I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 487 Some kind of meaning

Chapter 487 Some kind of meaning
"Yeah, thank you, Miss Xiaoyun." Meng Ran raised her face with a sweet smile.

"Sister Xiaoyun, how is Gu Huaichun?" She asked suddenly.

"Huh? Why did you ask me this all of a sudden?" Zhou Yun asked.

Meng Ran said: "Sister Xiaoyun, aren't you good friends with him? I am filming with him, but I feel that he is very fierce, and he is very cold. He doesn't talk to me. After the filming is over, he sits on side."

"Have you never dated in private?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Meng Ran shook her head and said, "My manager said that his love life is messy, and told me not to get too close to him. Moreover, he feels that his temper is not very good, so I dare not take the initiative to talk to him."

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"He has a bad temper... It's true, but he's not bad, he's a hard-spoken and soft-hearted person." Zhou Yun said, "Besides, he is a person who has high requirements for acting. I worked with him before When filming "The Eighth Heartbeat", the script was a script of a sweet idol drama. Many plots are not in line with the actual situation, but his attitude is also very strict, and he has a strong sense of belief. As long as you act seriously, he will I really don't like you."

Meng Ran immediately groaned in frustration.

"But my acting is so bad, I'm always NG, and it also makes him always re-act with me." She said, "He must hate me very much."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, it is also possible.

Of course, she couldn't tell Meng Ran that.

Meng Ran worriedly rested her chin and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, does Gu Huaichun have anything else he likes? I'll buy him something he likes and give it to him as a gift. Will he have an impression of me? Get better?"

Zhou Yun thought to himself, probably not.

Gu Huaichun didn't look like someone who would be easily bought by any gift.

"He, I don't know what he likes either."

"Then I'll go ask him." Meng Ran suddenly seemed to muster up her courage, "You can't keep silent like this, or you'll still be a stranger after filming a movie."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

In fact, there are many actors who are still strangers after filming a movie.

Not every collaboration brings rival actors closer.

Filming in the same group is like colleagues at work in a sense.

But it's really uncommon for the male and female protagonists to be still strangers after filming a movie.

"Xiao Ran, you don't think he's handsome, so you're a little tempted?" Zhou Yun asked tentatively.

Meng Ran shook her head and said, "No, and I didn't think he was handsome either."

Zhou Yun glanced at her in surprise.

Meng Ran stuck out her tongue and said, "I prefer Liu Zhikun's type."

Liu Zhikun?
Zhou Yun thought that Xu Caisheng, who was in the same boat as Meng Ran and Liu Yuqian before, was also of the same type as Liu Zhikun, both of that handsome type.

Well, compared with them, Gu Huaichun's temperament is indeed much tougher, a bit sharp, not so gentle.

"Although he is not the type you like, I still remind you, his company controls him very tightly, so don't fall in love with him."

Not only is the company tightly controlled, but he is also a prodigal son, so I have never seen him establish a relationship with anyone.

Meng Ran blushed slightly, and said, "I won't."

Meng Ran left Zhou Yun's room.

Seeing her coming back, her manager put down the phone and asked, "Why have you chatted with Zhou Yun for so long? I've never seen you and her being so close."

Meng Ran said: "Because we haven't seen each other for a long time, we only talked for a long time. Sister Xiaoyun took good care of me and talked to me a lot."

Manager: "It's a good thing to have a good relationship with her, but you silly girl, don't talk nonsense just because you have a good relationship, remember what to say and what not to say, so that people don't get bored with you."

"I know."

Meng Ran said, "I'm going to sleep for a while."

"Go to sleep."

Zhou Yun sent Meng Ran away, opened the yoga mat, and prepared to do yoga for a while.

Zheng Xiaoju sat cross-legged beside her and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, if you let Meng Ran come to eat at your place secretly, if her manager finds out, her manager will be dissatisfied with you, too."

Zheng Xiaoju thought, why bother?
Zhou Yun said: "Her manager won't come to trouble us, don't worry, and her manager is too strict, you can see that she is already so thin that she is a bit unhealthy, and she even asked her to lose weight. "

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and agreed: "Meng Ran is indeed too thin, like a boner, it looks a little scary to me."

Zhou Yun moved his eyes to the biscuit in Zheng Xiaoju's hand, and said, "Have you been eating too much recently? I always see you eating."

Zheng Xiaoju's face became round.

As if she had been caught, she stuck out her tongue and said, "It doesn't matter to me, I don't need to be on camera anyway."

"Of course it's okay if you don't need to be on camera, but I'm afraid you won't be able to control it all of a sudden and you will get fatter." Zhou Yun said, "It's cute to be a little fleshy, but too fat is not good for your body. It's hard to lose weight."

Zheng Xiaoju hummed and nodded, "I'll try to restrain myself."

In fact, the reason why Zheng Xiaoju eats more and more recently is because she is under a lot of pressure recently.

When people are stressed, they eat more.


In the evening, Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju went out for dinner together.

There are still many fans squatting at the entrance of the hotel.

Among them are Zhou Yun's fans.

When Zhou Yun appeared, her group of fans immediately excitedly raised the light board and called her name.

Zhou Yun said to them: "Everyone go back early, what are you doing here?"

A little girl said: "Stay here so I can see you often."

Zhou Yun was helpless and said, "It doesn't make any sense to see me often."

"Seeing you is meaningful!" The little girl said persistently, "Sister Xiaoyun, you are really beautiful! You are my goddess."

Zhou Yun: "Thank you for your liking, but I hope you will pay more attention to my works."

"I've watched it, I've watched it, Sister Xiaoyun, I've watched every one of your plays, and I've rewatched "Questioning Heart" for the third time."

"You watch my plays more, and you should focus more on your own life." Zhou Yun said to the little girl, "Staying in front of the hotel just to see me, what a waste of time."

The little girl said aggrievedly: "But I have nothing else to do."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Aren't you in school?"

The little girl said: "Yes, but my grades are very poor. My class teacher advised me not to take the college entrance examination, so as not to lower the school's enrollment rate."

"Are you a senior in high school now?"

"Second year in high school." The little girl said, "Today is Saturday, we don't have to go to class, so I came here."

"Isn't that still a long time? Why can't I take the college entrance examination?" Zhou Yun said, "Work hard, maybe you can get into a good school."

"I can't pass the exam. I also know that I am not the material for studying." The little girl said dejectedly.

Zhou Yun stopped in his tracks, looked at her seriously, and said: "There are indeed people with higher talents in this world, but that doesn't mean that people with lower talents are not the material. Do you know that you are not that material?"

The little girl didn't seem to have thought that Zhou Yun would ask this question so seriously, she was a little dazed, hesitated for a while, and said, "But I feel sleepy when I read a book."

"If you feel sleepy after reading a book, then stand up and read."

"It's useless to stand up. The content in the book has passed through my mind, and I can't remember it. I can't recite an ancient poem for half an hour."

"Then did you recite it with your heart, or did you just read it in your head over and over again?" Zhou Yun said, "Maybe you can try it, recite it sentence by sentence, read it once, close the book, recite it, recite it one sentence, and read it a second time." sentence, and then recite the first two sentences, the memory is trained."

The little girl was dumbfounded.

She probably didn't expect that she was just chasing after a star, and she actually chased after the "teaching director".

"Come on." Zhou Yun smiled at her, "Study hard and spend time on yourself."

The little girl hesitated twice.

Zhou Yun shook her hands to her fans and said, "Stop following me, hurry up and have dinner, then go home, don't come tomorrow."

Her fans stopped in disappointment.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Zheng Xiaoju suddenly posted a screenshot in the group, which was a screenshot on Weibo.

She said in the group: Sister Xiaoyun, someone recorded what you said to your fans when we went out for dinner at night, and posted it on the Internet.

Zhou Yun clicked on the screenshot and saw that the person who posted on Weibo said this: Let you see how hypocritical Zhou Yun is. He keeps urging fans to go back and to study hard.

Come on, just looking at these words, you can tell that this person must be a black fan.

Zheng Xiaoju said in the group again: I checked and found that this video was not uploaded by the person in the screenshot, he just saw this video, so he moved it to use it, but this person is a hacker, I saw this person posted in the past Weibo, a fan of Yu Sitian, often reposts Yu Sitian's news, and also posts a lot of black information about other female stars, all of which are speculations without any evidence, but because none of them involve rumors, the influence is not It's big, so it's never been pursued.

Liu Yun: But now the number of likes on this Weibo has exceeded [-]. If it continues to spread like this, will it be fermented?
Zheng Xiaoju: I'm also worried about this, Miss Xiaoyun, do you think we should contact her in private?
Zhou Yun thought for a while: You should report to Sister Lan, but I don’t think you should do anything first. This Weibo has not become a popular Weibo. It should be found when you searched my name. There are many people every day. People say this kind of thing on the Internet, if I really pursue it, I will pursue one every day, and it will take decades. There is no need, we send her a private message, and once she hypes it, it may attract more people's attention.

Zheng Xiaoju: Yes, yes, I understand, Miss Xiaoyun.

Zhou Yun looked at the Weibo in this screenshot, but fell into deep thought.

She was thinking about a problem. What she thought was good might not be good in the eyes of others, and might even be called hypocrisy by others.

Should she say what she said today?
Of course, her original intention was to hope that girl could study hard, because she knew very well that if she finished her studies well, she would have more choices in the future.

But these words are not necessarily what the girl wants to hear.

At the same time, it may not be that the girl can listen to it.

If you say something that the other party is destined not to listen to, is it actually meaningful to say these words?
is that useful?
Zhou Yun wasn't afraid that she would do useless work, she was just thinking, did she subconsciously think that saying those words was the right choice under the circumstances?

Subconsciously wanting to be right?

She knows that she shouldn't question herself, she knows what kind of person she is, but she is afraid that she has been a public figure for a long time, and she doesn't even know when she puts on a mask.

She logged on to Weibo, looked at the comment section of her latest Weibo, and wanted to see what everyone thought.

She originally thought that many people would be impatient, after all, no one would like a person who told him everything, right?
However, at a glance, everyone's opinions were somewhat different from what she had expected.

The most popular comment is: Xiaoyun’s tone of voice when he told us to study hard is so gentle. I really want to have such a sister who reminds me to study, so that I can definitely be admitted to A University.

The second most popular comment is: No wonder Xiaoyun was admitted to University A, this attitude is different from ours.

The third most popular comment is: What to do, I want to study hard, but I have already worked.

The hottest fourth comment is: I decided to start studying with Xiaoyun, even if I work, I can't waste time.


Zhou Yun was surprised.

Why is this happening?

Don't they get annoyed by what they say?
Until she saw a person saying: Actually, I don’t like people telling me to work hard when they hear that my grades are not good. Why don’t you work hard?But Xiaoyun's attitude is not the attitude of those people at all, she is so strict, but also very gentle, she did not blame you why you don't work hard, but tells you how to work hard, if my grades fell in the third year of high school, there was a person like this My teacher urged me and encouraged me, maybe I won't be going to college in such a bad school now.

Zhou Yun was a little shocked when he saw this person's speech.

In fact, she has always felt that the distance between celebrities and fans should be farther and farther.She also feels that celebrities have so many guiding obligations to fans, and if they do their part well, what will happen to fans is not her business and has nothing to do with her.But the speeches of these people made her feel that she actually possessed a power greater than she imagined.They may not really believe her words, and they may not be able to carry out her words. Even after a few days, those who said they were encouraged to study hard may only spend three days fishing and two days posting on the net.But what should be done?Zhou Yun realized that if she could share more of her experience, she might be able to give some people who are in the fog a little strength.

(End of this chapter)

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