Chapter 492


A woman in a brown windbreaker hurriedly ran into the gate with an anxious face, even a little dazed, not knowing where she was going for a while, turning her head and looking around, constantly looking around.

She ran all the way to the emergency room door.

When she saw Zhou Yun at the door, she was obviously surprised, thinking that she had gone to the wrong place.

"Excuse me, is this Ms. Li?" The only man walked up to her and asked.

"Yes, it's me." She nodded anxiously.

"Your husband is being rescued inside," he said.

"He, how is he?" Ms. Li asked nervously.

As soon as the voice fell, the lights in the emergency room turned green.

After a while, the doctor came out.

"Fortunately, it was delivered in time." The doctor said, "It has been rescued."

Ms. Li breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, thank you doctor! Thank you doctor!"

She bowed to the doctor.

The doctor smiled and said: "Don't thank me, thank them if you want to. I heard that if they hadn't met them on the road and sent him here in time, it might be too late."

Ms. Li turned her head to look at Zhou Yun and the others, her eyes were red, and the tears were not falling one by one, but in strings.

"Thank you, thank you."

If this kind of thing happened on a daily basis, Zhou Yun might just regard it as a very common thing. He met someone who needed help on the road, so he just did a good person and a good deed.

But she herself had just experienced the death of Song Chi in a car accident rumored by the media, so she could understand and even sympathize with Ms. Li's mood at this moment.

She said: "It's good that people are fine, then we will leave first, and you will have to work hard for yourself later."

Ms. Li nodded, apologized, and said, "Thank you very much, if it weren't for you—"

Zhou Yun patted Ms. Li on the shoulder and said, "Even if it wasn't us, there would be someone else. Your husband is also a very responsible person. When he had a heart attack, the first thing he did was to step on the brakes and put the brakes on." The handbrake was on, which was amazing."

Ms. Li laughed through her tears and said, "He is just like this. He always talks about his sense of social responsibility."

Zhou Yun: "Then let's go first."

"Well, thank you." Ms. Li bowed ninety degrees to them.

It was early morning now.

Cao Jun asked, "Are we still going to Shanghai?"

Zhou Yun looked at the time and said, "I still have to trouble you. I have to take a look today. I don't feel at ease if I don't take a look. I need to know what he looks like. Thank you for driving tonight."

Cao Jun nodded: "I'm fine, I can handle it, you can sleep in the car later, I can catch up on sleep during the day tomorrow, but you can't."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun said, "I'm sorry, I worked hard tonight."

Cao Jun smiled and said, "What kind of hard work is this?"

Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju both fell asleep in the car.

At two o'clock in the morning, they arrived at the hospital.

Zhou Yun brought Zheng Xiaoju to the door of Song Chi's ward.

She opened the door carefully and walked in.

"Who?" Someone asked in a low voice.

The voice was Song Chi's assistant, Zhang Cong.

"It's me." Zhou Yun replied in a low voice.

Zhang Cong sat up from the bed in surprise and rubbed his face.

He turned on the light.

Zhang Cong said, "Sister Xiaoyun, why are you here?"

Zhou Yun said, "I'll come and see him, is he inside?"

Zhang Cong nodded and said, "Brother Chi is already asleep, I'll call him."

Zhou Yun called to stop Zhang Cong: "No, let him sleep, tell me, what happened to his injury?"

Zhang Cong had a frightened face that was suddenly shocked after waking up.

"Sister Xiaoyun, Brother Chi, Brother Chi told me not to say anything," he said.

Zhou Yun squinted at him, "I've come here, what else can you say? I'll see it with my own eyes later."

"Yes, or you'd better see it with your own eyes." Zhang Cong said hesitantly.

Seeing Zhang Cong's faltering, Zhou Yun felt that something was wrong.What's going on with Song Chi?Why did Zhang Cong refuse to tell her?
Zhou Yun: "Stop talking nonsense, tell me quickly."

Zhang Cong was about to cry, and said, "I promised Brother Chi that I will never tell you."

Zhou Yun had no choice but to watch it by himself.

She walked to the door of the inner room, but hesitated for a moment, unable to move for a long time.

She was a little afraid.

But she still bit her bullet and opened the door.

"Zhang Cong?" Song Chi asked in a daze.

Standing behind Zhou Yun, Zhang Cong cautiously replied, "Brother Chi, it's Sister Xiaoyun who is here."

The silhouette in the darkness seemed to freeze, without moving.

Zhou Yun groped around and found the switch to turn on the light.

Press it and the light turns on.

The room instantly lit up.

Song Chi was lying on the bed with plaster casts on his right hand and left foot.

There are also wounds on the face, with gauze stuck to it.

The moment the light came on, Zhou Yun's eyes happened to meet Song Chi's.

Zhou Yun's eye sockets turned red instantly.

What to say?
Zhou Yun didn't even know how to describe his mood.

I have never seen Song Chi in such a mess before, and I have never seen Song Chi like this.

She turned her back, raised her hand, wiped away the tears she couldn't hold back, took a deep breath, walked up to Song Chi, and sat down on the stool beside the bed.

"Is this what you said it's no big deal?" Zhou Yun raised his eyebrows and looked at Song Chi.

Song Chi didn't speak.


"You're a liar too." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun frowned.

"You promised me that you would tell me before you came." Song Chi's eyes were also a little red.

Zhou Yun: "If I had told you in advance, you would definitely find various reasons not to let me come."

Song Chi didn't speak.

Zhou Yun also had nothing to say.

The two of them just looked at each other face to face.

After a while, Zhou Yun said to Song Chi, "I have to rush back to the set later, and I have a scene tomorrow morning."

"I told you not to come, it will delay your business." Song Chi smiled, raised his uninjured left hand, and stretched it out towards Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun walked over, handed over his hand, and held it with Song Chi.

"You know what's delaying me, why didn't you tell me the truth from the beginning? Do you think I'll believe you when you say you're fine?" Zhou Yun said, "I'm not stupid."

Song Chi sighed, "I really hope you can be a little stupid at this time."

Zhou Yun: "It's disgusting."

Song Chi smiled, "There is no romance at all."

Zhou Yun snorted softly, "Then go find a romantic girlfriend."

"My girlfriend is you, where else can I find it?" Song Chi pinched Zhou Yun's palm, "Forget it if you come today, don't come later, stay on the set and film well, we can make videos every day."

Zhou Yun snorted softly and said, "You want me to come, but I'm too lazy to come."

Song Chi: "You really have a heart of stone."

"That's right." Zhou Yun pursed his lips tightly, his eyes swept over the small wounds on Song Chi's face, a handsome face had suffered such serious injuries, her eye sockets seemed to be red again.

Song Chi sighed, "Aren't you usually very courageous? Why are you crying so easily today?"

Zhou Yun: "Who is crying? Don't talk nonsense."

Song Chi looked at Zhou Yun's red eyes, but said nothing.

"what time is it now?"

"It's past two o'clock." Zhou Yun sniffed, "It's too late. I didn't intend to wake you up, but I woke up anyway. I won't disturb your sleep anymore. Go to sleep, I'm going back."

Song Chi nodded, "Go back quickly, be careful on the road, and pay attention to safety."

Zhou Yun hummed.

When she got up, she lowered her head and kissed Song Chi's lips again.

"Try to lie next time." Zhou Yun threatened, with a fierce look in his eyes.

Song Chi twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly.

Zhou Yun met Song Chi in a hurry, and hurried back to the set.

On the way back to the set, Song Chi kept sending messages and talking to Zhou Yun on his mobile phone, probably because he thought Zhou Yun's journey back was long and boring.

Zhou Yun said: I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to squint for a while.

Song Chi said: Okay, then send me a message when you arrive.

Zhou Yun: If I don't send you a message, then you will wait until I send you a message before going to sleep.

Song Chi: If you don't tell me that I'm here, I won't sleep well. Anyway, I'm like this, so I must stay in the hospital all the time. I can catch up on sleep during the day.

Zhou Yun: All right, all right, I understand.

Song Chi sent over a kiss.

Zhou Yun sent a vomit.

In fact, Zhou Yun didn't fall asleep in the car either.

Zheng Xiaoju fell asleep.

The way she tilted her head was a little cute, like an innocent child.

Zhou Yun's mind was a little messy and numb.

What to do next?The question came to her mind.Next, Song Chi definitely needs to be taken care of. Of course, he certainly doesn't need someone to take care of him, whether it's an assistant or a nurse.However, Zhou Yun thought, if possible, he must also want her to be by his side to take care of him at this time.You can know the answer without asking, but Zhou Yun also knows that he can't do it.

If there is no filming, other work can be pushed as soon as possible.

But filming is different.

She can't stop filming halfway through the filming. There are not only her ideals and ambitions, but also her sense of responsibility and professional ethics.

If she drops the pick at this time, the crew will face a very serious loss and have to change people to reshoot.

Zhou Yun couldn't do this kind of thing, and Song Chi certainly didn't want to see her do it for him.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, no matter what, after the filming of this film, the next work has to be turned down, everything that can be turned down.

Zhou Yun edited a message to Zhou Lan, telling her to ask her to turn down all future work.

At this point in time, Zhou Lan had already fallen asleep and did not reply.

Zhou Yun was thinking again, it would be great if he could discuss with the crew and shoot her scenes earlier.

Not sure if this is possible.

It's also good to finish it one day earlier, so that she can go back to accompany Song Chi one day earlier.

Such thoughts kept churning in Zhou Yun's mind, and then her consciousness gradually lost consciousness, and she slowly fell asleep.


"Sister Xiaoyun, sister Xiaoyun." Zhou Yun heard Zheng Xiaoju calling her name.

She opened her eyes in a daze, feeling so tired that she couldn't lift her hands, and she was still in a state of confusion, as if a person was awake, but something in her body wasn't there yet. Really wake up.

"Little sentence." She called softly.

"We've arrived at the hotel, we can go up and rest." Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zhou Yun felt that his bones were about to fall apart.

"What time is it?" she asked softly.

Zheng Xiaoju said, "It's half past five."

"I'll just sleep in the car. I'll go up later, and I'll come down again soon. It's too painful." Zhou Yun said in a low voice.

Her eyes closed again.

Zheng Xiaoju hesitated and agreed.

"Go to sleep." Zhou Yun heard Zheng Xiaoju say to Cao Jun, "I'll stay here, give me the car keys, and I'll take Miss Xiaoyun there in the crew's car later."

Cao Jun asked: "Don't you need me to accompany you here? I'll just take a nap in the car for a while. The crew hasn't received any news, so it may not be possible to arrange a car. I'll take you to the set later."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "It's okay, I'll go and tell the big brother in the transportation team, go to bed quickly, in case Miss Xiaoyun wants to go to Shanghai to see Brother Chi again at night, I still have to rely on you."

Cao Jun thought about it and thought it was the same, so he said yes, "I didn't turn off the engine, and turned on the air conditioner, otherwise you will be cold if you sleep like this, so remember to turn off the engine later."

"Okay." Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

Cao Jun went up.

Zheng Xiaoju turned his head and glanced at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun's pale face was full of exhaustion.

Zheng Xiaoju was a little worried.

Zhou Yun is about to start high-intensity filming again, and Zheng Xiaoju is worried whether Zhou Yun's energy can keep up.

But at this moment, Zheng Xiaoju suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from outside the car.She was taken aback.Turning his head and looking out, he saw a figure walking past their car.

This is the parking lot of the hotel. At this point in time, who is passing by here?

Zheng Xiaoju frowned suspiciously, followed the figure carefully for a few times, and she recognized who it was.

That person is Meng Ran.

Zheng Xiaoju was taken aback for a moment, and soon, she saw another figure again.

That was Liu Zhikun who was filming the same movie with Zhou Yun.

How could the two of them appear here?

Zheng Xiaoju watched them walk towards a more hidden corner.


"You haven't been found, have you?" Meng Ran asked Liu Zhikun in a low voice after seeing Liu Zhikun and carefully looked around to make sure there was no one there.

Liu Zhikun hugged Meng Ran, smiled, and said, "Of course not."

He put his arms around Meng Ran's waist, leaned over and kissed Meng Ran on the mouth.

Meng Ran seemed a little embarrassed and twisted her body.

But Liu Zhikun's aggressiveness is a bit strong, a bit involuntary.Meng Ran soon stopped refusing.

"It will be bad if someone finds out!" Meng Ran whispered to Liu Zhikun.

There was a trace of ruffian in Liu Zhikun's smile.He said, "At this point, who will find us?"

Meng Ran: "I really want to be with you openly."

Liu Zhikun said: "There will definitely be such a day."

He looked at her with piercing eyes, "Trust me."


"Ah?!" Zheng Xiaoju who was in the car suddenly exclaimed in a low voice, because she saw a third figure.

who's that person?
Zheng Xiaoju saw that person sneakily hiding beside the front of the car on the right, and a figure leaned out, holding a video camera in his hand, as if he was taking pictures.

The camera was on Liu Zhikun and Meng Ran.

Zheng Xiaoju subconsciously thought that the person taking the photo was a paparazzi.

She hesitated for a moment, if it was someone else's business, it would be fine, but Meng Ran is a friend of Sister Xiaoyun, so she didn't know if she should remind Meng Ran.

Meng Ran and Liu Zhikun kissed just now, if it was photographed and exposed, it would be terrible.

Zheng Xiaoju hesitated again and again, but decided to wake Zhou Yun up.

This matter has to be decided by Miss Xiaoyun.

"Sister Xiaoyun, sister Xiaoyun, there is something urgent, please wake up."

Zhou Yun suddenly opened his eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zheng Xiaoju covered Zhou Yun's mouth, "Sister Xiaoyun, keep your voice down."

She explained to Zhou Yun what she had witnessed in a low voice.

Zhou Yun stared at his own eyes to shake off his drowsiness, and said in a low voice, "Call Cao Jun and ask him to come down to help, the two of us will definitely not be able to grab this reporter's camera."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju held their breaths and concentrated on it, pretending not to notice anything, but in fact, they kept paying attention to the situation outside.

Five minutes later, Cao Jun sent a message to Zheng Xiaoju: It's in place, is it time to go up?

Zhou Yun said to Zheng Xiaoju: Tell Cao Jun to wait for that person to grab the order.

Zheng Xiaoju replied to Cao Jun according to what Zhou Yun said.

Sure enough, it was almost six o'clock, and Liu Zhikun and Meng Ran didn't dare to stay any longer. They came out of that hidden corner, one in front of the other, first Meng Ran, and then Liu Zhikun.

The candid paparazzi went around quietly to avoid the two people returning to the hotel.

Ten minutes later, Cao Jun got into the car, closed the door, his eyes were red.

"I got it." He handed over the memory card.

Zhou Yun yawned and said, "Thanks for your hard work, did the process go well?"

"Well, that person is quite good, but that person looks a bit familiar." Cao Jun said, "I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Have you seen it?" Zheng Xiaoju immediately frowned upon hearing this, "Could it be that paparazzi secretly photographed Sister Xiaoyun?"

Cao Jun shook his head, "If it's a paparazzi, I should remember it."

Zheng Xiaoju: "Maybe you only met once and forgot about it long ago."

"No, if it is a paparazzi, I will let myself remember that person's appearance." Cao Jun said, "But I just think that person is familiar."

Zhou Yun believed in Cao Jun's judgment, because Cao Jun had been trained in this area.

She said: "Regardless of who that person is, Meng Ran must be reminded of this matter quickly, you wait for me, I will go find Meng Ran."

Cao Jun and Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

Zhou Yun opened the car door, and before getting out of the car, he thought of something again, and said to Zheng Xiaoju: "Xiaoju, this matter has been done well, in the future, if something like this happens that you can't make up your mind, you must tell me, no matter what I am doing .”

Zheng Xiaoju laughed, nodded, and agreed.

Zhou Yun came to the door of Meng Ran's room and knocked on the door.

After a while, Meng Ran opened the door, looked at Zhou Yun in surprise, and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, why did you come to see me so early?"

Zhou Yun: "Let's go in and talk."

Seeing Zhou Yun's expression, Meng Ran guessed that there must be something wrong.She quickly invited Zhou Yun in, and brought Zhou Yun a bottle of mineral water.

Zhou Yun took out the memory card and put it on the table.

Seeing this, Meng Ran became even more puzzled, and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, what is this?"

Zhou Yun: "I just came back from Shanghai at night, and I parked the car to rest, and my assistant happened to see what happened between you and Liu Zhikun."

Meng Ran's face turned pale immediately.

Her eyes trembled, and she glanced at the memory card on the table, a look of panic appeared on her face instantly.

"This, this is..."

"Fortunately, I was caught by her. Someone secretly filmed you with a camera. My assistant happened to see it, so he woke me up." Zhou Yun said, "This time I was lucky. I ran into it and snatched this Hand, I didn't look at what's inside, I just brought it to you, you put it away, and you can make your own judgment, but I suggest that you don't do such risky things in the future, although I know you are hiding from the broker people."

Meng Ran was completely stunned, at a loss.

"That's all I've told you. I'll be filming later, so let's go first."

After Zhou Yun finished speaking, he was about to get up.

"Sister Xiaoyun, wait a minute!" Meng Ran followed suit and stood up.

Zhou Yun looked at her suspiciously.

Meng Ran moved her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but couldn't.

Zhou Yun: "What's wrong?"

Meng Ran hesitated for a while, then said, "Sister Xiaoyun, thank you, thank you for helping me."

This is the second time Zhou Yun has helped her.

Zhou Yun smiled, "There is no need to say more if you are polite, that's enough, I'm leaving, bye."

She walked to the door and stopped again.

"If you really meet someone you like and want to fall in love, but you can't let others know because of objective reasons, then find a way to find a secret base." Zhou Yun said, "I see that the place you two chose, I don't even know where you two got the confidence to think that place will not be discovered."

Meng Ran's face was filled with embarrassment.

Zhou Yun waved his hand and left.

As soon as he came out, he happened to meet the opposite door opening.

Meng Ran's manager came out from the inside, and when he saw Zhou Yun, he showed a surprised expression.

"Miss Zhou, you came to see Meng Ran so early?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "I just finished breakfast and I'm going to the set, so I came to ask her if she's free tonight, and if I want to have dinner together."

Meng Ran's manager smiled, as if he was happy to see Zhou Yun and Meng Ran have such a close relationship.

"She has already arranged the live broadcast work in advance at night, I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. It's not serious business. Let's meet for dinner when you have time." Zhou Yun said, "I'm leaving, goodbye."


Meng Ran watched Zhou Yun leave gratefully.

Looking at her manager's face, she felt a lingering fear in her heart.

If this matter hadn't been seen by Sister Xiaoyun, then after this matter was exposed...

Meng Ran couldn't help sighing inwardly.

In fact, she doesn't want to hide her relationship so much, but she also knows that once the relationship is exposed, her career will be seriously affected.

Meng Ran was still thinking in her heart that she had to tell Liu Zhikun about this matter quickly. After all, someone had already found out that the two of them were in a relationship and started secretly filming them.

The agent asked her, "Would you like to go down and eat something?"

Meng Ran shook her head, "I haven't washed my face yet, you go down first."

She closed the door, sat on the bed, hesitated for a moment, and called Liu Zhikun.


Zhou Yun really worked hard on the set.

Really sleepy.

She hadn't been this sleepy for a long time.

Seeing her yawning one after another, Hou Mengjie asked, "Did you not sleep well last night?"

Zhou Yun didn't hide it either, and said, "I went to the hospital to see Song Chi last night, and I didn't get enough sleep."

Hou Mengjie heard the words and said, "So you went back to Shanghai last night? Why didn't you say it earlier? If I said it earlier, I would give you a vacation and let you catch up on sleep in the morning."

Zhou Yun shook his head, "It's okay, you have already made plans, and I'm sorry to ask you to rearrange my personal affairs."

Hou Mengjie smiled and said, "Actually, it's not as difficult as you think."

Zhou Yun shrugged.

Hou Mengjie: "Besides, if you put in so much energy, the effect of the shooting later may not be good."

"During the official shooting, my condition will remain OK. If the condition is not good, I will directly say, please let me sleep for ten minutes." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Please take care of Director Hou."

Hou Mengjie: "You are Zhou Yun, who dare not take care of you?"

He said this with a smile, but Zhou Yun found it harsh.

She just smiled and didn't answer.

On the side, Yin Linglin listened to the conversation between the two, winked at He Xuran, and chewed the back of his tongue again.

"Tsk tsk, you listen to Director Hou talking to Zhou Yun, it's like serving your aunt." She whispered to He Xuran, she still didn't dare to let Hou Mengjie hear her say that.

He Xuran didn't answer.He held the script behind his head with one hand, and read the script with the other. After a while, he seemed to remember that he hadn't spoken yet, and said, "Speak out when you're jealous."

Yin Linglin gave him an annoyed look.

He Xuran smiled, "You've been filming with her for so long, haven't you noticed?"

"What did you find?" Yin Linglin asked.

He Xuran said: "Her acting is indeed a level higher than yours."

Yin Linglin's pupils trembled instantly.Annoyance shot up from the bottom of her heart and came out directly, she stared at He Xuran, gritted her teeth and said: "You are blind!"

He Xuran shrugged, as if he didn't care about Yin Linglin's attitude at all, "If you are not willing to face this fact, then you will only be pushed further and further away by her in the future."

Yin Linglin sneered and said, "Then you think you can keep pace with her?"

"I can't, but I'm not an actress, and I'm not on the same track as you." He Xuran's posture became even more indifferent, and Yin Linglin's teeth itch with anger.

Yin Linglin said: "You are not on the same track as her, but you are on the same track as her boyfriend. Song Chi has won a lot of best actor now."

He Xuran didn't speak.

His eyes were clouded again.

Just like Zhou Yun is the nightmare of actresses of the same generation like Yin Linglin, Song Chi is the nightmare of actors of the same generation like He Xuran.

They are like a mountain, waiting for these people to reach.

Seeing that He Xuran stopped talking, Yin Linglin felt a little happier.

"Also, let alone Song Chi, Liu Zhikun received more praise than you on the set of this drama." Yin Linglin said, "His fans already have more fans than you, so don't be stepped on by others."

 Ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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