I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 476 Looking at each other and laughing

Chapter 476

Yu Chu sent a message to Zhou Yun: Xiaoyun, I don't know if I need to comfort you, but I think with your personality, I probably don't need me to comfort you, but I still want to tell you that you are in "Questioning the Heart" "The performance in "is very good, I like it very much, I don't say that because you are my friend, as an actor, I am learning secretly.

Zhou Yun returned a loving expression to her.

It's been a really not-so-pleasant night tonight.

On the way back, she didn't say anything to Song Chi either, so there's no need to say too much at a time like this.

Although they knew in their hearts how good "Questioning the Heart" was, they were not recognized at the Huayu Awards. After all, this result made her somewhat disappointed and disappointed.

The Internet has exploded, and almost everyone is scolding this year's Huayu Awards. Combined with the fact that Su Yan was not nominated for Best Actress at the beginning, many people said, did "Questing the Heart" offend Huayu Awards?

Did "Ask the Heart" offend the Huayu Award?

Zhou Yun didn't know, and neither did Song Chi.

They didn't give anyone an interview and went straight home from the awards ceremony.

In the "Questing Heart" group, everyone is talking, encouraging and comforting each other.

Zhou Yun did not speak.

Jiang Xin and Song Chi also did not appear and did not speak.

It would be a lie to say that you are not angry.

One or two upsets is fine, but in the end, one award was not won, and everyone would be angry.

That night, many people called Song Chi, and many people called Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun actually didn't want to answer, but she was worried that if she didn't answer these calls, it would appear that she cared about the Huayu Award.

If she didn't win an award, she didn't win an award. She didn't rely on this award to become a better version of herself.

She answered every phone call, accepted every consolation, and showed that she was taking this award very seriously.

In fact, my heart is getting more and more unhappy.

Every time I say I'm fine, I actually add a little bit of unhappiness to my heart.

Why is she aggrieved to deny her dissatisfaction here?This thought came to Zhou Yun's mind.

In the end, I really didn't want to answer those calls anymore.

Zhou Lan called.

She sighed.

"Are you okay?" Zhou Lan asked.

Those three simple words, however, revealed Zhou Yun's true boredom.

"Sister Lan, I find that I can't be as free and easy as I thought I was."

"This is also normal. You are not a saint. Why do you force yourself to be free and easy? If you are not happy, you will not be happy. If you are dissatisfied, you will be dissatisfied. If you are disappointed, you will be disappointed. Negative emotions will always be negative when you vent them. Alright." Zhou Lan said, "I have received a lot of interview invitations from the media, of course, I know you don't want to be interviewed at this time, so I rejected them for you, I just want to ask about your situation. "

Zhou Yun: "To be honest, Sister Lan, I am very dissatisfied if you want to ask me my truest thoughts now. I think "Question" was targeted."

Zhou Lan: "I have the same feeling as you."

Zhou Yun said: "I don't understand why those TV dramas can win awards, but "Question" can't. It doesn't really matter whether I win the award, I just feel it's a pity, but Song Chi didn't win the award, director Jiang Xin didn't I was really annoyed to win the award."

"Everyone is as angry as you, but you don't know, there is a lot of quarrel on the Internet now, and everyone is complaining about "Question"."

"But we all know that no matter how violent the Internet is, it's useless." Zhou Yun said, "In the end, it won't help, and it will become a regret after all."

"It's regrettable, it's not necessary to rely on the Huayu Award to prove that "Question" is good." Zhou Lan said, "There will be two awards in the next TV series, and "Question" will always get its glory. "

Zhou Yun: "I really want to know why the Huayu Award gave such a result."

"It's meaningless to ask these questions now. We have no sources of information and no clues. Moreover, the results of the awards have already been announced, and nothing can change it." Zhou Lan said, "I suggest you take a shower now and get a good night's sleep .”

Zhou Yun hummed.

Zhou Lan said: "Okay, then I'll stop talking about this. You have a good rest, and we'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun went back to the room.

Song Chi was still in the study, probably still on the phone with someone, and she didn't bother him.

He is the producer of "Ask the Heart", and there must be more people looking for him than her tonight.

Zhou Yun washed up, went to bed, and surfed the Internet with his mobile phone.

Indeed, the results of the Huayu Awards tonight are basically discussed on various websites.

Zhou Lan didn't exaggerate, it exploded.

All scolding.

Zhou Yun looked at it in silence for a while, and didn't want to look at it. He turned off the phone, put it aside, charged it, put on the blindfold and got ready to sleep.

At this time, Song Chi came in.

"Ready to sleep?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun hummed, "Have you finished the call?"

"Almost." Song Chi nodded, "I'm going to bed too, you go to sleep first, I'll go brush my teeth."


After turning off the lights, Song Chi came in after a while, got into bed and hugged Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun leaned into his arms and rubbed against him lightly.

"Go to sleep," he said.

The hustle and bustle all night had nothing to do with them.

Let the world be isolated from them for a short time, return to An Ran's dreamland, and restore inner peace.

The next morning, Zhou Yun opened his eyes, but the alarm clock still hadn't rung.

Seeing that Song Chi was still sleeping, she thought that maybe Song Chi didn't fall asleep quickly after going to bed last night.

She got out of bed softly, walked out of the room, washed up, and prepared to make a simple breakfast.

The sky had just dawned, and it was overcast.

This kind of weather, this kind of sky light, seems to have appeared specially to match her mood.

Zhou Yun turned his head and scolded himself in his heart for being sentimental.

Take out some frozen dumplings from the refrigerator, boil water and throw them in.

Boiling water mutters.

After the dumplings were cooked, Zhou Yun took the plate, sat by the window by himself, and finished eating slowly.

The rain suddenly fell.

There are traces of rain on the transparent windows.

Zhou Yun looked at the light rain that suddenly fell outside the window, silently in a daze.

I don't know how long it has passed, but there is a sudden noise.

Song Chi woke up and walked out of the room.

Zhou Yun turned around and smiled at him.

He smiled at her too.

Both of them had taken off their usual makeup, their pure plain makeup was so clean that they had the true color of life.

Zhou Yun asked: "Do you want to eat dumplings? Shall I cook some dumplings for you?"

Song Chi nodded, saying yes.

He's in the bathroom.

Zhou Yun went to cook dumplings for Song Chi, and when Song Chi came out, the dumplings were cooked and ready to eat.

Zhou Yun accompanied Song Chi after eating dumplings, and said, "Today, I'm going to the company."

"Well, me too." Song Chi looked at her and said, "See you that night?"

"Okay, see you tonight."

The two smiled at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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