I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 475 Constant Disappointment

Chapter 475 Constant Disappointment
Zhou Yun instantly felt like he was being slapped in the face.

At this moment, Song Chi grabbed Zhou Yun's hand.

"It's so embarrassing." Zhou Yun smiled bitterly at Song Chi, and said, "I was slapped in the face."

Song Chi pursed his lips at her and said, "It's okay, I know how good you are at acting."

Zhou Yun nodded, "I'm fine."

She clapped her hands.

The applause merged into the applause of the audience.

More or less people around looked at her.Before the results of the awards came out, she was the loudest voice for the award, but tonight she had an upset and gave it to an old senior.How will she react?Everyone subconsciously wants to know.

Zhou Yun felt faintly disappointed, not to mention how strong it was, but felt a pity that Liu Rufu did not win this award.

She smiled and applauded, sent the winners to the stage, and delivered acceptance speeches.

However, what Zhou Yun didn't expect was that in the subsequent Best Actor category, Song Chi didn't even win the award, and it was also an old senior who won the award.

So far, "Ask the Heart" has been wiped out in the Huayu Awards performance award unit.

Zhou Yun suppressed a smile, and said to Song Chi, "It seems that the two of us are not very lucky tonight."

Song Chi shook Zhou Yun's hand and said, "It seems that we are not well received by the judges."

Zhou Yun: "Oh, now I only hope that Director Jiang can win the award."

Song Chi nodded.

The two of them were whispering their ears off the stage, but there was a lot of noise online.

The fan fighting power of the two of them is second to none in the entire entertainment industry, but neither of them won the award, and the fans have long been arguing.

Mainly the two TV series starring the two winners are so unpopular that no one has watched them.

The film "Golden Butterfly" has only one nomination from Ke Yong.

At this time, Zhou Yun's black fans came out to make trouble, saying: "Didn't you say that Zhou Yun was definitely going to win the award? Now it's slapped in the face."

Zhou Yun's fans were so angry that they started messing with someone.

However, the Best Actress unit still didn't have an upset. Wei Ruxue won the award as everyone expected, and she burst into tears on the stage.

Zhou Yun watched Wei Ruxue's acceptance speech with red eyes, and his heart became more peaceful.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi stayed together until the end, and when the winner of the best director award was announced, they did not expect that director Jiang Xin also did not win the award.

The winner was the director of "Cold in Spring".

This unpopularity is even colder than Zhou Yun's award. You must know that the director of "Cold Cold" and the other four shortlisted directors are all respected seniors. Although "Cold Cold" is a big hit, its own reputation is not as good as other films. works fine.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi looked at the winner in surprise, who was hugging Wei Ruxue so excitedly.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi looked at Jiang Xin.

Jiang Xin smiled lightly, calm and breezy.

He's the big guy who really doesn't care about these awards anymore.

So far, "Questing the Heart" can be said to have been completely wiped out, without winning a single award.

Just look at the final best TV drama award.

Because of the previous defeats, Zhou Yun's premonition was not very good.

And when the name of the award-winning TV series was read out, this bad premonition was settled.

This year's Huayu Awards, "Questioning the Heart" failed to win.

Zhou Yun didn't know how to describe his mood.

She was in a bad mood, much worse than when the award presenter announced that the best supporting actress was not her.

"Questioning the Heart" is a good TV series, and Zhou Yun has full confidence in it.She didn't know if it was possible for this TV series to become a classic, and after ten or twenty years, people would still remember it, discuss it, and watch it.But in this year's Huayu Awards, Zhou Yun felt that he couldn't find a TV series better than Asking the Heart.

The only one that can compete with "Question Heart" in terms of influence is "Spring Cold", but "Spring Cold" is inferior to "Question Heart" in terms of artistic value, which is obvious to everyone.

However, "Cold Spring" won two awards tonight, the Best Director Award and the Best Actress Award, so it can be said to be the biggest winner.

After the awards ceremony, Zhou Yun and Song Chi went to hug Director Jiang Xin.

Jiang Xin encouraged them and said: "Whether a drama wins an award or not, there are too many factors involved. Don't feel depressed because you don't win an award. You are great."

Zhou Yun didn't expect that Jiang Xin was still comforting them at this time.

"Director, you are the best director in my heart."

Jiang Xin smiled and patted Song Chi on the shoulder.

"It's getting late, I won't participate in the party later, go back and rest first, you go and play."

Originally, "Ask the Heart" had prepared a celebration dinner after the official Huayu Awards party.

It doesn't seem to be necessary now.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi looked at each other with a smile, and said, "With the result tonight, the two of us are not in the mood to play anymore. We also went back to rest."

At this time, the chairman of the organizing committee of the Huayu Award came towards them.

They still greeted politely: "Director Jiang, Yuzhen, Xiaochi, Xiaoyun, you are all here."

Of course they are all here, they are the nominees of "Ask the Heart" this time.

Jiang Xin: "Hello, Director Huang."

Director Huang said: "Director Jiang, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that "Question" won no awards in the end. In fact, when voting, everyone gave "Question" a very high evaluation."

Jiang Xin hummed and said, "I'm surprised if you don't think highly of it."

These words were straightforward enough, Director Huang choked for a moment and didn't answer for a while.

Zhou Yun secretly laughed in his heart.

Director Huang said, "Director Jiang, I would also like to give a few awards to Asking the Heart, but even though I am the chairman, I still have to respect the results of the vote."

"Yeah." Jiang Xin nodded, "Stop greeting us, go greet them."

He waved his hand, indicating that he was leaving.

"Director Jiang won't go have a drink with all of us and have a chat?"

"I'm getting older, and I don't have the energy anymore." Jiang Xin waved his hand, still taking care of his face, and left without saying too much.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi were also preparing to leave.

Suddenly, a staff member came over and said, "Mr. Song, Ms. Zhou, is it convenient for you to go to the interview room to be interviewed by the reporters? The reporters have asked to interview you."

Song Chi smiled and said, "Thank the reporters for their kindness, but it's getting late today, we have to go back first."

He declined the staff, took Zhou Yun's hand and walked outside.

That night, the entry on the headline of the hot search was: Wenxin Huayu Award was not accepted.

The Internet seemed to explode. If Zhou Yun and Song Chi didn't win the award, it was only their fans who had an opinion. "Question" didn't win a single award, which really angered all the audience who liked "Question".

And "Ask the Heart" is precisely the one that is most loved and praised by the audience among the TV dramas nominated for Huayu Awards this year.

(End of this chapter)

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