I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 460 The Good Life

Chapter 460 The Good Life
In the current market, especially the market of young people, they are more willing to see things with "true temperament" than the kindness and justice in film and television characters.

They don't necessarily think that "losing their temper" is a good thing, but they have had enough of "making things worse".

They may not like "Bitch and Bitch", but "Good Mother" is really unbearable for them.

This is an era of seeking to be yourself, and being yourself means breaking labels and no longer pursuing perfection in the eyes of the public.

Refracted to film and television dramas, the traditional heroines who are true, kind and beautiful, and who compromise and take care of the overall situation are no longer popular. Everyone appreciates heroines who are not easy to mess with, have distinctive personalities, and can be domineering or coquettish.

The supporting actress played by Xu Siyao has a faint tendency to surpass Zhou Yun in terms of audience reputation.

Zhou Lan noticed this and realized in advance that this would be a potential crisis.

If Xu Siyao has an audience reputation that surpasses Zhou Yun in this drama, then she will have the capital to make waves again, and she can step on Zhou Yun's shoulders with great fanfare and go up a level.

Of course Zhou Lan didn't want to see such a thing happen, so she immediately called a meeting with her team members to find a way to break the situation.

"The role played by Xiaoyun mainly has a change before and after, but he really swallowed his anger before, especially when he was bullied by Xu Siyao, even I was very upset."

"Then let's release the news in advance, make a topic, and say, how do you expect Zhou Yun to cure the green tea bitch?"

"This topic can be discussed after the relevant episodes are broadcast. It is meaningless to do it now, and it will make people feel disappointed." Zhou Lan shook his head and rejected the proposal. The performance in the play will be even more dissatisfied with the performance of Zhou Yun's characters in the play, which will be directly linked to Zhou Yun's vision of picking dramas and questioning her vision of casting roles."

"Start with Xu Siyao himself, and send some dirty information about her?"

"She has enough black material."

"Combine the characters in the play to awaken the audience's original impression of Xu Siyao. Everyone knows that the behavior of the characters in the play is fake, so no matter how bad it is, it is not so bad in reality, but Xu Siyao has done a lot before. Bad things, for example, if we make a topic where Xu Siyao is completely in character, I believe the mainstream will not really like a person who has done so many bad things."

"This idea is ok." Zhou Lan nodded.

"But if we do this, does it mean that we have taken the initiative to attack?" Someone said, "Before this, we have never taken the initiative to attack others."

"The premise of everything we discussed today is that Xu Siyao will do it first." Zhou Lan said, "And based on what I know about Xu Siyao, she will definitely do it. She can't hold back in such a good situation."


The ratings of "Setting the Storm" directly broke 1 on the second day.

This data made everyone in the industry startled.

This year, there are no more than ten TV dramas that can break the ratings of 1 in a year.

Even though "Ding Feng Bo" was not aired on CCTV, it had such a good performance. Even though everyone knew that Zhou Yun was the queen of ratings, they were still shocked.

From "The Eighth Heartbeat" to "Questioning the Heart" and then to "Fixing the Storm", Zhou Yun's performance in every web drama or TV series is enough to rank among the top few of the year.

This achievement, placed on any actress, has almost never had such a three-in-a-row explosion.

Not to mention the movie "Days" in the middle and the two queen actress trophies.

Up to this point, no one has questioned Zhou Yun's popularity with the audience, and no one has questioned her leading position among the younger generation.

This kind of achievement is truly written in her name, and no one can take it away, and no one can compare to it.

So far, Zhou Lan has received cooperation invitations from almost all top international brands.

The more this is the case, the more we must be careful "the higher you stand, the harder you fall".

Zhou Lan was wary of Xu Siyao, paying attention to her every move.

Sure enough, Xu Siyao couldn't bear the current good situation and bought a lot of drafts to market her acting skills.

Zhou Lan can still tolerate this kind of marketing, as long as Xu Siyao doesn't step on Zhou Yun, then Zhou Lan doesn't care if Xu Siyao wants to get her bonus from this drama.

Now Zhou Yun's status is not something that Xu Siyao can easily shake.

To be precise, Xu Siyao has not reached a position where he can shake Zhou Yun.

But on the other hand, the reputation of "Ding Feng Bo" is really not very good.

Li Ci's acting skills were ridiculed by the crowd, and the plot was also criticized by many people.

Under such circumstances, "Ding Feng Bo" had to be cautious in terms of marketing topics, and could only focus on Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao.

Zhou Yun stayed on the crew of "One Mountain Two Tigers" obediently and fought against Liang Yuanpu.

The fighting part has been filmed.

Basically, Zhou Yun found a new bruise or scratch on his body every day.

She goes to the doctor almost every day for a massage.

But shooting action scenes is very enjoyable.

Zhou Yun has never filmed an action scene before. Some actions can only be completed by relying on coercion and external force, and some actions are thrilling in themselves.

In one shoot, Zhou Yun was almost hit by an ashtray thrown by Liang Yuanpu, which shocked everyone.

But in the shooting of action scenes, this is very common.

Zhou Yun was exhausted after filming every day, not the same as before when he lost his energy after concentrating on it. This time, his limbs were weak and he couldn't lift his energy at all.

In this state, Zhou Yun still has to ask for leave to go out to record a program to promote "Fixing the Storm".

Someone photographed Reuters on her way to record the program and posted it on the Internet.

Netizens were stunned and asked Zhou Yun what happened, why he looked listless and in a bad state.

Especially Zhou Yun's fans, all of them were very concerned about Zhou Yun's situation. They went to Zhou Yun's Weibo to inquire, not to mention it, but also went to Chengqian Entertainment's official blog to inquire.

Too many people asked, Chengqian Entertainment had no choice but to post a Weibo to explain why.

Only then did everyone know that Zhou Yun was exhausted from shooting action scenes every day.

In this way, it also became a hot search.

Zhou Lan hastily removed the hot search, so as not to be said that Zhou Yun took the opportunity to set up a dedicated person.

In this regard, Zhou Lan is always keen.

Even though the trending search was withdrawn, some people were still gossiping about Zhou Yun, saying that Zhou Yun would be on the trending search at the slightest sign of trouble, probably because he had a long-term cooperative relationship with Weibo.

Zhou Lan thought to himself, with Zhou Yun's popularity, Weibo would actively promote Zhou Yun's news without them cooperating with Weibo.

Weibo itself also needs traffic and daily activities.

Whoever tweeted the news, everyone clicked in to watch it, the time was longer, the number of people was larger, and there was a very clear account in the background of Weibo.

Zhou Yun's every move attracted attention, and no one could do anything about it.

Zhou Lan wanted to say how much money Zhou Yun made on Weibo. Every hot search and topic attracted countless people to Weibo.

When Zhou Yun filmed "One Mountain and Two Tigers", he focused on two key points. The first is to be beautiful, so beautiful and sexy, and the second is to be able to fight, which is beautiful and ruthless.

She put all her energy into the filming during this period, and by the end of the filming day, she still felt unsatisfied.

But that's all there is to drama.

Wen Bing asked: "Did you enjoy the filming during this period?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, "It's not enough, I want to continue shooting."

"You look good, and you can shoot more in the future." Wen Bing said, "I'm not a professional action film director, and this film is still somewhat limited. You can contact some professional action film directors and customize it for yourself. Some films."

Zhou Yun said: "Now that action movies are in decline, it is difficult for them to design an action movie with me as the protagonist."

"You go to Yao Yuanfeng, he must be interested." Wen Bing said, "Of course, that's for later. I've taken over your film contracts for the next two years."

Zhou Yun: "You have a good idea, of course I have other movies to act in."

"Really? What movie did you pick up?" Wen Bing asked.

"I'm reading the book, there are a lot of books, but don't worry, I will be filming "Four Killers" and "Under Dress" next, and the new film will be at the end of the year." Zhou Yun said, "And, don't you still Want me to make a spin-off film?"

"Yeah." Wen Bing said, "I'm already writing the script."

"You wrote the script yourself?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "Why didn't you ask someone else to write it?"

"I want to write a killer action movie that is different from others." Wen Bing said, "rather than a simple popcorn movie."

Zhou Yun: "If you want to make a popcorn movie, you probably won't be able to do it. You always want to add something different to your movie. This time I shot it so many times, old Mensao .”

Wen Bing: "..."

Zhou Yun's precise complaints left him speechless.

When Zhou Yun was finished, the crew arranged a small wrap-up ceremony for her.

After leaving the crew, Zhou Yun posted a Weibo: Short filming, but very enjoyable filming, looking forward to "One Mountain, Two Tigers".

Fans left messages one after another, asking: Is the filming over so soon?
Zhou Yun replied: Yes, the filming is over and we are going to prepare for the next film.

After wrapping up, she didn't go home, so she sent Song Chi a message, asking if he wanted to go for a massage together.

Song Chi said yes.

Zhou Yun dragged Song Chi to a massage before returning home.

Song Chi saw more than a dozen bruises on Zhou Yun's body, and his eyes immediately turned red.

"You are not filming, you are going to be sentenced."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said with a smile, "It looks terrible, but it's actually not as painful as you think."

Song Chi carefully checked the bruises on Zhou Yun's body, and asked, "Have you gone for a check?"

"Yeah, don't worry, there are doctors from the production team who have been helping us check our bodies." Zhou Yun said, "It's just bruises, not serious."

Song Chi asked: "Should I prescribe ointment? Where is it? I'll rub it on for you."

Zhou Yun said: "Wait until I finish taking a shower, alas, I don't have work tomorrow, I will sleep at home until I wake up naturally, no one should wake me up."

Song Chi smiled and said, "Okay, I will definitely not wake you up."

Who knew that although Song Chi didn't wake her up, he woke her up with the smell of breakfast.

This dog just opened the door of the bedroom, allowing the scent to float into the room.

During this period of time, in order to maintain his figure and look good on camera, Zhou Yun was already hungry. He smelled such a fragrance, but he couldn't hold it back. He got up from the bed with a hiss.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Yun walked past following the smell.

Song Chi said, "Aren't you not going to eat? I'll give it to myself."

"Come on, you just opened the door to tempt me. I believe you didn't do it to me!" Zhou Yun asked, "What noodles?"

"Chicken noodle soup." Song Chi said, "The nose is good enough, you can smell it and wake up even if you fall asleep."

Zhou Yun said: "Oh, I'm really hungry. I've had a full breakfast. I'm really hungry."

Zhou Yun ate a big bowl of noodles and drank a glass of milk, and then he felt comfortable, and he walked back and forth in the room slowly with his stomach on his stomach.

Song Chi changed into a suit and said, "I'm going to the company later, do you want to have lunch together at noon?"

"Where to eat?"

"I didn't think about it. I'll pick a restaurant and pick you up when it's almost time." Song Chi said.

"No, I can drive by myself now, you send me the address, and I'll go there by myself." Zhou Yun said, "However, I'll go back to sleep first, I'm sleepy."

Zhou Yun yawned.

Song Chi: "Well, you have a good rest at home, I'm going out."


Song Chi walked over and kissed Zhou Yun's puckered lips.

Zhou Yun smiled sweetly.

The sun was just right today, and the golden sunlight came in from the window, filling every corner of the room.

The sunshine in March is as thick as splashing ink, but not warm.

Zhou Yun enjoyed the feeling of being enveloped by the sun, lay on the bed, squinted for a while, and really fell asleep.But this time she didn't fall asleep for long, and opened her eyes about an hour later.

I am full of energy, but my limbs are a little sore.

Zhou Yun took a book from the bookshelf and read it, because the environment was quiet at this time, Zhou Yun quickly read it with full attention.

This feeling of studying in a comfortable environment gave her the illusion of going back to college.

It was as beautiful then as it is now.

She quickly forgot the time until Song Chi called and told her that she was ready to leave.

He has sent the address.

Zhou Yun changed into a suit of clothes, went out, and drove Song Chi's car to the restaurant.

——She didn't even buy a car of her own.

On the way, this idea came to her mind.

Or buy yourself one.

It's just that there are not many opportunities to open it at ordinary times.

Zhou Yun wondered whether he should buy one, and soon arrived at the restaurant.

Song Chi was waiting for her in the parking lot.

"Song Chi, I'm going to buy a car of my own," she said.

"Okay, which one do you want?"

"I don't know what models are there." Zhou Yun said, "You can recommend me one."

Song Chi: "Then let me take a look for you and send it back to you."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun stretched out his hand to take Song Chi's hand, "We're going to travel together in summer, don't forget."

"Yeah." Song Chi nodded, "I haven't forgotten."

Zhou Yun smiled brightly, "The weather is really nice today, I haven't been in the sun for a long time."

"After dinner, go for a walk in the nearby park?" Song Chi said, "I have two hours."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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