Chapter 463
Finally, Zheng Xiaoju said to Zhou Yun with an astonished expression: "Sister Xiaoyun, what happened to you today?"

Zhou Yun: "I decided to change my strategy. When I see me every day, Miss Xiaoyun is better than Miss Xiaoyun. This kind of person is the most annoying. I have decided. From now on, I will treat him in the same way as others. It's disgusting." kill her."

Zheng Xiaoju showed a suddenly realized expression.

"High." Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zhou Yun squinted at her, "Why do I think you compliment me so against your will?"

Zheng Xiaoju said truthfully: "When you called Sister Siyao just now, Sister Xiaoyun, the hairs on my body stood up."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Well, you're right. In fact, the hairs on my body have also grown up. It's disgusting."

Zheng Xiaoju: "However, when I saw Xu Siyao's face turned green."

"Hahaha, really? What a pity, in order to pretend to be cool, I didn't even look at her and came in without looking back. I should have had a look, but I missed it." Zhou Yun clicked his tongue regretfully.

Half an hour later, an assistant director came over and whispered, "I'm sorry, Ms. Zhou, the recording time of the show may be delayed for a while."

"What's wrong? Yin Zhou's makeup artist hasn't arrived yet?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Ah? Yin Zhou?" The assistant director was stunned for a moment, "No, it's not Yin Zhou, it's our program team that needs to reconfirm for a link."

Zhou Yun nodded in understanding and said, "Okay."

The assistant director went out with a sigh of relief.

Zhou Yun said to Zheng Xiaoju: "I don't know what link went wrong."

Zheng Xiaoju said, "How about I go out and find out?"

"Yeah." Zheng Xiaoju turned to Liu Yun, who had been silent all this time, and said, "Xiao Yun, you just stay here. Anyone who wants to come in should first ask the other party's identity. If it is in the name of a program crew If you come in, unless you know him, you will have to check your ID."

Liu Yun said yes.

Zheng Xiaoju made it clear, and then went out.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, in the past two years, Zheng Xiaoju has really grown a lot.

Now she is slowly growing into a careful person.

Zhou Yun said to Liu Yun: "Xiao Yun, I'm a little uncomfortable, squint on the sofa for a while, and wake me up when the show starts recording."

Liu Yun nodded and said yes.

She said: "There is a quilt in the car, let me ask Brother Cao to bring you the quilt."

Zhou Yun said yes.

It was really uncomfortable. Zhou Yun lay on the sofa and fell asleep quickly.

After squinting for about twenty minutes, she woke up.

"How is it?" She asked Zheng Xiaoju who had come back, "What happened to the program crew?"

Zheng Xiaoju looked aggrieved and very annoyed, and said, "It's not that there is a problem with the program group, it's that Xu Siyao is dissatisfied with the identity that the program group has set for her, so the program group is now temporarily modifying the role of the script."

Zhou Yun frowned.

"What is Xu Siyao dissatisfied with?"

"The program team set her up as a witch, and she doesn't want to be a witch." Zheng Xiaoju sighed, "At first, I thought the program team hadn't communicated with her well in advance, who knew that they had communicated in advance, but today suddenly So I got into trouble, and refused to cooperate with anything, there was no other way, the program team had to temporarily change her role to be a princess, and now they are temporarily changing the size of the princess costume so that she can wear it."

Zhou Yun: "I'm so used to her, the show crew let her do whatever she wants."

Zheng Xiaoju didn't speak.

Zhou Yun raised his eyebrows, "Why, why is Xu Siyao still unwilling to record?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Anyway, Xu Siyao is threatening the program crew in this way."

It's been a year or two since he debuted, why is Xu Siyao still in this style?

Who does she think she is?Ask the entire crew to revolve around her.

Zhou Yun said impatiently: "Why does she threaten the program team? Does she think the program team begged her to record the program?"

She said to Zheng Xiaoju: "Xiaoju, go and tell the director, if the normal recording of the show is disrupted because of a certain guest's personal reasons, I will not accept that my time will be wasted because of this kind of thing."

Zheng Xiaoju went immediately.

After a while, the director personally accompanied Zheng Xiaoju.

As soon as he came in, the director had a smile on his face and said, "Miss Zhou, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

"Director, it's not good business. You're so busy, so I asked you to come over here." Seeing the director coming over in person, Zhou Yun quickly stood up and said, "I don't know if Xiaoyu made it clear to you, I I heard that because Xu Siyao wants to revise his character in the script, our program has been unable to start recording for a long time?"

The director wiped his forehead, and said with some embarrassment: "There is such a situation, but Miss Zhou, don't worry, it will be corrected soon, and our screenwriter is working hard to revise it."

Zhou Yun said: "Director, I don't mean to urge you, but if the show cannot start recording on time due to personal problems of individual guests, and our time is delayed, who is to blame? Even if she is very popular now, I don't think so. The requirements she put forward must be met, and since she has accepted this job, she should cooperate with the requirements of the program group and complete the work within her capacity."

The director obviously didn't expect Zhou Yun's attitude to be so rigid, and it seemed that there was no room for change.

He hesitated for a while, wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say, he hesitated, and didn't speak for a long time.

"This one……"

The director is very difficult.

Xu Siyao suddenly changed his mind temporarily and wanted to modify his role. Although this matter caused them a lot of trouble, the trouble was still within the controllable range, and it was not an impossible task.The show has been in production for so many years, and the director team has never seen any difficult stars, so they didn't say much, and started to change the script directly.As long as this kind of monster can cooperate with the recording as soon as possible and finish recording the show, it's okay to be a little angry.But the director is very clear that people like Zhou Yun are actually difficult to deal with.

It made sense as soon as she opened her mouth, and the director couldn't say that she was wrong.

What's more, it's justifiable for Zhou Yun to get angry.

The director just wanted to calm things down quickly, so he smiled and said: "Miss Zhou, calm down, our work will be finished soon, and the program will start recording immediately. I promise, the program will start within an hour." record."

"Director, I'm not angry, but don't you think it's actually wrong to indulge an artist unconditionally to meet her sudden request?" Zhou Yun said, "I don't intend to criticize whether you should accommodate or not." She came to talk about my thoughts, but now there is a problem that you indulge her request based on sacrificing and wasting the time of all our other guests. Our time is not very abundant, just let others waste it Yes, if we can't agree on this, then don't record this show at all."

Sweat dripped from the director's forehead.

Zheng Xiaoju directly added at this time: "Miss Xiaoyun was unwell early this morning and even went to the hospital, but because she promised you to record this program, she didn't ask for leave even though she was unwell, for fear of delaying your time." During the recording time, I came here directly without hanging a bottle in the hospital. I didn’t expect that your program would postpone the recording if it said that the recording would be postponed.

The director smiled and said, "Miss Zhou, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we don't know about your discomfort, so I'll go and see what's going on right now, and start recording right away."

Zhou Yun didn't speak, and lowered his head not to look at the director.

After the director wiped off his sweat and left Zhou Yun's dressing room, Zheng Xiaoju complained: "This director team is too useless, and Xu Siyao agreed to such an exaggerated request."

Zhou Yun said, "Xiaoju, go and see what's going on with Xu Siyao."

Zheng Xiaoju responded and went immediately.

Zhou Yun said to Liu Yun: "Xiao Yun, pack up your things, we are going to go back."

Liu Yun froze for a moment, and asked, "Are you really accepting it?"

Zhou Yun nodded, with a sullen face, and said, "If we can't start within half an hour, we'll leave."

Liu Yun: "OK."

Zheng Xiaoju went out for a while, and came back to report the news she saw to Zhou Yun.

"Sister Xiaoyun, the director is going to look for Xu Siyao again soon, but Xu Siyao doesn't seem to agree to compromise, and has to change the role before agreeing to record." Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zhou Yun sneered.

She said, "I'm going to find Yin Zhou."

Yin Zhou has already done the styling, waiting for the show to start recording.

Zhou Yun came over again, which surprised him a little.

"You look angry, what's wrong?"

Zhou Yun said: "Xu Siyao has to change her role to be a princess, otherwise she won't be recorded. Now the director team is changing the script."

"I said why no one has come to inform us after so long." Yin Zhou understood, nodded, and said to Zhou Yun, "Then when will they be able to fix it?"

"I don't know, I'm going to go."

Yin Zhou asked in surprise: "Let's go? You're not recording anymore?"

"Why should we waste all of our time for a person who suddenly changed his mind?" Zhou Yun said, "Since the director team is willing to accommodate Xu Siyao, then they should. I'm not used to Xu Siyao's temper."

Yin Zhou: "Don't be impulsive."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then do you think I should just wait like this?"

Yin Zhou was stunned for a while, and said, "If you leave, today's program will definitely not be recorded, and the reason why this program will not be recorded at that time will be on you, not Xu Siyao."

Yin Zhou convinced Zhou Yun with one sentence.

Zhou Yun gave up the idea of ​​leaving.

She thought for a while and said, "I'm going back to my dressing room."

Yin Zhou asked: "What are you going to do?"

Zhou Yun: "I want others to see what I'm doing now."


Five minutes later, people who were browsing Weibo found that Zhou Yun had suddenly posted a live link.

People who saw this link subconsciously thought that Zhou Yun's account had been hacked.

Because Zhou Yun himself has never launched a live broadcast, he usually cooperates with brands and releases advance notices, so that there will be live broadcasts that sell commercial goods.


Everyone dubiously went in, and was surprised to find that the person in the live broadcast was really Zhou Yun.

This gets them excited and excited right away.

Immediately someone asked: Xiaoyun, why did you suddenly start the live broadcast today?I didn't even issue a notice in advance, which surprised me!

Seeing someone asking this question, Zhou Yun immediately replied: "Oh, I was originally here to record a program today to promote "Ding Feng Bo". I have nothing to do, it's very boring, so I thought about starting a live broadcast and chatting with everyone."

Liu Yun pretended to be a passerby and sent a barrage, asking: Huh?Why was the recording of the show delayed?What's wrong?
Zhou Yun: "Well, it's not a big problem, it's just that a guest temporarily felt dissatisfied with the role assigned to her by the program team and asked the program team to re-edit the role, so the director team had no choice but to quickly modify the script to satisfy the big A star's request."

After Zhou Yun finished speaking, the bullet screen exploded instantly.

——Who is playing such a big game and making Zhou Yun wait for her?I thought there was something wrong with the program itself.

——What program is Xiaoyun recording?

——Why do the program crew get used to this kind of person?Waste of everyone's time.

——Is Xiaoyun accusing someone of playing big names?


The barrage frantically swiped past.

Zhou Yun's mobile phone suddenly showed that Zhou Lan had called.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to shake his hands and said, "I'm calling, so I won't be broadcasting live, bye."

She came and went in a hurry, and the total live broadcast time did not exceed one minute.

It was too late to see everyone's efforts to persuade her to stay. After she quit the live broadcast, she answered Zhou Lan's call.

"Miss Lan."

"What are you doing?" Zhou Lan asked, "Why are you doing a live broadcast all of a sudden?"

"Ah, it's over, it's over." Zhou Yun said, "I just want to see how long Xu Siyao can wait after watching my live broadcast."

Zhou Lan: "What kind of trouble did Xu Siyao provoke again?"

Zhou Yun told her what happened.

Zhou Lan understood immediately.

"Is she out of her mind? Playing big names at a time like this? She refuses to act as a witch and insists on playing a princess?" Zhou Lan said, "I see, I'll call the director and producer."

Zhou Yun said, "Are you going to threaten them?"

"Threat fart, if Xu Siyao delays and refuses to record, then don't record it." Zhou Lan said, "I want to ask the director whether he wants Xu Siyao or us."

After hanging up the phone, I don't know what Zhou Lan told the director.

Five minutes later, the corridor outside suddenly became lively.

Someone knocked on the door and said, "Miss Zhou, the director invites you to come over and start recording!"

Zhou Yun asked Zheng Xiaoju in surprise: "Xiaoju, did my live broadcast work, or did Sister Lan take care of it with a phone call?"

Zheng Xiaoju hesitated for a moment, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, although I really want to support you, I think that Sister Lan may be more capable than you in this matter."

Zhou Yun squinted at her.

"It really doesn't give me face at all." Zhou Yun complained.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, you want to broadcast live. I don't agree with it. Why do you rush to the front line to scold people? You must be on the trending search."

Zhou Yun said: "Just let Xu Siyao figure it out in his heart. If she does these things in front of me again in the future, I will directly expose her."


"Recording? I haven't even got the new script, what are you recording?"

Xu Siyao asked when the other party asked her to record a show.

The other party was not polite, and said: "The director said, it doesn't matter if you don't come to record, you can just wait here for the new script."

Xu Siyao's face turned green immediately.

At this time, her assistant also came over with an ugly expression, holding the mobile phone in his hand, and said, "Siyao, you need to look at this."

Xu Siyao frowned and watched the screen recording of Zhou Yun's live broadcast just now, and it was still open.

Her face darkened as the video played, getting darker.

When the video finished, Xu Siyao's eyes were about to burst, "Zhou Yun!"

She said: "Zhou Yun must have put pressure on the director!"

"Then we—" the assistant looked at her face, "shall we still record?"

Xu Siyao glared at her, and said, "Of course it was recorded. If you don't record it, wouldn't it be true?"

She let out a cry of exasperation.

The assistant said: "Then you have to change into the witch's clothes now, or it will be too late."

Xu Siyao's nails were deeply embedded in his palm.


Director group.

"Zhou Yun is not a good person, but she even started a live broadcast. I am convinced by her." An assistant director complained, "The two of Chengqian Entertainment are more difficult to deal with than the other."

"What is Zhou Yun doing?" Another person said, "At that time, you wanted to change the script according to Xu Siyao's request, and I disagreed. It wasn't that you said you disagreed during the previous communication. Obviously, during the previous communication, there was no problem with these things. , When the recording was about to start, he said that he wanted to change, didn’t he intentionally cause trouble for us? At least Zhou Yunke never caused us such trouble.”

The assistant director said: "Isn't Zhou Yun asking for trouble for us? Now some netizens have picked up Zhou Yun's itinerary, and they know that she is recording our program now."

"Zhou Yun didn't point the finger at us in the live broadcast. Anyone with a discerning eye knows who she is talking about. If you want me to say, it's really beautiful. People like Xu Siyao should suffer from hard nails. Only then did the image change a little bit. Praise, start working again, just watch, she will make herself into this circle one day."

"What's the point of saying that? She's popular now, so she can only serve as an aunt. Advertisers recognize her."

"The advertiser recognized Zhou Yun, okay? You guys are really embarrassing. You have to wait for Zhou Yun to get mad before you have the courage to start recording."

"Don't say that. If Zhou Yun doesn't get mad, we will directly threaten Xu Siyao. If Xu Siyao really doesn't record, who will be responsible? Go back and find a scapegoat and put the pot on someone's head. We will be the losers , it's best now."


Zhou Yun didn't know the reaction of the director team and Xu Siyao, so she followed the staff to the first stop of the program recording.

Except for Xu Siyao, the others are already in place.

Zhou Yun greeted everyone in a friendly manner, saying hello and exchanging pleasantries.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone waited for a while, but Xu Siyao still didn't show up.

The director seems to be urging him all the time.

Zhou Yun said directly: "Director, isn't Xu Siyao coming to record? Then let's start recording directly."

Although the other guests were dissatisfied, they didn't expect Zhou Yun to be so daring to say such words directly, and they all looked at her in shock.

The director smiled uglier than crying, and said: "Ma, I'm coming right now, I'm changing clothes."

Zhou Yun sighed lightly and said, "Okay, then let's wait a little longer."

Finally, Xu Siyao came late.

She said from a long distance: "Sister Xiaoyun, Brother Zhou, Sister Qianqian... I'm sorry, this dress is a bit difficult to wear. I haven't put it on properly, and I kept you waiting for a long time."

A friendly smile appeared on Zhou Yun's face immediately, he looked at her with concern, and said, "Sister Siyao, you are finally here, and you haven't shown up for so long, I thought you had a stomachache today, and you didn't bring paper with you to the bathroom , I am ready to ask someone to find you."

Zhou Yun's voice was bright and crisp, and everyone present could hear her correct tone.

The director's expression almost cracked.

The assistant director at the side couldn't hold back his laughter, and turned his head to hide his smile.

Xu Siyao's expression was also dazed for a moment, almost turning his face black on the spot.

She came to Zhou Yun's side, hugged Zhou Yun's arm, shook it, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, please save some face for others. I know I was late and made you angry. I'm sorry. Can you apologize?"

Zhou Yun hugged Xu Siyao's arm with his backhand, shook it in the same way, and said, "Sister Siyao, is it because Sister Xiaoyun is joking too much? Sister Xiaoyun is not angry, don't get me wrong, Sister Siyao is so Cute, who would be willing to be angry, even if we wait for you all day, we won't be angry!"

Xu Siyao widened her eyes in surprise.

Zhou Yun hugged Xu Siyao's arm affectionately, turned to the director and said, "Director, sister Siyao is here, have we started recording?"

Director: "Record, start recording."

Among the crowd, Zheng Xiaoju hugged his arm and said to Liu Yun, "Do you feel like you have goosebumps?"

Liu Yun said: "I didn't realize it."

Zheng Xiaoju said, "I've never seen Miss Xiaoyun like this before."

Liu Yun said: "Sister Xiaoyun is really angry."

Zheng Xiaoju said seriously: "Believe me, when Sister Xiaoyun was really angry before, she was not like this."

In fact, except for them, the staff present were basically excited.

Who has seen such a scene.

"Zhou Yun is firing on all cylinders today."

"A green tea bitch like Xu Siyao should be punished by Zhou Yunzhi."

"I like Zhou Yun like this so much, what a bitch, I like it so much!"

"You have a strong taste."


Xu Siyao really hit a hard nail today.

Let alone others, she herself had never seen Zhou Yun like this before.

Xu Siyao gritted her teeth with hatred, but she couldn't change her face in public.

Whoever changes his face first is the one who tears his face and destroys the "friendship". He has the upper hand on the moral high ground, so no matter what, he can't tear his face first.

Xu Siyao could only smash her teeth and swallow it in her stomach, she readily accepted Zhou Yun's "Sister Siyao", and then continued to have a long relationship with Zhou Yun's sister.

After the recording of the show ended that day, a trumpet appeared on the Internet, saying: I can’t say anything else. After watching the scene, I can only say, friends, Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao’s "The Weather Is So Nice" , you absolutely must watch it, absolutely don't miss it, it can be called the most exciting picture of this year, none of them, really.

(End of this chapter)

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