Chapter 493
At noon, Zheng Xiaoju took a lunch box and gave it to Zhou Yun in the RV.

"Sister Xiaoyun, today's box lunch has braised pork, it's so delicious!" Zheng Xiaoju blushed and was very excited.

Zhou Yun immediately frowned, "Huh? Braised pork? Then I can't eat it."

"Yeah, I know, so I asked the master to put the portion for you into my lunch box." Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zhou Yun: "..."

Looking at Zheng Xiaoju's eyes, they were shining brightly.It's getting cuter and cuter, Zhou Yun thought.

Zhou Yun stroked Zheng Xiaoju's bangs back behind her ears, and said, "Xiaoju, haven't you met anyone you like recently?"

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head and said, "No."

Very straightforward answer.

Zhou Yun: "Now is the best time for you to fall in love."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "But now I don't want to fall in love at all."

"Why?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"Oh, Miss Xiaoyun, don't ask." Zheng Xiaoju said.


Zhou Yun ate the nutritious meal Liu Yun made for her, which was actually very rich, but the calories were very low, and it didn't taste like anything real.

But that's good enough.At least you can eat every meal without the terrible effects of dieting to lose weight.Zhou Yun doesn't want to torment her body, unless a certain job requires her body to become particularly slender, otherwise, she thinks it's good to keep it at this level.

At this time, someone knocked on the car door suddenly.

Zheng Xiaoju put down his chopsticks and said, "I'll go see who it is."

The car door opened, and Zhou Yun saw Liu Zhikun.

Liu Zhikun is still wearing costumes.

"Is Zhou Yun there?" He asked Zheng Xiaoju, and after asking, he saw Zhou Yun sitting inside.

Zheng Xiaoju looked back at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun asked: "Are you looking for me?"

Liu Zhikun nodded, and then saw the lunch box in front of Zhou Yun, "Ah, you are eating lunch, then I will come to you later."

"It's okay, you can come up." Zhou Yun said.

Liu Zhikun got into the car, but didn't speak immediately, but turned to look at Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun.The meaning revealed by his action is obvious. He has something to say to Zhou Yun, but he hopes that only Zhou Yun will be present.

Of course Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun saw his eyes, but neither of them moved.

Zheng Xiaoju herself didn't really want to leave Zhou Yun alone in the RV with Liu Zhikun, especially this morning when she witnessed the scene of Liu Zhikun and Meng Ran hiding in a corner and being intimate.

If the two of them got out of the car and were seen, what would they think Zhou Yun and Liu Zhikun were doing alone in the car.

Zhou Yun probably guessed that Liu Zhikun wanted to talk to her.

She said: "They all know what happened this morning, it doesn't matter, are you here to talk to me about it?"

Liu Zhikun glanced at them in surprise, a little uneasy, and asked, "They all know?"

Zhou Yun said: "Yes, it was Xiaoju who discovered it. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have discovered it. I was sleeping at the time."

Liu Zhikun showed a look of surprise. It is estimated that when Meng Ran called him to talk about this matter before, he did not mention such detailed details.

"Thank you," he said.

"Meng Ran is my friend, so don't be polite to me." Zhou Yun said directly.What she meant by saying this was to make it clear to Liu Zhikun that she was willing to do this because of Meng Ran's relationship.

Liu Zhikun understood Zhou Yun's meaning, nodded, and didn't think it meant looking down on him, and said, "I know, but anyway, I have to thank you."

"Do you really like Meng Ran?" Zhou Yun asked.

Liu Zhikun showed a surprised face, as if he didn't expect Zhou Yun to ask such a straightforward question as soon as he opened his mouth.In the entertainment industry, although everyone is very gossip, they still care about each other's face, and will not ask questions that are difficult to answer in front of others.But Zhou Yun didn't seem to think so at all, didn't think so.

Liu Zhikun said: "This, how should I answer this? Of course I really like it, that's why...we're together."

He didn't know what to say.

Zhou Yun: "You also know that the fans of both of you are crazy. If it's just for fun, there's no need to play with fire and burn yourself."

Liu Zhikun: "..."

Zhou Yun: "Of course, it's also possible that I'm meddling, but to be honest, I think you two are too careless. Don't think that we only discovered this this morning. My assistant saw it before. The two of you secretly dated before, but we didn’t tell the truth, if we both saw each other at least once, then I think it’s the same for everyone else, maybe it’s no secret that you are in love with Meng Ran.”

Liu Zhikun's expression changed.

"I said the same to Meng Ran. If you really love it beyond your control, you should be smarter and more cautious. In this era, cameras are everywhere. Everyone has a camera on their mobile phone, and they can take pictures at any time. You have to do What, you should also go to a private place, a safe place."

Liu Zhikun sighed and said, "It's not that easy, both of us are accompanied by a big team."

Zhou Yun said: "No matter how big the team is, can they still follow you [-] hours a day? Besides, the company does not allow dating. Once you are exposed, you will have to break up. Are you willing to accept this?" Are you breaking up? If you don’t want to break up, you should be able to bear the loneliness? I know that the chances are definitely not many, but you can’t fly to the flame, right?”

Liu Zhikun did not speak.Zhou Yun's words hit his heart word by word.

Zhou Yun sighed.

"I'm sorry, but I actually have no position to say these things to you." Zhou Yun said, "I also know that your situation is much more difficult than mine was then."

"No, you're right." Liu Zhikun smiled wryly, "It's just that we can't do it ourselves in many cases."

"I have friends who are also artists, but because of the obstruction of the company, they finally had to break up. Of course, because the two of them hadn't been together for a long time at that time, they hadn't formed a deep emotional foundation, so maybe the two of them were sad for a while. Yes, but I still hope that there will be fewer regrets like this. Both you and Meng Ran have too many fans, and there are also many paparazzi around you. Everyone is staring at you. You want to be in this state Falling in love is too difficult, to be honest, I think it's impossible."

Liu Zhikun kept a wry smile on his face and did not speak.

The company always tells them to be obedient.Only if you are obedient, the company will be willing to give you good resources.If you are disobedient, you will lose a certain value in the eyes of the company-similar to a certain value of stability.

Liu Zhikun also seriously wanted to have a talk with the company and ask the company to give him some freedom.The company's attitude towards him was not bad, even very kind in many cases, giving him a feeling of "strong backing", but later, Liu Zhikun found sadly that the company treated him more like a pet, coaxing, Doting on him, talking a lot of good things, but actually never really paying attention to his opinions.

——Your opinion is not important, you'd better be a person who has no opinion and obey the company's arrangement.

Liu Zhikun originally thought that he is different from other idol stars, he has already proved himself with facts, he can act, and he hopes to go further and reach a higher position on the road of actor.But it doesn't make any sense. Even an actor is just a pet with a more noble bloodline in the company. It can be sold at a higher price, but the status does not change. Even if you are an actor, it is best that you have no opinions of your own. actor.

Of course he doesn't want to be an obedient artist, there are many such artists in the circle, they are very popular, they regard the company as their own nanny team, causing trouble everywhere, and let the company clean up the mess for them.Liu Zhikun also has the ability to do this, because he is very popular and his prospects are very good. No matter what he does, as long as he does not step on the red line, the company will not give up on him.But he can't give up his image like this. He knows that if he wants to go further, instead of being an idol who can only eat fan bonuses, he must protect his image and not be able to appear in nightclubs often , can't speak wild words, can't hug left and right, and so on.

And because of his fans, those crazy fans, he can't have a girlfriend either.If his fans weren't so crazy, and he actually has a girlfriend, the company wouldn't have any problem.But helplessly, some of his fans—not many, but enough—are sharp and extreme. Whenever a female artist gets close to him on the show, they will go crazy Attack the female artist, and attack the company at the same time, blaming the company for not protecting him, as if he is a pure angel who doesn't know how to protect himself and needs to be protected by others.

Liu Zhikun envied Song Chi very much.

His fans also used to have those crazy existences, but he can confidently say in public: "I don't need fans like you, please don't do things that go beyond my bottom line in the name of liking me, I don't agree What you like about me, I don't need what you like about me."

His attitude has also been attacked by fans, but his attitude is as tough as a rock, and nothing can shake his will.

Liu Zhikun thinks that he is not yet ready to say these words.

He's just a promising, promising actor right now, not an established, established actor.

Getting off Zhou Yun's RV, Liu Zhikun looked up at the sky today.

Today is sunny, and the sun hangs brightly on it.

Yin Linglin came over suddenly and asked him, "Why did you get out of Zhou Yun's RV? You two have such a good relationship?"

Liu Zhikun: "No, talk to her about something, are you looking for me?"

Yin Linglin nodded and said, "Have time now? I'm working on a movie project, and I think the leading actor is very suitable for you. Would you like to chat with me?"

Liu Zhikun heard the words and said, "What project?"

"A teen romance movie," she said.

Liu Zhikun's interest suddenly lost three points.

He had a youth movie that was a big success before, and he also successfully embarked on the road of a movie actor because of that movie, but because that movie was too successful, all the movies that came to him later were of this type, and Liu Zhikun played all of them. Tired of him, and the next few youth movies he acted in did not achieve the previous achievements, and the critics did not give him very good reviews.Therefore, when Liu Zhikun heard that it was a youth romance movie, he immediately lost interest.

Yin Linglin said: "Don't be too busy to be disappointed, do you know who the director of this movie is?"

Liu Zhikun asked: "Who?"

Yin Linglin said, "Xue Qin."

"Xue Qin?" Liu Zhikun looked at Yin Linglin in surprise, "The Xue Qin who filmed "Behind the Scene" with Zhou Yun?"

"Yes." Yin Linglin said, "Now you know why I came to you, right? If it's an ordinary director, it's fine, but she's a Virgo and was shortlisted for Cannes. Are you interested now?"

Liu Zhikun hesitated for a moment, and he glanced at Zhou Yun's RV.

"But how did you know about Xue Qin's new movie? Didn't she just finish two films?" He said, "Besides, I heard that Xue Qin likes Zhou Yun very much. Why didn't she find Zhou Yun?"

A look of impatience crossed Yin Linglin's face.

"Of course I found out about this movie through my channel. If it is made public, you will also receive the news?" She said, "As far as I know, this movie is still in the development stage. Xue Qin wrote it herself. I haven't finished writing the script, so I probably didn't tell Zhou Yun. The news I heard is that the casting of this play has not yet started. If the two of us take the initiative to contact Xue Qin and recommend ourselves, there is always a chance. If Xue Qin takes the initiative to start casting, it may not be our turn."

To be honest, Liu Zhikun was lying when he said that he was not moved.

He also probably understood why Yin Linglin came to him.

Yin Linglin probably wanted to unite with him and increase the bargaining chip.

"What do you want to do?" Liu Zhikun asked, "Also, why didn't you find He Xuran?"

Yin Linglin said: "I think you are better than He Xuran. Does it need to be said? He is so arrogant, the director will not like him."

Liu Zhikun did not speak.

He Xuran is indeed somewhat arrogant at ordinary times, and he never feels that his arrogance has brought a lot of discomfort to others.

"Let's find some time and take the initiative to visit Xue Qin." Yin Linglin said, "It's more sincere for us to come and talk to her in person. I heard that she didn't treat Zhou Yun well on set. She is a very serious person." A director with personality, let's lower our profile."

Liu Zhikun said, "Okay."


The Tencel Awards Ceremony was held on one day at the end of April.

Compared with the Huayu Award, the Tencel Award has not done so much in terms of media publicity.

The Tencel Award has always been relatively low-key, and rarely does marketing for itself.This is also related to its own background. Behind it is an official national organization, and it does not rely on social funds to hold it. In the past, the attitude presented was that it was tall and high, and it was not on the same stage as ordinary awards.

Zhou Yun asked for leave from the crew to attend the awards ceremony.

This time, a group of people from "Ask the Heart" appeared neatly on the red carpet. Su Yan walked on the red carpet in a spring breeze.

Su Yan was full of resentment towards the Huayu Award, and all this was compensated by the Tiansi Award.

She finally got a serious Best Actress nomination.

Even though she knew that she didn't have much hope of winning the prize tonight, whether it was Wei Ruxue or the heroine of "Tianyu", Mo Zhihan, were more popular candidates.

But it's also the first time she's been nominated for a significant Best Actress nomination, and that alone deserves her joy for a long time.

Zhou Yun didn't dress very grandly today—of course, she still chose a dress, but she dressed conservatively, and she didn't intend to amaze everyone tonight.

Song Chi said that she dressed very plainly.

Zhou Yun said: "If it weren't for the fact that I could meet you today, I wouldn't necessarily come."

Today, Song Chi sat in a wheelchair and appeared in front of everyone for the first time after the accident.

Zhou Yun was in charge of pushing the wheelchair for him, so she didn't wear a floor-length skirt to make it easier for her to walk.

Song Chi will also appear in a wheelchair today, also to thank the Tiansi Award for encouraging "Ask the Heart".

No matter what, I have to come to support this field.

Entering the backstage, Song Chi got everyone's attention, and they all came to say hello to him.

The news that the media said that he died in a car accident shocked everyone.

Thankfully this is fake news.

But Song Chi was also seriously injured, and everyone cared about him.

Because of this injury, the film Song Chi is currently filming and the next two films are facing the situation of changing roles or delaying filming.

Song Chi greeted everyone with a smile, and said, "After being busy for so long, it's a blessing in disguise. I can take a good rest for a while."

Zhou Yun was in charge of his wheelchair the whole time, quietly accompanying him with a smile.

During the period, I met Wei Ruxue.

Wei Ruxue asked about Song Chi's situation with concern, and said to Zhou Yun, "It's been hard to take care of Song Chi during this time, right?"

Zhou Yun said: "I'm filming on the set, and his assistant is taking care of him."

Wei Ruxue showed a surprised expression, and with a concealed smile, said, "I see, I misunderstood."

Song Chi raised his hand, covered Zhou Yun's right hand in the wheelchair, smiled, and said, "I don't want her to ask for leave from the crew to take care of me. There was no need for it, and it's not that no one takes care of me." ".

Wei Ruxue smiled and said, "I'm going to be jealous of Xiaoyun, having a boyfriend who is so caring like you."

Zhou Yun smiled but didn't speak.

When the time comes, everyone enters and takes their seats.

The results of the Tiansi Awards were not a surprise. The Best Supporting Actress was awarded to Zhou Yun, the Best Actress was awarded to Mo Zhihan, the Best Actor was awarded to a respected senior, and the Best Director was awarded to Jiang Xin. The best TV series was given to "Tian Yu"."Cold Spring", which received the most at the Huayu Awards, was cold at the Tiansi Awards, and didn't win any of the grand prizes.

However, this is the result that everyone expected.

The most competitive award in "Cold Spring" itself is Wei Ruxue's Best Actress, and she has already won the Huayu Award before, so it is really unlikely that the Tiansi Award will be given to her again.

After the awards ceremony, Zhou Yun accompanied Song Chi to the dinner and party for a while, but because she had to film "Four Killers" the next day, she had to leave before midnight.

Before she left, Jiang Xin said, "Xiaoyun, let's chat when you have time after you finish filming "Four Killers."

Zhou Yun said yes, "I will contact you when I get back."

Strangely, Zhou Yun was not as excited as he was when he won the award this time.She returned to the set with the trophy, but she just put the trophy on her bed and fell asleep soon.

The next day, back on the set, everyone congratulated her on winning the award. After thinking about it, she asked Zheng Xiaoju to invite everyone to drink coffee. Everyone was very happy.

Zhou Yun found a hidden corner where no one was around to call Song Chi. When she called Song Chi, she didn't like people around her very much.

"Are you home?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said, "No, a meeting at the company."

"They're all broken and still so dedicated." Zhou Yun complained.

Song Chi laughed twice, "It's not a broken bone, and I can't make a movie, so hurry up to the company to deal with the matter here."

"I read the news that "Mother" is going to start filming in the second half of this year?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"Yes." Song Chi said, "The script has not been finalized yet. Sister Hongyu has some suggestions for the script. I think some of them are very good. I have already given feedback to the screenwriter and asked him to modify it."

Zhou Yun: "Well, don't forget that you are an injured person now, don't always think about work, you can finally take a break."

"Hey, not working, just resting, it's boring." Song Chi said, "Now I basically read scripts, meet people, and prepare some projects. The intensity is not great."

Zhou Yun rested his chin on one hand, and said, "I'm very uncomfortable shooting this now. I'm filming completely according to the director's idea. It's very uncomfortable."

"Not every director is willing to absorb the thoughts and opinions of actors."

"Well, alas, anyway, the filming of this movie makes me feel that this is really like a job." Zhou Yun laughed, "It's completely like a job."

Of course, it was just a job.

Song Chi: "Most of the time, acting is just a job."

After talking on the phone with Song Chi, Zhou Yun was about to leave when he suddenly heard the voices of two girls from the side.

"These few actors in our group are a bit good, all the fights are done by themselves, no substitutes are needed."

"Yes, I see that the stuntmen prepared for them have nothing to do every day."

"I heard that the competition among the few of them is fierce, and they are all trying to reach a new level with this movie. I heard that He Xuran's manager secretly gave red envelopes to many people. Please Everyone speaks well of him in front of the media."

"Ah, then why didn't we receive it?"

"Our position is low."

"It's better for Zhou Yun to be a better person. Treat us all to coffee or dessert. Everyone has a share, even the group performers have a share."

"Miss Xiaoyun is really nice. Although she doesn't get in touch with everyone very often and looks a little cold, I have heard many people say that she is very kind to the staff and never plays big names."

"I have a friend who talked to the team of "Questioning the Heart". He said that Zhou Yun was very polite to the staff when he was filming "Questioning the Heart".


Zhou Yun didn't listen any more and left.

However, He Xuran actually gave red envelopes to some members of the crew in private?
Zhou Yun didn't know about it, but he was pretty good at it for the sake of it.

In the past few days, she found that Liu Zhikun and Yin Linglin often sat and talked together, but they were a little unfamiliar with He Xuran.It's not that they stopped playing with He Xuran, but sometimes the two of them were talking, and when He Xuran passed by, they stopped talking.

Zhou Yun has been estranged from them since joining the group, sitting in his own place, most of the time he only stays in the RV, and sometimes he can see more things.

I don't know how Liu Zhikun and Meng Ran discussed it. During this time, Zhou Yun didn't see the two of them secretly meeting again, and neither did Zheng Xiaoju and the others.

On this day, Zhou Yun and He Xuran were filming opposite each other.

Just after filming a scene, Zhou Yun turned around and saw Cao Jun coming.

He doesn't usually come to the set.

Zhou Yun walked over suspiciously and asked, "What's the matter?"

Cao Jun said, "Xiaoju asked me to send this over."

Zhou Yun saw that it was a set of clothes.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, you have a connection event at night and you want to appear on camera. Because you have a show at night, you can only connect with people in the car, so I asked him to bring the clothes."

Zhou Yun understood and nodded.

Cao Jun suddenly stared blankly.

Zhou Yun saw it and asked, "What's wrong?"

Cao Jun looked away, lowered his voice, and said, "I saw the person who took the photo that day."

Zhou Yun came to his senses and asked in surprise, "You mean, the person who secretly took pictures of Liu Zhikun and Meng Ran this morning?"

"Yeah." Cao Jun nodded, "That's the one standing behind He Xuran, the one wearing the peaked cap."

Zheng Xiaoju glanced in that direction unintentionally, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, that person is He Xuran's assistant."

Zhou Yun showed surprise on his face.

It turned out to be He Xuran's assistant?
She said to Cao Jun, "Don't say anything about this."

"Well, we understand." Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

Zhou Yun fell into deep thought.At the beginning Cao Jun told her that that person looked familiar to him, but he was not a paparazzi he knew, Zhou Yun wondered if this person might be from the crew, but Zhou Yun never thought that this person would It was He Xuran's assistant, which really caught her by surprise.

Should I tell Liu Zhikun about this?

Zhou Yun believed that this incident must have something to do with He Xuran.Thinking about it in a worse direction, He Xuran might have already set his sights on Liu Zhikun.If He Xuran got the photo from that day, what would He Xuran do?Hold it in your hand and threaten Liu Zhikun?Or should it be exposed at a critical moment and deal a fatal blow to Liu Zhikun?
Zhou Yun hesitated for a long time, unable to make up his mind, so he called Song Chi and consulted him.

Song Chi listened to Zhou Yun's words, pondered for a moment, and said, "You can say or not to say about this matter. This matter has nothing to do with you. Just remind Liu Zhikun that Liu Zhikun may remember you as a favor again. Of course, you have already helped him prevent those photos from being circulated, and you already owe you favors. If you don’t remind Liu Zhikun, you are completely out of it, and it has no effect on you, nor on Liu Zhikun. Anyway, he has already grown his own mind. He and Meng Ran will no longer be photographed so easily."

"Do you think that He Xuran is specifically staring at Liu Zhikun?" Zhou Yun doubted, "I don't mean to speculate on He Xuran with malice, but think about it, the matter between Liu Zhikun and Meng Ran is actually It's also quite hidden. Zheng Xiaoju only discovered it by accident. If He Xuran hadn't been staring at Liu Zhikun a long time ago, his assistant wouldn't have taken a camera with him to secretly take pictures, right? It was five o'clock in the morning, and no one got up. His assistant should not have appeared in that place no matter what, the only way to watch this scene is to keep staring at Liu Zhikun."

Song Chi: "What you said makes sense. What I'm curious about now is whether He Xuran is only eyeing Liu Zhikun alone, or is he also eyeing you and Yin Linglin."

"Huh? Us?"

Song Chi said: "It's because you mentioned this incident that I remembered it. I heard about it before. Go and search for He Xuran's past plays. There has always been a rumor about He Xuran in the circle. Whoever plays with him will always be exposed to some scandals."

"What?" Zhou Yun was shocked, "Is it true?"

"You can find out after searching. They say that there are all kinds of dramas on the Internet, and they can't say that every drama is like this, but there are indeed some dramas. When his co-stars were popular in the air, some scandals were suddenly exposed. In fact, this This kind of phenomenon is not uncommon, all popular actors will encounter this kind of thing, the opponent will not want to see you popular, rely on these revelations to prevent explosions, but the timing of the revelations of He Xuran's co-actors is too ingenious. These materials were only released when the show had already exploded and was about to end. Of course, this is just a speculation of a small number of people, and there is no evidence."

Zhou Yun: "You mean, He Xuran often does this? Deliberately dig out some co-star material, and release it when the recurring drama is on the air, so that he can enjoy the benefits alone?"

"That's what it means. Anyway, I heard that the actors who acted with him never worked with him again. No one wants to work with him for the second time."

Zhou Yun: "This..."

Song Chi: "I forgot about this, I should have reminded you earlier."

"It's okay, I haven't done anything shameful, he wants to dig up my material, what can he dig?"

"But you should be fine. He also knows in his heart that he is not on the same level as you now. It is useless for him to blackmail you. I guess his main target is Liu Zhikun. After all, in this movie, only Liu Zhikun is his true sense. competitors."

"Liu Zhikun's fans are much crazier than his fans." Zhou Yun said, "No wonder, He Xuran probably wants to expose Liu Zhikun's love affair to make Liu Zhikun's fans disappointed and sad. In this way, Liu Zhikun will fall into the trap of fan disengagement by then." The embarrassing situation of being a fan, he can reap the dividends brought to him by "Four Killers", and if he wants to find a brand that the two of them cooperate with, due to the situation of Liu Zhikun's loss of fans, he will be more inclined to find him."


"My heart is really dark." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi: "There are quite a lot of unscrupulous people. You have to be careful. Think about Xu Siyao."

Zhou Yun's face darkened: "Don't mention her, I really annoy her to death."

Song Chi laughed, "Don't tell me, she's really thick-skinned, and she even contacted my company to cooperate with my company."

Zhou Yun: "Is she crazy? Why does she think that my boyfriend's company will act in her?"

Song Chi said, "Maybe it's because she is confident that she is popular enough now."

The current film and television market is completely centered on top artists.

Whichever play Xu Siyao is willing to act in, the platform will give the green light to whichever play Xu Siyao is willing to act in. This is the bonus that "The Eighth Heartbeat" and "The Storm" brought to Xu Siyao.

The success of the play shows that the audience recognizes Xu Siyao—especially for the play "The Storm", the audience's evaluation of Xu Siyao is better than that of Zhou Yun.

"Of course, if your company has any bad movies that just want to make money, you can ask her to act in it. I don't mind if you use her to make money." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi laughed loudly on the phone.

"By the way, Yu Zhiyang has come to look for me." Song Chi said suddenly.

Zhou Yun was taken aback, "Huh?"

Song Chi said: "He came to me and said, if there is any role that I don't need to fall in love with, if there is an opportunity, he is willing to perform for free. He only hopes that I can provide him with opportunities."

A role that doesn't need to be in love...

Zhou Yun knew what was going on as soon as he heard it.

She said: "Since Xiaoyu came to you on his own initiative, just help if you can. I will definitely find a movie to cooperate with him in the future. This is what I promised him, but I don't know when such an opportunity will come." That's right, you know his situation, it's best to let him play some supporting roles that are not so important at the beginning, otherwise his female boss will worry that he will become popular and won't let him play."

Song Chi nodded and hummed, "That's what I mean too."

"Then I'm counting on you. Alas, I found that I have a lot of favors here and I need your help. I'm sorry." Zhou Yun said, "I didn't do anything for you myself, but let you help me so much."

From Yu Zhiyang to Wang Jing, Zhou Yun has found several plays for them in Song Chi's company.

These plays don't have to be them.

Song Chi smiled and said, "You're still being polite to me about this."

Zhou Yun said: "I originally thought that after my contract with Chengqian ended, I would sign with your company to help you make money, but later the plan changed. I thought it was too simple."

"It's okay, you have already brought me a lot of benefits by acting in "Questing the Heart." Song Chi said, "Don't make it so clear between us, I know you are willing to suffer for me, so you have to I know, I am willing to suffer for you, and in this situation where both parties are willing to suffer for the other, it is not called a disadvantage."

"You read the tongue twister."


Zhou Yun said: "By the way, have you contacted that kid named Luo Zhiheng? He is the kid who filmed "Words of Fallen Leaves" with me. I recommended him to you before, saying that he is very talented in acting."

Song Chi said: "I know, I have already met his mother, but his mother doesn't really want to let him sign the contract at this time. He will take the college entrance examination in June next year."

"That's it." Zhou Yun felt a little regretful, she really thought that Luo Zhiheng would be popular in the future.

"I'll contact him after his college entrance examination is over," Song Chi said.


"Yao Yuanfeng came to see me two days ago, talking to me about the script of "You in the Moonlight"." Song Chi changed the topic again, and turned to the script written by Yao Yuanfeng himself, "He intends to promote this project I want to do it with me."

Zhou Yun: "Really, that's great."

Song Chi: "But in my current situation, there are two dramas that are said to be waiting for me. If I really want to act in this drama, it is estimated that the schedule will have to be filmed in the second half of next year."

Zhou Yun said: "Then wait until the second half of next year to film, I'm not in a hurry."

"Well, anyway, whether I act or not, I will participate in the production of this drama." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "When I finish filming "Four Killers", I must take a good rest and take a vacation. The fight scenes really hurt my back and back."

Song Chi: "Don't get hurt again."

"Don't worry." Zhou Yun said, "I'm paying attention."

After a few words with each other, Zhou Yun hung up the phone.She stretched her waist and thought, if she and Song Chi made "You in the Moonlight" together, then this movie might become a movie that the two of them would watch again and again many years later.Deep down in Zhou Yun's heart, he really wanted to make a pure romance film with Song Chi. "Questioning the Heart" is actually not a romance film, it just has an emotional sideline.Moreover, in "Ask the Heart", she still shared this man with Su Yan, so she didn't want to regard this drama as a love drama with Song Chi.

(End of this chapter)

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