I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 459 Airborne Premiere

Chapter 459 Airborne Premiere
After taking a bath, Zhou Yun was going to go downstairs to buy two bottles of wine.

She wants to drink before going to bed.

Who knows, unexpectedly ran into Liang Yuanpu.

Liang Yuanpu was wearing a peaked cap and mask, and his disguise was very tight, but Zhou Yun recognized him at a glance.

Liang Yuanpu also recognized Zhou Yun who was also very disguised.

The two stared unexpectedly and smiled at each other. Of course, the smiles were inside the masks.

The two bought a few bottles of champagne and wine each, and went back to the hotel together.

The crew booked the same hotel for them.

"Why are you here to buy wine?" Liang Yuanpu asked on his own initiative.

"I live in a hotel, and I'm used to drinking a little before going to bed to help me sleep." Zhou Yun said, "Also, drinking red wine is good for the skin."

Liang Yuanpu nodded and said, "I've started taking care of myself at such a young age."

"Yes, isn't there such a saying that when you start taking care of your skin, your skin will remain at the same age." Zhou Yun said, "Although it is not very scientific, it is still somewhat believed."

Liang Yuanpu laughed and said, "I've heard it too."

The two walked together for a while.

"You are much more humble than I expected. When Zeng Lili told me that you are very humble, I still didn't believe it. I didn't expect that I was arrogant." Liang Yuanpu said suddenly, "Before filming this movie, I and Zeng Lili Lily had a meal together, and she praised you lavishly, and I thought at the time, oh, this little girl has two skills, and she can handle Zeng Lili."

Zhou Yun smiled embarrassingly, lowered his head and smiled, "Mr. Liang, please don't laugh at me. I know that I am not such a humble person. Sister Lili is a better person, and she is very tolerant to me, so she thinks I am good."

Liang Yuanpu shook his head and said, "I don't like it if it's too tactful in this line of work. An actor who really puts his heart into acting doesn't have so much energy. It's a good thing to have his own attitude."

Zhou Yun was not sure if Liang Yuanpu was talking about the incident between her and Fan Zhu.

Liang Yuanpu: "I see you stood there all day for the sake of the integrity of the picture. You didn't let anyone stand for you for a while. I believed in Zeng Lili."

"When I was filming "Questing the Heart", director Jiang Xin told me that you don't start acting only when the camera is facing you. He taught me a lot of truths."

"It's the same with directors of the older generation."

Liang Yuanpu said, "When I was young, I used to film with those old directors, and I was often scolded by them on the set, but that was the style of their generation. The more they appreciate you and want you well, the stricter they are to you. Now The directors are willing to tell you this, because they actually have expectations for you."

"Yeah, I understand." Zhou Yun nodded.

Although Liang Yuanpu has reached middle age, he is well maintained, his body and face are still full of charm, and his eyes are sharp and energetic.

Under the night, he inadvertently turned his face to the side, which still made people think that this man was very handsome.

Zhou Yun suddenly thought, when Song Chi reaches Liang Yuanpu's age, he will probably be like Liang Yuanpu.

The two returned to the hotel, entered the elevator together, and said goodbye.

When Liang Yuanpu was about to leave the elevator, he suddenly said: "Just now on our way back, I saw someone secretly filming us. Maybe there will be scandal reports. Tell your manager to make preparations in advance."

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, a little surprised, "Ah, good!"

so sharp?

Zhou Yun didn't notice the whole process just now.

She went back to her room, reported the incident to Zhou Lan, and then told Song Chi again.

Song Chi: Mr. Liang is a well-known paparazzi detective. Before that, he and the paparazzi took pictures of each other, which made a lot of news.

Zhou Yun: Is Teacher Liang married?

Song Chi: He should be married, but it has never been exposed, and we all don't know who his wife is, and basically we haven't seen it.

Zhou Yun searched the Internet, but there was no information on whether Liang Yuanpu was married or who his wife was.

Liang Yuanpu's status in the film industry is so high that almost no one can shake his position. He has won all kinds of domestic awards, including the best actor of the three major film festivals. He is a well-deserved actor among domestic actors. The handlebars.

If Song Chi wanted to find someone he wanted to be in the circle, it might be Liang Yuanpu.

The number of his fans is terrifying, as long as the movies he starred in, the basic box office is over [-] million.

Whether he is married or not attracts media attention every year, but no one has ever dug up real information.

It's all guesswork.

Zhou Yun had doubts in her heart. Of course, she didn't dare to ask Liang Yuanpu rashly, she was just curious.

The next day continued to shoot, and finally caught Zhou Yun.

Compared with "Life", the filming of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" is much more accurate.The precise meaning is that Wen Bing did not let Zhou Yun play on his own like he did in "Days". Before Zhou Yun acted, Wen Bing already had the effect he wanted.

For example, when Zhou Yun stood at the front desk pretending to be nonchalant and looked back at Liang Yuanpu, Wen Bing directly NGed Zhou Yun ten times, and Zhou Yun was stunned.

It's been a long time since I've been n'ed so many times.

Or because she didn't perform as well as Wen Bing wanted.

Zhou Yun was dumbfounded and didn't know how to act.

Wen Bing was not in a hurry, and said to Zhou Yun: "I want to be careless, but at the same time, there must be a little sexy and lazy that I don't know. In fact, you are observing Liang Yuanpu with a purpose. But this purpose must never be seen by others.”

Zhou Yun thought in his heart: "..."

She took a deep breath, let it out, and started all over again.


Start all over again.

Zhou Yun hadn't experienced this kind of ordeal for a long time.

But she understood why Wen Bing had such high requirements for this shot in the repeated NG.

Because this is her first appearance in the movie, this time, Wen Bing hopes that she will hook the soul of the audience with one of her own eyes, rather than relying on post-production effects.

Zhou Yun reshots over and over again, adjusting his micro-expressions, adjusting his emotions, and through skillful contact, so that the eyes at that moment can achieve the so-called laziness with shrewdness, shrewdness with innocence, and at the same time elegant and beautiful effects.

I have touched up my makeup seven or eight times.

When Wen Bing yelled, Zhou Yun didn't know how to live.

She was called by Wen Bing to watch her last performance.

The moment she turned her head, the strands of her hair revealed a noble and elegant elegance and sexiness.

A real glimpse of ten thousand years.

Zhou Yun shivered himself.

She bet, if she asked herself to do it again, she wouldn't be able to give that look.

This is entirely a chance and a coincidence, which cannot be replicated.

It was not due to Zhou Yun himself that he was able to take this shot, but because Wen Bing knew exactly what he wanted, so he waited for this shot.

Zhou Yun nodded, gave Wen Bing a thumbs-up, and said, "Your aesthetics are really good, absolutely amazing."

Wen Bing laughed.

Zhou Yun felt extremely pure when he was filming in the crew.

Zhou Lan understood her thoughts very well. During the time she stayed on the set, she didn't find any troubles for her, and almost all the jobs were arranged.

In the middle, two programs that she had recorded before were aired, and she cooperated with the program team to do a bit of publicity, and it was on the hot search twice.

All normal actions.

If it wasn't for the sudden airborne broadcast of "Fixing the Storm", Zhou Yun would probably have to wait until he finished filming before leaving the crew.

"Setting the Storm" has been finalized, and as the headline drama of thousands of film and television shows, it is natural to provide top-notch publicity resources.

Zhou Lan couldn't stop the company's arrangement, so he bargained and finally accepted two programs for Zhou Yun to promote "Fixing the Storm".

What is more depressing is that the second female lead in this drama is Xu Siyao, so Zhou Yun has to be in the same frame as Xu Siyao.

For Zhou Yun, "Fixing the Storm" is not a very special TV series. In fact, she did not leave a particularly deep impression on herself when she filmed this drama. Although she went all out in every performance, she did not have a particularly big breakthrough , Like Liu Rusu in "Questioning the Heart", they are all engraved in her heart.

But this drama is the top drama of Qianqian Film and Television, and it is also the key blow for He Yong to turn the tide and defend his throne.

He Yong will not allow this drama to fail, even if it is to buy ratings and popular searches, he must promote this drama.

Not to mention, this play has two trump cards, Li Ci and Zhou Yun.

On the day of the first broadcast, due to the sudden announcement of the broadcast, there was no time to promote it, so thousands of entertainment artists could only post on Weibo to promote it, trying to make a big impact and let everyone know that this drama will be aired tonight.

Zhou Yun posted a Weibo to cooperate with the drama announcement.

Riding on the east wind of "Questioning the Heart", the main publicity of "Ding Feng Bo" is all focused on Zhou Yun.

Of course Xu Siyao would not let go of this opportunity. Zhou Yun was filming on the set, but she wasn't filming. She started a live broadcast that night and held a live broadcast event where everyone watched the first broadcast together, which made it very lively.

The performance of the first broadcast was very good, and the audience rating reached 0.8, which is a very good data.

The trending searches are also one after another. In addition to those bought by the company and the broadcasting platform, there are also real hot searches.

For example: Li Ci's acting skills are eye-catching.

Many film and television bloggers said that they usually don't think Li Ci's acting skills are so unattractive, but with Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao as the foil, he is like a soulless puppet reading his lines.

Everyone's evaluation of Li Ci was not very high, which made Li Ci's fans very angry and refuted everywhere.

Use a lot of evidence to prove that their idol's acting skills are very good.

Similarly, no one expected that the female number two played by Xu Siyao would receive unanimous praise.

Xu Siyao played Zhou Yun's rival in "Ding Feng Bo". In the first and second episodes, she was completely a villain, who did a lot of bad things, and was bitch and annoying.

But Xu Siyao's acting skills were really good, she almost leaked out of the screen, and she was unexpectedly well received.

Some people even think that Xu Siyao's energy is much more forthright than Zhang Hua played by Zhou Yun. Zhang Hua was really a bit meek at the beginning, and it makes people feel impatient after watching it. Why is it so easy to be bullied?
This made Xu Siyao overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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