I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 497 Arrive at Cannes

Chapter 497 Arrive at Cannes
Inside the envelope was the transportation fee, which Zhou Lan had prepared in advance to manage the media.At this time, it is more critical, if there are fewer moths, there will be fewer moths, and the money will be wiped out.

Not just now, Zhou Lan thinks, the next week will definitely be the time when Zhou Yun's topic is the highest, so it is very important to manage the media well.

After getting the boarding pass and going through the security check, Zhou Yun entered the VIP lounge and saw Song Chi who was already there.

He's still in a wheelchair, but he's actually walking with crutches.

"Blocked by the media outside?" Song Chi asked with a smile.

"Oh, I'm not surprised at all." Zhou Yun walked up to Song Chi, bowed his head and kissed him.

Zheng Xiaoju smacked his lips directly from behind: "Tsk tsk, don't look at evil."

As she chanted "see no evil", her eyes widened bigger than anyone else.

Zhou Lan patted the back of her head and said, "It's getting more and more nonsense."

Zheng Xiaoju chuckled.

Zhou Yun sat down beside Song Chi, and said, "We'll be on a plane for nearly twenty hours later, are you okay?"

"The doctor said it's fine, so there's no problem." Song Chi smiled, "It's just that it will take a long time, so it will be boring."

"Let's watch a TV series together. I downloaded a TV series on Ipad, which just came out recently." Zhou Yun said, "There are a total of twelve episodes, each one hour and ten minutes, after watching the series, chat again, and take a break , and we're there."

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Song Chi asked in surprise.

"Sleep when you're sleepy." Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lan has arranged a lot of work for me, and the schedule is extremely tight."

"It seems that the only time we can get along well is on the plane." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun pursed his lips, pretending to be pitiful, and said, "We are too pitiful."

Song Chi smiled.

When couples meet, it is inevitable that they will get tired of crookedness.

Zheng Xiaoju watched with relish, and suddenly noticed something strange about Zhou Lan.She didn't know how to describe this strangeness, like being hurt by the scene?This word that was often used in Chinese exams when he was in school came to Zheng Xiaoju's mind for no reason.

Something called "shen hurt" appeared on Zhou Lan's face.

"Sister Lan." Zheng Xiaoju leaned close to Zhou Lan's ear and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhou Lan put away the emotions leaking from his face in almost a second, and asked, "What?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I think your expression is a little strange."

"Oh, I'm thinking about something, don't bother me." Zhou Lan pretended to be impatient on purpose.

She thought to herself, this ghost girl Zheng Xiaoju is becoming more and more perceptive.

Zheng Xiaoju snorted, but didn't believe Zhou Lan's words.

She was sure that Zhou Lan was upset about something just now.

Actually, Zheng Xiaoju was not mistaken.Zhou Lan did encounter some problems in his own affairs recently.She had been with the previous photographer for a long time, and felt that she had reached the point where the relationship could be confirmed, but the other party was surprised, saying that it was agreed to be a pure bed partner relationship from the beginning, why did she suddenly have to confirm the relationship?

The two eventually stopped communicating.

It's a lie for Zhou Lan to say that she doesn't feel uncomfortable, but she doesn't want others to know about it.This kind of private matter, she just wants to keep it in her heart, and it will always be a secret.

She took out the Ipad, connected to WIFI, and started working again.

She always has a lot of work to do.

"It's a pity that Wang Jing has a shooting, and he can't start until the day after tomorrow." Zhou Lan said, "Otherwise we can go together."

Zhou Yun said: "I remember she decided to record a variety show before."

"Yeah." Zhou Lan said, "But that's good too. Now her fans are slowly increasing. She can still show herself in variety shows. She has a good personality and has attracted many fans. I think It's good for her to have more variety shows, unlike you."

Zhou Yun was taken aback, "What's wrong with me?"

"I can't control my temper, and my personality is not friendly. Although the topic of variety shows is great, the effect of attracting people is not as good as Wang Jing." Zhou Lan said, "Although Wang Jing has no access to luxury brands at present. The endorsement of her, but many cheap brands still favor her."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Actually, I think Wang Jing is quite suitable for playing some young and lovely girls."

"Behind Yue Hai, there is a web drama about campus youth growth that is contacting her. The female lead, I am reading the script. If the script is suitable, I am going to give her the next one." Zhou Lan said.


Song Chi suddenly asked: "Is Yue Hai's web drama called "Left Hand"?"

Zhou Lan asked in surprise, "Brother Chi also knows?"

"The script has been in my hands. Originally, Yue Hai was going to ask us to undertake the production, but because we already had too many projects, we couldn't do it, so we gave up." Song Chi said, "The script is good, and the story is very interesting. Well, if Wang Jing is asked to shoot, I will suggest that they let Yue Hai choose a well-known actor."

"Gu Huaichun?" Zhou Lan asked.

"Yue Hai will not be willing to let Gu Huaichun to film this drama. The market for this kind of online drama with the theme of youth growth is not small, and they have a fixed audience. They will be more willing to use this drama to train newcomers, but if they train newcomers, With Wang Jing’s current popularity, it’s hard to bring this show up. Word of mouth may be good. To achieve greater results depends on luck. If you can attract a well-known actor who also has a fixed fan base, don’t let Wang Jing alone Human milk, I am optimistic that this drama will be popular." Song Chi said, "In recent years, online dramas about youth growth have either had a good reputation but are not popular, such as "The Sky of the Wind Dog" and "Suddenly This Summer". Either the topic is high but the word-of-mouth is extremely poor, so I won’t talk about that, I think the script of "The Left Hand" is well shot, as long as there are enough audiences, it can become popular."

"You mean, let me talk to Yue Hai? Wang Jing's condition for acting in this movie is that Yue Hai must produce a well-known male actor, and he cannot be a newcomer?"

"That's right, the newcomer becomes Wang Jingnai's newcomer." Song Chi said, "In addition, the role of the heroine's sister is also good. You can fight for it. If Yu Chu's schedule is suitable, I think she will come. As long as you can negotiate with Yu Chu, Yue Hai will be willing to use Yu Chu as a negotiating condition, Wang Jing and Yu Chu's lineup can also be evaluated as an A-level cast in online dramas."

"I'll go talk to Manager Yu Chu." Zhou Lan nodded.

Song Chi smiled and said, "Didn't Yue Hai ask you for Zhou Yun's schedule? When they communicated with me, they repeatedly talked about wanting to find Zhou Yun to make another movie."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyelids and said, "I'm not on the same side as them, so I'm too lazy to take pictures."

Song Chi smiled and said: "You find the project you want to shoot, let them produce it for you, and take care of all other things. Basically, they will meet your requirements. Now you can make every movie. It's an advertisement. An actor that commercial companies are flocking to, as long as you are willing to star in that project, they can take the project and earn back several times the money."

"The more this is the case, the more you can't film indiscriminately." Zhou Yun said, "I don't want to repeat the same mistakes in "The Eighth Heartbeat". It's an AB script, it's a big one, and I'm going to die of anger."

At the beginning, she refused to make the second part of "The Eighth Heartbeat", so she immediately asked Yin Zhou and Xu Siyao to make the second part.

They will do anything to make money.

"However, Xiaoyun also has a lot of drama appointments behind her, and Wen Bing made two appointments with her in one go." Zhou Lan said helplessly, "There is also a new shield drama that is also being discussed. If the filming continues like this, others will think that Zhou Yun is a signed actor of Xindun."

"I heard that many people in Xindun are dissatisfied with Yao Yuanfeng performing tricks for me, an outsider. Good resources have never been available to their contracted actors of Xindun." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "The main reason is that thousands of their own film and television companies can no longer meet Xiaoyun's current needs."

""Under Dress" is made by Qianqian Film and Television." Song Chi said, "However, Qianqian Film and Television can not get much money, and the actual control is in the hands of you and Zheng Xiaowen, and their roles are even more important. It seems to come to help you work and solve technical problems."

"But the leading actor in "Under Dress" is Zhou Jianfeng. On this point, those who are dissatisfied with He Yong will block it." Zhou Lan said, "What's more, many small supporting roles in it are surrounded by thousands of actors."

Song Chi: "Can Xiaoyun get a dividend from this drama?"

"You get a bonus when you invest in the film." Zhou Lan said.

"It's better this way. Now it's not worthwhile to just get paid for the film. Before "Under Dress" airs, you can get back your money. This is a sure-fire business."


Zheng Xiaoju was listening, some of the content was understandable, some of it was half-understood, and she just felt that the content of their chat was very professional.

After chatting for a while, it was time to board the plane.

The long flight journey has begun.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi completely regarded this flight as their secret meeting trip.

Snuggle up to each other, watch dramas, whisper, and gesture intimately.

No one around could see it anyway.

When I arrived in Cannes, it was afternoon, afternoon.

Many media from all over the world are standing guard at the airport, waiting to shoot stars from all over the world.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi are representatives of Chinese films in the world film circle in recent years, but they are still unfamiliar to most foreign media.

Song Chi was officially invited by Cannes, and a special staff came to receive him. Zhou Yun and his party made it convenient.

Song Chi got into the wheelchair and left the airport with Zhou Yun.

What surprised Zhou Yun was that several foreigners held up posters of her "Days" and said "Welcome" to her in English, asking her to sign, as if they were fans of her movie.

They said they liked the movie "Days" very much, and they liked her very much.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and unbelievable for a moment.

They had come to see her specially.

Song Chi also has fans, but most of them are Asians, and he is still well-known in Asian countries.

After saying hello to the fans who came to see them, get in the car and go to the hotel.

So much sunshine.

Feeling refreshed, Zhou Yun said to Song Chi, "I really want to take a stroll here with you."

Song Chi said: "This time I can't go shopping with you, we will come more in the future, there will be a chance."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

Song Chi asked: "Will you be interviewed as soon as you arrive at the hotel later?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded.

Zhou Lan suddenly said: "Brother Chi, you have it too. When I was planning the work schedule, I also communicated with you. Except for a few schedules, your schedule and Xiaoyun's schedule are the same, basically in the same place."

This is the first time Zhou Yun has heard Zhou Lan say.

She looked at Zhou Lan with some surprise, "Sister Lan, did you specially arrange it?"

"Of course, it's hard for the two of you to stay together. I'll try to arrange your work schedules as similarly as possible, so that you won't run away from each other."

Zhou Yun cried out in surprise, and said, "Sister Lan, you are really kind!"

Zhou Lan smiled and said, "It's good to know."

Song Chi: "I don't have so many interviews, I only interviewed four. In my state, I can't work long hours."

He smiled bitterly.

Zhou Yun: "It's okay, I'm here, and we won't let our domestic media friends come here for nothing."

Her mood improved a lot.

Sunlight poured in through the car window and shone on her.

"When will your plaster cast be removed?" Zhou Yun asked.

"It will take another two months." Song Chi said, "We'll see the recovery situation before we can decide whether to demolish it or not."


"Sigh, I've had a lot of rest due to injuries during this time." Song Chi said, "It's a blessing in disguise."

"It's better to go on vacation with healthy limbs." Zhou Yun said, "It's a blessing in disguise."

Song Chi smiled.

When I arrived at the hotel, I packed up my luggage and did some freshening up. The makeup artist had already arrived at the hotel as scheduled to do styling and makeup for Zhou Yun.

Waiting for the thirteen media interviews, ten of them will be filming and recording videos, and the other three will also need to take pictures.

Zhou Lan had communicated with Zhou Yun, not to mention makeup and hair, at least thirteen sets of clothes had to be changed on his body, and he could not appear in the same clothes in different media.

Thirteen sets of clothes have already been decided, six of which are VX, and the other seven are from other brands that actively want to cooperate, including big names such as Valentine.

Because the thirteen media interviews are arranged within two days, the density is high, and there is no time wasted on makeup and hair, so I am going to make some adjustments in details.

The first batch of media reporters have been preparing and debugging equipment in the lounge.

After Zhou Yun changed into the first outfit, he followed the local staff to the interview location—a suite in the hotel.

"Thank you everyone." Zhou Yun said as soon as he entered the door.

"You've worked hard, I heard you just arrived at the hotel?" the chief writer asked.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I'm in a hurry, I'll leave it to you guys."

She showed a sunny smile.

After all, people are not made of iron. When they reached the fourth house, Zhou Yun was a little dizzy.

Even the interviewer could tell that her eyes were a little distracted.

Zhou Yun came back to his senses and said, "Excuse me, give me five minutes to tidy up, please? I'm a little confused."

The other party nodded in understanding.

Zhou Yun turned to Zheng Xiaoju, "Xiaoju, is there anything to eat? Get me something to eat, I'm so hungry."

Zheng Xiaoju hurriedly brought up a plate of snacks, which she had already prepared.

Zhou Yun stuffed two pieces of snacks into his mouth and drank half a glass of milk, feeling a little bit of energy restored.

(End of this chapter)

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