I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 477 The New System

Chapter 477 The New System
Zhou Yun had already anticipated what kind of situation he would encounter when he went to the company today, but when he walked in the door, everyone who saw her almost showed a look of pity for her, and even cautious, as if they were afraid of irritating her. Knowing that most of them showed such expressions out of good intentions, however, her mood was still somewhat affected.

She could only pretend that she didn't see anything, and walked in as usual.

Come to the meeting room.

All the executives from Chengqian Entertainment were there.

Zhou Yun entered the meeting room, and everyone looked at her.

Besides her, Li Ci, Xu Siyao, Wang Jing, and some well-known artists in the company also showed up today.

This will be fixed early in the morning.Coincidentally, the day after the Huayu Awards were presented, who would have known that "Ask the Heart" would suffer a tragic defeat at the Huayu Awards.

Zhou Yun didn't want to listen to everyone's comfort, so after entering the venue, he didn't take off his sunglasses, went straight to the seat corresponding to the desk card with his name written on it, and took a seat.

Who knew, Xu Siyao's voice rang out persistently, asking: "Sister Xiaoyun, are you okay? Although you didn't win the prize, we all support you very much."

Zhou Yun looked at the front expressionlessly, not even bothering to give Xu Siyao a look.

Her voice was very indifferent, and she said: "Xu Siyao, I don't have the heart to talk to you now, and I don't have the heart to scold you. You'd better shut up immediately, or say, you want to come to a live broadcast with me, and I don't Mind, let me introduce to your new fans, what kind of things you have done because you regard me as an idol."

Xu Siyao's face changed, and his mouth closed.

Zhou Yun's murderous aura was evident.

Wang Jing glanced at Xu Siyao, and pouted.

After a while, Zhou Lan also came.

She came in with He Yong.

As soon as He Yong came in, almost everyone in the conference room stood up.

Zhou Yun didn't intend to stand up at first, but it's not good for her not to stand alone, and she didn't intend to lose face to He Yong in front of so many people.

He Yong pressed his hands kindly and said, "Everyone, sit down."

Zhou Lan took a seat beside He Yong's hand.

Everyone's expressions changed when they saw this scene.

Although Zhou Lan was promoted before, he was not promoted to the position where he could sit directly next to He Yong.

In this kind of meeting, the setting of seats is meaningful.

There are rules for whoever sits.

This sign makes everyone mentally active quickly.

In the past two years, Zhou Lan, as Zhou Yun's manager, has soared into the sky with Zhou Yun, and even single-handedly brought out Wang Jing, a rising newcomer.

Everyone has a new understanding of Zhou Lan's ability.A layman might think that Zhou Lan was just lucky, he met Zhou Yun, and then he soared into the sky.But those in the know will know that during Zhou Yun's two years of rapid rise, Zhou Lan was able to properly handle Zhou Yun's large and small affairs, multiple public relations crises, and various partners without any mistakes. And ability is not something everyone can do.

Is Zhou Lan going to be promoted again?
He Yong exchanged a few opening remarks - he is not the kind of leader who likes to speak seriously, and prefers to show his kind side on purpose during meetings, especially after last year's incident, He Yong was among ordinary employees In front of you, you will deliberately smile, or show your affinity.

After finishing speaking, he said: "The main reason for gathering everyone together for this meeting today is that the company has a new idea. We, Chengqian Entertainment, mainly focus on artist brokerage, and have achieved remarkable results over the years. That’s it, when achieving results, we must not only be prepared for danger in times of peace, but also seek new changes, otherwise, we may be eliminated by the market without knowing it.”

"Our previous management model was mainly based on a one-to-one or one-to-many nanny-style operation model in which agents bring artists. In fact, with the increase and rise of our top artists, this operation model has actually become a reality. I can’t keep up with the needs of leading artists. At the same time, we also see that there are many managers and artists who don’t work hard, but rely on the resources provided by the company to survive. Therefore, I plan to promote it in the company. A new system, of course, this system is only an experiment now, and will not be implemented on a large scale immediately, and we will make a decision based on our experiments in the future."

"This new system is called the Broker Studio System." He Yong said, "Today, our company's top managers are actually here. In fact, the core of the artist brokerage business is also the brokers. It is precisely because of you that we have you. This group of great managers is why they can continue to cultivate excellent artists, whether they are singers or actors."

"The broker studio system is a model in which brokers are at the core to build a broker's studio, equipped with different departments such as marketing, operations, legal affairs, and public relations." He Yong said, "Giving more autonomy , The decision-making power is handed over to the agent, and the agent is responsible for the artist. The company provides the corresponding resources to the agent, and the agent distributes them. Similarly, the company will also establish a new agent assessment system for the agent. Under this system, in order to protect the initiative of the artist, the artist can submit an application to the company every six months to change the manager and enter the studio of another manager."

As He Yong slowly introduced the agent studio system, everyone present was in an uproar.

"I know that new reforms will always make everyone feel uncomfortable." He Yong said, "But why implement the agent studio system? From Zhou Yun, Li Ci, Xu Siyao, Wang Jing and other top artists of our company In fact, it can be seen that in the previous operation mode, the response speed of various departments could not keep up with the changes in the needs of artists, and on the other hand, it also raised a lot of moths. Those who achieve results get more rewards for their hard work, and I hope that those moths that live in thousands of us and eat the food left by others will be cleared out of our team as soon as possible.”

"The new system will take three brokers, Chen Wei'an, Zhou Lan, and Yu Jiangxing as the pilot, and it will be tried out for half a year." He Yong said.

Before He Yong announced, these three people had already been approached by He Yong to talk about this matter.

They have no objection, the new system is only good for them.

He Yong: "At the same time, in order to maintain the stability of Chengqian Entertainment and ensure the stability of the system, I have communicated with the three in advance, and the three will sign a non-employment agreement with the company."

After He Yong finished his announcement, an executive immediately asked: "Under this system, to give a simple example, if the company has a cooperation framework, Xu Siyao is required to act in a play, but Yu Jiangxing does not agree with Xu Siyao acting in this drama." A play, who do you listen to?"

"The agent studio system is centered on the agent." He Yong repeated.

"Then the cooperation and agreement we have worked so hard to negotiate outside, if the cooperation fails because of the agent's lack of cooperation, wouldn't that make us waste our efforts?" The executive in charge of the brand endorsement business said immediately, "Everything is based on the agent. If we operate at the core, don’t we all become logistics?”

He Yong: "Operating with agents as the core is to better help artists grow and achieve greater value for the company. In the past, now, and in the future, all departments of the company are operating around artists. We are an artist brokerage company. .”

"Then what else do we need to do? Just let us leave Qianqian." Someone lost his temper.

These are all things that will appear within the scope of He Yong's prediction.

He said: "Everyone, don't worry. If your jobs can be replaced so easily, then why do we support you for so long? The company will not arrange for all brokers to enter the framework of this system. Only people like Chen Wei An, Zhou Lan, and Yu Jiangxing, who have achieved a lot of achievements and have passed the market test, can enter the institutional framework of the broker studio after passing the company's assessment. Mess around and make unreliable decisions, but in Chen Wei'an's position, everyone understands the importance of other departments. At the same time, as I said, the company is going to rate the broker assessment. As a member of the assessment team, the agent has the authority to reject some requests from other departments, but every time he refuses, he will be assessed and scored. If the artist's development or the company's interests are damaged due to the agent's refusal, then This is the deduction item, but if the agent's rejection passes everyone's assessment, it means that the rejection itself is reasonable, at least reasonable. I hope that everyone can use this system to work together and work hard in their respective professional fields , and help thousands to reach a higher level together.”

At this moment, Li Ci applauded loudly.

"Brother Yong finally took the courage to reform. If it continues like before, I don't want to renew the contract with the company at all." Li Ci said, "This new model is quite interesting."

Chen Wei'an glanced at him, and said helplessly, "Brother Ci, be quiet."

Li Ci shut up.

Zhou Yun glanced at Li Ci, smiled, and finally took off her sunglasses.

"Li Ci is right. The company has finally taken the courage to reform." Zhou Yun said, "Ming people don't say dark words. When Li Ci and I are at this point, the original brokerage model is almost useless to us. Dispensable chicken ribs exist, how can we help us move forward better, this should be the goal and core of the brokerage studio system, I am already very popular, and it is impossible to become more popular, so I want to What is it? Can the company cooperate with me to get what I want? This is a question that I am very concerned about, and I think it is also a question that Li Ci is very concerned about. Therefore, I think it is a good thing to have such a new system. ,I support."

Zhou Yun and Li Ci, the elder brother and sister of Chengqian Entertainment have all expressed their views, and there are no other artists who do not support it.

Artists who can come to this meeting room today will be the beneficiaries of the agent studio system.

The resources go directly to the agent, and the agent will of course give priority to the most promising and popular artists under him.

Xu Siyao knocked on the table and asked, "So, artists can go to any studio they want?"

He Yong glanced at her and said, "Of course we must obtain the consent of the other party's manager."

Xu Siyao pouted.

Yu Jiangxing rolled his eyes annoyed.

Xu Siyao's words just now did not mean that she wanted to go to another manager.


Slap him in the face.

After the meeting, everyone dispersed.

He Yong called Zhou Yun to stop.

"Xiaoyun, come to my office to have a chat?"

Zhou Yun looked at him and said, "If you just want to comfort me that I didn't win the prize, there's no need for that."

He Yong smiled and said, "Do you need my comfort? You just won the Aoki Award for Best Actress a while ago. Compared with this trophy, it doesn't matter if a Best Supporting Actress wins or not."

He Yong did not avoid other people when he said this sentence, and many people who walked behind heard what He Yong said.

Everyone naturally has their own ideas.

Some of them thought: He Yong is a licking dog, after Zhou Yun became popular, he licked Zhou Yun so badly!
Zhou Yun followed He Yong to his office.

He Yong said: "The chairman of the Huayu Award committee contacted me, hoping to invite you to have dinner, and he wants to express his apology to you in person."

"Director Huang?" Zhou Yun asked.

"It's not him. He's just the review chairman of the review committee this time. I'm talking about the management committee." He Yong said, "Senior Jingdongtian."

Zhou Yun frowned.

"Why did senior Jing Dongtian apologize to me?" Zhou Yun said, "Besides, there is no point in expressing an apology. I don't think he has anything to apologize to me. He should go to Director Jiang Xin and Song Song. Sorry for the late."

He Yong smiled helplessly as if he had guessed what Zhou Yun would say in advance.

"Xiaoyun, Senior Jingdongtian is sincere." He Yong said, "I know that you are very dissatisfied with the results last night, but you can complain about this year's judges, but Senior Jingdongtian is in our line of work. He has been an upright person all his life, and he has worked hard for the Huayu Award for many years. As me, I still hope that you will not disrespect him because of this matter. He is really an upright person, otherwise he would not need to entrust me Come to invite you to this dinner, he apologizes to a junior from an old senior, this is something that needs to be done with shame."

"Song Chi and Jiang Xin, don't worry, with the wisdom of senior Jing, they will definitely not be left behind."

When He Yong mentioned this, Zhou Yun was also convinced.

She nodded and said okay.

In the evening, Zhou Yun communicated with Song Chi and found out that Senior Jing Dongtian had also contacted him.

Song Chi sighed, and said, "Senior Jing doesn't want us to have too negative opinions on the Huayu Awards because of last night's results, especially now that the public is raging and everyone is dissatisfied with yesterday's results. The credibility of the Huayu Awards has been greatly affected. If we really say a few words to express dissatisfaction and anger when we are interviewed, the situation will be even worse. As the chairman of the Huayu Award Committee, he must try to appease us."

"Well, actually we won't talk about this."

"Of course, but on the other hand, the Huayu Award has left us with such a bad impression. When the Huayu Award needs our support in the future, will we still be willing to support it? Senior Jing must have such concerns, so he took the initiative You want to apologize to us." Song Chi said, "I can understand Senior Jing's intentions."

"It's really annoying. The person who really caused this result didn't say a word, and instead let an old man wipe the ass of this matter." Zhou Yun complained, "Actually, if you don't win an award, you won't win an award. It's really not something special. People care about things, but what I'm upset about is that "Ask the Heart" didn't win an award. Is it because too many classics have been released this year? Is this year a rare TV drama year in a century? Fighting between gods? No, I am dissatisfied The problem is this, how could there be no award for "Questing the Heart"?"

"The most ridiculous thing is that the best director was actually given to "Cold Cold", not director Jiang Xin." Zhou Yun added.

Song Chi patted the back of Zhou Yun's hand.

"Heroes see the same thing."

"Director Jiang Xin was able to shoot this drama to such a high level that I didn't even realize it when I acted it." Zhou Yun said, "It's really good. After watching the drama myself, I realized that this part of my story is actually just a sideline. , it’s just a small town in Wenxin’s world, it’s amazing how he captured people’s integrity, beliefs and ideals in such a forbearing, restrained and moving way.”

Song Chi said: "It doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter. Although director Jiang Xin will feel regretful, he does not lack such a best director trophy, and this movie is destined to become his masterpiece."

"By the way, I heard that your company has set up a pilot agency studio?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise, and said, "The news spread so quickly? It actually reached your ears."

Song Chi smiled and said, "There is no impermeable wall in this business."

"He Yong did it, I think it's pretty good." Zhou Yun said, "According to the previous operating model, neither I nor Li Ci can stay."

Song Chi asked, "Are you planning to renew the contract with Cheng Qian?"

"I haven't considered this matter yet, because there are still nearly two years, oh, no, only one and a half years." Zhou Yun said, "If the contract is not renewed, it means that there are better options for me. , from the current point of view, the one that suits me is actually very good. I have also considered going to your company after the contract expires, but this is actually not good in the long run. Your company is not based on artist brokerage. Yes, there is no need to open up a new business department for me, so, from the current point of view, instead of thinking about leaving Qianqian, it is better to think about how to achieve the model I want most.”

Song Chi nodded.

"I don't recommend you to come to my company either. My company's operating model is too simple and it's just started, so it's not suitable for you. You still need the help of the company." Song Chi said, "I can find a suitable project every year to shoot a film. This drama is already a good help to my company."

(End of this chapter)

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