I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 462 You bitch me bitch

Chapter 462 You bitch me bitch
Although Zheng Xiaoju's sudden words made Zhou Yun want to beat her up, but——

Zhou Yun thought to himself, he didn't eat much last night.

But after vomiting, my body felt much better.

She breathed a sigh of relief and continued to the program recording location.

When they arrived at the place, the people from the program team were anxiously waiting at the door, waiting for her.

Zhou Yun got out of the car and walked inside.

All the way to the dressing room, her name tag was pasted on the dressing room, and Xu Siyao's name was next to it.

The door of Xu Siyao's dressing room was closed.

Zhou Yun was too happy to greet her, went into his dressing room, and hurriedly started to put on makeup.

Halfway through makeup, the director knocked on the door and talked to her about the script recorded today.

The director said: "Xiaoyun, for today's recording, we made a script killing setting. Among all the guests today, there is a murderer. The task is to find out who the murderer is."

Zhou Yun hummed, and asked with a smile, "Am I the murderer?"

The director said: "You won't know until you officially start recording."

Zhou Yun: "It's so mysterious, I thought I would know about it in advance."

The director thought for a while and said, "Well, it's okay to tell you in advance, you are indeed today's murderer."

Zhou Yun: "...Ah, I know it! Well, I know it, so I want to hide my identity?"

"Yes." The director nodded, "You have to hide your identity from everyone, and at the same time, you have to lead everyone to suspect that others are murderers. In the final voting session, as long as you don't get the highest number of votes, you win. "

Zhou Yun hummed.

"I see, director, leave it to me."

The guests who recorded the program together today are four resident guests and three flying guests, two of whom are her and Xu Siyao, and one is Zhou Yun's old friend, Yin Zhou.

After putting on makeup, Zhou Yun took the initiative to go to Yin Zhou's dressing room and greet him.

"See you again, my friend."

Yin Zhou was sitting on a chair reading a script, when he heard Zhou Yun's greeting, he turned his head to look, smiled, and said, "Why are you here?"

He closed the desk.

Zhou Yun narrowed his eyes and said, "Yin Zhou, what are you doing? What are you secretly watching? Do you have any hidden missions today?"

Yin Zhou immediately shook his head and said, "No, I'm looking at another job introduction."

Zhou Yun had a disbelieving expression on his face.

Yin Zhou shrugged helplessly.

"Forget it, let me forgive you for a while." Zhou Yun snorted softly, "You are quite famous, and you still want a beautiful little fairy like me to come to you instead of me. .”

Yin Zhou sighed helplessly, and said, "There was a traffic jam on the way I came, and my makeup artist hasn't arrived yet, and I'm waiting for styling."

When Zhou Yun heard this, he noticed that Yin Zhou hadn't put on makeup yet.

Nowadays, as long as they appear on camera, everyone will put on some makeup, regardless of gender.

Zhou Yun asked: "Do you want me to ask my makeup artist to give you an emergency?"

"It's okay, he sent me a message just now, and he will be there in ten minutes." Yin Zhou said, "I hope it won't delay the recording of the show."

At this moment, there was a scolding sound suddenly from the side: "How do you do things?!"

The scolding was sharp and piercing.

Zhou Yun and Yin Zhou looked at each other in surprise, and went out to have a look.

The voice came from Xu Siyao's dressing room.

But the voice just now didn't sound like Xu Siyao's voice.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, and instead of going forward, he winked at Zheng Xiaoju.

Zheng Xiaoju understood and mingled with the crowd to see what happened.

Zhou Yun returned to Yin Zhou's dressing room and whispered, "I don't know what happened."

Yin Zhou shook his head, "I don't know, and it has nothing to do with us."

After a while, Zheng Xiaoju came back with the news she had seen.

"Xu Siyao's assistant had a conflict with a staff member of the program group," she said.

"Conflict? What conflict?" Zhou Yun couldn't figure out what kind of conflict could arise between Xu Siyao's assistant and the staff.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "It is said that Xu Siyao's clothes were made one size bigger by the show crew."


"The shoes are too, they don't fit very well." Zheng Xiaoju said, "So Xu Siyao's assistant called him over and scolded him."

"Well, it's not new enough." Zhou Yun complained.

Zheng Xiaoju: "Yeah, I just took the wrong size, I don't understand why there is such a big fuss."

She pouted.

Zhou Yun said to Yin Zhou: "Then I'll go back first."

Yin Zhou: "Well, see you later."

The two came out of Yin Zhou's dressing room, walked to the front, and saw a little girl standing in front of another girl, and whispered while wiping her tears: "Obviously they reported me this yardage before, but now they blame me for giving me the yardage." When I grow up, I don't even listen to my explanation, and scold me..."

The young girl was sobbing and sobbing.

Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju looked at each other.

If I didn't guess wrong, this little girl is probably the one who was scolded by Assistant Xu Siyao just now.

At this time, the person who was comforting the little girl saw Zhou Yun and the others approaching, quickly grabbed the little girl, and took her away.

At this time, the door of Xu Siyao's dressing room suddenly opened.

"Go and call the director, I don't accept this identity." Xu Siyao's voice came from the dressing room.

Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju stopped walking, wondering what happened to Xu Siyao.

Xu Siyao's assistant came out with a troubled look on his face.

But she didn't expect that Zhou Yun was outside the door.

She glanced at Zhou Yun in surprise, and called out, "Miss Zhou."

Xu Siyao came out of the dressing room, saw Zhou Yun, folded her hands on her chest, sneered, and said, "It turns out that Miss Xiaoyun also has the habit of listening to corners."

Zheng Xiaoju choked back: "Your voices are so loud, you only need to install a speaker at the door, whoever shouts can't listen to your corner!"

Zhou Yun was shocked by Zheng Xiaoju's rapid-fire verbal skills.

When did the little girl become so sharp-tongued?

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "Xiaoju, what's there to be angry with them, let's go, lest others think we are listening to the corner."

Zheng Xiaoju said oh.

But Xu Siyao called her from behind: "Sister Xiaoyun is completely ignoring me now?"

Zhou Yun stopped in his tracks, turned around, folded his hands in front of his chest, and made a grotesque expression of "how could that be?" with a flamboyant and exaggerated expression that he had never seen before. But my sister Siyao!"

She thought to herself, if there was a mirror in front of her, she would probably be so disgusted that she would spit it out.

But the person in front of her is not herself, but Xu Siyao, so it doesn't matter.

"Sister Xiaoyun likes Sister Siyao the most!"

She gave Xu Siyao a kiss, tossed her head, and twisted into her dressing room.

Turning around, Zheng Xiaoju looked at her with a hesitant expression, hesitant to say, or vomit, looking at her, and didn't say a word for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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