Chapter 495
When Jiang Xin heard the news, his first reaction was to smile and say, "Song Chi and Zhou Yun are going to Cannes holding hands this year."

Yao Yuanfeng's reaction was: "That's it, the most powerful upstart couple in the entire film and television industry is born. Who will dare to underestimate them in the future? Either their brains are flooded, or their nerves have problems."

In fact, their reactions represent the reactions of most people.

Maybe you can say that Zhou Yun and Song Chi's luck is unprecedented. Maybe you can also say that there are many people in the film and television industry who are more powerful than them but not as famous as them. Maybe you can also say that Zhou Yun Both Yun and Song Chi are too strong, and if they actually get married and have children in the future, the problems and conflicts that will arise will become even more irreconcilable.

But no matter what you say, at this moment, Zhou Yun and Song Chi, the two of them are the two brightest stars in the domestic film industry.These two stars hang in the night sky, shining brightly, no one can beat them.

Jiang Xin is an elder, and he has sincerity towards Zhou Yun and Song Chi and wishes them to develop better and better.Cooperating with "Ask the Heart", he also has a sincere affection for these two juniors, thinking that they are young people worthy of support.

To achieve the top in an industry, I always hope that "talented people will come out from generation to generation". This is the meaning of inheritance, maybe it is the obsession and wish in the bones of people, and I hope that the industry I love and engage in will always be brilliant go down.

Yao Yuanfeng is a collaborator in his prime.The cooperation between him and Zhou Yun is on the rise. The better Zhou Yun develops, the better he will benefit. What's more, there will be a "You Under the Moonlight" written by himself later, and he plans to cooperate with these two people.Therefore, these two people are in full bloom, and he is happy to see their success.

Those who are not so happy are competitors and opponents.

For example, Li Ci.

This year's "Fixing the Storm" was a huge blow to Li Ci. As the leading actor, it was the "biggest failure" after the show was broadcast.

Not only in the industry, but even most of the netizens are laughing at him. It is because his performance in this drama is really bad. Compared with Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao, he is like a person who is out of place. Even Li Ci's Fans can't save themselves.

With such a bad reputation, no matter how popular he is, it is impossible for major dramas to find him again—at least, they will hesitate a lot before using him. All major dramas hope to achieve both fame and fortune. With Li Ci, you can Make money, but a bad reputation will affect how much money you make.

"Questioning the Heart" made a lot of money because of the support of the three first-line stars and director Jiang Xin. It sold at the highest price in the industry, and it became a big hit in the later stage.

Due to word-of-mouth, the ratings of "Ding Feng Bo" could not increase in the later period, and the webcast data could not usher in a new breakthrough point, so the revenue was naturally limited.

Li Ci and Song Chi belong to the same group of actors.There are only a handful of people who can keep pace with the two of them in terms of popularity and popularity.Song Chi himself is better than Li Ci in terms of popularity with passers-by, and his performance is also better than Li Ci's. Now Song Chi has not only won the best actor, but also went to Cannes as a judge, which directly puts everyone far away. thrown back.Li Ci's situation is bound to be even more affected.

He Yong also knew that Li Ci was a bit "mud can't support the wall", but he couldn't think of a way to break Li Ci's situation for a while.If you want Li Ci to change the public impression of "poor acting skills", you must first come up with works that make everyone think that Li Ci's acting skills are good. With this, you can do marketing and whitewash Li Ci.

How can I improve Li Ci's acting skills?Give him acting lessons?Is there a lot of Li Ci?is that useful?Throw Li Ci into a literary film to hone his acting skills?How could the company agree to let the cash cow not make money, but to make literary films with no salary?Even if he rejects all opinions and asks Li Ci to take the film, which famous literary film director is willing to accept Li Ci?
He Yong thought for a long time, and Li Ci's current situation basically cannot be changed.No matter how bad his reputation is, he still has a lot of fashion resources and business, because he has a good appearance and high fan loyalty.Under such circumstances, he was asked to hone his acting skills, and He Yong felt that Li Ci could not do it himself.The status quo can only continue.It's better not to shoot serious dramas, let Li Ci continue to shoot romantic idol dramas in the future, and sing more at the same time.

Fortunately, the rising momentum of several newcomer actors in the company is good.Zhou Jianfeng will soon be filming "Under the Dress" with Zhou Yun. The explosion is just around the corner. Wen Yucheng has accepted the self-produced drama of Qianqian Film and Television. No. [-], but the roles of male No. [-] and male No. [-] continue.At that time, He Yong sent these three people to interview for "Under Dress" because he was very optimistic about these three young people.

He Yong thought to himself, no matter what, the pace of training newcomers cannot be stopped. In addition, he is also thinking about poaching newcomers.

He focused on Zhang Mo who was filming "Words of Fallen Leaves" with Zhou Yun.

Zhang Mo used to act in dramas, and there are very few film and television works, and "Words of Fallen Leaves" has not yet been released.

He Yong heard Zhou Yun talk about Zhang Mo, Zhou Yun admired him very much and praised him a lot.He Yong felt that if Zhang Mo was signed and worked well, he might not be able to push Zhang Mo to the position of a powerful actor.Now the film and television market has more and more demand for powerful actors. They may not be able to play the leading male role, but almost all the leading male characters are powerful actors. This is a mainstream way of thinking about using actors now. Use strength to protect the commercial value and also the quality and reputation of the play.

He Yong has already added Zhang Mo's WeChat, and has chatted with people online for a long time, and he thinks it's time to communicate with people face to face.

He Yong even thought that Zhang Mo might become the next Song Chi.

Even if the probability is very low, you can give it a try, right?

Song Chi replied to everyone's congratulatory messages one by one.

He is actually a bit regretful, this time he is going to be a judge of the "A Kind of Concern" unit, but this time there are no Chinese-language films in the "A Kind of Concern" unit.

A reporter asked, why is he now in a wheelchair, or decided to go all the way to the Cannes Film Festival?
Song Chi replied: "Everyone who loves movies will go against all odds to attend this movie party, and this time Xiaoyun will also go, so I want to go with her."

Song Chi's answer was reposted by many people.

The title became "Song Chi's fracture will also accompany Zhou Yun to the Cannes Film Festival".

After Zhou Yun saw this title, his first reaction was that it was too... shameful.Now these headline parties are trying their best to create gimmicks.

"Song Chi loves you deeply." Yu Chu laughed on the phone.

Zhou Yun: "Go away, you're bothering me too."

Yu Chu said: "When I saw the news, I thought it was funny. It was really funny."

Zhou Yun: "Now these news media, there are really few who can do news normally."

"Otherwise, there are people grabbing news from them everywhere and posting news. If you don't make something out, how can you compete with others?" Yu Chu said, "But you guys are really good. One is shortlisted and the other is a judge. It's just right. It’s come together for one session, so it’s no wonder that everyone talks about it like a chicken blood.”

"I'm surprised myself." Zhou Yun said, "It's really a coincidence."

Yu Chu: "Very good, I hope you will come back with a Cannes actress this time."

"Don't, don't milk me." Zhou Yun smiled.

Yu Chu asked, "There should still be hope, right?"

"It's all about luck, and it's not something I can get if I want it." Zhou Yun said, "What have you been doing lately?"

Yu Chu said: "I just finished filming "Little Detective" and will join the filming of "Fleeing Years" tomorrow. By the way, you can help me promote my new drama later. It is scheduled to be broadcast tonight."

"Yes, is it on Weibo?" Zhou Yun asked.

"That's right." Yu Chu said, "Although it wasn't the heroine in the movie I filmed last year, I quite liked the character I played. It's very cute."

"Is it the "Love Object You Despise" that you mentioned before?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Yes." Yu Chu said, "I played a particularly superb green tea whore in it, anyway, I enjoyed the role very much, haha."

"Then I'm going to take a look." Zhou Yun said.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun logged on to Weibo, and soon found Yu Chu's Weibo promoting the new drama.

Zhou Yun reposted on Weibo, saying: Looking forward to Xiaoyu's new drama, move the small bench, and start watching the drama tonight.

"The Object of Love I Look Down on" is just a mid-cost online drama, it was broadcast on Chestnut Video, and it's set tonight, and there's no news about it on the hot search, and it can be seen that this drama really doesn't have much money to do marketing.

This is generally the case for medium and low-cost web dramas, and their profit target is only tens of millions, which is different from the target of the S-level project.

Normally, the marketing expenses of a drama now account for half of that of a drama. Before "Sweet Honey, Ashes Like Frost" was broadcast, no one was optimistic about this drama. At that time, the two leading actors were still It is not the top artist who is being competed by major platforms nowadays. After it went online, because the broadcast effect exceeded expectations, the platform paid back the money, and the drama creator and the platform increased marketing investment while broadcasting, and finally made it a blockbuster drama. "The Work of Yuci Xiaowu" is also considered a small hit, but it is a pity that it did not set off an upsurge of chasing dramas across the Internet like "Xiangmi". Although the topic is enough, the audience who actually converted to chasing dramas did not imagine Of course, in any case, its performance is a classic case of small and big for its original cost. You must know that before the show was launched, there was really no such show.It's not the same as "Xiangmi", at least the leading actors of "Xiangmi" were actors with names and surnames before acting in this play. Many people know them, but they are not so popular. The starring lineup of the show was really missing before the show aired.

The two protagonists of "The Object of Love I Look Down on" are pure rookies, one is an idol who debuted last year, and the other is a newcomer who has just graduated and has not acted before. Yu Chu took over the filming of this movie last year and played a superb green tea bitch , now that it's on air, Yu Chu has become the most famous artist in the whole show, and she's the main one in the publicity.

After Zhou Yun forwarded the promotional Weibo, many fans left messages in her comment area: What drama is this?Why does it look like a big bad movie?

But no matter what, Zhou Yun's Weibo at least let many people know the existence of this show.

One of her microblogs is worth all the previous publicity for this show.

But what Zhou Yun didn't expect was that two hours later, Gu Huaichun also reposted Yu Chu's Weibo to promote it.

Has Yu Chu also asked Gu Huaichun to help forward it?

But Zhou Yun felt that Yu Chu would not do this. After all, Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou were in the same company. She broke up with Yin Zhou at the beginning because of Yue Hai's obstruction.

Zhou Yun asked Gu Huaichun: Why are you so enthusiastic?He also helped promote Yu Chu's new play.

Gu Huaichun replied: Yin Zhou please ask me.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Gu Huaichun said: It is not convenient for him to help with publicity, so please ask me.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and shocked.

She originally thought that the relationship between Yin Zhou and Yu Chu was completely over.

It turned out that Yin Zhou would do such a thing.

That night, after Zhou Yun finished filming "Four Killers", he turned on the drama "The Object of Love" in the hotel, ready to watch it.

What she didn't expect was that the drama was surprisingly good. Although the acting skills were average, several actors acted very sincerely.

What Zhou Yun meant was that she could tell that the actors were putting their heart into the play, without being perfunctory.

When Yu Chu appeared on the stage, Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

She played a very contrived and very annoying woman, described in two words as the best.She is the obstacle between the male and female protagonists, trying her best to stumbling them, causing misunderstandings and misunderstandings between them, and preventing them from being together.

Zhou Yun was very surprised, because Yu Chu's performance in this play was completely different from her usual performance in other plays. Zhou Yun could see how relaxed and comfortable she was acting.

Zhou Yun opened the barrage, wanting to see everyone's comments.

Sure enough, many people scolded Yu Chu for his role.

Zhou Yun also joined in the fun, and posted on Weibo: Fortunately, Yu Chu is my best friend, otherwise I would hate it so much, "The Secret Love Object I Look Down on" is very interesting, continue to follow the drama.

Zhou Yun recommended it like this, and people who saw this Weibo also took a look out of curiosity.

According to the statistics of the broadcast data on the first day, it far exceeded expectations, and there were even [-] million views, which made the show crew and the platform feel incredible and overjoyed.

Why there is such a result, they know it well and clearly.

They also know why people are willing to promote this show.

For this reason, they reciprocated, and after discussing with the platform, the show crew decided to do a marketing campaign around Yu Chu.

It can promote both dramas and people.

This is something.

Zhou Yun is about to leave for the Cannes Film Festival.

On this day, Zhou Lan hurried to the set to tell her about the Cannes schedule.

"Our "Behind the Scenes" is scheduled to be screened on the seventh day. I communicated with the crew. Let's come out one day earlier, fly to Cannes, attend the opening red carpet, accept interviews from two media, and then come back to film. Before the screening of "Behind the Scenes" One day, we will go back to attend the premiere of our movie." Zhou Lan said, "At present, we have arranged a total of six days of schedule, and we have to ask the crew for six days off, but fortunately, two-thirds of your filming is done. Yes, we can coordinate."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded, "The six-day schedule is actually two events, one opening ceremony and one film premiere."

"More than that." Zhou Lan shook his head, "Leaving for Cannes, I've picked up a collaboration with "Victor" for you, and they want to make a short interview video for you to start with. Our editors would come here, ride with us to the airport, and the work would be done in the car."

Zhou Yun widened his eyes in shock and asked, "Can it still be like this?"

"I can't help it. There are too many people who want to cooperate with us. I can only try my best to make good use of my time." Zhou Lan said, "Before the opening red carpet, there were [-] media interviews, and I gave each of them a half It takes nearly seven hours to add up to nearly seven hours, which means that after you land, you have to clean up a little bit and start working non-stop, because this time you are taking the movie with you, and "Behind the Scenes" It is the only Chinese-language film shortlisted for the main competition, and I took all the interviews with well-known domestic media."

Zhou Yun gasped, "Oh my god."

Zhou Lan: "In addition to interviews with thirteen media outlets, there will be a Blink luncheon where you and Song Chi will attend together. Both of you are the spokespersons of Blink. At that time, besides the two of you, there will be some spokespersons from other countries and regions. , and some partners, including Wang Jing, will also participate."

"Understood." Zhou Yun nodded, "Is there any more?"

"Of course, what I just told you is the work before the opening ceremony. After the opening ceremony, Vertical Axis Cruises will hold a media event to announce that you will be the spokesperson for the Asian region." Zhou Yun said, "Then, Shi Luoqi is planning to hold an event for Chinese filmmakers. It was originally planned to be held in the evening, but I communicated with her that you are going to board the plane in the evening and prepare to return to China, so she is moving this event to the afternoon, on the vertical axis cruise ship After the event, after you have participated in this event, you will end the work of the first cycle."

Zhou Yun covered his forehead with one hand and sighed, "Someone come and save me!"

Zhou Lan said: "After you come back, you will shoot for three days, and then set off for Cannes again to attend the premiere of "Behind the Scene". Yes, after participating in this event, we will fly back to continue filming, and if we are notified to attend the closing ceremony, we will go there again."

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

"The schedule is so rushed," she said.

Zhou Lan: "I can't help it. I usually participate in this kind of international film festival, especially Cannes. The attention is too high. Everyone doesn't want to miss this opportunity."

Zhou Yun asked: "When will the filming of "Four Killers" be finished? I feel like it has been filming for a long time."

"Actually, it's not too long. It's only been a month. You just didn't enjoy filming this movie very much, so it feels like it's been a long time."

Zhou Yun felt that Zhou Lan's words really hit the nail on the head.

"Did Song Chi tell you?" Zhou Lan suddenly asked, "The "The Balcony" he starred in has no other choice. He decided to reshoot with another person. He is still the producer, but he will no longer be the starring role."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, she hadn't heard Song Chi say this.

"Who's going to shoot?" he asked.

Zhou Lan said, "Chen Jing."

"Chen Jing?" Zhou Yun was surprised, "Did sister Ning Yao recommend it?"

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "Because "The Balcony" was originally a low-budget literary film, the director originally wanted to wait for Song Chi, but Song Chi thought it would be better to reshoot with another person, because he also took on other scenes later on. If "The Balcony" has to wait for him, it may have to wait until next year."

"Song Chi doesn't want to drag others down."

"Yes." Zhou Lan said, "Because Song Chi had his eyes on the script, and he decided to replace the filming, many young and suitable actors went to audition, and several of us went to audition, but Song Chi I don't want to wait for anyone anymore, I hope this person can join the filming team immediately, and I finally decided on Chen Jing."

"Chen Jing played "Mother and Child Inn" with Fan Zhu before, and I went to see him. He is quite good-looking." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "It's a bit like that Ding Haiyin in Korea."

"Yes." Zhou Lan said, "Ning Yao also said so."

After talking about the arrangements for Cannes, Zhou Lan went back.

She has four artists in her hands now and is very busy.

Zhou Yun returned to the set, but found that the atmosphere was a bit weird, and everyone seemed a little too quiet.

Usually the set is not so quiet.

Zhou Yun couldn't help asking Zheng Xiaoju: "What's wrong? Has something happened?"

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, just now Liu Zhikun and He Xuran had a conflict."

"Conflict? Why?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.She subconsciously worried that Liu Zhikun couldn't help it because of the sneak shot before, right?

Zheng Xiaoju said: "The two were filming just now, He Xuran made a mistake, almost scratched Liu Zhikun's face, Liu Zhikun got angry, scolding He Xuran for intentional, He Xuran said he didn't do it on purpose, I apologized, but Liu Zhikun refused to accept it, and decided that He Xuran did it on purpose, and scolded He Xuran several times, which was also very ugly. He Xu was also annoyed later, pointing his nose and cursing at Liu Zhikun Get up, everyone persuaded them for a long time before they persuaded them to leave, and now they are all staying in their own RVs and have not come down."

No wonder the two of them were not seen.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Then what did the director say? Is the film going to be filmed?"

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head, "I don't know."

At this moment, the director's assistant asked her to come over, saying that Hou Mengjie had something to discuss with him.

Zhou Yun didn't expect that Hou Mengjie wanted her to do work for them.

Hou Mengjie said: "Go and talk, the two of them will be able to listen."

"Director, I'm not familiar with both of them. It's very abrupt to persuade them rashly. Moreover, they are angry now, and it's useless to persuade them. When they calm down, you can pass them a step. "Zhou Yun said.

Hou Mengjie: "But I don't know when the two of them will calm down. The whole crew can't wait here for the two of them."

Zhou Yun said, "Let's have a look later."

She never answered Hou Mengjie's words.

Coming out of Hou Mengjie, Zhou Yun complained to Zheng Xiaoju: "Director Hou is really interesting. He is the director of this crew. The two actors have conflicts. Let me coordinate. I am not a highly respected senior. Everyone else has to give me face. , do you think I should do this?"

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, I think what you said makes sense, and I also think it's strange that Director Hou asked you to do this, because he doesn't want to do it, and there is no one else in the crew who can do it." I found it on your head."

"If he doesn't want to do it, let me do it? It's really good of him to think."

Zhou Yun returned to his RV and waited without doing anything.

Half an hour later, a notification came, and the director said that he was going to continue filming.

When Zhou Yun returned to the set, he saw Liu Zhikun and He Xuran sitting on each side, as if the king did not see the king.

She acted like she didn't know anything, sitting in her chair, looking down at her phone.

The filming continued, Liu Zhikun and He Xuran came out first, the two of them fought with a group of extras, and Zhou Yun joined in midway.

Zhou Yun waited at his place, waiting for the shooting.

In the first filming, Liu Zhikun and He Xuran joined forces to fight against the enemy.

Something went wrong with He Xuran, the weapon in his right hand suddenly fell out of his hand halfway through.


In the second shooting, when Liu Zhikun was kicked in the chest, he didn't retreat to the original position, but bumped into He Xuran. He Xuran was knocked to the ground, eating ashes all over the floor.

He Xuran got up from the ground and stared at Liu Zhikun, "You did it on purpose! There are so many people, you hit me!"

Liu Zhikun patted his hand, with an understatement on his face, and said, "It wasn't intentional, please forgive me."

His attitude was so cold that he almost had the word perfunctory written all over his face, even Zhou Yun couldn't stand it after seeing it.

Of course He Xuran was not reconciled, and was furious.

"You want to do this, right? Fine, then everyone will have a hard time today!" He Xuran scolded angrily.

After arguing about it, Hou Mengjie still didn't come over, and no one even stopped him.

Zhou Yun couldn't help feeling a little dissatisfied with him.

No matter what, he is the director, and if the actors on the scene have conflicts, he should appear.

Zhou Yun thought to himself that the filming progress of this movie might be slowed down.

But the two of them made a fuss like this, and Hou Mengjie didn't suspend the shooting. If it didn't work, okay, then do it again, if it doesn't work, do it again.

Zhou Yun was speechless. After so long filming over and over again, she was not able to be photographed once.

Finally, Zhou Yun couldn't bear it anymore.

When Liu Zhikun and He Xuran were NG again because of their grievances, Zhou Yun rushed forward.

"Have you two had enough quarrels?" Zhou Yun looked at the two of them indifferently, "Isn't it interesting to be so angry? Playing house? Want to play play house and go home to play, pulling so many people What are you playing with you? You two are so popular, do you think everyone has to circle around you? If you have a temper, you can either beat it up or hold it back! Can you be more professional? Are you a professional actor? I don’t care If there is any conflict between you two, this is the studio!"

Zhou Yun raised his finger and poked viciously in the direction of the ground.

He Xuran and Liu Zhikun turned their heads away, neither of them spoke.

"Come on, give me some preparations, can you still shoot today? If you can't shoot, just pull it down, don't drag us to waste time here with you."

If eyes can be turned into substance, Zhou Yun's eyes now are in the shape of a knife.

He Xuran put his hands on his chest and said, "I can shoot."

Liu Zhikun sneered, "It's as if no one can shoot."

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "Okay, what you said can be filmed, if I see that you deliberately screwed up acting like just now, I won't do anything else, I will broadcast a live broadcast for you two, let your Fans can see what kind of virtue you are!"

She dropped the words, turned around and left.

He Xuran's face changed, he didn't expect Zhou Yun to say such cruel words.


"I will do what I say." Zhou Yun walked to his place with them on his back, "It's not like I haven't done this before!"

The audience was silent and silent.

Since Zhou Yun joined the group, although she is not so friendly and can get along with many people very well, she has never been an actress who loses her temper and gives people headaches.To be precise, she has never lost her temper in public like today. When she got angry, everyone was shocked and a little bit at a loss.

Hou Mengjie sat behind the monitor, wearing earphones, and holding a walkie-talkie: "Every department prepares, and there will be another one."


When Zhou Yun got angry, He Xuran and Liu Zhikun finally restrained their temper and started filming seriously.

At any rate, one-third of a fighting scene that should be filmed has been completed, and the remaining two-thirds need to be completed in the next two days.

It takes several days to shoot a big scene where many people fight.

Zhou Yun finished work and prepared to go back to the hotel.

It was already evening, and the sunset was more gorgeous than usual, and the orange-red sunset covered the entire sky.

Zheng Xiaoju whispered to Zhou Yun: "Sister Xiaoyun, everyone was taken aback by your outburst today. Many people said that they didn't expect you to be so terrified when you got angry. Some people quietly asked me, do you usually get angry? Is it that powerful?"

Zhou Yun smiled and asked, "Then how did you tell them?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Let me tell you, Sister Xiaoyun never gets angry. She only sends back when she meets someone who needs to get angry. How big the anger is depends on how annoying the person is."

Zhou Yun smiled even brighter.


Zheng Xiaoju said: "Liu Zhikun and He Xuran are too selfish, it's fine to waste time, and let so many martial artists and group performers accompany them to fight, everyone is doing real tricks, fighting so many times, it must be painful what."

"Yes, but they didn't think of this, because the pain is not on them." Zhou Yun said, "Little sentence, no matter how popular I am and how much others respect us in the future, we still have to keep our bottom line and don't give it to others. Make trouble and don't look down on anyone."

"I know, Miss Xiaoyun."

"Xiao Yun, you are the same, you know?" Zhou Yun said.

Liu Yun nodded.

She doesn't talk much, she usually follows Zhou Yun, she doesn't make a sound for a long time, she is not as lively as Zheng Xiaoju.

But Zhou Yun thinks that her character is also very good, it is enough to have Zheng Xiaoju who is so talkative, and if there is another one, her ears will not stop.

"Let's go for a massage together tonight." Zhou Yun suggested, "It's been a long time."

"Okay, okay." Zheng Xiaoju immediately responded excitedly.

Because Zhou Yun pays for every massage, she and Liu Yun are just cheating on the bill.

Zhou Yun smiled and touched Zheng Xiaoju's head.

(End of this chapter)

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