Chapter 491 Accidents
It is not an exaggeration to say that Zhou Yun was seriously taken aback today.

For a while, her mind went blank and her thoughts couldn't function at all.

In recent years, she has rarely felt so helpless.If it wasn't for Song Chi's call, Zhou Yun wouldn't know what he would be like next.

She was really frightened.

"What the hell happened? Why, why do you always mention you on the Internet..." Zhou Yun didn't even want to say that word.

Song Chi said: "There was indeed a car accident, but my injury was not as serious as they thought. I was shocked when I saw the news on the Internet. I didn't expect them to write such nonsense."

"Are you in the hospital now?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Well, I just finished the examination. I'm lucky. There is nothing serious, but I have a concussion." Song Chi said, "I have to rest in the hospital for ten days and a half months."

As soon as Zhou Yun heard it, he knew that Song Chi must not be telling the truth.

If it was just a concussion, how could it take so long to recuperate in the hospital.

But she didn't press for the truth on the phone, Song Chi definitely wouldn't say it.

Zhou Yun said, "Which hospital are you in? I'll come and see you later."

Song Chi: "Aren't you filming? Don't come, I'm fine."

Zhou Yun said: "Is there any serious problem? I will know after reading it myself. Stop talking nonsense and send me the address quickly, or I will ask someone else to ask for it."

"If you come to see me now, you will probably be frightened."


"The injury on my body looks quite serious. Although I didn't hurt the bones, there are many skin injuries. It looks very scary. You will be frightened when the time comes. Be obedient. I'm fine. Why don't I give you a good call?" A phone call? You can just stay in the crew and film with peace of mind, I just called you because I was afraid that you would be shocked by the news."

Zhou Yun: "That's fine, you send me the address, and I'll visit you later when I'm free. You can't keep me from knowing where you are."

Only then did Song Chi respond.

"Okay, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun let out a long breath.

Zheng Xiaoju looked at him expectantly, and asked, "Did Brother Chi call you just now?"

Zhou Yun smiled, nodded, and said, "Yes."

Zheng Xiaoju let out a scream of surprise, "Great, great! I was really scared to death! What kind of news are these unscrupulous media writing! Have they figured out the truth of the matter?"

Zhou Yun's hands are still shaking.

Her mood was almost exactly the same as that of Zheng Xiaoju.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, until now there is no new news about Brother Chi on the Internet."

Zhou Yun said: "Song Chi is too busy, let me clarify for him."

She logged on to Weibo and posted a Weibo: I just talked to Song Chi on the phone, and the world still hates him. Unscrupulous media representing the underworld, stop your rumors.

As soon as her Weibo was released, it immediately exploded on the Internet.

Song Chi's fans wept with joy, they came to Zhou Yun's Weibo and left messages to say thank you.

The fans' feelings are really pure. They know that Song Chi didn't die as those unscrupulous media said, and they don't care about anything else.

After posting Weibo, Zhou Yun put down his phone.

Everyone around was still looking at her.

Zhou Yun looked at them, pursed his lips, laughed, and said, "Song Chi is fine, it's just the media writing nonsense."

She could almost hear everyone sighing in relief.


"Sister Xiaoyun, are we really going to raid?" Zheng Xiaoju asked worriedly.

Zhou Yun squinted at her and said, "If you dare to secretly report, you will be deducted from this month's salary."

Zheng Xiaoju: "...Sister Xiaoyun, you can't do this."

"See if I can do this. Don't think I don't know that you often secretly tell Song Chi about me." Zhou Yun said.

Zheng Xiaoju: "..."

When did Miss Xiaoyun find out?

Although Zhou Yun promised Song Chi that he would visit Song Chi when he was free, and would definitely tell him before visiting him, Zhou Yun did not intend to keep his promise this time.

After filming today's scene, she immediately prepared to drive back to Shanghai by herself to see Song Chi in the hospital.

Cao Jun refused to let her drive back by herself, so Zhou Yun had to bring two little tails.

Zhou Yun said: "Your Brother Chi's injury is definitely not as simple as he said. I have to go and see it with my own eyes before I can rest assured."

Zheng Xiaoju said oh.

She had a bit of a guilty look on her face.

Because Song Chi did ask her in private, if Zhou Yun sneaked over to see him, he must send him a message so that he can hide.

Since Song Chi said he was going to hide, he must have been seriously injured.He didn't want Miss Xiaoyun to worry, that's why he did it.Zheng Xiaoju is now in a dilemma. On the one hand, he wants to listen to Song Chi so that Sister Xiaoyun won't be so worried. On the other hand, he doesn't want to disobey Sister Xiaoyun and keep Sister Xiaoyun in the dark.

The car stopped suddenly.

Both Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju's bodies fell forward due to inertia.

This sudden stop is a bit scary.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun asked.

Cao Jun said, "The car in front braked suddenly."

Zhou Yun looked ahead.

Because it was night, I couldn't see very clearly, I could only see the outline of the car in front, but I couldn't see why it stopped.

Cao Jun turned his car to the right, ready to change lanes and leave.

It was very strange, obviously the lane on the right was empty, after the car in front slammed on the brakes, it stopped in place and did not move.

When they were parallel with that car, Zhou Yun took a special look inside that car.

It was dark, but fortunately, there were headlights, so she could see some outlines inside the car.

There was only one person in that car, the driver.

Zhou Yun was startled when he saw that person.

"Wait a minute, stop!" Zhou Yun shouted.

Cao Jun stepped on the brakes.

"what happened?"

Zhou Yun said: "The driver, the driver is lying on the steering wheel and doesn't know what's going on."

Cao Jun and Zheng Xiaoju also saw it.

Cao Jun turned on the flashlights, got out of the car with his mobile phone, and said, "Wait for me in the car, I'll get out and have a look."

Zhou Yun said yes.

Cao Jun got out of the car and seemed to want to open the other party's car door, but he couldn't open it.

He knocked on the car window of the other party.

Zhou Yun saw the figure lying on the steering wheel move.

Fortunately, I moved a bit.

not dead.

Zhou Yunchang breathed a sigh of relief.

But that person seemed to have difficulty raising his head, and his movements were a bit struggling.

Something must have happened.

Zhou Yun said to Zheng Xiaoju: "Xiaoju, call the emergency number and call an ambulance!"

Zheng Xiaoju didn't know what happened, but Zhou Yun's nervous tone made her nervous too.

"Okay, I'll call right away." Zheng Xiaoju hurriedly took out the phone.

 The new book "It's Just an Ex-Relationship", please support me a lot~
(End of this chapter)

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