Chapter 468 Undercurrent
He Yong: "She is indeed not smart, but being too smart is not a good thing. The key is that she can make money for the company."

Yu Jiangxing said: "If you want to talk about making money, black and red are also red. She can indeed make a lot of money by accepting the cooperation of those three-no products. But, cousin, please give me some consideration. If you are a broker, you will have no future and development in the future.”

"Persist for another two years, and then you will personally train a successor." He Yong patted Yu Jiangxing on the shoulder and said, "I just regained my position, and Zhou Yun has completely escaped my control. If Xu Siyao has another problem at this time and has a different heart, I will have to face the situation of being surrounded by all sides again."

Yu Jiangxing said, "Cousin, actually I've taken a fancy to a newcomer, and I really want to train her."

He Yong glanced at him in surprise.

Yu Jiangxing smiled a little embarrassedly.

"I want to get her under my hands, okay?"

He Yong thought, maybe this is the real purpose of Yu Jiangxing's coming here today.

He asked, "Who?"

Yu Jiangxing said, "Zhou Yilan."

He Yong knew this newcomer.

This newcomer was signed by him from a dance school, and he planned to bring it himself.

Now that Yu Jiangxing opened his mouth, He Yong said, "I can take it for you, but have you planned a route for her? Which direction are you going to train her?"

Yu Jiangxing said: "Hua Dan, her appearance is so juicy and sweet, she is definitely the type that men like."

He Yong reminded: "Men are not the main force of consumption in our industry."

Yu Jiangxing said: "If there is a gimmick, you will become famous first, and after that, everything is easy to talk about. To be honest, if Xu Siyao didn't do too much on her own and ruined a good hand, her debut would be "The Eighth Heartbeat". Yunlao got a "Fixed Storm", and the two dramas are enough for her to eat for five years, who made her lose her mind and insisted on exposing her ugliest side to everyone, no one will be annoyed by seeing her now."

"It's good if you have a plan in your heart. In this way, you make a plan for Zhou Yilan. I have read it. If there is no problem, I will assign Zhou Yilan to your subordinates." He Yong said, "But there is one thing, no matter what, No matter how much you don't like Xu Siyao, you will keep her safe and watch her every move."

Yu Jiangxing nodded, "Don't worry, cousin, since this matter concerns you, I will definitely stand up for you."

He Yong nodded.

"However, cousin, Xu Siyao's reputation will become even worse after this program is broadcast." Yu Jiangxing said, "She really behaved that day...she was stepped on the ground and rubbed by Zhou Yun."

He Yong said: "Being scolded is also a kind of enthusiasm, black and red are also red, and now is the era of data."

"Okay, I understand." Yu Jiangxing nodded.

Just at this time, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan walked in front of them.

They didn't see them.

Yu Jiangxing asked: "Cousin, is Zhou Yun's contract expiring soon? Do you want to renew it?"

He Yong shook his head and said, "I haven't formally discussed this matter yet, but even if she renews her contract with the company, the conditions are not simple."

"That's right, but Zhou Yun's luck is really bad. There are many female stars who are prettier than her in the circle, and there are a lot of talented people who are better than her in acting. As a result, two years have passed, but she She has become a movie queen." Yu Jiangxing was amazed.

He Yong said: "This shows that she has this kind of luck in her body, and she has the fate of being popular."

"It's a pity, why didn't I sign with her for a few more years at one go." Yu Jiangxing said.

He Yong didn't speak.

Why didn't he want to sign with Zhou Yun for a few more years, but Zhou Yun insisted on five years.

At that time, there were other brokerage companies competing with him, and he was really optimistic about Zhou Yun, so he finally let go and accepted it for five years.

Facts have proved that his vision is still vicious.

The person you fancy can always be popular.


Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan left the company.

"I made a phone call to the program group. I didn't say anything directly. I just pretended to inquire about the situation routinely and asked how the film was being edited. They replied to me that it was in the process of being edited."

Zhou Lan said: "I also touched it up and down, and the situation is a bit strange, not what I imagined."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Yun asked puzzled.

Zhou Lan said: "Accordingly, if the film is to be edited in this direction, at least a consensus should be formed from top to bottom. The editors must form this company to be able to unify the style in the final film, but I find I went to investigate as an insider, and everyone in the computer room is still cutting according to normal, and they didn't deliberately cut you in a bad direction."

Zhou Yun: "You mean, the person who spread the news made a mistake? Actually, there is no such thing?"

"No." Zhou Lan shook his head and said, "The key is that the director and the assistant director in charge of the post-production have been staying in the company for the past two days, but they didn't sit directly in the computer room as usual, and the director is fine. , Even the assistant director who was in charge of the post-production didn't stay in the computer room, it is said that they didn't look at the things they cut out in time, and they have been piled up there now."

"Sister Lan, I don't understand, what does this mean?" Zhou Yun asked.

"I suspect that the director and the assistant director are secretly leading a few people to edit a B version." Zhou Lan said, "I don't know about this B version yet. Do the high-level executives of Chestnut Video know, or is it the two of them planning to edit the B version?" Just cover it up and replace it online, but I prefer the latter, if the high-level executives of Lizi Video know about it, there is no need to lie to the ears and let a group of people edit the film normally there.”

Now Zhou Yun understood what Zhou Lan meant.

"Dare they do that?"

"There is no evidence yet, it's just my judgment based on some clues I have inquired and detected so far, but no matter what, I have to meet the director." Zhou Lan said, "On the one hand, try to find out his tone. , on the other hand, also explore his attitude."

"Won't you startle the snake?"

"So what's the matter?" Zhou Lan said, "They are the ones who should hide and be afraid of this matter."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Xiaoyu, I will also hint to him about the video they recorded on the set." Zhou Lan said, "If it is confirmed that there is such a B version, and it is really the people under them who are doing it secretly, then I will know what to do gone."

Zhou Yun said yes.

"You go back first, leave this to me."

Zhou Yun sighed, and said, "What a shitty thing. I didn't expect such a thing to happen just because I was recording a program."

"Xu Siyao is not a fuel-efficient lamp." Zhou Lan said, "With such a thing, the company should stop thinking about using the excuse of publicity to let us cooperate with the crew to do publicity with Xu Siyao."

(End of this chapter)

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