Chapter 488

Zhou Yun wants to use his Weibo to do a reading activity.

After this idea was put forward, Zhou Lan felt that this activity could be done.

"It's also in line with your public status that you go to this event. Although everyone's impression of you has become an actress and acting genius, in fact, you still have a very important identity. You are serious. Among the stars in the entertainment industry, you are the only one who graduated from University A." Zhou Lan said, "So, if you do this activity, not only will it have a good impact, but it will also be officially recognized. "

Zhou Yun: "I didn't think too much about it, I just felt that I had put Weibo on hold before and just posted some advertisements and publicity, but now that I think about it, what books I usually read, post on Weibo, and follow It’s good for everyone to share, I think, some people should be willing to study with me.”

"Of course, it's just an activity of reading. The threshold is still a bit high. I really don't know how many people can persevere." Zhou Lan said with a smile, "Anyway, taking myself as an example, I am I haven't read a book for a long time, and I really don't have the time and energy. When I have a little free time, I just want to lie down and swipe my phone, so that time can be wasted without any burden."

"Sister Lan, what you say is very depressing my enthusiasm."

"I think we should never think about motivating everyone to do something when we have an event. Anyway, if you are interested in this event, you can join in. If you are not interested, don't invite them over and over again. What should I do? How about it, people who can feel happy from this activity will naturally persevere, even if they can’t lead everyone to read ten books a year, if they can get them interested in one of the books, read one more book , is also good."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Zhou Lan: "You're quite free, too. You're already filming on the set, and you still want to organize such an event."

"I think I'm well-prepared for the movie "Four Killers"," Zhou Yun said.

"Huh? This doesn't look like your style. Why did you say that you were fully prepared this time? Didn't you feel that no matter how well-prepared you were before, it was not enough?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun said: "On the one hand, I am familiar with acting. On the other hand, it is also because I feel that the characters in "Four Killers" are not complicated. The key point of a character's state, the rest is left to the feeling of the scene."

Zhou Lan smiled, "I don't understand these things. In terms of acting, you are better than me. Just think about it yourself. As for me, I will prepare for you what you need for your trip to Cannes. Let me tell you, this Once you went to Cannes, all the top fashion media and film media in China threw olive branches at us, wanting to cooperate with us, some people want to follow the whole process, some people want to do your exclusive report, the cooperation needs of fashion media are compared Simple, I just want to do some street photography, and Zheng Xiaowen has proposed to do a Cannes VX project, to cooperate with "Marie Claire" and to be on the cover."

"Find a time for these things and hold a meeting together. Let's discuss the things that need to be discussed." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "Could it be that none of those editors contacted you?"

"Someone contacted me, but I said it depends on your arrangement." Zhou Yun said, "Let's have a meeting to discuss this matter later. There are too many people looking for me, and I don't know who to promise, I don't know who to promise. Who."

"it is good."

After talking on the phone with Zhou Lan, Zhou Yun suddenly thought of Song Chi.

I don't know if the news that Song Chi will serve as a judge for the "Un Certain Regard" unit has been announced.

I searched for Song Chi, but found no related news, it seems that it hasn't been announced yet.

Zhou Yun didn't know what was going on, she really wanted to see everyone's reaction after the news was announced.In fact, everyone's reaction can be guessed, what else can it be, it must be praise and appreciation.Zhou Yun felt that he might just want to see everyone praise Song Chi.

It's boring enough.Zhou Yun complained about himself.

All the members of "Four Killers" arrived, and everyone held a script reading meeting for the last time.

This time, I ran the script from morning to night, from beginning to end.

Everyone has no objections.

So, boot up.

Hou Mengjie is a very particular director.

He seems to already have what he wants for a picture. In this respect, he is a bit like Xue Qin.But he is different from Xue Qin, Xue Qin knows what feeling he wants, but he knows what he wants the picture to look like.This means that he has high requirements for every shooting.

It's not just the setting, such as the actor's position, or a wrong step, he can see it, stop it, and reshoot.

His request made all the actors uncomfortable at first.

Because these actors are all talented players.Talented players often like to hang out now, and it's different every time.

If they meet Wen Bing, they may be very attractive to Wen Bing, because Wen Bing belongs to the kind of "you shoot, you surprise me, that's great, although I thought about that before, but now I like you more This is what you want to play, whatever you want, as long as you play well, I will follow you to become a high-end director.

If they meet Jiang Xin, they may also be liked by Jiang Xin, because Jiang Xin belongs to the kind of director who is calm, calm and has a spectrum in his heart, "you children play, no matter how you play, you can't escape my Wuzhishan".

If they meet Xue Qin, they may even be welcomed by Xue Qin, because Xue Qin belongs to the kind of "You dare to act recklessly, are you looking for scolding? You act like this again! Reshoot! Continue to reshoot! What happened to me just now?" It’s okay, can you give me another one, don’t take such a dull smirk, okay? The pot of good porridge in front of it was all over the floor! Retake, okay, it’s right now! It’s over!” Look at you with cold eyes Monster director.

But unfortunately, the few of them met Hou Mengjie.

Hou Mengjie may belong to the "although you acted well, but unfortunately it's not what I want" type of director.

He identified the scene he wanted, and all the actors obediently cooperated with him to shoot that scene.

Zhou Yun is such a person who can adapt to the director. At the beginning of filming with Hou Mengjie, he still made him a little timid and dared not act.

Because I was afraid that once I acted hard, the acting would be different from what Hou Mengjie wanted.

The opinions of several actors are a bit big.

It's just that the movie has just started, so it's hard to speak directly if you have any opinions, and you're all suppressed.

In private, I have long complained.

Zhou Yun also ran into it twice, and she actually knew what they were complaining about, but whenever she approached, those people stopped talking, changed another topic, and avoided her specifically.

Zhou Yun felt a little ridiculous in his heart.But she also knew why they avoided her.The time they got together to talk about her and Yao Yuanfeng, she bumped into each other. After that, the two sides never spoke again.Filming on the set, being on the set, acting independently, you can also put aside distracting thoughts, act as you want, without distraction, and devote yourself to the role, but as soon as Hou Mengjie yells "click", he immediately turns around without saying a word.

The whole crew could see the estrangement between her and them, but they were all seasoned skilled workers, and they were not used to the quarrel between the actors.

Zhou Yun was happy to be alone in peace and purity.

The relationship with them is not very good, but luckily Meng Ran and Gu Huaichun are also in the same film and television base and live in the same hotel, so she and the two of them can still meet and make appointments from time to time.

Gu Huaichun was quick-witted and sharp. He didn't ask anything, Meng Ran didn't pay attention so much, and once asked directly: "Sister Xiaoyun, why do I think you never hang out with those people in your crew?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Not very familiar."

Meng Ran snorted, hearing something from Zhou Yun's tone, and stopped asking.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but Zhou Yun feels that this is not the problem at the beginning.There is a gap between them and her, which is obvious.But Zhou Yun didn't think they were really harmonious, there was never a lot of wrestling and rivalry in private.They are about the same age, and they all have high self-esteem. They have talent and pursuit in acting. Whoever is willing to be overwhelmed by others, even Zhou Yun, they will not admit defeat.

Zheng Xiaoju has heard from different people that they "look down" on each other.

This is the crew with the strongest smell of gunpowder that Zhou Yun has ever been in.

There is no liveliness and joy of young people gathering together.

Hou Mengjie never said anything, as if he didn't realize it.

After shooting for a few days, everyone gradually got used to his shooting method and found a sense of familiarity.

On this day, Zhou Yun was going to film a fight scene with He Xuran.

At this point in the plot, there was a dispute between two people, who refused to accept the other, and the children of the rivers and lakes started fighting directly.

Under the guidance of the martial artist, Zhou Yun and He Xuran went through the tricks several times, and they felt that there was no problem, so they officially started shooting.

In the first shoot, Zhou Yun and He Xuran fought each other.

Hou Mengjie thought they were playing too routinely and not exciting, so he tried it again.

Zhou Yun and He Xuran fought again, and Zhou Yun's hand holding the sword was numb from the shock.

Hou Mengjie said: "No, the expression is too ferocious, it's not good-looking."

Zhou Yun: "..."

She complained in her heart, when she was filming a fairy tale drama, she had to look good when fighting.

Come again for the third time.

This time, she was in the middle of the fight when she accidentally slipped and fell.

For the fourth time, He Xuran didn't know what was wrong, and suddenly acted a little violently.

Zhou Yun was aroused by him, and he also raised the rhythm of the sparring a little bit fiercely.

The two unedged swords struck together, clanging.

Suddenly He Xuran's sword was three points lower than where it was supposed to come out. Zhou Yun didn't react, and He Xuran's sword directly hit her middle finger and ring finger.

Zhou Yun screamed in pain.

He Xuran was taken aback.

Everyone froze for a moment.

Tears burst out of Zhou Yun's eyes in an instant, it was completely a physiological reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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