I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 485 Always Support

Chapter 485 Always Support
Zhou Yun was the Asian spokesperson of VX before, and if he goes up to Title, he is the global spokesperson.

At present, there is only one global spokesperson for VX, a British actress who has won an Oscar for Best Actress.

Zheng Xiaowen said that in order to push Zhou Yun to the position of global spokesperson, at least one of the top three Best Actresses is needed.

Therefore, Zhou Yun did not take Zheng Xiaowen's words to heart.

At present, she has a lot of endorsements, involving various product fields, including [-] brands for the clothes she wears.

Jewelry, watches, make-up, skin care products, clothing, high-heeled shoes... There are three in clothing, VX, underwear, and a brand specializing in sports equipment.

This is also the reason why Zhou Yun's income alone can account for one-third of Qianqian Entertainment's annual income.

The income of a top star is completely different from that of other ordinary stars, not in the same unit.

Regarding "Under Dress", today's production meeting will mainly discuss some implants of this TV series.

VX is the producer of this drama, and it can be seen from the name that it is VX's show.

But apart from clothes, this fashion-themed TV series is very different from other dramas. Its main audience is women who are concerned about fashion and love beauty, plus Zhou Yun starring, a sensitive brand Hearing the news, he took the initiative to ask if there is room for cooperation.

The cooperation here naturally refers to implantation.

It is not uncommon to see advertisements placed in a movie now, the key is to see whether the advertisement is high-level or low-level.

At the beginning of the meeting, Zhou Yun took the lead in expressing his attitude: "First of all, implantation is possible, but I firmly do not accept the voice of the characters in the play, not only I do not accept it, any actor can not do this One thing, I hope that the implantation form of oral broadcasting will not appear in this drama.”

As soon as Zhou Yun opened his mouth, thousands of film and television people exploded.

Especially the ones responsible for the specific docking implants.

"Many brands require oral broadcasts, otherwise they will not sponsor."

"Then let them go." Zhou Yun said, "Everyone, when you are watching a drama, you see people acting well, and suddenly there is a blunt oral implantation, don't you think it's a drama?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Of course a drama is a drama, but now so many dramas are done in this way, and everyone is no stranger to it.

Zhou Yun: "Those who require oral broadcast implantation, talk to the other party. I would rather have a lower sponsorship fee, or something, but if the other party definitely requires oral broadcasting, then refuse it."

"This will cause us to lose a lot of income for this drama." People from Qianqian Film and Television said directly.

Zhou Yun said: "If you do this, our show will lose a lot of viewers. Could it be that if the audience decreases, the show's revenue will not drop."

"Numbers can't be calculated like this. Advertising revenue is already a huge part of this show."

"You haven't talked to them, how do you know that they will not accept it?" Zhou Yun said, "The brand side believes that our drama will be popular in the future and can help them achieve the desired publicity effect, so they decided to Do you want to implant our drama, or because our drama can be spoken orally, so we implanted our drama?"

Thousands of film and television people still want to talk.

Zhou Yun didn't give them a chance to speak, and continued: "Any brand should calculate this account clearly. The more viewers of a drama, the better the word of mouth, the more beneficial it is for their brand implantation. Otherwise, it will affect If you get the audience’s reputation and let everyone play, everyone will be annoyed by the brand that advertises. If they don’t know this truth, ask them to arrange someone to investigate. The brand placement of fashion dramas is not a big pot of food, brainwashing and memory If you want to play this trick, you should copy the melatonin advertising method.”

Zhou Yun's mouth was like a small machine gun, and he uttered a long series of words.

Thousands of film and television people temporarily decided to avoid the edge and talk to the brand first.

"Then who are the brands that don't require word-of-mouth now?" Zhou Lan asked directly.

Chengqian Film and Television took out a list.

Everyone started to think about it one by one, whether this brand is suitable for implantation in the play, and if it is not suitable, they can only give up.

The morning passed quickly.

At noon, another box lunch was ordered, and everyone ate the box lunch together, and continued to go through the list.

The meeting lasted until [-]:[-] in the afternoon, and eight brand placements were preliminarily confirmed.

There are more than a dozen to be further communicated.

After the meeting ended, Zhou Yun stretched his waist and yawned, "Sitting here for a whole day's meeting, my waist is sore."

Zhou Lan said with a smile: "I often live this kind of life, one meeting after another, and the rest time in between has to be used in the bathroom to touch up makeup."

Zhou Yun: "It's really hard work."

"So are you going back now?"

"I made an appointment with Yu Chu."

"Yu Chu? Didn't she join the filming team?" Zhou Lan asked.

"She took a leave of absence from the film crew today, and there is an official charity event that invites her to participate. Before she returns to the film crew, she happens to have time to have a meal with me." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "I haven't seen her for a long time. , just in time to meet her."

"Do you know when Yu Chu's contract expires?" Zhou Lan asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Zhou Yun looked at her in surprise, "Why are you asking this?"

Zhou Lan said: "If it's suitable, you can sign Yu Chu to us. Her current company is really not strong enough, and so is her manager. Although she is a good person, she has too many artists under her management. She doesn't have enough energy, and the resources that make her a little better are all introduced by you or obtained by yourself."

Zhou Yun thought to himself that it would be a good thing if Yu Chu could sign with Chengqian Entertainment.

At least in terms of resources, with Zhou Lan around, she would not be lacking.

"Then let me ask her." Zhou Yun said, "Ask her own thoughts first. If she doesn't want to sign with us, it's better not to force her."


Zhou Yun drove to the appointment by himself.

After hearing what Zhou Yun said about Zhou Lan, Yu Chu didn't express his position immediately, but fell into deep thought.

"Don't worry too much, you can make a decision according to your own ideas, and I'm just conveying the meaning of Sister Lan." Zhou Yun said, "Come to Chengqian Entertainment, there are pros and cons, of course, no matter where you are, You are all my friends."

Yu Chu smiled, "Thank you, Xiaoyun, let me think about it. I am really not very satisfied with this company now, and it probably has something to do with my being lazy before and not getting enough attention. Now I hope to make a good I want to develop my career more quickly, so I hope to find strong support and I don’t want to make a decision lightly.”

"Yeah, no matter what your decision is, you can just tell Sister Lan directly." Zhou Yun said, "I will always support you."

(End of this chapter)

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