Chapter 490 Mismatch
"Brother Li is too miserable. His scolding is not worth it."

"That's right. It's not that Brother Li didn't arrange to send Zhou Yun to the hospital for an examination. It was Zhou Yun himself who said there was no need for it. Anyway, the doctors on the set had already checked."

"That's right, even if President Yao wanted to scold him, he should scold the director. Zhou Yun was injured, and he even arranged for Zhou Yun to film, isn't he the director?"

"Yeah, it turned out that Brother Li was to blame."

"However, everyone is saying that the relationship between Mr. Yao and Zhou Yun is not simple. Zhou Yun was injured yesterday. Today, Mr. Yao came to support Zhou Yun. Look at Mr. Yao's temper."

"I heard that Zhou Yun was also injured in the last play "One Mountain and Two Tigers". I have never seen Mr. Yao lose his temper like this."

"Who knows what's going on, forget it, gods fight, mortals suffer, we'd better be careful, so as not to be accidentally injured like Brother Li."


Zhou Yun waited until the few people talking outside walked out of the bathroom and walked away, then pushed open the door of the cubicle and went out.

Unfortunately, when a few people outside were discussing this matter, she happened to be in the cubicle, and she listened to what they had to say from beginning to end.

After listening, Zhou Yun felt helpless.

It seems that for many people, if the ending of an event does not come down to the relationship between men and women, it is impossible to make an analysis of an event.

Today, Yao Yuanfeng came over to make such a fuss, but some people didn't understand why, and attributed it to Yao Yuanfeng wanting to support her?

She wanted to be a peacemaker at first, but after hearing what Yao Yuanfeng said to her, she understood Yao Yuanfeng's intentions.

Yao Yuanfeng is not blaming the life producer for not taking her to the hospital for an examination, but blaming the crew for their indifferent reaction after she was injured yesterday.

Yao Yuanfeng didn't send this fire to anyone, but to her. He came to remedy the damage caused to Zhou Yun by the crew yesterday.

He was afraid that Zhou Yun would feel dissatisfied with Xindun because of this incident, and worried that Zhou Yun would feel that he had been treated coldly.

So, he came to make a statement.

Including that he didn't mention Hou Mengjie's name, but blamed him for arranging her to film after she was injured yesterday.

In fact, Zhou Yun really wanted to tell Yao Yuanfeng that it was not Hou Mengjie who wanted to arrange for her to film, but she told Hou Mengjie that she could film by herself, so Hou Mengjie arranged for it.

But it doesn't make sense to say this.

Yao Yuanfeng doesn't care about these things, he just wants her to feel that he cares and values ​​her, and Xin Dun cares and values ​​her.

Don't let yesterday's incident affect her favor with Xindun and affect the subsequent cooperation.

However, there are probably not many people who can understand this meaning, and most of them may be the same as those outside just now, thinking that Yao Yuanfeng treats her differently.

Of course, in other words, it is true that they treat each other differently, but it is not the way they think.

Zhou Yun washed his hands and walked back.

Just in time, He Xuran walked towards him.

He probably came to the bathroom too.

Seeing her, He Xuran showed a little surprise, and when she approached, he suddenly said: "Xiaoyun, after thinking about it, I still have to apologize to you again, alas, if I didn't pay attention, I wouldn't It will make Mr. Yao so worried."

have to.

There is one here too.

Feeling helpless, Zhou Yun smiled at He Xuran and said, "I told you, you didn't do it on purpose, it doesn't matter."

He Xuran said sincerely, "You are so kind."

Zhou Yun: "..."

If she hadn't chosen to forgive, she probably wouldn't have been evaluated by such a good person.

After Yao Yuanfeng came to the set, the crew began to look at her with some strange meanings.

Zhou Yun also understood what they were thinking, and pretended to be confused without revealing it.

As time goes by, such speculation will slowly fade away without subsequent empirical evidence.

But she didn't know if it was her own illusion, she always felt that when Hou Mengjie was filming her scenes, he was picky more times.

The point is that Zhou Yun is a little confused about his picky points, so he doesn't know where the problem lies.

That night, Zhou Yun didn't have a movie to shoot, so he asked Gu Huaichun, unexpectedly, Gu Huaichun also had no movie tonight, and the two of them happened to be able to have dinner together.

In order to avoid scandal, both of them brought their assistants.

Zhou Yun talked about the problems he encountered on the set recently.

After listening to Gu Huaichun, he asked: "You are not being targeted by your director, are you?"

"Target?" Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise, "How do you say?"

Gu Huaichun said: "That is, when did you offend your director? Logically speaking, your judgment should be fine. Since he sometimes asks you to retake the reason, you can't accept it. It's strange. , that can only show that he did it on purpose."

Zhou Yun: "On purpose? But I didn't offend him much, why would he do this?"

Gu Huaichun shrugged, "I don't know, who knows."

Zhou Yun suddenly thought of Yao Yuanfeng's visit to the set that day.

Could it be that Hou Mengjie was dissatisfied with her because of what happened that day?
Zhou Yun felt that there was a possibility.

She didn't feel very good about Hou Mengjie. She always felt that Hou Mengjie was hiding a lot of things.

"How is Xiao Ran acting recently?" Zhou Yun changed the subject and asked.

Gu Huaichun immediately rolled his eyes, with an impatient expression on his face, and said: "Don't talk about it, I really haven't seen anyone who is less enlightened in acting than her, and my director is also patient and willing to guide How to act, but Meng Ran really can't teach it, no matter how I teach it, it's still the same acting, the acting is too bad, it's always NG."

Although Zhou Yun guessed it, he didn't expect the situation to be so bad.

"Then your progress has been slowed down?" Zhou Yun asked.

Gu Huaichun nodded and said, "Yes, the progress has been slowed down, but Meng Ran's management company has been telling the production company that Meng Ran's schedule can't be delayed by a day, and the rest of the schedule is full. , we will leave as soon as the time comes."

Zhou Yun let out an uh.

"Have you met her manager?" Gu Huaichun asked again.

Zhou Yun shook his head, "I haven't seen it before, what's the matter?"

Gu Huaichun: "That's also a top quality. I follow Meng Ran every day. Whoever talks to Meng Ran a few more times is like someone trying to trick Meng Ran away. Come and intervene immediately. Anyway, I see her keeping her at a respectful distance. "

"She also came to me and asked how I could get closer and familiar with you, saying that you would be like a stranger after filming with her."

"That's right, with her as a manager, no one is a stranger to her, it's the same as having the Second General Heng Ha guarding her." Gu Huaichun complained.

Zhou Yun couldn't help being a little funny when he heard this.

"Yin Zhou is the same recently. He has been under strict control by his agent. He has to be accompanied by his assistant when he goes in and out. He reports his whereabouts once an hour. I'm afraid that Yin Zhou and Yu Chu will get back together." Gu Huaichun said, "I think Yin Zhou's condition is very bad recently. it is good."

"Really?" Zhou Yun was a little worried, "Then what should we do?"

"I tried to persuade him, but it's useless to persuade him about this kind of thing." Gu Huaichun said, "I can only hope that he will become more and more popular in the future, and he will have a greater right to speak in the future, so that he can find a way to change everything."

"how about you?"


"Have you ever fought with your company?" Zhou Yun said, "Didn't I tell you before? If you want your company to respect your opinion first, you must first say no."

Gu Huaichun said: "To be honest, to be honest, I think it's useless. You have to know that they will never give in on issues of principle, and what kind of film to make is their issue of principle. Now they are counting on They want me to make money, and they won’t let me make the literary films I want to make, my salary is already the top in the industry, as long as my salary doesn’t drop, I will go all the way to the bottom of this route.”


"Not everyone is as lucky as you." Gu Huaichun said, "Even Ning Yao had filmed seven or eight romance dramas and idol dramas under the arrangement of Qianqian Entertainment."

Zhou Yun really didn't know this happened.

"is it?"

Gu Huaichun: "Yes, I am very lucky to be popular."

Zhou Yun nodded, "It's true."

Gu Huaichun: "But you have a suggestion that I think is very practical. Although I can't control what kind of drama I will act in, I can find a way to turn the drama in the direction I want. Some plots are really nonsense. I told the director directly that I don't want to act like this, but the director still respects my opinion."

"Of course, this film is counting on you to make money." Zhou Yun said, "It's all like this."

"I hope I can continue to be popular."

"Yes, your acting skills are good, you are also handsome, and there are so many audiences who like you." Zhou Yun said, "Let's work hard together, friend."

"I have something to tell you. The company will most likely arrange for me to act in a play with Su Yan, a self-produced play by my company." Gu Huaichun said, "I know she has a bad relationship with you, but this matter I might not be able to say no."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, "It's my business that I don't get along with Su Yan. It doesn't matter if you cooperate with her. I know. Besides, she is a serious and super-first-line actress. If you cooperate with her, it will be beneficial to you." Good thing, squeeze her wool hard."

Gu Huaichun smiled.

"The competition in the current film and television industry is really fierce. Every year, there are countless newcomers coming in, waiting to surpass you." He sighed.

"It's been less than two years since you debuted, and you're starting to have this sense of crisis?"

Gu Huaichun: "There's no way, our Yue Hai rolled too hard."

Zhou Yun: "..."

After dinner, the two returned to the hotel.

In order to avoid suspicion, the two did not take the same car, so as not to be photographed getting out of the same car.

After getting in the car, Zheng Xiaoju sighed: "Why is Gu Ge so decadent?"

In the past, Zheng Xiaoju liked Gu Huaichun very much, because Gu Huaichun was sunny, handsome, and a little cynical.

The car drove to the entrance of the hotel, but found that the front was blocked, and many people were blocking the door, so the car could not drive up.

"Why are there still so many people squatting here?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Didn't the hotel security take care of it?"

Cao Jun said: "It seems that something happened."

"What happened?" Zhou Yun frowned suspiciously and looked ahead.

At this moment, a heart-piercing cry suddenly came from the front: "Let go of me, let me go—"

How piercing is this sound?It suddenly raised its voice, startling Zhou Yun who was sitting in the car.

"Brother Zhikun, I love you—look at me, look at me—" The girl yelled as if she had lost her mind, as if she was still fighting someone, screaming very fiercely, as if It's like being dragged to the execution ground soon.

Zhou Yun lowered the car window and watched for a while. Finally, the crowd was separated, and four security guards each grabbed an arm or leg and lifted a violently struggling person out.

A lot of people are taking pictures with their phones.

The girl who was caught by them was writhing all over and yelling: "Let go of me! You are violating my human rights! Why are you arresting me-let go! Let go! You dogs, za breeds! let go-"

Zhou Yun really didn't want to hear any more, the situation had almost made her judge that this was a somewhat crazy fan who was taken away by the security guards, refused to agree, and acted wildly here.

Zhou Yun raised the car window again.

They were not in a hurry, so they parked the car aside, and waited for the farce to end and the crowd to disperse before she returned to the hotel.

There was already a new message every second in the "Four Killers" group, and the screen swiping was extremely terrifying.

Everyone is talking about the matter downstairs.

From the news in the group, Zhou Yun knew the whole story.

It turned out that this happened fifteen minutes ago.

After Liu Zhikun got off the car, he was going to the hotel. As usual, he was treated warmly by fans.

Liu Zhikun was walking towards the hotel wearing sunglasses and a mask, when suddenly a girl appeared, desperately wanting Liu Zhikun to meet her.

Because there was a lot of commotion, Liu Zhikun took off his sunglasses and took a look at the girl in order not to make things worse, and advised: "It's not too early, go back and rest early."

Who knew that girl would get worse and openly shout "Husband, I love you!".

Liu Zhikun was taken aback.

His other fans were also angry, accusing the girl of crossing the line.

This girl's combat prowess is outstanding, she won't compromise even if she caused public outrage, she shouted even more provocatively: "Liu Zhikun is my husband, you should be jealous, it's useless for you to be jealous!"

That's how it happened.

Zhou Yun was in a very complicated mood.

In the past few years, she has also seen many fans fanatically chasing stars, but it is so crazy that it happened directly in front of her eyes, which is rare, especially the heart-piercing cry of that girl, which is really lingering and unforgettable. .

Liu Zhikun's incident has attracted a lot of attention on the Internet.

Regarding the matter of chasing stars irrationally, everyone has always been more critical, but this time it caused a lot of noise, and many official media paid attention and commented on it.

How to chase stars rationally?

How should celebrities guide their fans?

Among them, two official media mentioned Zhou Yun's persuasion to fans two days ago and praised this behavior.

Zhou Yun met Liu Zhikun on the set again, and found that Liu Zhikun's attitude towards her was also a little colder than usual.

Why did Liu Zhikun do this?Zhou Yun probably understood it in his heart.This incident caused a lot of trouble, and the irrational behavior of chasing stars was criticized, but this incident happened because of him, and Zhou Yun finally became the beneficiary of being named and praised by the official.Even if Zhou Yun was not involved in this matter, Liu Zhikun probably felt uncomfortable seeing her.

Zhou Yun sighed in his heart.

She felt that she and the "Four Killers" might have been incompatible in this life, one or two, all due to various reasons and unfamiliarity and indifference.

During the break between filming, Zhou Yun stayed in his RV for lunch.

Zheng Xiaoju came to the car with the coffee, and mysteriously leaned into Zhou Yun's ear, and whispered, "Sister Xiaoyun, guess what I saw just now."

Zhou Yun took the coffee and asked, "What did you see?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I saw Meng Ran and Liu Zhikun meeting secretly."

"The two of them met secretly? How did you see the secret?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Because they have been carefully looking around to see if anyone bumps into them." Zheng Xiaoju said solemnly, "Fortunately, I hid relatively well."

"You still hide specifically?" Zhou Yun was surprised.

"Then I saw that the two of them were ghosts, so I became curious. Let's not talk about this, Miss Xiaoyun, Meng Ran is really kind to you. Liu Zhikun is talking bad things about you, Meng Ran keeps saying Sister Xiaoyun, you are very nice, he must have misunderstood." Zheng Xiaoju said with a smile, "Liu Zhikun blames her for being confused by you, and Meng Ran lost her temper with him."

Zhou Yun was dumbfounded.

"Are they a couple?"

"Although they didn't kiss or hold hands, they looked like a couple, and the atmosphere was different. Anyway, I think only couples can have such a casual atmosphere." Zheng Xiaoju said, "Besides, Liu Zhikun can also complain. , from the director to the actors of this play, he has complained about everything, no one likes it, and everyone is an eyesore to him."

Zhou Yun couldn't help but smile.

Liu Zhikun and Meng Ran may indeed have more common topics.The growth environment of the two of them is more similar. They both debuted in talent shows, sang and danced, worked as idols, and then started to be actors.The only difference is that Liu Zhikun has a talent for acting, but Meng Ran doesn't.Recently, Liu Zhikun is probably in a bad mood because of the previous fan incident.

In fact, fans of ordinary actors rarely do such crazy things, and this happens more often to fans of idol stars.

When Liu Zhikun told Meng Ran these things, Meng Ran could empathize with him better.

"I remember that Meng Ran's manager was determined not to allow her to fall in love." Zheng Xiaoju clicked his tongue, "However, how can an artist be in love now?"

Zhou Yun: "Don't tell anyone about this, just tell me."

"I will keep it a secret." Zheng Xiaoju nodded and made a zip gesture for his mouth.

During filming in the afternoon, Zhou Yun was injured again.This time, the injured part was her thigh. She was hanging on the pressure, and she made a mistake in the operation, and she fell to the ground with a scrape on her thigh.The faces of those responsible for coercion turned pale.

Zhou Yun didn't say anything else this time, and went directly to the hospital with the life producer, took a film, checked whether the bone was injured, and confirmed that it was only a skin trauma, before returning to the set.

The person in charge of coercion came to apologize to her with guilt and nervousness on his face.

Zhou Yun saw that he was just a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old, very thin, his eyes were full of anxiety that he might be fired, and his hands were hanging nervously by his legs.

"Miss Zhou, I'm sorry, because of my fault, my negligence..." The young man faltered, his voice was also very low, and his face was frightened, "I made you hurt, I'm really very sorry."

Zhou Yun sighed lightly and said, "Be more careful next time."

The young man was stunned.

Zhou Yun tightened the corners of his mouth and said, "I was lucky this time. It's just a superficial injury. If you really hurt your muscles and bones, it will be bad. You must pay more attention to your work in the future."

The young man nodded desperately and said, "Okay, thank you Miss Zhou, thank you!"

When this incident got out, everyone in the crew was a little surprised.

He Xuran's first reaction was: "This lady is really addicted to being a good person."

His assistant said: "Because of this incident, the staff's impression of her has become very good."

He Xuran curled his lips and said nothing.

"By the way, Brother Xu Ran, you asked me to stare at Liu Zhikun before, and I finally found something." His assistant said, "I found out that he has recently met with actress Meng Ran from another crew several times. "

"Meng Ran?"

"Well, it's a female idol who debuted in the draft two years ago." The assistant said, "I think the two of them are very secretive every time they meet."

He Xuran asked: "Are they two lovers?"

"I didn't get any substantive evidence." The assistant said, "Brother Xu Ran, why did you ask me to follow Liu Zhikun?"

"Keep something in my hands. When this movie is released, it will be a competition relationship." He Xuran said, "Liu Zhikun's management team is too powerful, I have to find something to hold in my hands."

Liu Zhikun's management team is well-known in the industry.

Some people say that Liu Zhikun's management team is comparable to Su Yan's manager He Ting.Of course, here more refers to their ability to withdraw kickbacks.But on the other hand, it also explains their abilities in other aspects, which makes others willing to give them kickbacks.Liu Zhikun's management team is said to have never suffered a loss, including position, remuneration, appearance sequence, and so on.

This time filming "Four Killers", Liu Zhikun is the first and Zhou Yun is the fourth.This is also because Zhou Yun hadn't won an award when he took over the film, and "Days" hadn't been released yet. Among the four, Zhou Yun had the worst film performance.No one thought that when the filming started, Zhou Yun had already left the other three far behind.

Yao Yuanfeng also asked for Zhou Yun's opinion in private, should we communicate and change her.With her current status, it is difficult for several other people to have a big opinion on her performance.It's just that Liu Zhikun's side is a bit difficult to deal with, but Yao Yuanfeng doesn't think he can't handle it.But Zhou Yun himself said no.

"Nowadays too many actors are fighting for the position. I don't think it is necessary. Even if I am the fourth, I know that the core of the film promotion is me, and I also know that my performance in the film is not enough. Losing to anyone is enough." Zhou Yun said, "Don't make everyone unhappy just because of this."

This is a digression, but the fact that Liu Zhikun's team can win against Yin Linglin and He Xuran shows their strength.

This position is actually not as simple as Zhou Yun said.

When major organizations collect data, they often have a very critical data, that is, the box office of a certain movie.

For example, if the box office of "Four Killers" exceeds one billion, this box office cannot be counted into Zhou Yun's box office, but it can be counted into Liu Zhikun's data.

Many film companies take this very seriously.

This is not just the ability to carry the box office, there is also a superstitious factor in it.

If this person does something, the box office will be high.

At the same time, this achievement is also very important when competing for other resources.

For example, Liu Zhikun and He Xuran are in the same position now, but in the future when the two compete for an endorsement or another play, Liu Zhikun's team can directly use this to negotiate with others.In the movie "Four Killers", Liu Zhikun did it all, which shows that the movie circle recognizes Liu Zhikun more.

Zhou Yun didn't care because she had already reached a position that her peers could not reach, and she was not affected by these factors.

But if Zhou Yun hadn't won the previous two actresses, in this position, Zhou Lan would never let go easily.

One sort may involve the next ten sorts.

It's not as simple as the so-called simple face.

On this day, the director of the "Four Killers" documentary came to Zhou Yun and said that he wanted to arrange an interview with her, which might be used in the "Four Killers" documentary.

Zhou Yun cooperated with them and made an appointment.

Just after a shoot ended, Zhou Yun came to the place they had arranged and sat down on a folding chair.

The camera's lens is focused on her.

"Then shall we start now?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

The documentary director nodded and said, "Yes, then I'll start asking you questions."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.

"So far, has this shooting left you with any feelings that are different from previous shootings?"

Zhou Yun bowed his head and pondered for a moment, then said: "Speaking of which, this is actually the first time I have participated in a film produced by such a large team. There are hundreds of people. Everyone cooperates very neatly without any trouble. I am very professional. And, how should I put it, the few films I made before, including "Days", "Words of Fallen Leaves" and "Behind the Scenes", including "Warm Little Pony" with brother Shen Yao ", in fact, there are not so many people in the filming team, everyone will get along with each other more, eat and drink together, and film together, but this film is very professional, um."

After Zhou Yun finished speaking, he smiled.

She didn't want to tell lies, but she couldn't tell the truth either. Telling the truth would hurt people, so she could only compromise and say some nonsense nonsense.

The director said: "This should be the first time you have acted in a martial arts film? Before filming "One Mountain and Two Tigers", you actually acted as a killer. It was still a modern action scene, and it was not the same as this traditional martial arts film. Yes. Bar?"

"Yes, it's not very the same." Zhou Yun said, "I have a lot of fighting scenes in "One Mountain Two Tigers", because I can justifiably use some high-tech power, in the process of punching to the flesh, there will be a lot of fighting scenes. Cool, even light-hearted and funny, but "Four Killers" is more serious, it is a serious martial arts film, and I am also very involved in the filming, and my mood is different."

"If you could choose to go back to the Republic of China, what would you do?" asked the director.

Zhou Yun pondered for a moment and said: "I want to meet those famous predecessors in history. If I can say thank you to them personally, I will be very happy. There are too many heroes in history. In that war-torn era , They carry the banner of saving the nation without hesitation, and they are determined. Every time I see such a story, I will be very moved, and then I ask myself, in the same environment, do I dare to do the same thing without hesitation? ?I always feel that a person should have the courage of justice, which is something we should cultivate and stick to throughout our lives.”

"Tell us about the chivalrous woman you play."

Zhou Yun suddenly smiled.

"A chivalrous woman? Actually, I think she may not be the same as a real chivalrous woman. You know, sometimes she does something, and it may not be for the purpose of being a chivalrous man. At first, she will I joined this project because I like the character played by He Xuran, but He Xuran is already with someone else, so she can only stay by his side silently in this way, she is actually a very dear A girl who is passionate and sexual, in the end, she blocked the knife for others, and only then did she truly realize the justice of her actions, and she thought it was right, so she did it.”


After Zhou Yun accepted the interview, she went back to continue filming, but found that everyone was looking at her.

Zhou Yun didn't know how to react for a moment, he was stunned, thinking, what's wrong?
At this moment, Zheng Xiaoju suddenly gasped behind her.

Zhou Yun turned to look at Zheng Xiaoju.

Zheng Xiaoju covered his mouth with one hand, looked at the phone, his face was full of shock and disbelief.

Zhou Yun frowned, looked at Zheng Xiaoju, and asked, "Xiaoju, what's wrong?"

Zheng Xiaoju raised his head cautiously, looked at Zhou Yun, his lips pursed for a while, but he didn't open his mouth.

Zhou Yun suddenly thought of something, and directly took the phone from Zheng Xiaoju's hand.

On the screen was a news page with a huge headline saying: Song Chi was killed in a car accident while filming!
It was as if a bolt of thunder had crashed down, gathering the power of the entire thunder pond, and hitting her on the head.

At that moment, Zhou Yun's whole body went numb, and his hairs stood on end.

There is a sense of unreality.

real or fake?
The surroundings were unbelievably quiet, and no one spoke.

Zhou Yun felt himself in a trance for a few seconds before returning to reality.

Zheng Xiaoju came over suddenly and held Zhou Yun's arm.

"Sister Xiaoyun, let's go back to the RV first, shall we?" She asked softly.

She gave Liu Yun another wink.

Liu Yun understood, and stepped aside to contact Zhou Lan and Cao Jun.

Zhou Yun stood where he was, and at this moment he felt that his surroundings were vast.

The palms are cold.

The body is also cold.

Zhou Yun glanced at Zheng Xiaoju in Liu Shen Wu Zhu.

The phone rang at this moment.

She came to her senses, her hands trembling, she took out her phone, and the caller showed Song Chi on the screen.

At this moment, as if catching a piece of driftwood while drowning, she quickly connected the phone, held it to her ear, and asked cautiously, "Song Chi?"

Song Chi's familiar voice came: "Are you not scared by the news?"

Zhou Yun's heart fell back.

A tear fell from the socket, followed by a second, and a third.

(End of this chapter)

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