Chapter 457 Action scene
"Under Dress" changed an actor, but it didn't cause any trouble.

The cast of the show itself has not been officially announced.

While Zhou Yun's speech was still widely circulated on the Internet, Zhou Yun was about to join the group.

The filming of "One Mountain, Two Tigers" has already started, and her scene is scheduled to be filmed in mid-March.

Because there are not many scenes to be filmed, there are only two scenes, one in the hotel and one in the restaurant. According to Wen Bing's arrangement, the filming can be completed in a maximum of two weeks, which is an over estimate.

After Zhou Yun joined the group, he began to practice according to the movements designed by the movement guide. Before, he just did movement exercises, but now he is going to get started.

Because the other party was a professional warrior, Zhou Yun had never been injured, but in a real fight, she felt the difference between herself and a real professional.

Her movements are very awkward.

Every move of a martial artist can be fast or slow, but every move and every style has a calm and neat style, while she can only do it quickly, but it is not clean, a bit sloppy.

Zhou Yun can only exercise his physical fitness as much as possible, and then practice the movements, so that he has mastered every movement.

Only by laying these foundations can we pursue that calmness and neatness.

Because Zhou Yun was not photographed, Zhou Yun spent every day in the practice room, practicing every move with the master.

If you are tired, take a rest, if you are well rested, continue.

Even the martial arts instructor was shocked by her diligence and persistence.

But in fact, she is not the only one who is so diligent, Liang Yuanpu is also the same.

As long as he is not filming, he will definitely come to practice unshakably.

Zhou Yun saw several bruises on his body, which were all caused by the filming these days.

When shooting action scenes, injuries are inevitable.

Zhou Yun looked flustered and nervous.

On this day, the martial arts instructor arranged for the two of them to fight each other.

Zhou Yun's moves were quick, but there was a big gap between him and Liang Yuanpu in terms of strength. If he really wanted to fight head-to-head with every move, he was no match at all.

At the beginning, she still remembered her own moves, but after the fight, she became a little frustrated, and completely turned into a mess.

Someone next to him is carrying a video camera to record.

The martial arts instructor shouted to stop.

Zhou Yun was out of breath and his forehead was sweating.

"Xiao Yun, you're really good at fighting." The martial arts instructor said with a smile, "Is this your first action scene?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Yes."

"It's the first time I shoot an action scene, I always have this problem. If I don't use my strength, I don't know how to move." The martial arts instructor pointed to Liang Yuanpu and said, "Look at Teacher Liang, he just taught you a trick, and he just gave you a trick. Without you panting, he didn't use much force, it was all skillful."

Zhou Yun was stunned, and said, "I don't understand."

The martial arts director said: "You are not a real martial artist, nor a real trainer, so subconsciously, in order to make your movements look realistic, you will try to restore them one by one, but in fact, you don't need to do this when filming. You practice the movements. Whether it's doing strength exercises or doing strength exercises, it's all to make you look like you really know how to fight."

He waved out one hand and slashed forward suddenly, "Look, I didn't use any strength just now."

Zhou Yun opened his mouth in surprise.

"When you fight with Teacher Liang, you must remember that you don't really want to defeat him. Your acting consciousness is like this, but your move is not the intention." The martial arts instructor said, "Every time you When making a move, you need to use cleverness, not brute strength."

Zhou Yun tried to pose a few times.

"If you become soft, you still need to be vigorous in your movements, not soft."

Zhou Yun said painfully: "I won't..."

"The more you practice, the better you will be."

So Zhou Yun started a new round of practice.

After a lot of practice, she felt some tricks, what is called cleverness.

The first time she had fought against Liang Yuanpu before, she used all her strength to fight, and she kept putting all her strength into every blow, and she didn't return it.

Liang Yuanpu didn't say anything that day, but it probably hurt a lot.

Zhou Yun was instantly annoyed.

On the day when the filming officially started, Wen Bing broke up their action scenes into dozens of shots to shoot.

Later, through editing, the shots were cut together to make it look like a complete set from beginning to end.

Wen Bing said: "Let's shoot like this first, and save the shots that should be saved. After finishing these, try to shoot some coherent long shots."

Wen Bing is also doing this to keep the show.

Zhou Yun had no objection, and Liang Yuanpu also did not express his opinion.

The opening is a literary play.


Liang Yuanpu walked into the hotel with his suitcase.

Zhou Yun's disguised female executive stood in a corner of the hotel lobby, silently staring at Liang Yuanpu.

This is a big panorama.

The entire hotel was rented out for filming.

Rented for a day.

Some of the hotel staff were invited to make this movie, but all those who need to show their faces to make expressions and speak lines are professional actors.

An actor named Ning Xin plays Zhou Yun's assistant, dressed as a secretary.

"Sister Xiaoyun, please give me some advice."

Zhou Yun smiled at her.

"Let's learn together."

Although it was just a very simple scene, there were dozens of actors involved.

The assistant director lined up with the extras.

Strive for the whole picture to look like a functioning hotel.

According to the setting, Zhou Yun stood at the front desk of the hotel, waiting arrogantly for his secretary to check in, while secretly observing Liang Yuanpu.

She took her place.

Wen Bing held up a loudspeaker: "Every department is ready, three, two, one, Action!"

At the entrance of the hotel, someone had just walked out with a suitcase, and Liang Yuanpu led someone in from outside.

Wearing sunglasses, he strode towards the elevator entrance with strides.

Zhou Yun faced the front desk and her back to the hotel entrance, but she wanted to see the scene behind, so she turned slightly, held up her mobile phone, as if answering the phone, and glanced back at them inadvertently.

When Liang Yuanpu and others passed behind her and continued to move forward, she turned around and followed her very naturally.

"How do I know your arrangement? I'm here now." She said this sentence as if she was on the phone with someone.

In fact, her voice was not accepted for this shot.

She just felt like she was there, and felt that she was holding her phone up all the time, and it would look weird if she didn't speak.

She is playing herself and talking to someone on the phone.

Liang Yuanpu suddenly stopped and looked back at her.

She raised her eyebrows, looked him up and down, and walked towards the elevator without changing her expression.

"I'm coming up now."

she says.

She passed by Liang Yuanpu, walked in front of him, hung up the phone, walked to the elevator door without stopping, and pressed the up button.

At this time, Liang Yuanpu and others also walked behind her.

Zhou Yun turned his head to look at Liang Yuanpu directly, as if he was very curious about him, and looked carefully again.

Liang Yuanpu winked at her, his smile full of masculine charm.

Zhou Yun smiled lightly, pursing the corners of his mouth reservedly.

"Cheng Boss, this is the room card." Ning Xin trotted over with the completed room card and gave it to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun still looked straight at Liang Yuanpu, took the room card, and said, "Okay, you can go back."

Ning Xin nodded submissively, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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