I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 489 Thank you Mr. Yao

Chapter 489 Thank you Mr. Yao

The sword in Zhou Yun's hand fell to the ground with a bang.

"Sister Xiaoyun!" Zheng Xiaoju exclaimed and rushed up immediately.

Not only her, but others also rushed up.

Zhou Yun's face turned pale in an instant, his right hand that was hit was struggling, and his two fingers seemed to lose consciousness, but there was also some kind of severe pain that seemed to be pumping out his nerves and spread all over his body.

"How is it? Doctor, call the doctor!"

Because it was an action movie, Xindun specially hired a bruise doctor and team for them, just to prevent this kind of situation.

The doctor hurried over to check Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun tried his best to hold back his tears and didn't cry out for pain.

But anyone who looked at her finger could feel how painful it was.

The two fingers were completely swollen, one finger was two big, red and swollen, and looked very scary.

Fortunately nothing major.

But Zhou Yun won't be able to shoot this scene for a while.

Zheng Xiaoju helped Zhou Yun to rest in the RV beside him.

Zhou Yun sat in the car and took a while to recover.

"Sister Xiaoyun, do you want the doctor to apply some ointment again?" Zheng Xiaoju asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I just applied it, but it really hurts, it's numb."

Zheng Xiaoju took out his mobile phone and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, can I take a picture? I'll send it to Sister Lan, and she asked me to take a picture."


Zheng Xiaoju took a photo and sent it to Zhou Lan.

After a while, Song Chi called.

"Are you injured?" Zhou Yun could tell that Song Chi was trying to make his voice less nervous.

"The news is really fast." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Your news is too fast, who told you?"

"Zhou Lan told me, is your injury serious? Where is it?" Song Chi asked, "Did you go to the hospital?"

"A small injury. I accidentally hit my finger during the filming scene. Don't worry, it's not broken, but it hurts a little. The doctor has already applied ointment to me." Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lan will tell you I was hurt, didn't I tell you where I was hurt?"

Song Chi said, "I'm afraid you didn't tell her the truth."

"Why don't you tell her the truth, so many people watched me when I was hurt, I'm fine, don't worry, it hurt a little, but luckily, I just hit two of my fingers, if I hit The back of the middle hand, then I guess this hand will not be able to use it, and it will take ten days and half a month to raise it." Zhou Yun said, "Oh, I also suffered a lot of injuries when I was filming "One Mountain Two Tigers". It’s inevitable to be injured when shooting an action movie, it’s normal, don’t be nervous, I was mentally prepared before I came to shoot this movie.”

Song Chi said, "Next time you should shoot less action scenes."

"Don't come here, if I make less action scenes, I won't make movies like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" or "Wonder Woman" in the future?" Zhou Yun said, "You are really grinding Yes, you also suffered a lot of injuries when filming "Questioning the Heart", don't think I don't know, you still hide it from me and don't want me to know, how did you get that scar on your left shoulder?"

Song Chi: "...how do you know that the scar on my left shoulder is from "Questing the Heart"?"

Zhou Yun snorted softly: "Hmph, I won't tell you, you just have to remember that you don't want to have a little secret in front of me, I just won't tell it."

Song Chi: "Anyway, I can't say enough about you."

"Oh, I'm really fine, don't make a fuss because I got hurt." Zhou Yun said, "I won't tell you, I'll go to the director later."

"You take a break first, why go to the director just after getting injured?"

"I just asked him if he still plans to shoot my movie. If he doesn't plan to shoot today, I'll go back to the hotel." Zhou Yun said, "I've been staying in the RV, and I'm bored."

"You're all injured, why is he filming your scene today? Rest for a few days first." Song Chi said, "Take care of your fingers."

"Mr. Song, don't lose your mind just because you like me. If I stop filming because of my finger injury, I won't be able to finish the filming until next year." Zhou Yun said directly, "I won't tell you , hang up, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun saw Zheng Xiaoju looking at her with an indescribable expression on his face.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zheng Xiaoju pursed her lips, shook her head, and said, "It's nothing."

Zhou Yun looked at her suspiciously, "No, you must have something to say, so say it quickly."

Zheng Xiaoju then said: "Sister Xiaoyun, you are so cruel to Brother Chi."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun said, "How can I be cruel to him?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Brother Chi called to care about you, you are very impatient with him."


"Not even more patient than me." Zheng Xiaoju said again.

Zhou Yun suddenly had nothing to say.

From this point of view, Zheng Xiaoju seems to be right.

She had indeed been quite impatient with Song Chi—but it wasn't really impatient, but she was afraid that if she continued talking, her willpower would be disintegrated.

To her, Song Chi was an existence that disrupted her willpower.

"When you have a boyfriend in the future, you will know why I am like this, so you should find a boyfriend yourself first." Zhou Yun said.

Zheng Xiaoju let out a scream.

"Sister Xiaoyun, there is no surprise attack."


Zhou Yun rested in the RV for a while, and felt that his condition had almost returned, so he got out of the car.

Hou Mengjie had already told He Xuran that he was filming another scene.

Zhou Yun quietly walked behind the director without greeting anyone.

Since filming is taking place right now, the set is kept quiet.

He Xuran sat on a stone step, his handsome face showed a bit of trouble and regret.

"What's the use of you hiding here alone, or else you can apologize." Liu Zhikun stood against the wall and said to He Xuran who was sitting in front of him, "I said it a long time ago, speak well, and I have to fight." stand up."

He Xuran nodded sullenly and said, "I didn't intend to start a fight with her either, but she always went against it. No matter what I said, she would not agree."

Liu Zhikun lowered his head and smiled silently, with a strange expression on his face, as if he wanted to say something but didn't say it.


Zhou Yun stood behind the director, watching the two people's images from the monitor.

Instead of acting in a rival show, and watching their performance from the perspective of the audience more objectively, I have to admit that these two people can indeed act.

In a few very simple lines of dialogue, the two of them gave a wealth of information in each sentence, and the amount of information was given by their micro-expressions.

For example, He Xuran is not actually regretting why he fought or quarreled with her, but regretting why he cared about it with her.The character played by He Xuran in the movie is a very proud person. A proud person naturally does not allow himself to be too emotional, but he is often irritated in front of her.What He Xuran regretted was actually that he had not controlled his emotions well.

Liu Zhikun was laughing, He Xuran didn't even know why the character played by Zhou Yun was always against her.He said some innocuous words, but he was actually watching He Xuran's reaction, trying to test whether He Xuran knew that Zhou Yun liked him.Liu Zhikun knew about He Xuran's reaction, but he didn't know it himself.That's why Liu Zhikun had the last expression that was hesitant to speak.

Hou Mengjie yelled click.

Looking at the replay of the shooting just now, Hou Mengjie nodded.

"It's over," he said.

The assistants of He Xuran and Liu Zhikun went up to bring them water.

Zhou Yun called out to Director Hou.

Hou Mengjie looked back at her, "How is it? Is your hand feeling better?"

"It still hurts, but it's much better." Zhou Yun asked, "Do you want to continue shooting later?"

"Let's wait for your hand to heal the scene just now. Now you probably can't lift the sword. If you can still shoot, we will shoot another scene later." He said.

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

The next scene will be He Xuran and Liu Zhikun, but it will be another scene.

Everyone is busy changing places.

Zhou Yun didn't intend to watch them act on the spot, so he went back to the caravan and stayed alone.

As a result, she had just come up when someone knocked on the door outside.

Zheng Xiaoju went to open the door of the RV, only then did Zhou Yun see that it was He Xuran who knocked on the door.

"Xiaoyun, how is your hand?" He stood at the door of the car and looked towards Zhou Yun, "I'm sorry, I wanted to take a look at it just now, but Director Hou dragged me to shoot another scene, and now it's time Come."

Zhou Yun knew that He Xuran didn't do it on purpose.She said: "It's okay, the injury is not serious, there is no bone damage."

He Xuran seemed to be relieved, "That's good, I'm really sorry, because I didn't pay attention and hurt you."

"It's okay." Zhou Yun shook his head, "Aren't you still filming later? Go get ready."

He Xuran nodded, "Then I'll go first."

After they left, Zheng Xiaoju closed the car door again.

"It's really insincere." Zheng Xiaoju muttered, "It's the first time I see such a perfunctory apology."

Zhou Yun reminded: "Just say this in front of me."

"Understood." Zheng Xiaoju said, "I won't talk nonsense outside."

Zhou Yun thought about it, and added something.

"Even if he doesn't come to me to apologize, it's nothing."

Zheng Xiaoju: "If it wasn't because of his carelessness, you wouldn't have been hurt, Miss Xiaoyun."

"I know, I didn't say that my injury has nothing to do with him, what I mean is, I never expected him to seriously apologize to me. To him, I'm just a co-op actor."

"Sister Xiaoyun, you are too generous. If it were someone else, they would definitely not let him go so easily."

"Then what should I do? Ask him to compensate me for medical expenses, or what?" Zhou Yun shook his head, "At most, I can ask him to apologize to me, and I have also apologized. pester him, saying that his attitude is too perfunctory, I don't accept his apology? Even if I don't accept it, what's the point, the crew won't fire him because of this, and I can't ask for it, it's a big deal, a small sentence , I now understand a truth more and more, if your dissatisfaction does not help the development of this matter in a better direction, then there is no need to be dissatisfied. That's fine, but don't really expect your grievances to be taken care of, because no one cares."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded, "I just can't get angry."

"There's nothing to get too angry. I will be accidentally injured by him, and one day he will be accidentally injured by others."

She disliked He Xuran and Yin Linglin among the co-actors.

Since the two of them arranged her and Yao Yuanfeng behind their backs, she didn't like them anymore.

So, it’s okay to dislike a little more.

But this kind of crew atmosphere still made Zhou Yun a little uncomfortable.

The crew she had been in before, even if it was "The Storm", the relationship between everyone would be closer.But when filming "Four Killers", obviously the number of people in this crew has increased, a large team of hundreds of people, but the connection between people has decreased a lot.Every day, according to the announcement, she appeared at the corresponding place at the corresponding time, and even Hou Mengjie never said a word to her outside the set.Thinking about the past, even Xue Qin would stab her for nothing.

Zhou Yun felt that Hou Mengjie's attitude towards the actors was very alienated, not really caring, like, he just needed them to help him film the tricks, as for the private relationship, personal friendship, it was unnecessary.Zhou Yun feels like he is "working" in this crew. In short, the relationship between everyone is really just that of colleagues, and there is no non-colleague relationship between each other.

In the evening, back at the hotel, Zhou Yun called Song Chi, talking about his confusion, Song Chi said with a smile: "In fact, you have finally entered a common crew. Before you were lucky, you met They are all the kind of crews that are difficult to meet. Continuously filming "Behind the Scenes" and other impromptu scenes, you can meet such good seniors as Zeng Lili and You Jiang. Waiting for you to join more and more crews, You will find that many people are very annoying, and most of the time, people are very indifferent. I filmed a movie with Fan Zhu before, and I was very boring in that movie. I just started filming every day. After finishing work, I went back to the hotel, no one could talk to me, it was very boring.”

Zhou Yun: "I'm relieved when you say it's normal. I thought it was something wrong with me, and no one wanted to get close to me."

"There must also be this factor. In the eyes of others, you are a big celebrity and a queen, so they will naturally hold you to a higher position. When they see you, they will also be nervous, worrying whether their every move will make you angry. ? Or if you take the initiative to find you, will you be annoyed? If you don’t do anything, they will have a lot of concerns, especially in a large crew, all the staff will sign an agreement with the producer, including a non-disclosure agreement, There are also some other things, such as not being able to harass the lead actor, not being able to get the lead actor to sign or take a group photo, etc." Song Chi said, "Of course, the producer did this to protect the actors, because there are indeed many people who use the opportunity of being on the set Opportunities to work, in order to realize their own intentions, caused a lot of trouble for actors."


Song Chi asked, "How is your hand?"

"It doesn't hurt much anymore, as long as you don't touch it." Zhou Yun said, "How is your side? Did the shooting go well?"

"It went smoothly. It's completely different from your situation. Because there are few people, the filming team only has more than [-] people. Everyone works together, eats together, and goes in and out of the hotel every day. The relationship is very good."

Zhou Yun: "I'm really envious now."

"The next movie will be much better. Isn't your next movie going to be "Beautiful Dress"?" Song Chi said, "This is a movie directed by you, and it's all friends you know."

Zhou Yun felt better after hearing Song Chi's words, and said, "That's true."

"Also, didn't you say that Gu Huaichun and Meng Ran lived in the same hotel with you? If you really feel bored and want to play with friends, go find them." Song Chi joked, "I won't be jealous. "

Zhou Yun: "Don't talk about it, their crew doesn't know what's wrong, they rush to work every day, and they can't call it off at nine or ten in the evening."

"Then there's no way."


The next day, Yao Yuanfeng came to the crew.

His appearance naturally made the crew a little nervous.

He is the big boss of this drama.

Yao Yuanfeng said a few words to Hou Mengjie, then turned to look at Zhou Yun, and asked, "I heard that you were injured yesterday, are you okay?"

"Fortunately, it's a small injury. It looks swollen and scary. It's okay." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Yao Yuanfeng asked: "Have you filmed yet?"

Zhou Yun said: "The doctor checked and said there was no muscle or bone injury, so I didn't go."

Yao Yuanfeng immediately frowned and called for the life producer.

"Why didn't you take Zhou Yun to the hospital for filming and examination immediately yesterday?" Yao Yuanfeng asked angrily in front of the whole crew.

The life producer was stunned for a while, not knowing what to say for a long time.

"Zhou, Ms. Zhou said it's okay, and the filming task after yesterday is heavy, I, I..."

"The task of filming is heavy, and the actors are treated so casually when they are injured!" Yao Yuanfeng reprimanded angrily, "What did I say before? Did I emphasize again and again that anyone in the crew who is injured should be sent to the hospital for examination immediately For treatment, I arranged a group of doctors for emergency treatment, not for you to be doctors!"

The crew was silent up and down.

He Xuran and the others also looked at each other and exchanged glances.

Among them, He Xuran had the most complicated expression.

Zhou Yun's hand was injured by him, Yao Yuanfeng suddenly became so angry on the set today, wouldn't he be called because of this incident, right?
Zhou Yun didn't expect Yao Yuanfeng to be so angry.

During the filming of "One Mountain, Two Tigers", she was injured, and Yao Yuanfeng had never been so angry.

What's going on here?
Zhou Yun thought for a while, then stood up and said, "Mr. Yao, my injury is really not serious, and I am sure that there is nothing serious about it, so I told the producer that I don't need to go to the hospital."

Yao Yuanfeng said to Zhou Yun: "Xiaoyun, I didn't say this specifically for your injury. Some people are obedient to others! Is it because I, Yao Yuanfeng, don't work? As long as you are injured, no matter how big or small, no matter the protagonist Whether it's a supporting role or a group performance, they have to be sent to the hospital for treatment. The heavy task is not an excuse. Although I was not present on the set yesterday, I still know what happened. Continue to film? I don’t know how you are a life producer! Even if the task of filming is heavy, what happens after filming? Has anyone followed up on Zhou Yun’s finger injury? What if the finger injury suddenly becomes serious? In the past, it’s not that nothing happened on the spot, but it suddenly became paralyzed three days later! Why didn’t you learn the lesson!”

Yao Yuanfeng's words hit everyone's heart word by word.

Zhou Yun was also taken aback when he heard that.

Someone is paralyzed?

She saw that the life producer's face was pale, and sweat rolled down her forehead.

Yao Yuanfeng got angry and scolded Life Producer so much that he didn't dare to say a word.

Only then did he say to Zhou Yun: "You must go to the hospital for a standardized examination later, don't take it lightly, it's not the age of the 90s and [-]s when you had to rely on your life."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, I see, thank you Mr. Yao."

(End of this chapter)

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