Chapter 486 Four Killers

In fact, Yu Chu didn't really blame the company for his debut for so long and his tepid development.

Before the incident with her parents, she herself didn't care too much about how far she would develop.When she first entered the entertainment industry and became an actress, she didn't have a very clear goal of making money like Zhou Yun did, nor did she have a high talent and everyone thought she was suitable for this job.It's just that among the many choices, I did this job by accident.

As an actress, she doesn't have to go to work from nine to five every day, which suits her personality. She is also a Buddhist. She has a little money at home, and her life is rich. She doesn't fight or grab, there are not so many unhappy things, and she lives very comfortably.

In fact, it goes on like this. When the time is right, when you meet the right person, get married, and have a child, you may gradually withdraw from the circle. Occasionally come out to act in a play to earn extra money, but it is no longer regarded as a life. career.

Yu Chu had always been a person with no ambitions.

Her growth environment and growth process have cultivated her character.

But God also seems to be displeased with her being so smooth sailing, laying down in the world, causing her the ups and downs of her parents' gambling debts.She can no longer live a Buddhist life like before, all the money has been used to pay off her gambling debts, and her family is not the foundation that allows her to treat her work as she pleases.Yu Chu didn't realize Zhou Yun's embarrassment and urgency when he entered the entertainment circle until he experienced this moment.

Yu Chu had never worked so hard before.

But working hard does not mean that there will be many job opportunities for her to do.

She also doesn't want to be like Xu Siyao, regardless of her own reputation, regardless of whether a product is good or bad, as long as she gives money, she will cooperate.

In the current film and television market, her salary is actually not very high. The heroine of a web drama may only be paid one million yuan, which is shared with the company and tax deducted. The situation is better, and she gets [-] to [-]. Ten thousand.Of course, compared with the income of ordinary people, this income is already very high.But in the actor industry, there are too many unstable factors. Actors like Yu Chu can still get in touch with many opportunities due to their youth. If they don't take advantage of this stage to make themselves famous, they will soon be eliminated by the market.

At her stage, there are generally no brands willing to sponsor her, such as the gowns she wears on the red carpet, the outfits she usually buys for social events, and the styling and makeup she needs to participate in various business activities. The company is responsible , will help provide basic support, but if she wants to look a little better and not look like a dirty, ugly, or village girl who is ridiculed by everyone, she has to spend her own money to hire a better stylist. , starting at six figures at every turn.I usually have to take care of myself, I always have to work in front of the camera, my skin must not be broken, and I don’t mention regular visits to beauty salons. The usual skin care, maintenance, etc., if the investment is slightly larger, it is a very scary figure.

It may seem like a glamorous career, but if you are only at the waist position, you may not even be able to make ends meet in many cases.

Even so, if you want to keep climbing, you have to bite the bullet and persevere.Yu Chu knew that her situation was much better than the average person's. At least she wasn't in a state of finding no such person now, and her company and friends provided her with good opportunities, so that she would not be without job opportunities.During this period of time, she has taken on a lot of jobs for herself, not only acting, but also live broadcasting and commercial performances, as long as she can arrange it, she will take it.But her appearance fee may not even be a fraction of Zhou Yun's, which is normal, the income structure of the entertainment industry has never been a reasonable structure, it is not a pyramid, there is almost no middle ground, either high or low.But she still accepted, the more the better, as long as the cooperation is okay, there is no risk.

One more exposure, one more chance for everyone to see her.

With this belief in mind, Yu Chu frequently appeared on camera.

However, over the past few months, her appearance has hardly caused any splashes.No one pays attention to her dynamics, and no one cares what she is doing.When she was on the show, the show crew only wanted to talk about Zhou Yun, or her parents' debts. They didn't care about other aspects, and they didn't even want her to mention it, because it was a waste of time.She went to meet the group, and others asked her if she would like to play a supporting role for the newcomer?The salary may not be very high. After all, she is not a particularly safe actor now, and the crew also needs to bear certain risks.When she went to talk about the live broadcast, the platform was willing to give her a place, but it asked her to live broadcast according to the platform's method, to create gimmicks, to have a topic, and even asked her directly, can Zhou Yun be invited to her live broadcast room?

this is the truth.

Yu Chu knew that if he wanted to change his situation, he had no choice but to follow Zhou Yun's path or Xu Siyao's path.

These two paths do not refer to copying and imitating them, but two directions.


Zhou Yun didn't realize that his friend Yu Chu was in a period of thinking and hesitating during this time.

She had dinner with Yu Chu, but instead of going home, she went to the bookstore.

She is going to the bookstore to buy a batch of new books and go home.

Nowadays, there are fewer bookstores, and at the same time, the remaining bookstores have become more refined, with coffee and desserts, making it a corner where people can stop and have a rest.

Although it was night, there were quite a few people in the bookstore.

Zhou Yun walked in wearing sunglasses and a hat, which attracted some people's attention.

Although it is often seen that celebrities are recognized in reality, in reality, if a little camouflage is used, it will not be so easy to be recognized.

Because in this day and age, few people stare at another person all the time.

Wearing sunglasses and a hat like Zhou Yun just makes people feel a little strange.

After all, at night, it is almost impossible to see anyone wearing sunglasses.

Zhou Yun walked to the back of the bookshelf with a natural expression, letting the bookshelf block him.

Those eyes were surprised for a moment, and then withdrew.

She looked through row by row, and when she saw something she was interested in, she checked the ratings on Douban and read everyone's comments.

She doesn't really believe in Douban's ratings, and chooses books based on this rating, but the ratings of Douban can also help her filter out some really ugly ones.

Suddenly someone walked over from the side.

The opponent's figure was a bit tall, Zhou Yun subconsciously turned his body sideways, avoided his face, and waited for someone to pass by.

Who knew that this figure stopped beside her.

"Zhou Yun?" The other party lowered his voice and asked the doctor.

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, then took a closer look at this person, unexpectedly it was Gu Huaichun.

Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise and asked, "Why are you here?"

Gu Huaichun smiled and said, "Come to buy books, didn't you also come to buy books?"

"You usually read?" Zhou Yun was even more surprised.

Gu Huaichun immediately rolled her eyes and said, "Why don't I usually read books? Don't think that you are the only one who is educated."

Zhou Yun: "Usually I don't think you are a person who loves reading."

Gu Huaichun snorted softly, "That's because you don't know me too well."

Zhou Yun smiled and asked, "What book are you here to buy?"

"It's related to criminal investigation." Gu Huaichun said, "I have several plays to play a policeman in the future."

"No wonder." Zhou Yun nodded, "Did you buy a professional book? Or what?"

"I've bought some novels, popular science, and professional knowledge. I'm going to buy some to prepare." Gu Huaichun asked, "What about you?"

"Oh, I'm just here to see if there are any books I want to buy or read. I like reading mystery novels and suspense novels." Zhou Yun said, "You can actually read more novels by yourself. If there are stories you like , I can go to your company to develop it into a TV series or movie."

Gu Huaichun shook his head and said, "You really think too well about my company, they won't develop a play for my idea."

"If you don't talk to them, of course they will never pay attention to your ideas, but you should have more choices." Zhou Yun said, "Let me tell you secretly, I had a meeting with people from the company before. At the time, I always put forward my ideas and suggestions with a very gentle attitude, but later found that if my attitude was very gentle, they would not pay attention to any ideas and suggestions I put forward, so I changed my way later. Instead of asking them to think about it, I just said that I hope, I want, and I must. After using such words, they changed the way they treat me. Although they will complain, they will feel that I am bossy and difficult. Fuck, but they started listening to me and finding ways to implement my ideas."

"It's still like this..." Gu Huaichun looked at her in surprise.

"Well, I had a scene before, and they wanted to do implants in it, so I just said, I don't accept oral implants, no matter what they say, I don't agree, stick to my opinion, they complained A lot, but finally agreed." Zhou Yun said, "Think clearly about what you want to do, what goal you want to achieve, and use your own advantages to achieve it."

Gu Huaichun: "Now they control me very strictly, but also leniently. They neither allow me to contact the partners alone, nor allow me to meet the director and producer in private."

"Are they worried that you will be poached?"

"There are all kinds of things."

"No matter what, you have to leave yourself a way out. If, I mean, if one day you are no longer popular and have no market, all your relationships and channels are in Yuehai. At that time, you will need the power of others to help you. You made a comeback, but Yue Hai gave up on you, then the game is over." Zhou Yun said, "Besides, to be honest, I have never liked Yue Hai and those people very much, there is a problem with the entire corporate culture."

Gu Huaichun laughed, showing the hero's similar expression, "I think so too."

The two chatted while looking for a book.

Not long after, Zhou Yun had five books in his hand.

"That's all I bought," she said.

Gu Huaichun nodded, "Then go and pay the bill."

When checking out, the two of them had the same sunglasses and hats, which attracted more people's attention.

But the two left the bookstore in time before being recognized.

"Are you going home? Shall I see you off?" Gu Huaichun asked.

"I drove the car myself."

"Yo, did you take your driver's license test?"

"Well, I got it a long time ago, and your news is too ignorant."

"Who cares if you have a driver's license or not." Gu Huaichun insisted.

Zhou Yun smiled.

"I won't push you anymore, I'm going back."

Who knows, this was also photographed and posted directly on the Internet, saying that she broke up with Song Chi after seeing Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun dating in a bookstore.

But no one took the news seriously.

Everyone knows that Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun are friends. If two celebrities really date, who would choose a bookstore to date?

Gu Huaichun posted a Weibo with two photos, one photo is the book he bought at night, and the other photo is the receipt of his book purchase, with the time, place and title of the book written on it, accompanied by the text: Encounter when buying a book, Don't cue.

Seeing the news, Yu Chu also posted a photo with Zhou Yun under Gu Huaichun's Weibo: Xiaoyun and I just said goodbye, and I ran into you by chance. If I hadn't said earlier that you were also in this mall, if I had said earlier, I'll take you with me for dinner.

Zhou Yun appeared in the comment area and replied to Yu Chu: I said I would not take him.

Gu Huaichun returned a middle finger expression.

Song Chishan came late and asked Zhou Yun: Can you take me with you?

Zhou Yun: Xiao Chu and I are dating, and you men will go.

Gu Huaichun: Since Brother Chi was also rejected, I feel relieved.

Song Chi returned to Gu Huaichun: See you downstairs at your house tonight, followed by the expression of a big knife.

Gu Huaichun: It's hidden.

Netizens were amused by their conversations.

Everyone will understand the whole story.

Zhou Yun's fan said: Actually, anyone who knows Zhou Yun a little knows that the first film Zhou Yun filmed was with Gu Huaichun. If the two of them could be together, they would have been together a long time ago. At that time everyone It is said that they are screen CPs, but they are not allowed to be together.

Zhou Yun liked this Weibo.When you see it, you naturally understand what Zhou Yun's praise means.

But even so, someone still posted on Weibo, saying: But, don't people think that Zhou Yun is already in a relationship with Song Chi, and he is not single, and he always meets Gu Huaichun, don't you find it strange?

The comments below this Weibo show polarities.

One is that they don't think there is anything strange about it. Even if they fall in love or even get married, it doesn't mean they have to break up with their friends from the past. As long as they keep the proper boundaries, they shouldn't worry about other things.

The other pole agrees with this point of view, thinking that since Zhou Yun is already with Song Chi, he should keep a distance from the opposite sex and can no longer get so close.

Everyone was arguing fiercely.

Some people say: What era is this, and women are required to stay out of the door and stay out of the second door. Once married, they can't see other men again?
Someone counterattacked: Then why do many of you women ask their boyfriends to delete women in WeChat?
Some people refuted: We never ask boyfriends to delete women who have normal social relationships, but for those women who remain ambiguous and have no normal social relationships, don’t delete them and keep cheating?
Someone said: Doesn't that mean that you also think that men should keep a distance from other women after they fall in love?
Someone said: Why didn't Zhou Yun keep a distance from Gu Huaichun?The two of them went in and out of the hotel alone, which is called not keeping distance. The two of them were in a public place like a bookstore, let alone met by chance, they just made an appointment to go to the bookstore together. What's wrong?
Someone said: Come on, is it okay for you to see your boyfriend sitting with another woman drinking coffee?

Some people say: If it is a colleague or a friend I have known before, what can I not accept, even if I feel uncomfortable in my heart, I will not trouble him for this matter. What I cannot accept is that there is a relationship between two people. Intimate behavior, it is unacceptable for two people to go out for coffee behind my back.

Someone said: Look, you also said that you would feel uncomfortable in your heart.

Some people say: There are so many things in this world that make you feel uncomfortable. If you find a boyfriend who makes me feel uncomfortable, you can ask him not to do it?Then I don't feel comfortable seeing him having a close relationship with his sister, can I let him sever the brother-sister relationship with his sister?
Someone said: Aren't you unreasonable?
Someone said: Why is it so unreasonable?That's my attitude, people who care about this matter, you can find someone who also cares about this matter to fall in love, and even the boyfriends don't stand up to say anything, you stand up one by one and manage so leniently.

Song Chi appeared under this comment and gave her a like.

Song Chi wanted to say that he didn't mind being a fake.However, he also knew that Zhou Yun had done his best.As long as she has an appointment with others, Zhou Yun will tell him in advance who she is going to meet, if she wants to meet other men, or if she has something to face, Zhou Yun will bring Zheng Xiaoju, Cao Jun or Liu Yun, Make sure there is a third person present.Like this kind of temporary encounter in a bookstore, is it possible that Zhou Yun can directly say to Gu Huaichun: "I'm sorry, there are only two of us now, please don't tell me."?Everyone knows that a normal adult, especially an adult with a job, cannot avoid having many interactions with the opposite sex. Some people interact more, and some people interact less. The key is to keep the boundaries .

Therefore, Song Chi didn't really mind even though Zhou Yun actually had two close male friends, Gu Huaichun and Wei Heyun, by his side.

Zhou Yun's behavior was very generous, he either dragged him to meet with them, or called other friends together, and never concealed it.

Song Chi also knows that there are actually a lot of temptations in this circle, and there is a team around Zhou Yun. If she really wants to hide something, she has a lot of power to keep a secret, and there are many excuses to stand up. Steady feet, but she never did.

Under her influence, Song Chi did the same.

Basically, if he wants to meet other actresses, Song Chi will arrange for his assistant to be there too, leaving no space for the two of them to be alone.

If the topic is not suitable for other people to talk about, then meet in a public place, such as a coffee shop.

The two of them have been together for so long, but they have never quarreled or got angry over such jealousy, which is inseparable from the fact that the two of them have always paid attention to their own behavior.

The two get together less often, but they talk on the phone at least once a day, and say good night to each other before going to bed at night. If they are filming or working outside, or staying in a hotel, they will also make video calls from time to time.

Not to prove yourself, but to make the other person feel safe.

This is a tacit understanding between the two of them. The two have never agreed, but they both did it.

Song Chi thought it was good.

In any case, this is a matter between the two of them. As long as there is no problem between the two of them, even if there is a lot of noise outside, there is no problem.

Don't be affected by the external environment, this is a compulsory course for the two of them to enter this industry.

At another script reading meeting of "Four Killers", Zhou Yun attended as scheduled.

Sure enough, the problem of He Xuran and Yin Linglin's quarrel last time has been resolved this time.

The director and the screenwriter arranged a reason for their two roles that was reasonable from their respective perspectives, but objectively it was a misunderstanding. Therefore, the characters of both of them had no moral or character flaws.

Zhou Yun is actually not that satisfied with this change, everyone has shortcomings, even in drama works.

A person without flaws will make people feel unreal, and it will also make people unable to like them from the bottom of their hearts.

It is even said that whether a person is liked or not is actually determined by the person's shortcomings.

See if this person's flaws are cute.

With such a change, the characters of He Xuran and Yin Linglin have no real flaws.

In fact, whether it is jealousy or lust, Zhou Yun feels that this is not a shortcoming in principle. If the acting is good, it will still be touching and the audience will still like it.

Taking lust as an example, the character played by Jiang Wu in "Eight Hundred", the performance before his death, made people feel that he was lustful, real, and moved, and tears flowed.

Another example is the ex-husband played by Lei Jiayin in "The First Half of My Life". Why did Ma Yili choose him?It seems to be true, because Lei Jiayin will not be scolded so badly if he plays the cheating man.The result of the fact is that the ex-husband played by Lei Jiayin has indeed won the love of many audiences, who scold and like him at the same time.

The characters are round, and it is understandable for actors to protect their characters, but over-protection turns the character into a perfect person and loses the meaning of acting from the very beginning.

Zhou Yun prefers to dig out the reasons behind the shortcomings of the characters.Why would a person be like this?And, can a person face up to his own shortcomings?Admit your flaws?

Rather be frank than hypocritical.

After the script reading session this time, Zhou Yun took the initiative to stop Yao Yuanfeng.

She felt that Yao Yuanfeng was also very serious, and he attended every script reading meeting, and he still participated in the whole process.As the owner of a film and television production company, he really loves this industry from the bottom of his heart, otherwise he would not be involved in so many detailed links.

"I've finished reading "You in the Moonlight", and Song Chi has also finished reading it," Zhou Yun said.

Yao Yuanfeng became nervous in a rare way, and even swallowed his throat.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to comfort him with a smile: "President Yao, don't be nervous."

"what do you think?"

Zhou Yun said, "Mr. Yao, can I ask a question first?"

"You ask."

"Is this the story of you and your first love?" Zhou Yun looked directly into Yao Yuanfeng's eyes and asked.

Yao Yuanfeng didn't seem to think that this secret could be kept, so he nodded and admitted.

"Then my judgment is correct, Song Chi and I have the same opinion, I want to act in this drama, and he also wants to act in this drama, if you want to develop it into a movie. "Zhou Yun said.

Yao Yuanfeng looked at Zhou Yun in astonishment and disbelief, "Really?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Really."

"Don't you think... this script is actually missing part of the content?" Yao Yuanfeng said, "Why, why did she want to break up, why she refused to be with him again, there are no answers to these questions, this script does not exist at all. whole."

"Is it because she didn't tell you the answer?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yao Yuanfeng nodded in frustration.

Zhou Yun said: "Incompleteness has incomplete beauty."

Yao Yuanfeng looked at her in surprise.

"For an audience, the integrity of the story is very important, but sometimes, regret itself is a kind of art." Zhou Yun said, "A Japanese movie called "Love Like a Bouquet" was released recently. It’s pretty good. I don’t know if you’ve read it, Mr. Yao. It also tells the story of a man and woman who fell in love and then broke up. This story is very complete. Why are you together and why are you breaking up? I was just thinking, if there were no such explanations, if there were no explanations that the boys would stop reading comics, stop playing big games, if they didn’t explain that the differences between the two were getting bigger and bigger, and if they didn’t make these details real, this movie would be How? For me, this movie is too full, and every detail is rich enough, so there is no blank space. The story of the man and woman in the movie, no matter the past or the future, is clearly told. In fact, the other "Later Us" also gave me the same feeling, but I like "You in the Moonlight" because it is a one-sided perspective from beginning to end. It is completely a poem in this man's memory, so He doesn't know why the girl broke up with him, and he doesn't know why the girl doesn't want to be with him again. He doesn't know why, these are the regrets we have experienced the most in our own lives. The questions that appeared in life disappeared again before they gave us the answers."

After Zhou Yun finished speaking, he lowered his head and smiled, "I'm sorry, I talked too much at once, isn't it nonsense?"

"No." Yao Yuanfeng looked at Zhou Yun in amazement and said, "You are really a genius."

"You always praise me like that."

"Because you always surprise me."

"Then, Mr. Yao, are you planning to make this movie?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yao Yuanfeng hesitated for a while, but did not make a decision, and said, "Let me think about it again."

"it is good."

Zhou Yun went out, going to find Zheng Xiaoju and the others and go home.

As a result, there were still people in the conference room where everyone was reading the script just now, and they were talking.

"Did you find out that Zhou Yun would go out with Mr. Yao alone after each script reading meeting?" Yin Linglin said in a tone that seemed to have something hidden.

"I found out earlier, I'm still waiting for you to tell me." He Xuran shrugged his shoulders.

They didn't even leave yet.

Zhou Yun frowned slightly.

Yin Linglin: "Two days ago, there was still debate on the Internet that she is not single anymore and should keep a distance from the opposite sex. It seems that this matter has no impact on her at all, and she doesn't mind at all."

"Why would she mind? If it wasn't for Yao Yuanfeng, how could she push Yu Sitian out of the game and join in." He Xuran said, "Wasn't Yu Sitian the one who decided at the beginning?"

"Really? I don't even know." Yin Linglin looked at He Xuran in surprise.

"My agent told me that when Xindun came to me, he said that Yu Sitian was also acting together. Who knew that it would become Zhou Yun after a while."

"He's popular." Yin Linglin said with a smile, "Don't be jealous, if you can win Best Actor, you can also squeeze others out."

"Come on, when she entered this group, she didn't win the best actress." He Xuran said, "At that time, I thought Song Chi helped her win it."

"Why, do you have a different opinion now?" Yin Linglin asked.

"Anyway, I think her relationship with Mr. Yao is too close. Look, Mr. Yao is so close to any of us." He Xuran pouted.

Yin Linglin didn't answer.

"Xiaoyun, why are you standing here?" Yao Yuanfeng's voice suddenly sounded.

The expressions of several people in the meeting room suddenly changed, and they looked towards the door.

Zhou Yun didn't know when he stood at the door, and was looking at them with a blank expression on his face, and his eyes were so calm that it made people feel creepy.

Zhou Yun turned his head to look at Yao Yuanfeng, smiled coldly, and said, "It's nothing, let them tell you why you and I are so close, Mr. Yao."

When Yao Yuanfeng heard the words, anger appeared on his face.

Zhou Yun glanced indifferently at the few people in the room, turned around and left without saying anything.

Yao Yuanfeng glared angrily at the few people in the room, unable to hide his anger.


It's also interesting, the two people who were choking with each other last time, this time they sang together and talked about arranging the scandal between her and Yao Yuanfeng.

Zhou Yun got into the car with a straight face.

Seeing Zhou Yun's expression, Zheng Xiaoju couldn't help asking cautiously: "Sister Xiaoyun, who made you so angry?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, "Xiaoyu, let me be alone for a while, drive and go home."

Zheng Xiaoju snorted, nodded, and signaled Cao Jun to drive.


Yao Yuanfeng didn't say anything to He Xuran and Yin Linglin at the end, but his face was not very good, and he walked away.

Several people in the room looked at each other, and no one spoke for a while.

He Xuran was the first to say, "I'll go first."

"Sneaking really fast." Yin Linglin sneered, "Didn't you talk the most just now?"

He Xuran denied it, and said directly: "Who said I talked the most? Didn't I just follow your words?"

"Now you want to push the matter on me, don't you?" Yin Linglin sneered again, "Forget it, I don't have anything to say, let's go."

Several people broke up.

Yin Linglin hesitated for a long time, whether to send Zhou Yun a message to apologize.

But in the end it still didn't do it.

In fact, she was not as exaggerated as what He Xuran said. In the end, He Xuran had no words and dared to speak so convincingly without evidence.

But after this incident, Zhou Yun's impression of them probably won't get any better.

Yin Linglin was a little annoyed.

Originally, she always thought that she was the leader of the younger generation of actresses, and she had been nominated for Best Actress several times, but Zhou Yun suddenly appeared, extremely strong, and directly won the best actress, becoming the younger generation of actresses The first actress to win the Aoki Award.

Yin Linglin was a little jealous of Zhou Yun, but she didn't want to make trouble with Zhou Yun.

It's obviously not happy now.

The only thing that comforted her was that several other people were present today, and Zhou Yun was not the only one who was dissatisfied with her.

No matter what, it is impossible for Zhou Yun to be angry with all of them.


Zhou Yun didn't tell Song Chi about this, because he thought it was meaningless and made Song Chi feel bad along with him.

What annoyed her was that the filming of "Four Killers" was about to start, and Zhou Yun felt depressed at the thought of cooperating with those people in filming.

If she had known that they were such people, she would not have wanted to make this movie.

Song Chi is also about to join the team to shoot a new movie, which is a low-budget literary film, "The Balcony", directed by Lu Ting, a director who specializes in literary films.

The shooting time is not long, only about fifteen days.

Zhou Yun read the script of "The Balcony" and found it to be a warm story about a painter who doesn't like contact with the outside world. He came to a small town this summer, rented a house, and painted in the house every day. In the opposite house, there is a balcony, and there is an old man who goes to bask in the sun every day. One day, two people accidentally came into contact because of an injured bird. In the process of taking care of the injured bird, the two people, Gradually get acquainted and enter each other's lives.Very warm story.

Song Chi not only starred in this drama, but also served as the producer of this drama, and his company produced this movie.

Zhou Yun said: "This story is so warm."

"Well, it's a story written by Lu Ting herself." Song Chi said, "The films she directs are all in this style, telling some of the beauty in daily life, which is very comfortable."

Zhou Yun said: "I haven't seen her movie yet."

"You should like it."

"Okay, then I'll go and have a look."

Song Chi advanced group.

Zhou Yun lived at home alone for three days, and then joined the group.

During the filming of "Four Killers", on the day Zhou Yun checked into the hotel, he accidentally ran into Gu Huaichun in the hotel.

"Why are you here?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Gu Huaichun said: "I'm filming, and our crew lives here."

Zhou Yun said: "It's a coincidence, my crew also lives here."

"..." Gu Huaichun smiled wryly, "It seems that rumors are going to spread again."

Zhou Yun shrugged and said, "Then let them pass it on."

Gu Huaichun is filming a TV series with the background of the Republic of China, and the filming base used is the same as "Four Killers".

After Zhou Yun knew about it, he thought, no wonder it was such a coincidence.

In this TV series with the background of the Republic of China, the heroine is Meng Ran, who is also an acquaintance of Zhou Yun.

However, Meng Ran turned out to be the heroine... After Zhou Yun found out about this, he was at a loss for words.

She has seen Meng Ran's acting skills before. If Gu Huaichun cooperates with her, don't blow your hair out on the spot.

In just a few days, the number of fans and reporters squatting outside the hotel suddenly increased.

At the same time, there were so many big stars staying in a hotel, and all of them were young stars with a large number of fans. The hotel had to arrange security every day to ensure the smooth flow of the hotel entrance.

If no measures are taken, with the number of these fans, cars will not be able to pass in front of the hotel.

After checking into the hotel, Zhou Yun still had the old habit of going to the nearby spots to design a morning jogging route for himself.

When I came back, I happened to meet Liu Zhikun.

Liu Zhikun was not among those who arranged for her and Yao Yuanfeng that day.

He himself was born as an idol, and his popularity is extremely high, and because of a youth romance movie, he has harvested the hearts of many girls, and everywhere he goes is star-eyed.

Zhou Yun felt that it was a bit exaggerated, so he avoided it, but who knew he would run into Meng Ran.

Meng Ran wore a fisherman's hat and a large mask to completely block herself, and when she almost ran into Zhou Yun, she was startled.


Then, Meng Ran recognized Zhou Yun.

"Sister Xiaoyun!" Meng Ran called out to her in surprise.

Zhou Yun: "Xiao Ran, long time no see."

Meng Ran said, "Sister Xiaoyun, why are you here? Ah, by the way, the crew of "Four Killers" also stayed in this hotel. I heard my manager tell me about it. What a coincidence!"

"Yeah, what a coincidence, where are you going?"

Dressed up like this, there is almost no silver three hundred taels here.

In the end, Meng Ran didn't want to go out.

"I'm so hungry, but my agent won't let me eat, I want to sneak out and get something," she said.

For idol stars like Meng Ran, the brokerage company has very strict requirements on their figures, and even supervises what they eat, and does not allow them to eat more than one bite.

Zhou Yun said: "Liu Zhikun is at the door, there are many people, you will easily be caught if you go out now."

Meng Ran's eyes were full of disappointment: "Ah? What should I do then? I'm really hungry."

Seeing this, Zhou Yun said, "Well, what do you want to eat, come to my room and I'll order takeaway."

Meng Ran looked at Zhou Yun in surprise, and asked, "Really? Thank you, Miss Xiaoyun! Miss Xiaoyun, you are so kind!"

She hugged Zhou Yun fiercely and thanked him intimately.

Zhou Yun smiled.

In the end, Meng Ran himself knew that he couldn't eat more, so he ordered a dumpling for himself.

Seeing what Meng Ran ordered, Zhou Yun immediately felt pitiful.She also thought that Meng Ran was greedy or something, and wanted to eat something like fried chicken, but the manager wouldn't let him eat it, but who knew it was just dumplings.It seemed that Meng Ran was really starving.Zhou Yun shook his head, feeling sorry for Meng Ran's manager, took out his phone, and saw someone talking in the "Four Killers" group chat.

Yin Linglin said in the group: Zhikun's popularity is a bit too much, and even blocked the entrance of the hotel.

She also posted a photo of Liu Zhikun at the hotel entrance.

He was so densely surrounded by fans that he couldn't move an inch.

Zhou Yun clicked his tongue.

After a while, Liu Zhikun bubbled up in the group, saying: Sorry to cause trouble to everyone.

Meng Ran raised her head and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, I'm done eating."

Seeing the happy expression on her face, Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Drink some water, rinse your mouth, and don't let your manager smell it." Zhou Yun said.

Meng Ran nodded, "I'll wait a while before going back. I told her that I'm here to chat with you."

Because Meng Ran had worked with her in "Warm Little Pony", her manager would not suspect anything when Meng Ran came to chat with her.

Zhou Yun: "Next time if you are hungry and want to eat, if your manager refuses to let you, you can come to me again. Your body is the most important thing. Don't always starve yourself. You are already very thin now. Don't waste your body. Broken."

 It has been six consecutive days of daily [-]D changes, which is really not easy for me.

  I have published a new book "It's Just an Ex-Relationship", please support me a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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