Chapter 500
The red carpet in Cannes is actually not long, it is very short.

When Zhou Yun and others appeared on the red carpet together, as a crew of a Chinese-language film, everyone was already mentally prepared, and they would not be as popular as walking on the domestic red carpet.

Even though Zhou Yun is now extremely popular in China, she dare not say that she is an international movie star, not to mention she dare not say, even Yao Yuanfeng, who admires her very much, dare not say so.

It takes chance and coincidence for a person to have world influence.

Zhou Yun has not reached that level yet.

Song Chi had already gone to meet the judges of the "A Kind of Concern" unit ahead of time and finished walking the red carpet.

Zhou Yundu saw him on the live TV screen.

He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with one arm hanging, and was handsome. He was pushed onto the red carpet by his assistant, together with other judges.

Zhou Yun also heard the voice calling Song in broken Chinese on the radio at the scene.

There were many media photographers on site, and many of them knew Song Chi.

Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili stood on both sides of Xue Qin, You Jiang and Wang Jing stood next to Zhou Yu and Zeng Lili, and Shi Luoqi stood on the far side.

After several people entered the venue, they immediately heard the voice of the Chinese photographer.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that some blond photographers pointed their cameras at her and shouted "Yun!".

At first, Zhou Yun wasn't sure it was her they were calling.

After all, there were not many people on the red carpet, and they did not enjoy the treatment of clearing the venue.

It was Shi Luoqi who reminded Zhou Yun that Zhou Yun knew that there was a foreign photographer calling her name and asking her to look over so that he could take a frontal photo of her.

Zhou Yun didn't want to say that, but she really felt a kind of pride at this moment.

She waved to them and smiled.

The flash flashes more frequently.

"Xiaoyun is quite famous abroad." Zeng Lili whispered to You Jiang.

Xue Qin heard it, and said to Zeng Lili: "The "Days" she acted in last year was released in various European countries not long ago, and it received high praise and became very popular."

Zeng Lili suddenly realized.

"So it is."

Zeng Lili patted Wang Jing's shoulder and said, "Come on, try to act in a Chinese film like your sister Xiaoyun one day, so that these foreigners can also see the art of our Chinese films."

Wang Jing was a little timid and nervous, and said, "I can't do it."

Zeng Lili: "There is nothing wrong with this, today is the first step."

Wang Jing hummed lightly.

But Wang Jing herself knows that the company and Sister Lan's positioning of her is mainly to make TV series and supplemented by filming.Her acting skills are not enough to support a movie, and the company doesn't want her to make more movies.Making TV series makes more money than making movies.

She looked at Zhou Yun who was standing one step away from her. In the flickering flash, Zhou Yun exuded the aura of a goddess all over his body.

Even though they were standing together, all the photographers who looked in their direction only focused on her.

Wang Jing suddenly remembered that he was anxious because he was afraid of not being able to catch up with the red carpet, and suddenly felt a little mocking.

Even if she caught up with the red carpet, what's the difference between not catching up with the red carpet?

She stands on this red carpet like a backdrop.

At this moment, Zhou Yun suddenly turned around, smiled at them, waved, and motioned for everyone to stand together for a group photo.


On the steps, Brian, the artistic director of Cannes, stood there, personally welcoming the most important red carpet guests.

Shi Luoqi took the initiative to raise his hand and greeted Brian.

"I'm here with my new crew this time."

Brian kissed Shi Luoqi affectionately and said, "It's finally your turn, welcome."

He turned his head to look at Zhou Yun, Xue Qin and others.

"Hey, Qin!" Brian took the initiative to hold Xue Qin's hand again, and said, "Finally, I've waited for your independent film. I watched your film. It's very talented and has your unique perspective. I'm happy for you. "

Xue Qin seemed to know Brian very well, and leaned into Brian's ear and said, "I've been waiting for you to tell me this sentence."

Brian smiled.

He finally looked at Zhou Yun and the others.

"Hi, Zhou, we finally met." Brian thoughtfully gave Zhou Yun a hand kiss when he met for the first time, and said, "Now you are the new actor that my old friends often mention, a born genius , welcome to Cannes."

After Zhou Yun’s experience in Venice, he knew that by doing this, Brian was actually showing the attitude of a protagonist who is at the helm of this film festival, and he was showing a welcoming gesture.

"Thank you Mr. Bryan, it's a pleasure to be in Cannes," she said.

Brian nodded and said, "I will bring more works in the future. Cannes needs young stars like you."

Zhou Yun said: "Okay, I will work hard on filming in the future and come to Cannes more often."

The two chatted for a while, Brian looked at You Jiang, Zeng Lili and Wang Jing, and said enthusiastically, "Welcome."

These two characters turned out to be Chinese.

Brian clearly did his homework.

Brian praised the movie "Behind the Scenes" and wished them enjoy the film festival in Cannes, and they walked into the gate of the Palace of Films.

After entering inside, it was that familiar scene again.

Everyone was talking to each other, greeting each other, almost everyone was a little excited, even hyperactive, and some people talked and danced.

Zhou Yun met many familiar faces, all of whom were well-known figures in the world film industry.

When she appeared, many eyes looked at her.

Many people are looking at her.

It's not a "who is this girl" look anymore, it's more like "this girl is here!"

Shi Luoqi stood beside Zhou Yun and said, "Look, you have become the focus of their attention."

Zhou Yun kept the smile on his face and said, "I don't know why, but I feel a lot of pressure."

Shi Luoqi smiled and said: "My dear, this is your era. Everyone likes you, and movies like you too."

Shirouqi was right.

At this moment, Song Chi appeared.

He did not use a wheelchair indoors, but leaned on a cane to facilitate walking in the hall.

When he walked up to Zhou Yun, he lowered his head and kissed Zhou Yun on the lips in full view of everyone.

There was a small commotion all around.

There are people taking pictures.

Zhou Yun opened his eyes wide in surprise, and asked softly, "What are you doing?"

Song Chi said: "So many people are staring at you, I feel uncomfortable."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Song Chi: "I have to declare my ownership."

Zhou Yun: " are enough."

Song Chi: "Didn't you see some people's eyes, almost popping their eyes out, the movie "Days" has a greater influence in Europe than I thought, you don't know how many people just wanted to Let me introduce you to them."

"Really?" Zhou Yun said, "Is it so exaggerated?"

"Yes, of course." Song Chi said, "You will know later."

In fact, as Song Chi said, there were really many people who came to talk to Zhou Yun on their own initiative, and they all came to get to know her.

Zhou Yun also met many filmmakers from various countries.

Everyone's first sentence is basically: I really like "Days".

It is also surprising.

A German producer said: "When "Days" was released in Germany, I thought you would come to Germany to promote it. I asked the distribution company when you would come, but they told me that you didn't have time. I have been disappointed for a long time, and today I finally saw you in person."

Zhou Yun felt a little embarrassed when he heard people say that.

"Sorry, I've been filming on the set, and I really don't have time." She said, "If I have time, I will definitely come to promote it."

The German producer said: "If there is a suitable opportunity, I invite you to film together, okay?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Okay, as long as there is a suitable script."

The German producer nodded, "That's it."

In fact, there are quite a few producers and directors who have said this to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun also knew that the same thing was said to every actor they met.

Kind words of the scene.

However, there are also many cooperations that have been facilitated on this occasion.

Those who can come to this place are all the most outstanding filmmakers from all over the world. Talented people appreciate talented people. If there is a suitable opportunity, maybe they will hit it off and reach a cooperation intention.

However, Zhou Yun did not expect that the first person who really came to chat with her about cooperation was actually Lucia who had just met yesterday.

Lucia said pleasantly: "Xiao Yun, you look so beautiful today! Are you wearing VX?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, also a little surprised, he didn't expect to meet Lucia.

Lucia said: "Actually, I have a cooperation and want to chat with you."

"Cooperation?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

Lucia nodded and said, "Our JL has always wanted to open up the Asian market. As you know, our main markets for JL have always been North America and Europe."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "I'm already the spokesperson of Blink."

Lucia said: "As far as I know, your endorsement contract with Blink is about to expire soon?"

For a luxury brand like Blink, the contract with a spokesperson is usually signed once a year.

Zhou Yun's endorsement contract with Blink is indeed about to expire, but Zhou Lan said that Blink has a high intention to renew her contract.

Of course, this is not surprising. With Zhou Yun's status today, it is normal for Blink to want to renew his contract with Zhou Yun, and it is abnormal not to renew his contract.

Lucia said: "The brand value of our JL is actually more in line with your image. If you become the spokesperson of JL, it will also help increase your popularity. I know that you are already a very famous actor in Asia, but, If you become the spokesperson of JL, the popularity of our JL in Europe and North America can also help you quickly be recognized by people in Europe and North America. We will hold many activities and invite celebrities from all walks of life. As our spokesperson, you can get in touch with many Opportunities that Blink can't give you right now."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Ms. Lucia, I don't think it's actually a good time to talk about this, what do you think?"

Lucia nodded and said with a smile: "You can think about it first, and I will contact you later."

Zhou Yun nodded.

After exchanging pleasantries, Song Chi came over on crutches and asked, "What are you thinking?"

Zhou Yun told Song Chi what happened just now.

"It seems that Lucia wants to bite off this big piece of fat in Asia." Song Chi said, "In Asia, Blink's market share has been suppressing JL, and our country's economic level has improved rapidly in recent years. It is already one of the most important markets in the world, and no brand dares to ignore our market, and JL wants to rely on you to gain popularity."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said: "You also said that this person has a big problem. Who knows when the thunder will explode. It's better to be cautious."

Song Chi smiled.

"But this matter is also an opportunity." Song Chi said, "JL wants to poach you, so Blink should express it anyway."

Zhou Yun said: "Let Sister Lan handle these matters, I don't care much about them."


Yao Yuanfeng, who also came to the Cannes Film Festival red carpet, brought his wife over.

"My two prides!" Yao Yuanfeng opened his hands, as enthusiastic as ever, "I'm so happy to see you! I really didn't expect that "Days" sold so well in Europe, and there are still people looking for me today Want to buy a follow-up run."

Zhou Yun said to Yao Yuanfeng: "Boss Yao, this movie has made you so much money, don't forget to send a big red envelope to Director Wen."

Yao Yuanfeng said boldly: "Am I such a picky person? Red envelopes have been prepared for you! It's a pity, you don't know how many places want you to do publicity, but your itinerary is too planned. full."

Zhou Yun: "It's not because I'm filming "Four Killers"."

Yao Yuanfeng smiled and said, "How was the filming going? My company has been monitoring the data of "Four Killers", and the box office forecast is very good."

Zhou Yun: "Really? I don't feel comfortable taking pictures at all."

Yao Yuanfeng was taken aback.

"Uncomfortable? Why? Because the injury is serious?"

"No." Zhou Yun shook his head, "Oh, forget it, Mr. Yao, there is nothing to say, even if you told me before that you want to make "Four Killers" into a series, I'd better forget it, I don't want to make the first series. It's the second part, and I'm really not good at filming this scene."

It was as if Yao Yuanfeng had been poured with cold water.

"Oh, let's talk about this matter later, it's too early to talk about it now." Yao Yuanfeng said.

Zhou Yun also stopped talking.

After attending the opening ceremony, Zhou Yun was able to take a short rest.

Yao Yuanfeng held a small reception and invited some friends from the film industry to attend.

With the relationship between Zhou Yun and Yao Yuanfeng, Zhou Yun would like to join in the show, even if the next day, she will attend a very important event - the official announcement that she will become the spokesperson of Vertical Axis Cruises in Asia.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi attended together and changed into a different set of clothes.

On the way, Zheng Xiaoju reported domestic news about her to Zhou Yun.

"Miss Xiaoyun, your look has been circulated a lot on the Internet in the past two days, and everyone praised you for looking good." Zheng Xiaoju said, "Especially the outfit on the red carpet today, which was praised by many media."

(End of this chapter)

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