I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 480 That's Cannes

Chapter 480 That's Cannes
"Days" will be released overseas one after another.

The UK and France are the first to be scheduled, both in late March.

Zhou Yun cooperated with the propagandists to accept interviews from five media outlets in English and online interviews in English from two TV stations.

This matter was not publicized in the country.

Zhou Lan's idea is that if "Days" does well at the box office in the UK and France, further publicity in China will help further shape Zhou Yun's ability to carry the box office.

While doing these tasks, Zhou Yun also participated in three script reading sessions of "Four Killers".

This movie is a very pure suspense action movie. It tells the story of four killers teaming up to kill a warlord.

Director Hou Mengjie's previous debut "Killing Autumn" was well-received and well-received, and the second work is highly anticipated.

From the actor configuration that Xindun provided for "Four Killers", it is enough to see Xindun's confidence in Hou Mengjie.

Needless to say Zhou Yun, the other three killers are He Xuran, a popular movie star, Yin Linglin, who debuted as a child star and won the best newcomer award at the age of eleven, and Yin Linglin, who debuted five years ago and relied on a movie three years ago. Liu Zhikun, the popular idol of youth movies.

These four people are all in the age range of [-] to [-], and they are also the most popular actors in this age range in the entertainment industry.

All four of them are serious actors with their own masterpieces.

Even the idol Liu Zhikun has a masterpiece of youth films that everyone knows, which is different from Li Ci's idol who has been popular for several years and can't say anything about a masterpiece.

This movie gave Zhou Yun a salary of [-] million yuan.

It's not comparable to the pay of TV dramas, but it's a top match for movies.

Going forward, Zhou Yun must come up with a few more high-grossing movies to prove his ability to carry the box office.

But Zhou Yun also found that this movie might be a bit difficult to make.

Except for her, the other three actors don't feel like fuel-efficient lamps.

Every idea is big—it’s not that they play big cards, but that everyone has a very rich understanding of their roles, and then think of ways to give their roles a richer presentation.

There were three script reading meetings, and everyone would come up with new ideas each time.

Zhou Yun felt that the screenwriter's hair was going to explode.

Zhou Yun didn't get involved in it, she's not the kind of person who likes to add drama to herself, a good character, a silhouette is a beautiful painting, if the added drama is meaningless, it's just to give This silhouette outlines the facial features, and a silhouette with facial features may not be more beautiful.

Following this principle, she silently watched as several people scrambled to raise ideas and demands.

This is a process of negotiation and compromise.

After the third script reading session was over, Hou Mengjie specifically stopped Zhou Yun, wanting to have a chat with her.

"Several other people have a lot of ideas about their roles and scripts, I see you have not spoken, do you have no ideas?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I am very satisfied with my role and the script."

Hou Mengjie was very surprised.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Director Hou, don't worry about me. If I have any doubts about the script, I will communicate with you in time."

Hou Mengjie nodded, still a little surprised, he hesitated to speak.

"Then I'll go first." Zhou Yun said, "We'll see you next time we read the script."

After Zhou Yun left, Yao Yuanfeng suddenly appeared and walked behind Hou Mengjie.

"Look, I told you right, Zhou Yun is very special, unlike other actresses, she is not the kind of person who will steal the show and add to the scene." Yao Yuanfeng said to Hou Mengjie, "She is the kind Give her a scene, and she will act in this scene to be the most impressive person who adds up to other people's ten scenes."

Hou Mengjie smiled and said: "Mr. Yao, you have praised her many times to me. I know that she is a movie queen and her acting skills are very good, but it is not as exaggerated as you said."

"There are quite a few actors with good acting skills, but there are very few actors with a clear mind." Yao Yuanfeng said bluntly, "Look at those people, in order to add to the drama for themselves, they are afraid that they will suffer a bit, and they are unwilling to let others take their own The drama was suppressed, and it was fundamentally wrong."

Hou Mengjie: "Mr. Yao said that about them, why did he invite them?"

"Well, they are really good at acting, and they are popular actors again." Yao Yuanfeng said, "I'm not surprised that they would behave like this at their age, Zhou Yun was the one."

Hou Mengjie shook his head helplessly, and said, "Okay, Mr. Yao, I've heard you praise Zhou Yun enough, so there's no need to praise me any more."

Yao Yuanfeng smiled.


"Days" did well at the box office in both the UK and France, both exceeding US$[-] million at the box office. This is a rare achievement for a Chinese romance film in recent years.

Zhou Lan asked people to pick up the praise of Zhou Yun from foreign netizens on the Internet, moved back to China, added the box office results, and did some publicity.

Zhou Yun's fans are happy and proud, and feel proud of the achievements of "Life".

The black fans who don't like Zhou Yun very much ridiculed, a movie has been fired for so long, and it is still being fired, so there is no other movie to fire?

Of course, someone immediately responded to the promotional posters of "Questioning the Heart" and "Fixing the Storm".

It's a pity that due to word-of-mouth, the ratings of "Ding Feng Bo" rose to 1.2, but it didn't rise, and the follow-up basically remained in the range of 1.1 to 1.2.

Although it still ranks first in the ratings, the popularity is still high, and there are many audiences who discuss it, but everyone's evaluation of this drama is obviously lower than that of "Questioning the Heart", and the evaluation of Zhou Yun is not particularly good.Even though they didn't feel that Zhou Yun's performance in this play was not good, it wasn't that good either.

Among the actors, Xu Siyao is the only one who has benefited from this drama.

Relying on this drama, Xu Siyao transformed herself and gained a lot of drama fans.

Of course, Qianqian Film and Television also made a lot of money from this drama.

The focus of Zhou Yun's recent work is entirely on the two plays "Four Killers" and "Under Dress".

Zhou Lan has been very busy recently, flying all over the country.

She took on two web dramas for Wang Jing, starring in them, and two dramas for Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng, both in supporting roles.

The scripts were specially selected by Zhou Lan.

Zhou Yun also looked over.

Zhou Lan now believes in Zhou Yun's way of reading the book.

Zhou Lan's goal is to make Wang Jing a top-notch within three years and make Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng well-known actors.

Little red depends on praise, big red depends on fate, Zhou Lan believes in this rule very much.

What she can do is to find them one opportunity after another, so that they have a greater chance of becoming popular.

Another thing happened in April, the TV series that Xu Siyao and Su Yan collaborated on started.I heard that Xu Siyao was unwilling to play the female villain for Su Yan because of his popularity and whitewashing during this period, and wanted to resign. , if she doesn't show up on time, then they can only expose this matter on the Internet.

Xu Siyao couldn't bear to part with her reputation that had just improved, so she went reluctantly.

This matter spread far and wide in the circle, and even Zhou Yun heard about it from Yu Chu.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, it was something that Xu Siyao could only do, and he didn't have to be shameless, so he had to be clear and confident.

But when Zhou Yun heard that Xu Siyao had forced the producer to add several million more to her, Zhou Yun was shocked.

It is said that the crew also compromised in order to let the ancestor feel at ease in the filming of the crew, to reduce the number of moths, and not to cause trouble for the crew.


Zhou Yun is really ashamed to be in the same company as her, but what can be done about it.

She doesn't like money-making entertainers, but the company likes them.

This month, Song Chi also accepted a resident guest on a variety show, a cultural show, CCTV.

Zhou Yun knew without asking, it must be because Song Chi needed to befriend someone behind this show, so he gave him the precious schedule.

This is also a very normal thing. To start a film and television production company in this industry, you always have to do some work like this, even if this kind of work is not what you want to do.

Many times, we do things we don't want to do in order to get a boost from the things we want to do.

In the world of adults, there are too many times when it is necessary to save the country with curves, encircle Wei and save Zhao.

On April [-]th, because Zhou Yun had no work in the morning, he slept late and rolled on the bed.

Song Chi had already left the house. She stayed at home alone, enjoying the peace of being alone.

The phone ringing suddenly woke her up.

She took it over and saw that it was Zhou Lan calling.

"Sister Lan, you're making me sleep." Zhou Yun yawned, "Let's talk later."

Actually woke up.

Zhou Lan screamed on the phone: "The shortlist for Cannes' main competition has been announced!"

Zhou Yun's heartbeat suddenly missed.

Zhou Lan's tone had already told her a result.

Zhou Yun was taken aback, "Sister Lan?"

Zhou Lan: ""Behind the Scenes" has been shortlisted!"

Zhou Yun suddenly sat up from the bed, his face was shocked, "Sister Lan, is it true?"

"Really, of course it's true, I saw the list!" Zhou Lan said, "I'm at the airport now, and I can't help my excitement like a fool. You look crazy! Zhou Yun, you are nominated for the Cannes Film Festival! This time is the main competition! The main competition! Did you hear that!"

Zhou Yun felt that his whole body had fallen into an indescribable state.

A little confused, but also a little surprised.

Zhou Yun was at a loss, sat on the bed, was stunned for a few seconds, then smirked and made a sound.

"Sister Lan, congratulations, your two actors are going to walk on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival."

Zhou Lan: "That's right! I'm so happy! Zhou Yun, you can't imagine how happy and excited I am now! There is no manager in China who is luckier than me!"

"Have you called Wang Jing yet?"

"not yet."

"Hurry up and call Wang Jing, she must be waiting for your call." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

She seemed to be smiling lightly, but she knew that her excitement was no less than Zhou Lan's.

That's Cannes!
(End of this chapter)

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