Chapter 469
Zhou Yun returned home, but Song Chi hadn't returned yet.

She searched for her own name and Xu Siyao's name on the Internet.

Because of the popularity of "Ding Feng Bo", there are many people discussing the two of them on the Internet, and because of her sudden live broadcast two days ago, her fan base exploded.

The online comments about her and Xu Siyao were not too different from usual.

Zhou Yun didn't see anything particularly fresh.

It's just that Zhou Yun saw the news on the Internet, saying that Xu Siyao and Su Yan were arguing over the position of a new play that was about to start.

Now that Xu Siyao is on fire again because of "Ding Feng Bo", it may help her to tear up her position, which makes Zhou Yun a little annoyed.

On the other hand, many people are also discussing whether Zhou Yun can win the Huayu Award for Best Supporting Actress this time.

Many people are optimistic about Zhou Yun, but everyone also thinks that Zhou Yun will be lucky to win awards after this period of time. Will he be so lucky?

This time the competition for Best Supporting Actress in Huayu Awards is even more exciting than Best Actress.

Except for Zhou Yun, all the other finalists are powerful professionals who have been in the industry for many years and have won many awards.

Compared with them, Zhou Yun lacked qualifications.

Therefore, some bloggers even said that the Best Supporting Actress of this year's Huayu Awards is more eye-catching than the Best Actress.

Zhou Yun looked east and west on the Internet, passed the time for a while, had nothing to do, thought for a while, and took the collection of Redmond Carver's novels from the bookshelf.

It has been two years since she bought it, but she has never been able to see it well.

Go ahead and give it a try today.

I read a few articles patiently, but still couldn't get in, so I could only stuff them back on the bookshelf.

She never forced herself to read a book that she couldn't read, even if it was a world-renowned writer, a masterpiece, or a classic.

Reading is about fate.

Forcing yourself to read a book is just mechanically completing the textual reading.


She still took out her favorite mystery novel.

She ordered several new books some time ago.

About two hours later, Zhou Lan called her.

"I just met with the director. He must be hiding something. When it comes to the performance of you and Xu Siyao, I'm a bit hesitant to talk about him. I said, because I don't know if some content is suitable for the feature film. I hope to see the rough cut in advance, and he did not refuse, but said that the film has not been cut yet, and I said that when it is cut, I will take a look, and he said yes. He seemed to be worried about something, and asked me again , In fact, they cut the film to highlight the side that is beneficial to Zhou Yun. You are the biggest star, and they have this number in their hearts. I came here today just to make sure that Xu Siyao didn't come to do anything, but his expression changed."

Zhou Yun asked, "Did Xu Siyao look for him?"

"I don't know, but it's possible." Zhou Lan said, "I tried again to see if this matter had something to do with He Yong, but I didn't find anything."

"If Xu Siyao contacted the director personally, wouldn't that be too bold? I don't care if Xu Siyao is crazy, but why did the director go crazy with Xu Siyao? They did a good job in this show."

Zhou Lan: "Who knows what kind of deal they have in private."

"You mean, Xu Siyao bought them?" Zhou Yun hesitated, "Why do I think it sounds a little impossible, too unrealistic, just a program director, at most cut out Xu Siyao's bad shots , and took such a big risk to edit the content to be unfavorable to me, why would he do this? I have nothing against him."

"Anyway, I have already hinted at him. We have recorded the whole filming process. If there is something unfavorable to us in the feature film, we will directly refute it." Zhou Lan said, "At that time, he, the director, will bear the brunt."

Zhou Yun hummed.


The director of "It's a Nice Weather" scratched his hair, feeling so agitated that he was about to explode.

Just now when Zhou Lan came to look for him, he made everything very clear.

The director still doesn't know if Zhou Lan heard something from somewhere.

The words she said to him were really strange, as if every sentence had a specific purpose, and they were all about editing.

But it didn't seem like she knew something for sure.

If Zhou Yun's side really knew what he was doing now, it would be impossible to just talk to him with guns and sticks like this, and the table would have been turned over long ago.

Of course, he didn't know that the reason why Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan were still a little afraid and did not clarify the matter was because they hadn't figured out the specific situation. They didn't know how many people were involved in the chestnut video. .

When Xu Siyao found him, he offered to give him [-] yuan, as long as he slightly modified the content of this feature film.

For example, delete the scenes where she first took the initiative to pretend to be pitiful with Zhou Yun.

But if they did this, it would be Zhou Yun without any previous reason, without any prior reason, directly insinuating and sneering at Xu Siyao.

So he said no.

If he really took money, it would involve an economic transaction, and once someone finds out, the consequences would be serious.

Who knew that Xu Siyao actually increased the amount to [-]. There was only one condition, that the scenes that were not good for her should be deleted, but the part of Zhou Yun should be kept.

He was moved.

Although he is the director of the program "This Weather Is So Nice", his earnings over the years are far less than a fraction of what the stars earn.

As long as he agrees, the five hundred thousand is his.

He was really moved.

The point is that this matter is indeed within his purview.

He can do it without anyone noticing.

Just cut some scenes that are not good for Xu Siyao.

Even if the final result will have some bad influence on Zhou Yun, it can be controlled within a vague range.

Until Director Zhou suddenly asked to watch the film.

Here comes the risk.

The method he came up with was to use version A to submit for review, then replace the civet cat with the crown prince, and put version B online, which would be interpreted as an error in the uploaded version.

It was a big mistake to make a mistake in the feature film, but he weighed it. As long as he sincerely admits his mistake and publicly apologizes in the name of the program team, the matter will be over and it will not really affect him.

In this way, money can also be obtained.

But now that he calmed down, he also slowly began to panic, feeling that the final result might not be as perfect as he thought.

Is this really worth doing?

He couldn't help being a little shaken.

(End of this chapter)

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