I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 455 Competitive Consciousness

Chapter 455 Competitive Consciousness
"is it?"

"Yeah, you don't know, many fashion bloggers are praising you for looking good in this outfit, saying that you have put a lot of effort into it to give you a sense of casualness."

"Is there still this style? A sense of randomness."

"Didn't there be pajamas before? Wearing pajamas on the red carpet."


Zhou Yun was chatting with Zhou Lan when Zheng Xiaoju suddenly yelled.

Zhou Lan asked, "What's wrong? What did you see?"

Zheng Xiaoju raised his head and said, "Something has happened."

"Ah?" Zhou Lan frowned, "What's the matter? Tell me directly."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "A big V said on the Internet that the reason why Su Yan was not nominated for the Huayu Award was because the producer of this drama was Song Chi, and Song Chi was shortlisted for Best Supporting Actress in order to protect Miss Xiaoyun. , gave up the PR of the best actress unit, so Su Yan was abandoned."

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan froze at the same time.

Zhou Lan immediately raised his brows and scolded: "Which idiot said such a thing? I'm afraid he collected some dirty money and spouted nonsense here. Show me who it is!"

Zheng Xiaoju handed the phone to Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan glanced at the screen and was suddenly stunned.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Yun asked, Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju behaved very strangely, it seems that this person should be someone they didn't expect.

Who would that be?

She asked, "Who?"

Zhou Lan looked at Zhou Yun, hesitant to speak.

Zhou Yun stretched out his hand and said, "Since you can't tell, just give me your phone, and I'll see who it is."

Of course Zhou Lan didn't give her the phone, but read out a name: "Fan Zhu."

When Zhou Yun heard this name, he immediately understood why Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju looked hesitant to speak.

They have already signed the performance contract of "Under Dress" with Fan Zhu, and soon Fan Zhu will cooperate with Zhou Yun.

At this time, Fan Zhu suddenly said such a thing, and it was clear that it was not good for Song Chi and Zhou Yun, but she didn't care at all about her filming with Zhou Yun in the future.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised when he heard this name.


Zhou Lan nodded, "I'm also very surprised, I didn't expect her to say such a thing."

"What do you say on the Internet now?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Everyone's attitudes are very different. Some believe in Song Chi's character and say they don't believe Brother Chi would do such a thing, and some support you, Miss Xiaoyun, saying that you want to be shortlisted for Best Supporting Actress. It needs public relations, let alone sacrifice Su Yan’s nomination for public relations, but there are also some fans of Su Yan who think that Su Yan’s nomination is dropped very strangely, and they are out of rhythm, scolding Brother Chi and you.”

"It's normal to scold us, the key is do you believe what Fan Zhu said now?" Zhou Yun said, "It doesn't matter what the fans of the three of us are, everyone's attitude."

"Because it hasn't been long since Fan Zhu made this opinion, and no one else has expressed an opinion on this matter yet." Zheng Xiaoju said, "I guess it will take a while."

"Wait a while in your live broadcast room, it is estimated that many people will swipe the screen about this matter." Zhou Lan showed displeasure on his face, "Why is it just this time? If it is normal, if you don't respond, it will happen in a few days That's good too."

Zhou Yun: "It's nothing. She said this, and Song Chi and I have to respond, right? We can't just acquiesce like this. Sister Lan, you should go and communicate with the host of the other party, just this one Let’s sort things out, and I’ll just ask me what I think during the live broadcast later, and I’ll reply during the live broadcast.”

Zhou Lan asked in surprise: "Are you going to reply in the live broadcast? Have you thought about what to say?"

Zhou Yun: "Basically, what else can I say, the person who splashed the dirty water first presented the evidence to speak, why the person who was spread the rumor wanted to explain."

"You, decide to be upright?"

"If I'm not upright, I need Song Chi to be upright." Zhou Yun said, "It's all the same, why don't I do it."

"Then you sort out what you want to say first, I'll read it for you later, and I'll go find the host now."

Zhou Yun took the pen and paper, frowning and thinking.

What to say?

Zhou Yun hesitated for a while, but didn't know where to start.

the phone is ringing.

Song Chi called.

He will call and should.

Zhou Yun answered the phone.

"Did you see what Fan Zhu said?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun hummed.

"Don't worry about it, I'll respond later." Song Chi said, "She's out of her mind."

"I will have a live broadcast event later, and I plan to respond during the live broadcast." Zhou Yun said, "You don't have to spend a lot of time to respond, it's not worth it."

Song Chi: "Respond, and let me keep quiet? Come on, she's targeting me."

"That's why I should be the one to speak." Zhou Yun said, "I know you must be holding your breath in your heart, but I'm afraid that your anger will be irrational. Believe me, I won't let you hold back."

"You don't have to stand in front of me on this matter."

"I'm not trying to stand in front of you, but you don't need to respond to this matter. If you respond, who knows what she will say? Every word you say can become a loophole to be attacked. I Not the same, in this matter, I am just a beneficiary."

Song Chi was silent.

"I'm not going to say anything else, and I'm not going to respond with any substance."

"In this way, everyone's focus will be on you." Song Chi said.

"Come on." Zhou Yun said, "I'm afraid they won't succeed?"

Song Chi: "You..."

"Sister Lan agreed, and she didn't even stop me. Why are you stopping me? If my response really had a bad influence on me, Sister Lan would have stopped me long ago." Zhou Yun said, "You believe her Professional judgment, let me tell you, although I always complain about her and don't always follow her ideas, she is really amazing. Up to now, every judgment is right and accurate, I have to Convinced, so since she didn't stop me, it means it's okay for me to do so."

Song Chi didn't know what to say.


He also didn't expect that Zhou Yun would use Zhou Lan as an excuse.

Zhou Lan didn't think of it himself.

She happened to hear Zhou Yun complimenting her on the phone, but she didn't react for a while, because Zhou Yun had never said these words to her face to face.

When Zhou Yun hung up the phone, Zhou Lan slapped Zhou Yun directly on the back of the head: "Since you all know that my judgment is correct every time, you are convinced, why do you still confront me sometimes!"

Zhou Yun bared his teeth and grinned: "Sister Lan, it's immoral to eavesdrop on people talking on the phone!"

Zhou Lan: "Then you go and sue me."

Zhou Yun made a cut.

"I've already told the host that she will mention this and ask if you have anything to say." Zhou Lan said, "Have you decided what to say?"

Zhou Yun said: "I don't intend to respond directly, but just ask Fan Zhu a word. Is there any evidence for what she said? She thinks that my best supporting actress nomination is due to public relations. She thinks that I am inferior to other nominees. Where, where is it unqualified? She said that Song Chi did not publicize Su Yan for Best Actress, which caused Su Yan to lose the nomination for Best Actress. Does Su Yan need to rely on public relations to nominate Best Actress?"

Zhou Lan: "Beautiful, that's all. But there is one more thing you have to pay attention to. You must not attack this shady scene. You will compete for Best Supporting Actress yourself in the future."

"I won't attack this year's shady scene, I will only say regret." Zhou Yun said, "I believe the judges must have considerations from the judges, but from my point of view, as a person who collaborated with Su Yan in "Questioning the Heart" , I think Su Yan deserves a nomination."

"If you say that, everyone will mistakenly think that you and Su Yan are very good friends."

"But everyone knows that Su Yan and I are at odds."

"No evidence."

"That's also a feud. In this case, I am willing to support Su Yan, which explains everything." Zhou Yun said, "Although I don't know why Fan Zhu came forward to say such things, but she It's so irresponsible to say that."

"She..." Zhou Lan shook his head, "I don't know, anyway, she is also a very magical existence in this industry. She has never been popular, but she has never been angry. From time to time, topics will come up and attract attention. No He has won some awards, but he has become a powerful group."

"After so many years, everyone is willing to give her face, isn't that what it means." Zhou Yun curled his lips.

"It is."


Because of Fan Zhu's sudden firing, the number of viewers of Zhou Yun's live broadcast tonight even exceeded expectations, and the cooperative brand was so happy from ear to ear.

Previously, Zhou Yun was cooperating with the host to complete the existing process, ignoring the doubts about Fan Zhu in the barrage, and went through all the promotion processes.

Before preparing to sell the goods on the shelves, Zhou Yun said: "I know what everyone is concerned about and what they want me to respond to. Today's event is spent a lot of money and a lot of energy on the brand side, not my own show. The field and the stage, so please forgive me, first let me finish the work that needs to be done. If you are interested in these products, you will place an order later. After the work is completed, I will tell you about the situation My opinion."

After Zhou Yun finished speaking, the bullet screen exploded instantly.

Viewership is suddenly growing exponentially again.

The host looked at the calm Zhou Yun and sighed in admiration.

"Thank you Miss Zhou Yun for your professionalism, then I will introduce you to you at the end..."

"Okay, count down to three seconds, ready to load, three, two, one!"


To the shock of the brand side, all the goods on the market tonight were sold out within ten seconds.

The host received feedback from the headset and showed a surprised expression. She can also get a commission for the live sales event tonight.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm, the products we just put on the shelves are sold out."

"Great!" Zhou Yun applauded lightly happily.

The host turned to Zhou Yun: "Xiao Yun, then you mentioned just now that an actress expressed her opinion today, saying that your recent nomination for Best Supporting Actress in a heavyweight award was based on sacrificing another actress' Best Actress Do you have any response to this statement?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "To be honest, I am not surprised by such a statement, but I am surprised that some people would believe such a statement. First, I nominated for Best Supporting Actress, and Su Yan nominated for Best Actress is not in the same unit, how can I sacrifice Su Yan to keep my nomination?"

"Second, "Questioning the Heart" is very popular. Everyone should have seen it. Whether it is Su Yan or my performance, everyone has seen it. It is a great pity that Su Yan did not get nominated. I am also the same. I think it’s a pity, so if I didn’t get nominated, don’t you think it’s a pity? It’s said that I got the nomination by relying on public relations, I just want to ask, what’s wrong with my acting, people think I’m not worthy of this nomination ?"

"Third, speaking is based on evidence. This is an era where everyone can speak out. The more this is the case, the more cautious you need to be. Maybe what you just say casually will cause a great burden to others. " Asking the Heart is a good show, and Su Yan gave a very good performance in it. After ten years, everyone may forget who the nominees of this year are, but everyone will definitely not forget "Questing the Heart", and will not forget How good the heroine of this drama is, this is not something that can be won by public relations, nor can it be won by an award. When I saw everyone regretting that Su Yan was not nominated, at that moment I sincerely I feel that it is really worthwhile to be an actor to be able to play a role to this extent, and I want to congratulate Su Yan."


When Su Yan saw what Zhou Yun said in the live broadcast event, she had just finished recording a program and was sitting in the dressing room taking off her makeup with a mobile phone in her hand.

Zhou Yun's words made everyone in the dressing room silent.

The people around Su Yan knew the conflict between Zhou Yun and Su Yan, so when they heard Zhou Yun say these words, they didn't know how to react.

Su Yan herself was silent for a long time.

He Ting called her and asked her if she wanted to respond to this matter.

Su Yan said she had to think about it.

After removing her make-up, Su Yan returned home, took a shower, sat on the bed, and read Zhou Yun's speech again.

She bit her lip, logged into Weibo, entered the editing page, typed a paragraph, thought about it, then deleted it, typed another paragraph, and deleted it again.

In the end, she wrote: To all the crew of "Question Heart", your glory is my glory, and I love you all.

This is a response.

She didn't @anyone, but she posted this Weibo tonight, and everyone knew who she was talking about.

And her attitude also gave her fans a very direct signal.

Zhou Yun's speech also comforted the hearts of Su Yan's fans.

Awards are important, but if an actor is regretted by so many people because he didn't get a nomination, it is actually an honor in itself.

Although Su Yan didn't want to admit it, Zhou Yun's words did soothe the anger and dissatisfaction in her heart these days.

She has acted in dramas for so many years, the day when the Huayu Award nomination list came out was the day she was most angry, but it was also the day when she received the most recognition and support from the audience.

Su Yan didn't realize this until today.

 There is a feeling that the more I write, the better I don’t know if it’s my illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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