Chapter 464 Nothing to say
After the recording of the show, Zhou Yun noticed that everyone's eyes on her had changed.

Yin Zhou is more familiar with her, he speaks directly, and when there is no one else, he gives him a thumbs up and says, "You are really the king of whores today."

Zhou Yun: "Don't laugh at me, I'm doing this to disgust Xu Siyao, I really annoy her to death, if she fucks me up in the future, I'll fuck back."

Yin Zhou: "Anyway, I've been in a daze all day, I've never seen you like this before."

Zhou Yun himself couldn't help laughing.

"I see you were holding back your laughter the whole time," Zhou Yun said.

Yin Zhou: "Otherwise, you are awesome enough to dare to do this in front of the camera."

"Why don't you dare, if she dares to be the first grader, I will dare to be the fifteenth grader." Zhou Yun said, "Otherwise she will always use this trick to bother you in the future, don't you bother?"

Yin Zhou shook his hands and said, "I'm not bothering, and she won't bother me. See when she took the initiative to cue me."

Xu Siyao did this because she felt that Yin Zhou was not popular enough. If she took the initiative to cue Yin Zhou, she would divert a lot of attention to Yin Zhou. On the contrary, she would not be able to get enough rewards from Yin Zhou.

Why does Xu Siyao always try his best to get close to Zhou Yun and interact with her knowing that Zhou Yun doesn't like her?

Because these are all potential topics, they will bring her attention and enthusiasm, and also mean that they can be transformed into real benefits.

Zhou Yun didn't like Xu Siyao, because he didn't like Xu Siyao in every way.

In fact, He Yong's vision is not bad. Xu Siyao's image and acting skills are worth cultivating and will have a good development.But I don't know why, Xu Siyao gradually exposed the shortcomings of evil intentions, and I don't know if it was just her personality at the beginning, or whether she was influenced by the environment she came into contact with after entering this circle.

Zhou Yun asked Yin Zhou: "Do you want to have dinner together?"

Yin Zhou said, "Sure, just the two of us?"

"That won't work. I'm already in a relationship. It's not suitable for single men and widows. I'll ask others." Zhou Yun said.

Yin Zhou smiled and said, "Okay, you decide."

Zhou Yun sent a message to Song Chi, asking: I finished recording the show, do you have time tonight?have a meal together?
Song Chi: Okay, but I originally made an appointment with Chunlin, do you mind?

Zhou Yun: I don't mind, Yin Zhou recorded the program with me, and I also called him.

Song Chi: Is the place booked?

Zhou Yun: Not yet.

Song Chi: Then I'll make an order, and I'll send you the address later.

Zhou Yun: Mmm.

I haven't seen Ma Chunlin for a long time. This divorce lawyer seems to be very busy recently, with serious dark circles under his eyes.

Zhou Yun joked: "Lawyer Ma, are there many divorced people recently?"

Ma Chunlin sighed, and said, "After the Chinese New Year is always the peak period for divorce cases, and the number of consultants I have to receive every day has doubled."

"Good job."

Ma Chunlin: "It's really relying on money to hold me down."

Zhou Yun: "Very good, very good, as long as you have money."

Yin Zhou suddenly said abruptly from the side: "Zhou Yun, you are on the trending search."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun asked, "What trending? Live broadcast?"

Regarding this, she had expectations in her heart.

Yin Zhou nodded and said: "Everyone is guessing who the female star you mentioned is, someone has already exposed the guest list we recorded this time on the Internet, because there are only three of us flying guests, everyone guessed that you said The person in question is Xu Siyao."

Zhou Yun yelled, "Then you can't blame me for this, I didn't say it, but the big guy guessed it himself, his eyes are really sharp."

Song Chi asked, "Xu Siyao?"

"That's right." Zhou Yun nodded, "You don't even know how annoying she did today."

"what happened?"

Zhou Yun told Song Chi about it.

Song Chi frowned after hearing Zhou Yun's words, "Is she playing such a big game so blatantly now? I haven't heard anyone playing such a big game for a long time."

"Yeah, I think it's weird too."

In this Internet age, because there are eyes and cameras everywhere, even those celebrities who are arrogant and think they are superior, have begun to restrain themselves and dare not play big names blatantly.

Xu Siyao actually made trouble before the recording of the show. Once this matter gets out, it will definitely attract criticism from everyone.

Song Chi: "I really don't understand why Xu Siyao would do this."

At this time, Yin Zhou suddenly said: "Maybe it's because she came to the scene today that I found out that your role is the Ice Queen?"

Song Chi asked, "What is her role?"

"Witch." Yin Zhou said.

Song Chi understood, nodded, and said, "She doesn't want to be a foil for you."

Zhou Yun: "When the program team first told her to let her play the witch, she had no objection. It was aimed at me, so I can't spoil her."

"Now Xu Siyao is on the cusp, and everyone is talking about it," Yin Zhou said.

"It depends on whether Xu Siyao responds or not. If she doesn't respond, I will shut down the microphone."

Song Chi said: "As long as she is smarter, she should not respond to this matter, and let the heat of this matter naturally decline."

"As long as she is smarter, she will not provoke me again and again." Zhou Yun said with a straight face, "Even He Yong hasn't called me until now, you know that she has done it well. How stupid."

As usual, He Yong had already called at this time.

People from the same company should at least not hurt each other on the face.

It's hurtful, it's not good for the company's image, it's not good for her image, and so on.

He Yong always said this.

Song Chi was a little surprised and asked, "He Yong didn't call you? I thought he had already called you."


After the voice fell, Zhou Yun's cell phone rang.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

Zhou Yun said, "He's calling."

She got up, "I'll go outside to answer the phone."

Song Chi nodded.

Zhou Yun walked outside the box, found a hidden corner, and connected the phone.

"Mr. He, let me explain first that it's useless for you to intercede for her."

He Yong probably held his words in his throat, and was called back by Zhou Yun's words.

"Xiaoyun, I know, she's done this outrageously, and she takes herself too seriously."

"Mr. He, it's not that she takes herself too seriously, but that she doesn't take others too seriously." Zhou Yun interrupted him coldly, "If you pamper her like this again and again, it will only make her life worse. Go narrower."

He Yong sighed, "Xiaoyun, if everyone is as sensible as you, then we can also lie in the company and collect money, but some people just lack a thread in their brains and need us to teach them."

"Then did you teach it?" Zhou Yun asked bluntly.

He Yong was speechless and didn't speak for a long time.

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(End of this chapter)

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