I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 498 The waist is sore

Chapter 498 The waist is sore
The interview didn't end until [-]:[-] in the evening.

After the reporters left, Zhou Yun sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

After talking for more than four hours in a row, my mind seemed to be in a daze, and people are stupid.

Zheng Xiaoju knew Zhou Yun too well, so he got a glass of ice wine from somewhere and brought it to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun took a sip and felt his whole body come alive.

Song Chi came over.

Seeing Zhou Yun's tired face, he felt a little distressed, but he didn't show it. He just said softly, "Let's eat something together."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

The two of them ate at the hotel restaurant for dinner.

Zhou Yun was too tired to speak, and Song Chi understood her very well, and said before she could force her to speak, "Let's have a quiet dinner."

Zhou Yun smiled at him.

He always understood her well.

Zhou Yun quietly ate a small portion of steak, drank a small bowl of creamy mushroom soup, and drank another glass of champagne, and his fatigue was only half washed away.

She took a deep breath and said, "It's really tiring."

Song Chi asked, "Are you full?"

Zhou Yun nodded: "I'm full, I'm full."

Song Chi: "Eat more if you're not full. You've been working hard these two days, and you won't be able to survive without eating."

"I know."

Although after dinner, there is still a shooting activity in Cannes at night, but now he can rest for half an hour. Zhou Yun feels that he is very happy to be able to steal this leisure.

At this moment, a woman with blond hair and blue eyes suddenly came over and greeted Song Chi enthusiastically.

"Hi, Song!" She spoke English, but it didn't sound very standard.

Song Chi looked at her and said with some surprise, "Christina, what a coincidence, I ran into you here."

The young woman named Christina nodded, looked at Zhou Yun again, and asked Song Chi, "Is this beautiful girl your girlfriend?"

Song Chi nodded, and introduced to Christina: "She is my girlfriend, Zhou Yun."

After introducing Christina, he introduced to Zhou Yun: "Christina, a Brazilian actress."

Zhou Yun said hello to Christina.

Christina was full of enthusiasm and said: "You are really beautiful, I really want to have a pair of beautiful eyes like yours."

Zhou Yun didn't hesitate to say where, but said: "Coincidentally, I also think your eyes are so beautiful, and I want to have a pair of your eyes."

Christina laughed twice, and said, "Why don't the two of us find a better doctor and have an exchange operation."

Hearing this, Zhou Yun smiled and said, "This is a good idea."

The two got a little closer to each other in this simple joke.

Christina's eyes suddenly lit up, and she asked, "Did you act in a movie called "Days"?"

Zhou Yun nodded in surprise and asked, "Have you seen it?"

"Of course, I've seen it! I really like this movie, you acted so well, it's you!" Christina asked, "Can I have your cell phone number? I like you so much."

He directly and passionately expressed his love for Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun: "Of course."

Zhou Yun and Christina exchanged mobile phone numbers, and then exchanged email addresses. Sometimes it is not so convenient to call because of the time difference.

"Oh, by the way, Song, Yun, do you want to play together later tonight? Mona held a party and invited many young actors from all over the world." Christina said, "If Mona knew you would come too Yes, you will definitely be invited."

Zhou Yun glanced at Song Chi and said, "Sorry, I still have a filming job tonight."

Song Chi spread his free hand and said, "I'd rather not go with this state."

Christina widened her eyes and said to Song Chi, "No, of course you have to go. Yun has a job and can't help it, but everyone hasn't seen you for a long time. Come on! I'm in charge of pushing the wheelchair for you."

Christina volunteered.

Zhou Yun said to Song Chi in Chinese: "I estimate that the shooting at night will not end until after ten o'clock. If you stay in the hotel at night and have no other work, you can go and have fun. There should be many friends you knew before. Bar?"

Song Chi thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Then I'll go and say hello to everyone, and I'll be back at ten."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.

Hearing that Song Chi agreed to go, Christina was very happy.

Zhou Yun couldn't help being a little curious. Song Chi often came to foreign countries to participate in film festivals before. He should have known many foreign film talents. Why didn't he usually contact them?
After dinner, Zhou Yun and Song Chi separated, went to their own room, and lay down on the bed for a while. They just wanted to take a rest, but as soon as their heads hit the pillow, sleepiness suddenly struck, and their eyelids seemed to be filled with lead. , can't open it.

Fell asleep in seconds.

It seemed that within a few seconds, Zheng Xiaoju's voice rang in her ears.

"Sister Xiaoyun, sister Xiaoyun." Her voice was soft, like cotton candy.

Zhou Yun snorted.

"Let me sleep a little longer."

"It can't be done, I have to get up." Zheng Xiaoju said, "It's time to shoot."

Zhou Yun finally found a sliver of reason.She had to bite her teeth hard to wake herself up.

The person sat up, his eyes were bleary, like a walking dead, and the mouth of this walking dead was still moving: "I'm awake."

Zheng Xiaoju thoughtfully handed over a glass of water and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, drink some water."

Zhou Yun drank his saliva and felt better.

"The filming team is already waiting for us downstairs, Cao Jun is accompanying them, let's hurry down too." Zheng Xiaoju said.

"Well, I see, let me wait another ten seconds." Zhou Yun said, "I still feel a little uncomfortable in my throat."

Zheng Xiaoju: "I bought you throat lozenges."

Zhou Yun looked at Zheng Xiaoju with some surprise, and said, "Why are you so considerate?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I think Miss Xiaoyun, your throat is almost hoarse."

I will be shooting later, and I have to say a lot.Seeing that Zhou Yun was going to talk so much, Zheng Xiaoju thought that Zhou Yun's voice must be very uncomfortable.

Zhou Yun smiled slightly at Zheng Xiaoju, and said, "Xiaoju, it's great to have you here, I can't live without you anymore."

Zheng Xiaoju: "Miss Xiaoyun, stop moaning, get up quickly, wash up, and go downstairs!"

Zhou Yun: "..."

so fierce.

Zhou Yun was ashamed to keep people waiting, so he quickly got dressed, put on light makeup, and went downstairs.

The filming ended successfully at [-]:[-], and Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

You can go back and have a good sleep, but Zhou Yun can't fall asleep at this time.

Walking on the street, surrounded by foreigners whose looks and figures are obviously different from hers, it feels very similar to the last time I was in Venice.

Zhou Lan was waiting for her at the hotel entrance.

"Sister Lan, why are you waiting for me here?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

"I asked a little sentence, I know you've finished filming, and I just came back from outside, so I'll wait for you." Zhou Lan said, "I've worked hard today."

"Today is really hard, I have to go back to the hotel to sleep." Zhou Yun said.

There are still many interviews tomorrow, and I will walk the red carpet tonight.

There is a tough battle to be fought.

Zhou Lan: "Get some rest."

Zhou Yun returned to the room, took a shower, and saw the message Song Chi sent five minutes ago on his mobile phone: Is the filming over?

Zhou Yun: It's over, I just took a shower, how about you?are you back?
Song Chi: I'm back, I just arrived at the hotel.

He responded slower than usual, probably because he could only type with one hand.

Zhou Yun: Hmm.

She sat on the sofa in her pajamas. After a while, there was a sound from the door. Zhang Cong pushed Song Chi's wheelchair back and brought him back.

"Sister Xiaoyun, I brought Brother Chi back."

Zhou Yun walked over, looked at Song Chi's face, and asked curiously, "Did you drink?"

Song Chi said, "I don't want to drink."

Zhou Yun could see that Song Chi's expression was not very good.

She couldn't help looking at Zhang Cong.

Zhang Cong showed the same expression of not knowing what happened.

After Zhang Cong left, Zhou Yun asked, "You don't seem to be in a good mood, what's the matter? Did something happen?"

Song Chi shook his head and said, "I met a very annoying person, and he said some annoying things, which made me a little upset."

"Who? It's so annoying." Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi: "A Chinese-American actor, whose Chinese name is Qiao Anshan, you may not know him, and he is not very famous."

Zhou Yun asked, "Why did he hate it?"

"It's hard to say, but I like to think of myself as an American, and then insinuate that our film development is much worse than others, satirizing us Chinese film actors as there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings. If you put it in Hollywood, where there are many talented people, the competition will be higher." Ten times more intense."

Zhou Yun immediately understood why Song Chi was angry.

Even if she just listened to Song Chi's retelling, she was very good at it.

"No wonder you are so angry. If I meet him, I have to scold him on the spot." Zhou Yun said, "If you can't eat grapes, say grapes are sour. He has the ability to come to our entertainment industry to mess around. I want to see how he can mess around." How nice."

Song Chi: "He speaks nonsense. Many film and television companies in China have thrown him invitations and spent a lot of money to invite him to act, but he has rejected them all."

Zhou Yun gave a "ha" in surprise, and said, "Then there are many film and television companies in our country who have offered him invitations?"

"How could it be?" Song Chi said, "Ten years ago it was still possible, but before using an actor now, I wish I could dig out all [-] generations of his ancestors and check it out, for fear that something might happen to the actor after the filming, and a movie will be involved." The show is dirty, this kind of unknown Chinese-American, unless it is a mission film that needs such a source of actors, otherwise, no company wants to use it."

Zhou Yun: "I'll just say it."

"I really look down on this guy. It's his business to do what he wants, but it's really speechless to show off his superiority by pulling on the steps." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "Is he jealous that you are a judge of the 'Un Certain Regard' unit?"

"Yeah." Song Chi nodded, "That's about it. The chairman came to me because of his influence in China. Otherwise, it wouldn't be my turn. There are too many people in the world who are more famous than me. Talented actor."

"It's really furious." Zhou Yun rolled his eyes.

Song Chi smiled, "I'm almost fine myself, so don't hold your breath. Anyway, when we see him later, don't talk to him."

"it is good."

Because of Song Chi's fracture, Zhou Yun worried that he would not sleep honestly, so he slept in a separate bed with Song Chi.

This sleep was really dark, and the whole person entered a state of ignorance and unconsciousness. When he woke up, he felt refreshed, his limbs were weak, and he wanted to cling to the bed for a while.

She lay in bed for ten minutes in a daze, yawned, and sat up.

It was still an hour before the appointment with Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju.

An hour later, it is a busy and untouchable work schedule.

Zhou Yun stretched his limbs and walked towards Song Chi's room.

Song Chi had also woken up, sitting by the window by himself, as if he was thinking about something, his eyes were empty.

"You got up so early!" Zhou Yun said in surprise.

Song Chi came back to his senses, turned to look at her, smiled, and asked, "Just woke up?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "What about you?"

"I woke up half an hour ago." Song Chi said, "I was thinking, I should make two more art films every year."

"Huh? Why did you suddenly have this idea again?"

"I used to feel that I had reached the end of my age group and couldn't make a bigger breakthrough. Now that I think about it, whether I can make a breakthrough is one thing. If I can help more Chinese-language films go global, it's also a big problem." It’s a good thing, and something I want to do.”

"Is the sense of responsibility so strong early in the morning?" Zhou Yun was shocked.

Song Chi: "Probably stimulated by that silly dog."

Disdain appeared in his eyes.

"However, you have made a lot of art films." Zhou Yun said, "If it wasn't for the sudden car accident, your "The Balcony" would be almost finished."

Song Chi: "In addition to filming, I should also make my own, find a suitable director and script, and promote the shooting of art films. In addition to making money-making movies, I also want to make movies with artistic value."

"Yes." Zhou Yun said, "When the time comes, save one for me every year."

"Xiao Yun."


"You don't need me to say anything, you support everything."

"I don't support everything, it just so happens that what you said, I have the same idea." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "But let's not talk about it now, we have to have some breakfast and ask the hotel to deliver it to the room Come?"

Song Chi nodded, saying yes.

Zhou Yun went to call for dinner.

Song Chi looked at Zhou Yun's figure, with a graceful figure, like a ripe peach under the sunlight.

After Zhou Yun finished making the phone call, he came over and asked him, "Shall we eat at a restaurant outside?"

Song Chi suddenly said, "Why don't you come here first?"

Zhou Yun was taken aback, "Huh?"

"Come here, come closer, I want to kiss you first." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "..."

Her cheeks were reddish and hot.

But she still approached, bent over, and bent over as Song Chi said.

She didn't wait for Song Chi to kiss him, she took the initiative to kiss Song Chi's mouth.

Then, we didn't separate for a long time.

Zhou Yun felt that his waist was sore.

(End of this chapter)

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