Chapter 470 Do You Know
At seven o'clock in the evening, the restaurant.

"Mr. He, I'm bothering you tonight, please come out and have dinner with me." Zhou Yun sat opposite He Yong and smiled at He Yong.

When He Yong received Zhou Yun's invitation to have dinner with him, to be honest, he was shocked for a while.

Zhou Yun never took the initiative to invite him to dinner.

He Yong couldn't help but think through the recent things, to see if there was anything he had promised Zhou Yun that he hadn't done, or something that made Zhou Yun angry and hadn't resolved it yet.

Thinking about it, it was Xu Siyao's business.

He Yong said with a smile: "You invite me to dinner, how can this be called an interruption, as long as you want, I don't mind having dinner with you every day."

Zhou Yun shook his head with a smile, and said, "That's so embarrassing, Mr. He takes care of everything every day, and the whole company is counting on you."

Although he knew it was a polite word, He Yong also accepted it.

What he likes to hear most is that this company is counting on him.

He Yong gave the company Chengqian Entertainment the best time of his ten years of struggle.

"You are the first sister of the company now, how can you count on me." He Yong said.

Zhou Yun: "I know Mr. He has always wanted to make Chengqian Entertainment the best agency in the country."

"I do have such an idea, and I have been working hard for it. However, people go to high places, and the artists who have worked so hard to train for a long time will leave after the contract expires. I have no choice but to continue to cultivate Newcomer." After He Yong finished speaking, he smiled at Zhou Yun, "I don't mean to complain, but I am indeed a little sad."

"Have Mr. He ever thought about it, maybe it's because Qianqian's management model is too simple, it's just a traditional model, but it doesn't give artists more choices." Zhou Yun said, "I think anyone can do it to a certain extent. , are not just to continue to struggle to become a screw. People have their own ideas, opinions, and pursuits. These ideas may not be [-]% in line with the main development direction of the company. An amicable breakup is already the best ending."

He Yong asked: "In your opinion, what kind of brokerage model do you think is acceptable?"

Zhou Yun pondered for a moment and said: "There are many kinds. For me, the initiative is more important than others. I have the final say. This is what I insist on the most, but not everyone has the same idea."

He Yong: "Xiaoyun, do you want to open your own studio?"

"Of course there are disadvantages to opening a studio by yourself." Zhou Yun said, "Big companies have the advantages of big companies. I know this. A personal studio is always weak."

"But signing a contract with a big company will inevitably be subject to certain constraints."

"A certain constraint is an inevitable sacrifice to obtain greater benefits. The key lies in where the constraint is, whether it is acceptable to me, or is it a place that violates my principles."

"I know that you attach great importance to the autonomy of acting."

"Of course." Zhou Yun said, "To be honest, Mr. He, do you still think it was the right decision to let me act in "The Eighth Heartbeat"?"

He Yong shook his head and said: "If I knew you would win so many awards two years ago, I would not have let you act in "The Eighth Heartbeat", but if you let me go back to that time without the current memory Make a decision, and I will still make that decision. It is not an exaggeration to say that an experience like yours is a legend decades later, and the reason why a legend is a legend lies in its irreproducibility. "The Eighth Heartbeat "The small explosion can be copied."

Zhou Yun knew that he could not convince He Yong.

And she also knew that He Yong's words were reasonable to a certain extent.

Between her and He Yong, there is more of a disagreement of ideas.

He Yong also said: "For example, Wang Jing, if I were to plan the route for her, I would not let her act in these suspenseful and serious themes from the beginning. Yes, she is also becoming famous now, but she said To be honest, she doesn't have many loyal fans, in other words, her commercial value is not high, if it weren't for you and Zhou Lan to send her a steady stream of resources, she might have been eliminated long ago."

Zhou Yun also knew that He Yong was right.

There are too many young actresses with potential like Wang Jing in this industry.

Who can succeed and who is eliminated, luck is more important than strength.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan are Wang Jing's luck.

Without them, Wang Jing would not be able to act in the second part of "Dark Sky", let alone "Behind the Scenes".

Zhou Yun said: "What kind of road each person takes is based on the resources he has in his hands, so that he can choose what kind of road. If she hadn't met me and Zhou Lan, she would have walked "The Eighth Heartbeat" "It's not bad, but the reason why I didn't want to at that time was not because I didn't want to take the path of "The Eighth Heartbeat", but because I had already promised others at that time to take on other dramas."

That play is "Ask the Heart".

He Yong said: "If you didn't act in "The Eighth Heartbeat", you might not be able to win "Days", right?"

Zhou Yun was silent.

He Yong's words are correct.

At the beginning, she was able to win "Days" and be recognized by New Shield. In fact, a large part of the reason was that she had already proved her ability as an actor through "The Eighth Heartbeat".

Although the public ridiculed the show as too bad, there were no negative comments on her acting skills.

He Yong: "However, these are all looking back at what you said. You can get to where you are today, mainly on your own, and I don't take credit for it."

"But I always thought that my cooperation with you was generally recognized by each other." Zhou Yun said.

He Yong was taken aback.

"But what happened now made me start to wonder if it was a wrong decision for me to abandon the past and cooperate with you."

Zhou Yun smiled slightly, looked at He Yong calmly, and said.

He Yong's face changed slightly.

"why do you say so?"

Zhou Yun said: "You want to keep Xu Siyao, even if she does one thing after another, you still hope not to destroy her, so that she can continue to make money for you in the entertainment circle, no matter how angry I am, I still understand and accept, even to the previous level, I didn't really say that I wanted to stop her, but I really didn't expect—"

"Mr. He, you actually cooperated with her and deliberately smeared my image for her image." Zhou Yun's face became completely cold, as if frozen by ice, she looked at the bewildered He Yong with a stern expression, "She contacted the program team of "The Weather Is So Nice" and wanted to edit the content in a direction that was not good for me, and cut me into a bad woman who couldn't get used to her junior sister and always suppressed and ridiculed her junior sister. This matter, Don't tell me, you don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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