Chapter 494
Zhou Yun hesitated again and again, but still felt that he was a good person, so he told Liu Zhikun that the sneak shot was He Xuran's assistant.

Zhou Yun thought so, so at noon that day, Zhou Yun and Liu Zhikun made an appointment to meet and chat at noon.

The production crew is crowded and easy to be listened to, so Zhou Yun asked Liu Zhikun to come to his car.

Liu Zhikun didn't know what Zhou Yun was going to say to him, full of suspicion, got into the car, sat down, and asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, and she said, "Two days ago, I discovered another thing."

Liu Zhikun frowned, "What's the matter? Is it related to me?"

"It's related to you. My people saw the person who secretly took pictures of you that day. They didn't know each other before, so they didn't know. They only found out two days ago." Zhou Yun said, "I thought about this person, but I should tell him You, keep an eye out for yourself, just in case."

Liu Zhikun's expression immediately became serious.

"Who?" he asked.

Zhou Yun said: "The person who secretly filmed you and Meng Ran that day was He Xuran's assistant."

Liu Zhikun's expression changed instantly.

"Him?" There was anger in his eyes.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I don't know if He Xuran knows about it. I didn't investigate this matter. I just told you what I know."

Liu Zhikun seemed to have clenched his teeth, his expression was ugly.

He said, "Of course it was him. If it wasn't for his instruction, how could his assistant do such a thing."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, Liu Zhikun still thought clearly.

"Anyway, if you plan to find trouble with him, don't mention me. I won't admit it. I don't want to be involved in these troubles." Zhou Yun took the lead in expressing his position, "I don't recommend you directly If you go to trouble him, you didn't catch him, and he won't admit it. Even if he admits it, you can't do anything about it, because you can't make this matter a big deal. Once it gets big, everyone will We all know about you and Meng Ran."

Liu Zhikun hummed, "I won't go to him, I just have a fire in my heart and I can't suppress it."

Liu Zhikun's attitude is very real.

Zhou Yun said, "I can understand your current mood."

"Thank you." Liu Zhikun said, "Thank you for telling me about this."

Zhou Yun smiled.

Although she didn't really expect Liu Zhikun's thanks, Zhou Yun was still in a good mood when he heard the other party's thanks.

Liu Zhikun hesitated for a moment, and said: "There is something, let me tell you too. I didn't plan to say it at first, but you told me about it. If I still keep it secret, it would be too unethical .”

"Huh?" Zhou Yun looked at him.

Liu Zhikun seemed to be particularly embarrassed about what to say next, and paused for a few seconds before saying: "That's right, Yin Linglin and I are working on a new movie together, and then we met a producer, that producer People told us—of course, I know she must have made it up, but she not only told us, but also told many other people, she said, you once slept with He Yong in order to become famous."

Zhou Yun was stunned for a while.

Because she hadn't heard such similar rumors for a long time.Since she won the actress, such rumors about her have been slowly decreasing.Zhou Yun didn't know who started making such rumors again.She asked, "Who?"

Liu Zhikun hesitated for a while, and said: "It's someone you know and has worked with you before. If someone who has nothing to do with you said such things, I wouldn't tell you, because everyone will definitely not Xin, but this person...she is Luo Zhiqiu."

"Luo Zhiqiu?" Zhou Yun widened his eyes in shock.

Zhou Yun has not heard this name for a long time.

She is the boss of Zuo Jing, the boss of Song Chi's former agency, and one of the producers of "Questioning the Heart".

Zhou Yun never thought that he would hear her name.

Ever since Song Chi left Zuo Jing, Zuo Jing has never had any good artists. They are all idol stars. They have made a lot of film and television dramas, but the splash is not big.Luo Zhiqiu also no longer appeared in her vision for a long time.

Why did Luo Zhiqiu make such a rumor about her?
Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I see, thank you."

Liu Zhikun said: "I think you may have to pay attention to this matter. I guess she said this to many people, because after Yin Linglin and I met her that day, another person said, I don't know how you offended me. I killed her, and let her tell everyone about it."

Zhou Yun was furious, but she made herself invisible.

"Why did she do this? Maybe it's because I can't understand that Song Chi and I love each other so much, and we haven't separated after being together for so long." Zhou Yun said, "You think she treats Song Chi just like the boss treats his own artists. Feelings?"

Zhou Yun sneered.

Liu Zhikun's eyes widened in surprise.

"You mean she..."

Zhou Yun: "That's right, she's jealous of me, that's why she made up such rumors. She can't understand that Song Chi and I are in love so much, so she wants to use rumors to cause us to break up."

Liu Zhikun stared in surprise and didn't speak for a long time, not knowing what to say.

After he left Zhou Yun's RV, Zhou Yun thought for a moment and came up with an idea.

Song Chi still couldn't worry about this matter, Zhou Yun felt that he could solve this matter.

How to prove a rumor is false?Zhou Yun has not found a good solution so far, but Zhou Yun still has his own experience on how to make a rumor less believed by everyone.

That is to make the motivation of the person who spread the rumor impure.

Zhou Yun called Zhou Lan, told her about it, and said, "Sister Lan, you have to find someone to start spreading the news in the circle. Luo Zhiqiu has always had other ideas about Song Chi, but Song Chi has always If you don't accept it, Luo Zhiqiu can't love Song Chi, so he has always held grudges and jealousy towards me, and has done many things to discredit me."

Zhou Lan understood Zhou Yun's intention as soon as he heard it.

"Okay, don't worry, I will leave this matter to me." Zhou Lan said, "This woman is so shameless, I will definitely make her lose all face!"

Zhou Yun just asked Zhou Lan to start from Song Chi's side, and Zhou Lan did it even better, directly spreading Luo Zhiqiu's coveted heart for little fresh meat and handsome boys, not only Song Chi in the past, but also Zuo Some young male artists under the mirror.At the same time, she also began to create an image of her being jealous, narrow-minded, and unwilling to cultivate male artists under her banner, fearing that they would settle and leave like Song Chi after they became popular.

Luo Zhiqiu's reputation in the circle has never been very good.Back then, Song Chi was under her command, and she made a lot of money from Song Chi, and also gained a lot of benefits.As soon as Song Chi left, everyone naturally stopped respecting her.After Song Chi left, Zuo Jing began to undertake the production of online dramas, and made a lot of modern and ancient puppets, all of which were rated below 5 points, but with a small cost, each one can earn some money, plus Together is more.The actors under her banner are all in the circle of online dramas, and she never lets them accept outside drama appointments. Over time, these rumors spread, and the fans of the artists also felt that she had affected their idol careers Developing, scolding her fiercely, and saying that it's no wonder she couldn't keep Song Chi.

Song Chi's popularity and reputation in the circle are very good.Everyone knew about his previous situation in Zuo Jing, not that he and Song Chi shared the same hatred, but given the choice, they would naturally choose not to cooperate with Luo Zhiqiu, or not to cooperate with Luo Zhiqiu.

Zhou Lan's counterattack was very fast, and soon, there were a lot of rumors about Luo Zhiqiu in the circle, about this person who was jealous, about this person who was penny-pinching, about this person's blackmail, spreading rumors, and unscrupulous methods.

When Luo Zhiqiu heard these rumors, the news had already spread in the whole circle, including the artists under his banner who looked at her very strangely, and kept a distance from her specially, for fear of being caught by others. It's like I misunderstood something.

When she heard it, she went crazy, of course she knew what was going on.

Luo Zhiqiu was so angry that he called Zhou Yun directly and said, "What do you mean? Are you going to declare war on me?"

Zhou Yun didn't have Luo Zhiqiu's number, and suddenly received a call from a stranger who said something like this and asked, "Who are you?"

Luo Zhiqiu was so angry that he said his name: "Luo Zhiqiu."

Only then did Zhou Yun come to his senses.

"So it's Sister Luo, what does Sister Luo mean? Why can't I understand? I haven't seen you for a long time, how can I declare war with you?"

Luo Zhiqiu: "Don't think I don't know who spread these rumors?"

Zhou Yun feigned surprise and asked, "What rumors?"

Luo Zhiqiu gritted his teeth and said, "You know it in your heart."

"I don't know, but I know a truth. There is no unreasonable declaration of war against you in this world. Sister Luo, you might as well think about it, why would someone do such a thing?" Zhou Yun said, "Is it you? What bad thing did you do first to offend others?"

Luo Zhiqiu said nothing.

Zhou Yun could also hear some heavy breathing from anger on the other side of the phone.

After two seconds, the phone hung up.

Zhou Yun sneered and put the phone aside.

It seems that Luo Zhiqiu still knows what he has done, not the kind who feels that he did nothing wrong after doing it.

Song Chi also knew about this.

After he knew about this, the first thing he did was to call Luo Zhiqiu.

"If you let me hear any rumors you made about Zhou Yun again, just wait, don't forget, I have also worked in your company for many years, what things you have done, and what shameful things you have done, I will tell you Both." Song Chi's voice had never been so cold, as if it could swallow a person, "You'd better think clearly."

After Song Chi finished speaking, he hung up the phone without giving Luo Zhiqiu time to say a word.

In fact, even when he gave her time, she couldn't utter a word.

Of course, Zhou Yun's movements in the past few days cannot be hidden from the crew of "Four Killers".

Everyone is mixed in this line, each has its own news channel.

When they saw Zhou Yun's resolute methods and energy, they suddenly realized that even though they had treated Zhou Yun as a big star, even though they had respected Zhou Yun in a very important position, they Still underestimated Zhou Yun's power.

Even the boss of a film and television agency was beaten helplessly under the wrath of her side.

Yin Linglin was the first to bear the brunt of the shock.

Yin Linglin has always felt that the difference between herself and Zhou Yun is only two actress trophies. As long as she works hard and is lucky, she can catch up with Zhou Yun within days.Because of this idea, she even felt that she could compete with Zhou Yun in other aspects.

But what happened to Luo Zhiqiu made Yin Linglin realize one thing, her energy is far less than Zhou Yun's.

Zhou Yun was able to spread the news of Luo Zhiqiu to the entire entertainment circle in such a short few days, and this only represents four words: connections to the sky.

The entertainment circle is not just composed of stars in front of the stage.

When Yin Linglin saw Zhou Yun these days, she felt a little guilty - obviously she didn't do anything to apologize to Zhou Yun.Then she suddenly remembered something, no, she and He Xuran had arranged behind her back the matter between her and Yao Yuanfeng.It's similar to what Luo Zhiqiu did.After Yin Linglin thought of this, he suddenly felt a little scared. Will Zhou Yun take revenge on them in the future?

After seeing what Zhou Yun did to Luo Zhiqiu, Yin Linglin was really a little scared.

She also went to find He Xuran.

He Xuran said: "Don't worry, since she didn't say anything or do anything at that time, she probably will be fine."

"What's more, you are so afraid of what she will do? Does she have the ability to take revenge on both of us at the same time? You think the team behind us is a soft food. "

Yin Linglin didn't see through He Xuran's seemingly unafraid of the uneasiness behind him.

"Anyway, I think we should go and apologize to her and get this over with," she said.

"We didn't say anything, and we didn't spread it outside. We just joked in private. If you apologize for this, you will be serious."

Yin Linglin said: "Are you sure? If you don't apologize, then I will."

How could He Xuran accept that Yin Linglin went to apologize but he didn't, doesn't it make him seem like a small person?
In the end, the two went together to apologize.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, this is really a surprise.

She only hated Yin Linglin and He Xuran, but not to the extent she hated Luo Zhiqiu.Yin Linglin and He Xuran were just a few people who said it themselves, but Luo Zhiqiu kept telling others and spreading rumors.

properties are distinct.

Zhou Yun accepted their apology.

With the end of this event, April is also over.

Zhou Yun's filming is more than half finished.

Fortunately, she was not injured that badly again.

But now Song Chi is facing a problem. In this situation, can he still go to Cannes as a judge?

On the last day of April, Cannes officially announced that the last judge of the "Un Certain Regard" section is Song Chi from China.

When the news was sent back to the country, it caused a commotion in the entire Internet world.

 Ask for a monthly pass.

  Remember to watch "It's Just an Ex-Relationship", it's very good.

(End of this chapter)

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