, and Zhou Yun took the job.

In fact, she doesn't like doing live broadcasts very much.

Because it is too uncontrollable, no one knows what someone will say in the barrage.

But she had to face the fact that live broadcasting is now one of the most important channels for brands to sell goods.

When he arrived at the company, Zhou Yun changed into the clothes arranged by the stylist and checked the manuscript.

There are some key words that she needs to say.

Today's live broadcast host did not invite a popular anchor, but the host of the other brand company's own host.

Because of Zhou Yun's own traffic, the other brand felt that there was no need to spend a large sum of money to buy the location of the popular anchor's live broadcast room.

This is also the reason why people are willing to pay such a high appearance fee. The money is paid so simply and so much, because it can be earned back.

Zhou Yun was reading the manuscript, deleting, deleting, and modifying it. Suddenly, Zhou Lan came over and told her that her appearance at the press conference today was a hot search.

Moreover, it is still an entry "Zhou Yun's scheming girl" that doesn't seem very friendly.

Zhou Yun was taken aback, and asked, "Have you been scolded? Why?"

"It's not being scolded, but everyone is saying that you are very scheming. It's not so derogatory. It means that when everyone is wearing grand clothes, you are extraordinarily relaxed and comfortable, but you are different. In a group of people It looks very prominent and good-looking." Zhou Lan said, "It's the fans of a few other actresses who are sincerely calling you a scheming bitch."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Let them scold you."

Zhou Lan said, "When you dressed like this today, did you expect other people to dress grandly?"

"How come, I just don't want to dress in a grand way." Zhou Yun said, "I want to try this style, who knows it will be interpreted like this."

"Today's attempt was successful."

 I finally wrote it, and I will never do this kind of [-]-word chapter anymore. My fingers are swollen from typing.

(End of this chapter)

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