I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 467 Chapter Inside Chapter Outside

Chapter 467
"If we really do this, it will be difficult for Zhou Yun to explain."

The director of "The Weather Is So Nice", the assistant director whispered to the director.

"Their reaction will definitely be very fierce, and they may even take us to court. What will we do then?" the assistant director asked.

The director waved his hand, feeling a little impatient, and said: "You don't need to worry about this matter, don't worry, no matter what, someone from Zhou Yun's side will settle things down, and they won't sue us, we just resist the initial wave Anger is enough, this matter is done, you get one hundred thousand yuan, and someone pays, you are not happy?"

The assistant director looked a little uneasy.

"The main reason is that this money is a bit hot to hold, how dare you take it."

The director directly said: "If you don't take the money, someone else will. I remember that your son is going to take the college entrance examination soon, right? He doesn't spend money to go to college? Are you going to let your son work and study while he is in college? Don't give him more money. Pocket money, he finds a girlfriend, but he can't stand up straight in front of his girlfriend."

The assistant director's expression finally changed.


The two finally settled down and were just about to go out.

"Dong Dong" knock on the door.

Director: "Come in."

A staff member opened the door, stood at the door, and said, "Director, Director Zhou is here."

When the director heard the words, his expression changed, and he asked, "Why did Director Zhou come here suddenly?"

The staff shook their heads, saying that they did not know the reason.

Director Zhou is the content director of Chestnut Video. All content uploaded to Chestnut Video requires his signature on the internal approval network before it can be approved.

However, despite the procedure, in fact, it is impossible for him to watch all the videos in person before signing. If he really wants to do this, then even if he copies himself ten times, he will not be able to finish watching so many videos.

Generally speaking, according to different sections, each section will have a person in charge, and below the person in charge will be the person in charge of each group.

Programs such as "The Weather Is So Nice" are self-made content of Chestnut Video, which is reviewed by the person in charge of the review. It is referred to Director Zhou in a procedure. Director Zhou can see from the process that each step of the review process is complete, will agree.

The director didn't know why Director Zhou came over suddenly.

"Director Zhou? Why are you here? Do you have any instructions?" the director asked.

Director Zhou said: "It's nothing, I'm here on your floor for something. I heard that you are editing the latest issue of "The Weather Is So Nice". I heard that you have invited Zhou Yun, so let's take a look."

The director thought to himself, this is too unfortunate.People who usually don't see once in eight hundred years suddenly come at this time today?
He said, "Yes, but the film hasn't been edited yet."

"Well, after cutting it out, send me a copy first, and I'll take a look." Director Zhou said, "The boss heard that Zhou Yun participated in this issue, and he is very concerned."

The director's heart skipped a beat.

How could this be?
He has been working on the program "The Weather Is Really Nice" for so long, and he has never been seriously reviewed by Director Zhou before the show was released.

The reason is also simple, this program has been running for many years, it is an old program.

Old programs have preferential treatment for old programs, which can save a lot of trouble in procedures.

And "The Weather Is Really Nice", which is a small but not popular show, has a stable audience, but it is not like "Geological Tan", which is a popular ace variety show that the whole people are chasing.

Such a program is not a cultural program, and there is no ideological and political risk. Why did Director Zhou suddenly want to watch the program?

Not only Director Zhou, but even the boss?
The director was sweating.

After Director Zhou left, the assistant director immediately said: "Director, I can't do this anymore. They all want to watch it. If we cut it like this, they will definitely not agree."

The director said, "Who said that?"


"We'll cut an ordinary version for them." The director gritted his teeth and said, "After approval, we'll upload the real broadcast version."

The assistant director turned pale with shock: "If we did this, wouldn't there be a big problem? Didn't we deliberately deceive the leader?"

The director said: "At that time we will say that we have put the wrong version."

"No, I won't do it, I quit." The assistant director shook his head, "I don't participate in editing."

The director gave him an annoyed look and said, "Why are you so timid? You're not making any money?"

"If you lose your job because of this, what is a hundred thousand dollars?"

The director gritted his teeth and said, "In this case, I'll go talk to the people over there again and ask them to increase the size, otherwise the risk we face is too great and we can't do it."


"Add money?"

Xu Siyao didn't expect the other party to make such a request.

She frowned, "I already promised to give them half a million, isn't that enough?"

"They said that because Zhou Yun participated in the recording of this issue, their senior management also asked to watch the film. If they edited the film according to the direction we said before, their senior management would definitely not agree with this version after seeing it. They are going to Cut a B version to hide the truth, but in this way, after the video goes online, they will face even greater risks.”

Xu Siyao hesitated for a long time, then said, "Tell them, I will give them another [-] at most."


He Yong came out of his office and saw Yu Jiangxing walking from the opposite side.

For the past two years, he has been acting as Xu Siyao's manager, so He Yong is relieved.Yu Jiangxing was his cousin, and his relatives were the most reassuring in such a key position.

When Yu Jiangxing saw him, he called out to his cousin.

"There's something," he said.

He Yong nodded, "It just so happens that I have something to ask you, and I will talk while walking."

Yu Jiangxing nodded.

He Yong asked: "Last time Xu Siyao called me and wanted to delete her from this episode of "The Weather Is So Nice", but I didn't agree. What's going on?"

Yu Jiangxing sighed, and said, "I'm here to report this matter to you, cousin, I really think Xu Siyao is too stupid a woman, and she's not worthy of the company's training, so give it up now."

He Yong glanced at him and said, "Apart from Zhou Yun, she is the most popular and makes the most money for the company."

"Then quickly change her manager. It's boring to be a manager for this kind of woman. It's a waste of my time. I'm sure I won't be able to get far." Yu Jiangxing said, "For this time, she's going to record a show, and it's okay to play big in the front. During the recording process, he kept rubbing against Zhou Yun, trying to create a topic, but was completely abused by Zhou Yun. He was not Zhou Yun's opponent at all, and his face was completely humiliated. Whenever this program was broadcast, Xu Siyao would definitely be punished. You have never seen a more shameless person who was exposed as shameless than her."

Yu Jiang's jargon reveals deep dislike inside and out.

(End of this chapter)

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