I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 458 Making a Background Board

Chapter 458 Making a Background Board
The elevator descends to the first floor, and the elevator doors open.

Zhou Yun walked into the elevator, Liang Yuanpu stood outside the elevator door, smiled at her, and made a gesture of invitation.

Meaning, he won't come up.

Zhou Yun was slightly taken aback.

The elevator doors slowly closed.

"Okay, Cut!" Wen Bing shouted.

The elevator door reopened, and Zhou Yun stepped out of the elevator.

"The panorama just passed right through, and everyone's performance was good."

The next step is to take close-up shots.

Zhou Yun could take a break, but she still dutifully stood in her position.

Even Ning Xin was surprised and asked her why she didn't go to rest.

Zhou Yun said: "If any camera brings me to my position, but I'm not there, I'll be screwed."

Ning Xin said in surprise: "It will happen again, I never thought of it."

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "This is also my own habit of filming. I like to stay in this situation for a while. The situation of the official shooting will help me really enter the state of this character, although the role of me in the script is very simple. , is a female killer who comes to perform tasks, but many old actors will talk about the sense of faith. This sense of faith does not necessarily mean that I want to set up a lot of character backgrounds for this person, but that I am in this state. A new change, what kind of reaction will it be, these reactions must be in line with the situation, in line with my character, and there must be traces to follow.”

Ning Xin said: "Wow, I never thought about it that way. When I played the secretary, her character was not written in the script, so I set her up as a hard-working but nervous and shy character. I thought I had already It's done enough."

"You have done the right thing better than many people." Zhou Yun said, "I don't really advocate that if the role does not have a lot of scenes, it is only one or two appearances, and a thick setting is written for the role. It’s not necessary, and it’s easy to get caught up in one’s own thinking. A supporting role is meant to serve and set off the protagonist, and it’s still for the sake of making the play more exciting. If I add a lot of scenes to myself, the show will become complicated and not good-looking. "

Ning Xin: "I've learned, this is completely different from what I received before, Miss Xiaoyun, no wonder you can act so well."

"Are you still in school?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"Yeah." Ning Xin nodded, "I'm in my sophomore year, and I got this chance to act after five rounds of auditions."

Ning Xin blushed and said.

Zhou Yun didn't expect that such a two-sentence character would have to audition for five rounds if he showed his face.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but feel the harshness of a large commercial production in selecting actors.

Ning Xin is a young girl who looks very young, and she made such a setting for the secretary she plays is also very suitable for her own situation, which shows that she is a very smart girl herself.

"Have you acted before?"

"No, this is my first time acting." Ning Xin said, "I'm very excited when I know I want to play your secretary."

"We don't need to call you anymore, I'm not a few years older than you." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "It sounds like I'm very old."

Ning Xin nodded, apologized again, and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Xiaoyun."

Zhou Yun didn't say anything to make her not be so cautious.

She herself has also experienced Ning Xin's stage, and knew that even if she said it at this time, Ning Xin would not be able to change immediately.

When the two of you get to know each other better, it will be better.

Wen Bing spent the whole morning taking photos of Liang Yuanpu.

Zhou Yun stood at the front desk all morning.

At noon, when the meal was served, Wen Bing came over and gave Zhou Yun a hug, and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

Zhou Yun pulled Ning Xin over and said, "This little girl has worked hard, she has been standing with me all the time."

Wen Bing glanced at Ning Xin and nodded.

Ning Xin was flattered and blushed.

"It's not hard, it's not hard." She shook her head quickly and said.

Filming "One Mountain and Two Tigers" made Zhou Yun feel the ease of not being the protagonist for a long time.

As long as she completes her own part, all the pressure will not be borne by her.

Zhou Yun and Ning Xin sat together for lunch.

It just happened to talk about what Zhou Yun said in the live broadcast before.

Ning Xin said: "My classmates all say you are very cool, we all adore you."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "What is there to worship?"

"No, you don't even know how angry we all were when Fan Zhu said those words, but we didn't know how to refute them! The words you refuted were exactly what we wanted to say but didn't know how to say them! Ning Xin felt aggrieved for Zhou Yun, and said: "My classmates and I really like the drama "Questing the Heart". We haven't seen such a good domestic drama for a long time."

Zhou Yun laughed, "Thank you for your liking."

In the afternoon, we continued to shoot, still shooting Liang Yuanpu.

Because it is a big scene, it takes a long time to prepare for each reshoot.

Time dragged on very slowly, but Wen Bing was not in a hurry to shoot, very calm and calm.

Liang Yuanpu is also calm and calm, Wen Bing takes every shot carefully over and over again, he is not anxious or troublesome.

After each shot, Wen Bing would ask Liang Yuanpu to go behind the monitor to see the effect of the shot just now, and then communicate with him, what effect he wants, and tell Liang Yuanpu the difference between the two.

Liang Yuanpu did not put on airs of a big actor at all on the set, and obeyed the arrangement very much.

After a whole day, Zhou Yun took a picture of the big panorama in the morning.

Yao Yuanfeng came to the set in the evening. He came to condolences to everyone and brought a lot of food and drink.

Knowing that Zhou Yun acted for someone and stood at the front desk for a whole day as the background, Yao Yuanfeng was shocked again, feeling that Zhou Yun is an amazing actress.

Everyone can pretend, but how long can the disguise last?
Zhou Yun stood stiffly all day, just to make a background board for Liang Yuanpu. Yao Yuanfeng, as the boss of a film and television production company, was shocked by this professionalism.

Only after seeing some people's lack of dedication can we understand how rare it is for a person to be dedicated to this level.

Even Liang Yuanpu came to Zhou Yun and said, "You can actually ask the crew to arrange a stand-in to stand here, and just take a picture of your back."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "It's okay, Mr. Liang, I'm on the set and ready to call. Anyway, I have nothing else to do in the hotel."

Zhou Yun's actions all day today made Liang Yuanpu feel a little better about her.

Liang Yuanpu nodded and said, "Then it will be hard work for you."

Fortunately, it's a big crew, so we finish work on time at night and don't stay up late.

After Zhou Yun returned to the hotel, he went for a massage first, and then took a bath.

She stood in high heels all day, and although she said she was fine, her feet were still sore.

(End of this chapter)

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