I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 499: The Luncheon Trip

Chapter 499: The Luncheon Trip
The main work in the morning is shooting and interviewing.

Around noon, Zhou Yun had to go to Blink's luncheon.

This is an official event of Blink in Cannes.

Both Zhou Yun and Song Chi are the spokespersons of Blink in Asia, and they were invited to this luncheon to have lunch with the current helm of Blink.

Of course, it's not just the two of them, there are also spokespersons from other countries and regions.

Zhou Yun did not expect to see Christina again at this luncheon.

It turned out that she was the spokesperson of the Blink brand in Spain.

"Meet you again!" Christina opened her arms enthusiastically, hugged Zhou Yun, and complained after hugging, "This time it's true, the opening ceremony tonight, everyone is preparing for the red carpet at night. Banquet, in a hurry."

Zhou Yun smiled helplessly.

Because Song Chi was sitting in a wheelchair, everyone was a little surprised when they saw him, and the first thing they said was to ask him what happened.

Even the man at the helm of Blink is the same.

Blink's current helm, Mr. Brisage, is said to be in his sixties and has been at the helm of Blink for nearly two decades.

This was the first time Zhou Yun saw Mr. Brisage in person, and he had only greeted him during the video conference before.

Brisach was obviously familiar with Song Chi. When he saw him, he patted his shoulder that was fine and said, "I heard that you had a car accident a while ago."

Brisage's English accent is a bit odd.

Song Chi understood immediately, and said with a smile, "Bad luck."

Brisac: "I'm glad you came over. We should find a chance to have a meal together, just the two of us."

Song Chi said, "I will stay in Cannes for a few days this time."

Brisach nodded with a smile and said, "I'll ask my secretary to make an appointment with you later."

After saying these words, Brisaki looked up at Zhou Yun and said, "Miss Zhou, we finally meet."

Zhou Yun smiled slightly and said, "Hello, Mr. Brisage."

"I watched your "Days" some time ago. It is indeed a very moving movie. You are also very beautiful in the movie." Brisage said, "I met Shi Luoqi the day before yesterday, and she told me You are a very talented actress. I have known her for many years, and it has been a long time since I heard her praise a new actor so much. It seems that Zuo Zhi has a good vision and helped Blink sign you as our spokesperson. "

Zuo Zhi is the head of Blink Asia.

Back then when Zhou Lan helped Zhou Yun win the Blink spokesperson status, it was because of Zuo Zhi's strong recommendation from the headquarters that Zhou Yun had great potential, so he had to sign it as soon as possible.

Zhou Yun nodded in surprise and said, "Thank you."

Unexpectedly, Shi Luoqi also knew Brisage, and, according to Brisage, the two were old acquaintances and had known each other for a long time.

At this time, another woman came over.Her hair was tied up in a bun, and she was wearing a dark golden dress. She was very thin, and even because she was too thin, her cheekbones on both sides were prominent, making her face look a bit mean.

"Brisach, why don't you introduce me?" After the woman came over, she smiled happily, put her hand on Brisage's shoulder, and said.

Zhou Yun noticed that Brisaki looked a little dissatisfied.

There was less harmony between Brissage and this woman.

But Brisach still introduced this woman to Song Chi and Zhou Yun: "Lucia, the person in charge of JL."

Head of JL?

No wonder neither Zhou Yun nor Song Chi had seen her.

JL and Blink belong to the Luyun Group and are two luxury brands under the group. Because they follow the same route, the competition is fierce.

Zhou Yun was very surprised. He didn't know why Lucia, the head of JL, appeared at Blink's luncheon.

Lucia took the initiative to reach out and said, "Zhou Yun, hello, I've heard of you a long time ago, it's the first time I met you, you are very beautiful."

Zhou Yun said thank you.

Lucia said: "It's a pity, originally we JL also wanted to ask you to be the spokesperson, but Blink took the lead."

Before Zhou Yun could speak, Brisach said, "This shows that you are moving too slowly."

Lucia laughed twice, and said, "Brisacchi, the sex attack is so strong, I just want to express my appreciation for this beautiful girl."

"Maybe you can change to a girl who has nothing to do with Blink and show her appreciation." Brisach said very bluntly, "Don't want the spokesperson we Blink likes, you appreciate it, it will only make people think you I don’t have my own unique vision and aesthetics.”

Zhou Yun was secretly amazed, and didn't know what Lucia had done to make Brisaki speak so rudely to her.

However, Lucia is even more amazing. Being ridiculed by Brisach in public, she didn't seem angry at all, and let out a hearty laugh, saying: "I don't mind being said that I don't have unique vision and aesthetics, as long as JL It’s good for the brand to occupy the first place in the market.”

Zhou Yun thought to himself: Wow.

Her face was calm.

Brisach snorted coldly, and didn't retort anymore.

After leaving the two of them, Zhou Yun and Song Chi whispered, "Today is Blink's lunch, why is Lucia here?"

Song Chi said: "They all belong to the Luyun Group. If Lucia wants to come, Brisach can't keep her out and prevent her from coming in. The two of them have been competing for a long time, and I have met them several times. It is said that JL has been steadily overtaking Blink in the European and North American markets, for this reason, the relationship between Brisacci and Lucia is also full of gunpowder, especially once JL robbed Blink's spokesperson."

"Well, it's really interesting." Zhou Yun clicked his tongue twice, "The smell of gunpowder between the two of them is too strong."

"Be careful about Lucia, don't take photos with her, and try to keep contact with her as little as possible in public. It is said that she made some anti-human and racially discriminatory remarks, but she was suppressed." Song Chi said, "There was once an Indian actress who publicly accused her of being humiliated by her for being too Indian and not in line with European aesthetics when she auditioned for JL. Although this was denied by JL, everyone said that this Words are in Lucia's character."

Zhou Yun clicked his tongue and said, "This person is still like this."

"Yes." Song Chi said, "Anyway, when you go abroad, you must be cautious when dealing with people. Many things are very sensitive."

The two were whispering at the luncheon.

From time to time, someone came over to greet them and take photos with them.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi were also secretly scrutinized and observed by other people at the scene.Maybe many of them didn't know who they were at first, but when they mentioned their names, everyone still had an impression.

Zhou Yun's "Days" was a frequent guest in the selection of professional film media in various countries at the end of last year, and Song Chi has made several films that are well-known in the film circle.

There is no privacy at this kind of luncheon organized by the brand, and everyone is just greeting each other.

After completing this work, Zhou Yun and Song Chi will both go back to the hotel to prepare for the red carpet in the evening and the opening ceremony in the evening.

In the meantime, they have their own interviews to do.

When I come to the film festival, the most work is to accept interviews.

The whole world is watching you, and the whole world wants to know what happened to you.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi will not walk the red carpet together.

Zhou Yun had to walk with the crew of "Behind the Scenes", while Song Chi had to walk the red carpet with the judges of "Un Certain Regard" - of course, he had no choice but to sit in a wheelchair.

Both Zeng Lili and You Jiang arrived in Cannes in the morning.

After Zhou Yun returned to the hotel, he met them.

"Teacher You Jiang, Sister Lily, we meet again!" Zhou Yun warmly hugged the two of them, "I am so happy to see you!"

Her eyes are shining.

Zeng Lili touched Zhou Yun's face and said, "Why are you so cute?"

Zhou Yun raised his chin with a smile and said, "Where are Sister Luo Qi and Director Xue? I haven't seen them yet."

"I don't know, Luo Qi told me that she would come to see me later." Zeng Lili held Zhou Yun's hand, smiling brightly, "After filming for so long, I finally came to Cannes."

Although Zeng Lili has filmed many films before, these films have rarely been abroad. Therefore, although she has superb acting skills, it is the first time for her to come to the Cannes Film Festival.

Zhou Yun smiled happily.

"Then I am so honored to have Sister Lily for the first time." Zhou Yun said proudly.

Song Chi naturally also knew Zeng Lili and You Jiang.

As soon as You Jiang met, he smiled and said, "I used to look up my neck every time I saw you, but this time it's finally your turn to look up at me."

Zeng Lili glared at him and said, "Xiao Song is in such a miserable situation, you still joke with him like this!"

Song Chi smiled and said, "Sister Lili, I told you that Teacher You was too much."

Zeng Lili nodded and smiled: "This is old and disrespectful."

You Jiang clicked his tongue and said: "On the road, you still said that I was one of your few friends in this behavior, and now you are disrespectful again. This face has changed quickly enough."

Zeng Lili snorted lightly and said, "This is not a conflict."

"By the way, where is Xiao Jing?" Zeng Lili asked suddenly, "Didn't you say she came with you? Why didn't I see her?"

Zhou Yun said: "She has already booked a shoot. She just boarded the plane yesterday and just got off the plane. It will probably take a while before she arrives at the hotel."

Zeng Lili nodded: "It's such a good opportunity, don't delay it. That child is hardworking and down-to-earth, and she is so humble and introspective after you. I like her very much."

Zhou Yun said, "Then I'm jealous."

"Stop it."

Several people exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then went back to their rooms to put on makeup and style.

Wang Jing didn't rush to the hotel until an hour before he was ready to leave.

Everyone was so anxious that their faces turned pale.If he missed this opportunity to be on the red carpet in Cannes because of being late, Wang Jing will probably regret it for a year until the next time he has the opportunity to come to Cannes.

And when is the next time?

Generally, it takes one to two hours for a female star's red carpet look to get her makeup and hair done.

It was Zhou Yun's queen stylist who did Wang Jing's styling, and it was arranged by Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan could see that Wang Jing was a little anxious, probably because he was worried that he would not be able to appear on the red carpet with the most perfect side, so he was anxious.

It is the first time to participate in the Cannes Film Festival, feeling excited and nervous, and it is normal to even take this event as some kind of sacred event.

But Zhou Lan felt that no matter what, it was better to maintain a normal mind as much as possible.

She sat down beside Wang Jing and said, "Xiao Jing, don't worry, there is time."

Because she was putting on makeup, Wang Jing couldn't turn her head, so she could only look at Zhou Lan from the makeup mirror in front of her and said, "Sister Lan, I'm a little nervous."

"It's not normal to be nervous. When your sister Xiaoyun participated in the Venice International Film Festival for the first time, she was also nervous."

"Ah? Is Miss Xiaoyun also nervous? I feel that Miss Xiaoyun is very powerful. No matter what activities she attends, she is very calm and composed."

"That's what you see and what you don't see. It's the same nervousness." Zhou Lan said, "And the nervousness is the more you try to control it, the more you can't control it. Don't try to take it away." Suppress it, if you are really nervous, just let yourself be nervous for a while, then take a deep breath and try to calm yourself down."

Wang Jing hummed.

"There will be a reporter coming for an interview later. It is an appointment in advance. I have read the outline of the interview. The reporter is also someone I am familiar with. There will be no excessive questions. You can accept the interview openly. When drafting, people will also remove some inappropriate content.”

Wang Jing smiled and said, "Okay, thank you Sister Lan."


Zhou Yun did his own styling, Zhou Lan invited a local photographer to take a set of photos for Zhou Yun, and posted them on social media later.

This has almost become a routine for celebrities before they walk on the red carpet.

While filming, Zhou Yun saw Shi Luoqi appear.

As an internationally renowned producer, she will also walk the red carpet with them later, so she also changed into a dress and made a beautiful look.

Zhou Yun greeted her and called, "Sister Luo Qi."

Shi Luoqi nodded to her, smiled, and waited for Zhou Yun to finish filming this scene before coming over and saying, "Today is so beautiful."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Sister Luo Qi, you are also today."

"I have been meeting with the heads of several distribution companies in Europe these two days, talking to them about "Words of Fallen Leaves" and "Behind the Scenes", and also held a small viewing session, but "Words of Fallen Leaves" has not yet been edited. Finished, only [-] minutes." Shi Luoqi said, "Everyone is very interested in "Behind the Scenes" and intends to buy it. After "Behind the Scenes" premieres in Cannes, it is estimated that more people will come to compete."

It can be seen that Shi Luoqi is in a good mood.

"Behind the Scenes" is already showing signs of success. As a producer, Shi Luoqi has produced a talented new director, so she is naturally in a good mood.

Shi Luoqi also said: "I also borrowed from you. Originally, everyone was not very interested in a new director, but because "Days" has a good reputation and response in Europe, when they heard that it was a new film starring you, these companies They're all interested."

Even in the literary film market in Europe, it still focuses on the effect of stars and famous actors.

This is hard currency everywhere, but Zhou Yun himself did not expect that she has gained some fans of her movie in Europe because of "Days".

(End of this chapter)

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