I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 496 Departure for Interview

Chapter 496 Departure for Interview
Too many people saw Zhou Yun's madness, and it was very difficult to hide it. Zhou Yun never thought about completely blocking the rumors about this matter. This is impossible, and she knew it in her heart.

But we must ensure that these rumors are only circulated in the circle and not on the Internet. Otherwise, either Zhou Yun will suffer from public opinion, or He Xuran and Liu Zhikun will suffer from public opinion. Killer is not a good thing for this movie.

After Yao Yuanfeng received the report on this matter, the first thing he did was to ask people to suppress the news, so as not to let the news spread everywhere. In this way, it would be spread privately.

After doing this, Yao Yuanfeng asked someone to send a message to the companies of He Xuran and Liu Zhikun. If the two of them showed such disrespect on the set in the future, then Xindun's film was investigating the two companies. The company's artists must be more strict, so as not to use such unprofessional actors and delay the progress of filming.

Both companies are brokers. Facing a film and television production giant like Xindun, of course they have a correct attitude and promise to make it clear to He Xuran and Liu Zhikun that this situation will never happen again.

Yao Yuanfeng said this to the other company, not He Xuran and Liu Zhikun directly. First, Yao Yuanfeng didn’t want to deal with these young actors directly. She is very tender, speaks loudly, has a temper, would rather suffer a loss than save her own face, and told the other company that there is a turning point in the middle, and the other party will naturally have a way to make the actors of their company obedient. After all, they are a family.

The second is that although Yao Yuanfeng speaks fiercely and toughly, he can't really regard He Xuran and Liu Zhikun as ordinary young actors. They need Xindun's film and television resources, so why does Xindun's film and television resources not need these heads? What about young actors?He told the other company the ugly words to save face between himself and the actors.

This is Yao Yuanfeng's management method for so many years.

After knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, Yao Yuanfeng also called Zhou Yun.This call was made in person.This call to Zhou Yun is to express my gratitude and condolences to her.

"Fortunately, you are here, and your words are still effective. You actually made those two people obedient. I admire you. To be honest, I don't think even if I tried to persuade the fight, it would not have such an effect." Yao Yuanfeng said, "Don't worry , I will block the news about this matter, and I will not let others know what happened, and it will not affect you. If there are any rumors, I will tell everyone the truth of this matter."

Zhou Yun said lazily: "Mr. Yao, I'm having a massage. I have nothing serious to do so I hung up."

Yao Yuanfeng: "..."

He was talking to Zhou Yun seriously, but Zhou Yun didn't take it seriously——Yao Yuanfeng suddenly realized, as if it had been like this for a long time.Yao Yuanfeng laughed.If other people talked to him like this, he would think that this young man is not big or young, and he will start to disrespect his elders just because of his popularity.But this person is Zhou Yun, because it is Zhou Yun, and Yao Yuanfeng knows that Zhou Yun no longer regards him only as Mr. In short, even if she is having a massage, she will ask the masseuse to stop first, and continue after the phone call.

Yao Yuanfeng said with a smile: "Okay, you have a massage, I won't bother you anymore."

Zhou Yun hung up the phone.

If she knew what Yao Yuanfeng was thinking, she would burst out laughing.

The fact that she was so negative was not what Yao Yuanfeng thought, but that she was really fed up with the drama "Four Assassins".

The director was irresponsible, and even vaguely targeted her.

None of the actors who worked in the same group were good at it, and they all had their own agendas.

The whole crew is huge and sophisticated, like an orderly machine, but impersonal.

This play did not have the kind of passion she expected. No matter how deep she dug her character alone, this was not what Hou Mengjie wanted, so no matter how layered she was portrayed, it was not what Hou Mengjie wanted.What Hou Mengjie wanted was a stylized fighting scene. As for the characters’ hearts, Hou Mengjie’s attitude was very clear. The second layer was enough, and it was not suitable to study the third and fourth layers.This is an action movie, and the characters' hearts should not be so rich.

No one said that she was not good at acting, but she herself was not good at acting.

Yao Yuanfeng had previously enthusiastically said that if "Four Assassins" did well at the box office, a second film would be developed, or even a series. Zhou Yun thought to herself that she did not intend to act in a second film.

Unless the box office of this movie is so good that it wins the annual championship, then let her drink bitter gourd juice every day and shoot it as if she didn't say so.

Sorry, she is an unprincipled person.

But can "Four Killers" win the annual title?

Zhou Yun did not hold this hope.

She guessed that the box office of this movie should be pretty good, not bad, but the movie market in the past few years is not dominated by action movies. Every year, the top three box office is either a comedy or a war drama. This kind of action movie is no longer a box office tank. .

Moreover, this story is not good enough to make Zhou Yun like it very much.

If Zhou Yun was satisfied with any part of "Four Killers", she would say the action part.

The action scenes of "Four Killers" were done very well, and Zhou Yun had a great time playing, even if it was just a trick.

When Zhou Yun's dissatisfaction with "Four Killers" gradually reached its peak, she was finally about to leave for Cannes.

Zhou Yun is going to Cannes for the first time.

She and Song Chi made an appointment to meet at the airport.

This time Zhou Lan also went with them.

Zhou Lan meets her in the hotel room.

The editor of "Victor" was waiting for them in the hotel lobby, the camera had already been switched on, waiting for Zhou Yun to appear.

Because it was work at the beginning, Zhou Yun couldn't dress more comfortably as she wanted, so she changed into a set of clothes prepared for her by the team.

"Hi Xiaoyun, long time no see."

This time the editor in charge of shooting and interviewing is still the same one from before, named Wen Lanlan.

"Sister Lanlan, long time no see." Zhou Yun and Wen Lanlan hugged each other, "It's so kind to meet you, baby is eight months old now?"

Wen Lanlan gave birth to a daughter before, and Zhou Yun sent the little girl a rich red envelope.

Wen Lanlan looked a little plumper than before giving birth, but she was still very beautiful, with a kind of rich beauty on her body.

This kind of beauty is rarely seen in editors of fashion magazines. In the past, Wen Lanlan would walk on [-]cm high heels without looking sideways.

Wen Lanlan took Zhou Yun's hand and said, "Yes, you still remember."

"Remember, I kept saying that I would go to see the baby, but I didn't find a chance." Zhou Yun said, "So the baby is today?"

"My mother is helping me take her." Wen Lanlan said, "Fortunately, today's work can be completed in only two hours. If I want to follow you to Cannes, I have to change to another editor."

Zhou Yun and Wen Lanlan got into the car together.

"However, I'm really happy for you. "Behind the Scene" was shortlisted in Cannes. I remember that when this drama was first released, everyone was very unfavorable. If I'm not mistaken, this drama is actually filming "Falling Leaves" When "Zhiqiu" was released, director Xue Qin decided to shoot it on the spur of the moment, right?" Wen Lanlan asked curiously.

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "When filming "Words of Fallen Leaves", there was a young actor named Luo Zhiheng, because a chandelier suddenly fell down on the set, and the director happened to be underneath. After he pushed the director away, he But he couldn’t dodge it. He was hit and went to the hospital. Our crew had to shut down and faced the problem of shutting down for a period of time. You also know that a movie crew will lose a lot of money if they shut down for a day. Director Xue is also very good. With such a little effort, the idea of ​​"Behind the Scenes" was suddenly conceived, and all of us were held in a meeting, and then everyone decided to shoot."

Wen Lanlan widened her eyes in surprise, and said, "This incident itself is very cinematic."

"Yes, I think so too." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, "In retrospect, I actually feel very risky myself, and I can understand why everyone didn't like this movie at the time."

"But now everyone says you have a very good eye." Wen Lanlan said, "Whether it is Wen Bing or Xue Qin, it is the first time for a new director to make a movie. The directors, just these two, are all taken by you, I am very curious, how did you choose the directors?"

Zhou Yun pondered for a moment, and said, "Actually, it's true that I picked the director. Wen Bing and Xue Qin were both dissatisfied with me at the beginning, and they picked me."

Wen Lanlan asked in surprise: "Will they still be dissatisfied with you? My God, I can't even imagine, so who will they be satisfied with?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "It can't be said that, everyone has their own preferences, but fortunately I was lucky, after many considerations, I was still their last choice, so there are also "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" ", now that I think about it, I chose to play "Behind the Scene" irrationally. I was actually thinking about one thing. Putting aside all objective factors, am I interested in Xue Qin's idea? Do you want to make a film? The answer is that I am interested and I want to shoot. So, I think it’s okay to take risks, and it doesn’t matter if you fail.”

"Your idea, ordinary people can't actually do it." Wen Lanlan said, "People still want to play the safe card, especially at that time when your "Day" has already won the prize, it seems more appropriate for you to play the safe card .”

"I understand what you mean, it's true, but I don't want to always play safe, and I allow myself to take a little risk every year." Zhou Yun said, "Keep playing safe, and I will lose my confidence in the movie. love and longing."

"This time, you have been shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Cannes Film Festival. Do you have any special thoughts on winning?"

"Oh, Sister Lan Lan, I said no, do you believe me?" Zhou Yun spread his hands and said helplessly, "You also know that I am not the kind of person who is really ascetic and doesn't pursue awards, but I still feel normal, happy to win an award, disappointed not to win an award, I have to allow myself to have such emotional ups and downs, but I can’t let myself be affected by this result all the time, no matter whether the result is good or bad.”

"You're sensible."

"In this line of work, if you don't keep rational in this aspect, you will easily lose your mentality and go to extremes." Zhou Yun said, "Too many people look at you, and too many people support you. I always feel that when we are surrounded by When there are many people, we must pay more attention to our inner stability and not be influenced by the outside world."

"It sounds like you are very clear about what kind of person you want to be." Wen Lanlan said, "This is remarkable. When I was your age, I only had vigorous ambitions, but I didn't know what I really wanted to do. Things don’t have a long-term plan.”

"I don't have a plan either." Zhou Yun smiled, "I'm still more inclined to go with the situation and work hard when doing things, but the life that should be enjoyed cannot be sacrificed."

Wen Lanlan asked: "Then do you think Song Chi is such a person?"

"Song Chi?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

Wen Lanlan nodded and said: "Because I'm actually curious about one thing. You and Song Chi are already among the young people who have achieved success and fame early. Generally, such people will have some young and crazy people. Each of us can understand. Yes, but both of you... how should I say?"

"They're all different?" Zhou Yun asked jokingly.

Wen Lanlan laughed, "If you are willing to be so self-deprecating, I don't mind, but you understand what I mean, right? You are too sober and too restrained. From my point of view, is it a bit too perfect? gone?"

Zhou Yun pondered for a long time, then nodded, "I think we have the problem you mentioned. We are actually not perfect, but we didn't say it, but we are still trying to create a kind of perfection. Of course, I can be honest. Said, I don't want to create this kind of perfection in front of the camera, but I think I should pursue a more perfect state, but Song Chi and I are very strange. In fact, there is often a kind of tension between the two of us. Dialogue, the content of each dialogue is different, but the subtext has the same meaning—well, don’t ask yourself so much, you can relax yourself properly, and you don’t have to be so tired.”

Wen Lanlan said in surprise: "Do you two have this meaning for each other?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, "Often choke each other."


When the car drove to the airport, Wen Lanlan said: "Although I can't go to the scene, I will pay attention to it in China. I look forward to your return with a Cannes actress."

Zhou Yun: "Thank you, Sister Lan Lan, then I will get off the bus."

"Yeah." Wen Lanlan nodded, "Bon voyage."

Zhou Yun got out of the car.

It is estimated that everyone has received the news that she is leaving for Cannes today. There are many media reporters and fans squatting at every gate at the entrance of the airport.

As soon as Zhou Yun appeared, everyone rushed up and surrounded Zhou Yun.

"Zhou Yun, are you going to Cannes now?" asked the reporter with the microphone extended to the front.

Zheng Xiaoju and the others also need to carry luggage.

Cao Jun took a few other bodyguards who had come with him earlier to block them away, Zhou Lanhu stood in front of Zhou Yun, smiled and said: "Sorry, everyone, Xiaoyun is in a hurry to catch the plane, so I have to work hard today. trip."

Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun held a stack of envelopes in their hands, and quietly stuffed them into the hands of the surrounding reporters.

(End of this chapter)

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