Chapter 478 Who Knows
Zhou Yun said: "In my team, there are now two small partners who specialize in helping me read the script. If I encounter a script that I am interested in but there is no producer yet, it is okay to entrust you to produce it?"

Song Chi nodded: "Of course, if you entrust the production of the script that you like, we have taken a big advantage."

"I thought you established this company just for the convenience of filming the scenes you want to film." Zhou Yun said, "But it seems that your ambitions are even bigger, and you have invited Teacher Zhang Hongyu to act."

Song Chi said: "Small workshops cannot withstand big storms. If I have the ability to produce more and better film and television dramas, why don't I do it."

Zhou Yun nodded, "That makes sense."

Song Chi smiled.

"Don't laugh at me."

"I'm not kidding you, I think your idea is really great." Zhou Yun said, "Nowadays, many talented directors, screenwriters and actors, because of the market, have no films to shoot, and there is no room for their talents to be displayed. You It would be great to provide them with a fertile ground for creation, I really think so."

Song Chi's heart was a little shaken.

Song Chi actually didn't explicitly tell Zhou Yun about these things.

Why did he start his own company?Why do such an energy-consuming thing?

Not only because he can shoot the scenes he wants to shoot, but also because he has been in this industry for many years and has met many great people who have not been accepted by the market. He hopes to provide opportunities for these people , provide resources to do something different from what the mainstream market is passionate about.

Song Chi never thought that Zhou Yun could feel his thoughts.

Zhou Yun said: "Come on, I absolutely support you. If you need me to play a guest role or a supporting role, you can come to me. If there is a schedule, I am willing to escort a good work."

Song Chi laughed.

"it is good."

"Although I feel that with my current ability, I can't talk about escorting, but I will work hard." Zhou Yun stuck out his tongue again and said.


Meeting Senior Jing Dongtian, Zhou Yun was still a little apprehensive.

She was angry about the Huayu Award, but she didn't want to vent it to someone who had nothing to do with it.

Jing Dongtian is actually a very modest person. Given his status and qualifications, no one can say anything to him even if he is domineering and relying on his elders. At most, he will complain behind his back.But not only did he not do that, but he deliberately kept his posture extremely low, a truly humble person.

Jing Dongtian didn't talk about the Huayu Award at the beginning, but chatted with Zhou Yun about her experience in different crews, her understanding of film and television, and her understanding of acting.

Zhou Yun is also willing to chat with Jing Dongtian about this.

During this process, she had doubts and puzzles, and even wanted to ask Jing Dongtian for advice.

The whole dinner was a pleasure.

At the end of the dinner, the two of them were about to say goodbye. The genius of Jingdong said: "Xiaoyun, this time I know that you may have been wronged, and the regret cannot be changed, but your future is not just a "Question". With the further purification and improvement of the Huayu Award, I hope you can participate in the Huayu Award with your work next time, and the Huayu Award very much welcomes outstanding and talented young people like you to participate.”

Before Zhou Yun came, he wanted to say a lot about this matter, but looking at Jing Dongtian's already aged face, he suddenly couldn't say anything.

She smiled in the evening wind.

"Senior Jing, it's a pleasure to meet you tonight."

After a few more days, the hot discussion about the Huayu Award gradually cooled down.

Things are always like this, if you don't lick wood into the fire, no matter how hot the fire is burning at this time, there will always be a time when it gradually goes out.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi did not accept the reporter's interview from the beginning to the end, and they did not say a word about this matter.

The same is true for Jiang Xin and Jiang Yuzhen.

Storms always pass, and heat waves always pass.

I don't know what happened, but a day of high temperature suddenly ushered in March.

The sun was high, and the scorching sun shone down. Zhou Yun was so hot that he took off only his single clothes. Even so, he was still sweating from the heat.

But today there is still an advertisement shooting, which is still outdoors.

On the street, although the staff cleared the scene, there were still many passers-by holding their mobile phones to take pictures in the distance after hearing that a celebrity was filming.

Because it is just an advertisement, the confidentiality measures are not so strict.

The key point is that today's commercial shooting plan is very heavy, requiring Zhou Yun to walk and shoot in various locations.

These days, there are very few commercials that are actually shot on location.

But because this time the brand is a luxury brand, the main product is handbags, and the main style is light mature women.

Zhou Yun will appear in various places carrying a handbag, and complete this advertisement with different styles and the same theme of the handbag.

Shooting is not difficult, just tiring.

After shooting a place, I have to change clothes and then change scenes.

After a whole day, I only took pictures of five places.

It will continue at night, in addition to daytime scenes, night scenes will also be taken.

The last scene is on the ship, Zhou Yun is holding a handbag, drinking coffee while sitting on the sightseeing chair of the ship.

When Zhou Yun saw the filming plan written in this way, the thought that popped up in his heart was that it was really contrived.

But he is the patron, so Zhou Yun can't say anything.

The director of this commercial invited a famous foreign commercial director. His hair is all white, but he still maintains a strong figure and is very attractive.

He always calls her Yun.

Although Zhou Yun complained a lot in his heart, he still dedicatedly cooperated with the brand's ideas and completed all the shooting.

At half past nine in the evening, work was finally over.

Zhou Yun let out a long breath.

The person in charge of the brand's China region gave her a gift, which was a bracelet from another branch of the brand. The price was not expensive in absolute terms, but it was not cheap for a bracelet.

Zhou Yun accepted it graciously and thanked him.

When she was about to leave the set, Zheng Xiaoju suddenly winked at her.

Zhou Yun didn't react for a while, and asked, "Why are you squinting your eyes? Did you get sand in your eyes?"

Zheng Xiaoju rolled his eyes.

From behind, Song Chi suddenly appeared with a smile on his face.

"Why are you here?" Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise.

Song Chi said: "I heard that you are filming here. I came here after I left the company."

Zhou Yun: "It just so happens that I finished filming here, so let's go back together."

She turned to Zheng Xiaoju and the others, and said, "Don't worry about me, I'll go back with him."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded, "Then we will pick you up tomorrow."

"Yes." Zhou Yun said yes.

There is a magazine cover shoot tomorrow.

Zhou Yun got into Song Chi's car, and when he got in the car, Zhou Yun saw a flashing light on the other side of the road.

He looked like an ordinary person, not a paparazzi, because he was using a mobile phone, and he was embarrassed when he was discovered.

Zhou Yun didn't bother, and got into the car directly.

"The nomination list for the Tencel Award will be announced tomorrow." Song Chi said, "I have already received the news in advance today, and this time we have all been nominated."

Zhou Yun opened his mouth happily, "Really? Su Yan also got it?"

"Yes, I got it." Song Chi nodded, "You will be able to see the list when it is officially announced tomorrow."

"Great!" Zhou Yun was a little excited, "Then Yu Yan didn't win the Tiansi Award this time?"

"Not only Yu Yan, but also Liu Qingqing was not nominated." Song Chi said, "The one who was nominated was Fan Zhu. She was nominated because of "Mother and Child Inn."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "Her?"

She and Fan Zhu had a well-known relationship.

"Well, so, I guess after the nomination list comes out tomorrow, your fans will start fighting again." Song Chi said with a smile.

Zhou Yun: "What is there to fight with her? A person who speaks without a brain. This time, "Question" didn't win any awards. She insists that our public relations are involved in shady scenes."

Song Chi: "Unfortunately, you didn't report for the heroine this time, or else your competition with her would have been a good show."

"Tiansi Award for Best Actress is basically Wei Ruxue's." Zhou Yun said, "There is no one who can compete with her."

"Not necessarily, generally the three grand prizes will not be awarded to the same person, unless the winner is really lucky, or there is really no other person to be found." Song Chi said, "This is basically the unspoken rule of the three grand prizes. , I still want to give it to more people. Besides, the Huayu Award is originally biased towards the audience, but the Tiansi Award is biased towards encouraging dramas. Mo Zhihan has a greater advantage than Wei Ruxue. I think the Tiansi Award will be given to Mo Zhi containing."

"Ah, "Tian Yu"." Zhou Yun suddenly realized, "I haven't seen this drama, and I always don't remember it, but its rating is so high, it's scary, with a score of 9.2."

"Yeah, it's just a little low." Song Chi said, "Actually, this movie is very well filmed. I watched the first few episodes, but I haven't finished it yet. It tells an epic story about a woman, played by Mo Zhihan. Very well."

Zhou Yun: "You have already said that, so it is probably close to ten."

"Yeah." Song Chi nodded, "You have to be mentally prepared, this time the Tiansi Award may not give you the Best Supporting Actress, it's not any other problem, some people say that your role in "Question" is basically the same. It was originally the heroine, but it was reported as a supporting actress, which is a bit of a misnomer, and there are factors in this aspect."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

Song Chi: "The judges of the Tiansi Award are not in the same style as the judges of the Huayu Award. The judges of the Tiansi Award generally invite artists of the older generation. They are not as diverse as the judges of the Huayu Award. They value this kind of thing very much. A heroine is a heroine, and a supporting actress is a supporting actress.”

Zhou Yun nodded: "Actually, it is true. I have so many roles, it is unreasonable to compete with other people for this award."

Song Chi: "You don't need to say that. In terms of roles, Su Yan's time is longer than yours. Moreover, I played He Mu in this play as the first protagonist. There is no problem for you to choose the supporting actress."

Zhou Yun: "Don't comfort me, I have nothing to do with it, I just hope that the drama "Questioning the Heart" will win the award, and director Jiang Xin will win the award."

"Then you don't want me to win?"

"You have already won it. Generally, those who have won the award want to win the award again. It is a matter of the right time, place and people." Zhou Yun said, "Who knows."

(End of this chapter)

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