Chapter 466
Zhou Yun soon learned of the news.

Speaking of it, the news came quite unexpectedly. It was Liang Tian, ​​the director of "After We Had a Scandal", who told her.

Liang Tian, ​​who hadn't contacted her for a long time, sent her a message, saying: Xiaoyun, did you record a show with Xu Siyao recently?
When Zhou Yun saw the news, he thought Liang Tian was asking about it after reading the news on the Internet.

In the end, Liang Tian told her: A friend of mine was editing "The Weather Is So Nice". I heard from him that the people above him told him to cut out all the parts that were not good for Xu Siyao, but they kept a lot of you. The clips of Xu Siyao with yin and yang strangeness, the overall direction is to cut you so that you don't like Xu Siyao, there is no cause and effect, it seems that you have a personality problem, and you are afraid of Xu Siyao.

When Zhou Yun saw the news Liang Tian sent her, he immediately became furious.

She: Sister Tian, ​​thank you for telling me the news, it's so timely!I will turn around and thank you!

Liang Tian: You don't need to be so polite. I don't want to see such a good actor like you being slandered for no reason. My friend tried to fight for you, but he didn't dare to defy others, so he secretly told me.

Zhou Yun: Sister Tian, ​​I understand. Don't worry, I won't reveal where I got it from. I will thank your friend later.

As soon as she rolled her eyes, she turned around and kicked Song Chi lightly on the ankle.

Song Chi was holding a laptop and typing on the keyboard. He didn't know if he was replying to emails, and he was concentrating on it.

"What's wrong?" Song Chi raised his head, looked at Zhou Yun in puzzlement, and asked.

Zhou Yun said, "Your girlfriend is about to be hacked."

Song Chi became even more puzzled, frowning, "Huh?"

Zhou Yun didn't say any more, and handed Song Chi the chat records between himself and Liang Tian.

Song Chi took the phone and opened his eyes wide after reading the chat history.

"What does the program group "It's Such a Nice Weather" want to do?" He asked in disbelief.

The main reason is... It may not be very good to say it this way, but let’s put it this way, Zhou Yun is now a top actress in the circle, not just a female star or artiste, she has such a status, but she is still One program group dared to manipulate the editing and cut her very negatively.

Song Chi couldn't understand this matter logically.

Is this program group not worried about Zhou Yun getting angry?

Now Zhou Yun's anger is not at the same level as before.

Zhou Yun said: "I don't know what they want to do. I was shocked and speechless. I didn't even have time to get angry."

Song Chi: "The most urgent thing now is to know who gave them this instruction."

"No matter who gave this instruction, it must have something to do with Xu Siyao," Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi thought for a while, and said, "Well, you tell Zhou Lan about this and see how Zhou Lan plans to solve it. As for me, I'll go to the broadcasting platform of "The Weather Is So Nice", as long as they don't nod, don't worry." No matter how the program is cut, it won’t be aired, I’ll give you the bottom line, as for what you want to do, it’s up to you.”

Zhou Yun immediately hugged Song Chi, shook his body, and said, "You are so kind!"

Song Chi pursed his lips and smiled lightly.

"I'd really like to see how your show is recorded," he said.

Zhou Yun said: "Actually, if they really want to cut it like this and release it, I'm not that anxious."

"Huh?" Song Chi looked at her in surprise, "Why?"

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Lan told me, whether I go out for an interview or to record a show, they will follow Xiaoyu and record the whole process with their mobile phone at the same time."

"Is the phone memory enough?" Song Chi's first reaction turned out to be this.

Zhou Yun said: "They have a spare mobile phone. Sister Lan specially told them. At this time, they are afraid that someone will be tricked, so they must record the whole process."

Song Chi said, "But generally when you're filming a show, all the staff have to sign a non-disclosure agreement, right?"

"I want to sign, but if they violate the contract first and deliberately tarnish my image first, then according to the contract I signed with the program group, all the terms will be invalidated immediately." Zhou Yun said, "In this regard, Sister Lan has always Very cautious."

Song Chi nodded, "So, if they really edited your clips to be very negative, you should wait for the public opinion to ferment, and then release the complete video, so that everyone can see what the truth is, not only to slap the program crew in the face , can better explain what the truth of the matter is.”

"But there are risks in doing so. To be honest, I recorded something unusual this time." Zhou Yun said, "Even if I play the feature film, I may not get good reviews. This time... I am quite tit-for-tat. , did not save any face for Xu Siyao."

Song Chi: "Then what do you mean?"

"Let's do as you said. Help me communicate with the broadcasting platform. Sister Lan and I will deal with other matters."

"it is good."

Zhou Yun got up and went to the room, quickly changed into a set of clothes, and went out to find Zhou Lan.

She ran straight to Zhou Lan's office, where Zhou Lan was sitting in the office, reading the materials, when Zhou Yun came to her office for the first time, Zhou Lan was a little shocked, and asked, "Why did you think of coming to me? "

Zhou Yun said: "What else could it be? Of course something happened."

Zhou Lan heard this, and subconsciously went to get his phone.

"What the hell did your ancestor do to become a hot search?"

"Wait, wait." Zhou Yun said, "It's not that something happened to me."

Zhou Lan breathed a sigh of relief, "Can't you finish the sentence in one breath?"

Zhou Yun pouted, and told Zhou Lan the whole story.

Zhou Lan's expression changed after hearing Zhou Yun's speech.

"They dare! It's written clearly in the contract that all parts of the feature film about you must be reviewed by us. Without our permission, this content cannot be broadcast."

"Sister Lan, you also know that although it is written in the contract, how many producers did this?" Zhou Yun said, "If they really followed the contract, there would not be so many artists. It exploded in character design in the show."

Generally speaking, as long as the net is not torn to death, the relationship between the artist, the program group, and the platform will not go to court.

Even the famous Ms. Diamond, after her boyfriend tore up malicious clips on the platform to guide bad public opinion, she still did not completely break up with the platform, but chose to quit the program recording in a "friendly" and "out of face" manner .

Zhou Yun said: "When the time comes, they will find an excuse, saying that the staff member who uploaded the feature film made a negligence, and we will really sue him in court?"

Zhou Lan sneered: "If they really dare to edit maliciously, you can see if I will sue."

He's not a newcomer, he can't resist being bullied.

(End of this chapter)

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