I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 479 Maybe It Comes True

Chapter 479 Maybe It Comes True
The time for the announcement of the nominations for the Tencel Awards was at ten o'clock in the morning.

When "Questing the Heart" appeared on the list with the highest number of nominations again, it received a lot of cheers.

As much as the Huayu Award has been scolded these days, the list of nominations has been praised so fiercely.

After the announcement of the list of Tencel Awards, there is a link for the primary selection judges to accept questions from reporters.

This is something that the Huayu Award does not have.

Otherwise, the primary selection judges for the Huayu Awards would have been sprayed to death at this stage because of the issue of the best actress nomination list.

The most frequently asked question to the judges of the Tencel Awards is who they are most optimistic about winning the award.

——Is there any hope for Wei Ruxue to win the Best Actress in the Tiansi Awards again?
——We are only the primary judges, the final judges are not us, and our opinions cannot replace the opinions of the final judges, so in fact, it is difficult for us to answer this question, but the five nominees all supported during the primary election Or, everyone can feel that the five actresses nominated this time are all very good.

——Zhou Yun was the most vocal nominee for Best Supporting Actress in the Huayu Award before, what do you think about whether Zhou Yun can win the Tiansi Award for Best Supporting Actress this time?
—— Both the Tiansi Award and the Huayu Award are excellent awards, but they focus on different directions. Zhou Yun is undoubtedly a very outstanding actress. Although my answer is not very good, in fact, Whether she wins the Tencel Award or not, it will not affect her excellence in each of us. I like her performance in "Question Heart" very much, and I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with her.

——When the Tiansi Awards select the best actor, will Song Chi take into account that he has won the award once before, so will he have higher requirements for him?

——(Laughs) You have to ask the judges of the final selection, anyway, we didn’t nominate him because he won an award.

—— "Ask the Heart" was wiped out at the Huayu Awards. I wonder what the judges thought of the TV series "Ask the Heart" during the primary selection?
——Of course it’s very good, otherwise how could it have won the most nominations? Director Jiang Xin has made a new masterpiece. I don’t want to say much. I personally love this TV series very much. It's a TV series that I would still like to watch again after many years.

——Is there any hope for Su Yan to win the Best Actress?
——You guys have to ask the judges for the final selection!


In fact, the atmosphere of the reporter's entire interview was relatively relaxed, not the kind of tense atmosphere.

There are also many viewers watching the live broadcast of the interview, reaching tens of millions.

This is a scary number for an interview that has no celebrity blessing and is not funny.

It can only be said that thanks to everyone's mighty crusade against the Huayu Award before, the Tencel Award has been honored and gained more attention than usual.

This time, maybe because of the right time and place, or because of some reason, three popular first-line female stars, Wei Ruxue, Zhou Yun, and Su Yan, were nominated for the Tiansi Award this time—and their nominations turned out to be It is still what everyone expects, not like the previous ones, which are occasionally shortlisted and questioned, thinking that art compromises with commerce and the market.

Whether admitted or not, celebrities can make an event more attention.

The more stars join, the more attention will be paid.

Someone said: "The list of nominations for the Tencel Awards this time fully demonstrates a characteristic, the competition among young actresses has become fierce, and among the young male actors, Song Chi is still thriving."

This summary is true.

Zhou Yun also realized this.

There was actually no such thing before.

Like Wei Ruxue and Su Yan, she was shortlisted for the Tiansi Award for the first time, and they are not the roles of "a daughter-in-law becomes a mother-in-law".

But this year, I suddenly ran into two big hits, "Spring Cold" and "Questioning the Heart".

Zhou Yun suddenly thought of Gu Huaichun.

He is also a young actor with acting talent, but he now has little hope of being nominated for a major award.

Because he didn't appear in mainstream works at all.

The plays Yue Hai arranged for him were all online dramas, and [-]% of them were web dramas produced by himself.

Gu Huaichun's reputation for acting skills is not bad, but it's not good enough to surprise people.

Zhou Yun has been paying attention to this good friend of hers. In fact, she has a feeling that she has always wanted to say but has not said. Gu Huaichun's progress is really not much.

Compared with "The Eighth Heartbeat", his performance in these two recent plays has not been particularly remarkable.

Is it Gu Huaichun's problem?

No, she could tell that Gu Huaichun was not perfunctory, nor did he act casually, he was acting very seriously.

However, he did not have her luck. He met Jiang Xin, Cong Lan, Wen Bing and Xue Qin. Under different directors, she gradually discovered more and deeper aspects of herself. levels.

Gu Huaichun didn't meet them, so he really can only rely on himself.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, if there is a good project, he should really recommend it to Gu Huaichun.

Just because he was afraid that Yue Hai would not agree.

Act in a low-cost movie like "Days" like Zhou Yun?No, no, it's impossible, Gu Huaichun is our first brother, why would he act in such a low-budget literary film?
Going to play a cameo role in "One Mountain, Two Tigers" like Zhou Yun?Hehe, although Gu Huaichun is not a film star and cannot act in a big-budget movie like "One Mountain Two Tigers", he is not reduced to playing a supporting role in a ten-minute scene.


Conceptually, it's different.

Zhou Yun won the right to challenge himself from He Yong, but Gu Huaichun did not, so he could only obey the company's arrangement.

In the afternoon, Zhou Yun suddenly received a message from Xue Qin, asking if she was free to have dinner together.

Zhou Yun happened to have no work at night, so he replied OK.

"The post-production of "Behind the Scenes" has been finished, and "Words of Fallen Leaves" is more troublesome." Xue Qin took the initiative to talk about the situation of the two plays as soon as they met, "I think "Behind the Scenes" was shot better than "Words of Fallen Leaves" , It’s done in one breath, it’s really good, although the drama is a bit stronger, not so graceful, but it has a barbaric atmosphere, I like it very much, Sister Luo Qi told me that the selectors of several film festivals expressed their opinions on "Behind the Scenes" interest."

Zhou Yun asked: "Is "Behind the Scenes" going to go to the film festival?"

"Yeah." Xue Qin nodded, "I didn't plan to leave at first, but Sister Luo Qi tried to make this film an internal viewing party and invited some friends to watch it. As a result, everyone liked it very much and attracted some From the eyes of the film selectors, your "Days" is quite famous among independent films, and many film critics like it very much. At the end of last year, it was on the recommendation list of many film critics and attracted the attention of many people."

Independent films are like this. Although they cannot attract the attention of audiences all over the world, in the circle of independent films, they can cross the barriers between countries and regions better than commercial films. In this circle, as long as they are good Independent films, basically everyone will know.For those who pay attention to independent films, the number of readings is often terrifying.

Zhou Yun said: "It's amazing, it's great to have Sister Luo Qi."

"Yeah, what Sister Luo Qi means is that I still want this film to enter the main competition unit, but it depends on the decision of each film festival to select the film. Of course I hope it can enter the top three, but who knows if they are willing to give it to the main competition unit?" So many privileges for me as a rookie."

The three refer to the three major film festivals in the world, all of which are in Europe.

Various film festivals tend to like to cultivate their own direct lineage.From their point of view, this is not called training, but a very important function of the film festival itself, which is to discover and support a talented new director.

Zhou Yun said: "Cannes in May, Venice in September, Berlin in January."

Xue Qin: "I hope to catch up with Cannes."

"Cannes will be on the list soon, right?"

"Yeah." Xue Qin nodded, "immediately."

Zhou Yun didn't expect to get such important news as soon as he met Xue Qin.

But in May... Zhou Yun was suddenly in a dilemma. In May, "Four Killers" was about to be filmed. She thought, if "Behind the Scenes" was really shortlisted in Cannes, would she be able to participate then?
After returning, Zhou Yun communicated with Zhou Lan about this matter.

Zhou Lan said: "You don't have to worry. If you are really shortlisted in Cannes, I will ask the crew for leave. This leave must be asked."

"I don't know if it can be arranged." Zhou Yun sighed, "I hope it can be."

Zhou Lan said: "Yao Yuanfeng will agree. Moreover, "Four Killers" is not your one-man show. How about the four protagonists? How can the schedule be coordinated? That's Cannes! If "Behind the Scenes" can really enter the main competition , don’t say anything, go against all odds!”

Zhou Yun: "I can feel your determination."

"Of course!" Zhou Lan said, "I have been by your side for two years, and I have experienced many surprises, but even so, if you can really go to Cannes, I can't help but scream. "

Zhou Yun laughed, "I hope I can go."

"I just want to tell you something, "Days" will be released in foreign countries one after another soon." Zhou Lan said, "Because it has a very good reputation in Venice, and many countries are planning to go to theaters. They are planning to go directly to the video network and release VCDs."

Zhou Yun: "Do you need me to do anything?"

Zhou Lan said: "The distributors in France and the UK hope that you can cooperate with their publicity and accept interviews from several media outlets, as well as online interviews from two TV stations."

Zhou Yun heard the words and said, "This is no problem."

"I'm sure your English is fine, and it will be good for you to go international in the future."

"Then I'll arrange it." Zhou Lan said, "Do you still need me to find a spoken English teacher for you to practice?"

"Sister Lan, do you think I need it?" Zhou Yun said helplessly, "You should find an English teacher to train Wang Jing. If you really go to Cannes, Wang Jing will definitely go with us, and there will be some A lot of times when she needs to talk."

Zhou Lan let out a scream of surprise on the phone, probably because he hadn't realized it before, and there was Wang Jing in the movie "Behind the Scenes".

She was as pleasantly surprised as if "Behind the Scenes" had been confirmed for Cannes.

(End of this chapter)

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