Chapter 484
The girl broke up with the boy in the end, but the boy couldn't stop him, hated her very much, and blamed her for leaving him in the end.Finally one day, he successfully established his own company and made his first pot of gold.He sent her a message, asking do you regret it?She didn't reply.Went to find her and found she was married with a child, neighbors said her husband had abandoned her.He ran to ask her, do you regret it?Girl—no, she is already a woman, she smiled and said to him, "Congratulations."

He suddenly cried.He asked her if they could be together again.She said, sorry.

why?he asks.

We have been separated for a long time, and I already have children of my own.she says.


This is a script written by Yao Yuanfeng.

This story is told from the perspective of a boy from the beginning to the end.

When he gave her the script, he said that if anyone in this world can really understand her in the script, that person is most likely to be her.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, what is it that Yao Yuanfeng can't understand?
Can't understand why girls want to break up with him, or can't understand why girls don't want to get back together with him?
He's both successful and capable of raising them, why not?
After Zhou Yun finished reading the script, he more or less understood in his heart.

To be honest, no matter how well written and artistically valuable this script is, it may not be worth mentioning.This is a very ordinary, even a bit vulgar love story, but... the whole script is like a memoir, with real emotions and sincere memories between the lines.Zhou Yun bet that this is Yao Yuanfeng's own story, otherwise this vulgar story would not be so touching.

But it's a broken, incomplete script.

Zhou Yun thought, this script still lacks her perspective and her story.

After Song Chi came back, she told him about it.

Song Chi was a little surprised, and asked, "Yao Yuanfeng wrote the script himself?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "Are you surprised? I was also surprised, but he wrote very emotionally. It's such a simple story, but it made me feel a little bitter at the end."

Song Chi asked, "Can I read the script?"

Zhou Yun said, "Let me ask him first."

Yao Yuanfeng said yes.

Song Chi took it and looked at it.

Zhou Yun went to warm up milk for himself, and watched John le Carré's "The Spy in Berlin" for a while.After Song Chi finished reading the script, he walked into the room and said, "I've finished reading it."

"How about it?"

Song Chi smiled and said, "To be honest, if you act, I want to act too."

Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise.

"I haven't acted in a love movie for a long time, and this story touched me very much." Song Chi said, "It's not that the love between these two people touched me very much, but this sense of regret in life, I am very sorry. Love the sense of regret in this story, it doesn't have any happy endings, and it doesn't have any forced sensationalism."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile and said, "I feel the same way."

"I really didn't expect that Mr. Yao would write such a script."

"Strictly speaking, it is not written by him. All the stories and dialogues that have happened are all the past in memory." Zhou Yun said, "It is precisely because of this that he said that he did not write at all. Understand why she does what she does in the script."

Song Chi asked, "Then do you understand?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, "There are too many interpretations."

"Then if you act, how do you plan to act?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun said: "Act according to my interpretation."

That night, the two had been chatting about "You in the Moonlight", and they had a lot of chats since then.

Before falling asleep, Song Chi said: "This time Cannes, I will accompany you."

"Ah? Really?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Song Chi nodded and said, "Mr. Bridge invited me to be the judge of the 'Un Certain Regard' unit."

The expression on Zhou Yun's face was even more surprised.

"Ah? That's great!" Zhou Yun cried out in surprise, hugged Song Chi, and said happily, "My God, you are too good! You were invited to be a judge!"

Song Chi: "Yes, I am also very happy to be able to participate in the Cannes Film Festival with you."

"That's not what I'm talking about, you're so awesome, you were invited to be a judge at such a young age!" Zhou Yun said, "Song Chi, you are my idol."

Song Chi smiled brightly.

"This news hasn't been announced yet, right?" Zhou Yun suddenly thought of something and asked.

Song Chi said, "Yes, it hasn't been announced yet."

Zhou Yun: "That has to be kept a secret first, but everyone will be very proud when this news is announced."

"Well, I think so too." Song Chi said with a smile, "I have made a lot of theme films in the past two years, and many seniors have called to remind me that I can't always make this kind of mission films. They still I hope we can really bring Chinese films to countries all over the world, not just in our own country. They should be very happy to be judges this time. I don’t know why in the past few years. The more and more domestic filmmakers We will appear less and less on the world film stage, and we will continue to work hard in the future to let more outstanding filmmakers stand on it."

"En!" Zhou Yun nodded vigorously.

She couldn't use words to accurately describe her psychological feelings at this moment.

It is a feeling of pride and pride, and a feeling full of pride.

My heart was racing and I couldn't fall asleep right away.


The next day, Zhou Yun was going to the company to hold a production meeting for "Under Dress".

As soon as Zheng Xiaowen met, she said, "Xiaoyun, this time I have left you the latest designs for the Cannes red carpet dresses that have not been exposed yet. When do you have time, come to my place to choose?"

Zhou Yun said hello.

"However, Sister Xiaowen, I will wear VX on the red carpet this time. For other occasions, I have other ideas and I won't wear VX. Let me tell you in advance." Zhou Yun said, "It's not that I don't want to wear VX anymore. But there are other work cooperation, I need to cooperate with other partners."

Zheng Xiaowen froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "As long as you wear VX on the red carpet, what else can I say? You have already given me the best."

Zhou Yun hugged Zheng Xiaowen and said, "Thank you sister Xiaowen for your understanding."

"I will still go to Cannes this time, and I will help you get the biggest fashion magazine and leave you the most conspicuous interview position." Zheng Xiaowen said, "You are really uplifting. I went to Venice, and this year I will go to Cannes non-stop. Come on, work hard. I am trying to get your title mentioned as the global spokesperson with my European partners. Of course, they prefer Hollywood female stars, I understand , but I will try to push you up."

(End of this chapter)

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