Chapter 502

Seeing Chen Fusi, many thoughts arose in Zhou Yun's mind.

Seeing Chen Fusi again after many days, Zhou Yun's feelings towards him became more complicated.

Such a person, with the power he possesses, if he wants, there will naturally be many people who are willing to accompany him.

But he is like the breeze and the moon, every time he appears, there is no one else around him.Moreover, every time he talked to her, although he was gentle and forceful, he never made her feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable.Zhou Yun's perception of Chen Fusi was very complicated.

Chen Fusi said very clearly that he likes her, but he also said very clearly that if he doesn't like her, just be friends.

Chen Fusi said so, and he did the same.

Apart from meeting her in public like this, Chen Fusi never asked her out in private again.

Zhou Yun felt this kind of sense of proportion, and was grateful for it.Because if Chen Fusi really asked her out for dinner, she really didn't know whether she should agree or not.

Promised, she was afraid that she would not be able to control her inner feelings - she did not deny that Chen Fusi was a very good man, and the longer she knew him, the more she could feel his charm.Although she believed in her feelings for Song Chi, she was unwilling to take any risks.

If she didn't agree, she was afraid that she would appear to care too much about the relationship between the two of them.Chen Fusi did not exceed the rules in the slightest, never entangled, and did not do so many untimely things like Wei Heyun did to Sitian.Among friends, if you can't eat a meal, what kind of friends are you?If you don't be friends directly, it seems too merciless.

Zhou Yun's mentality is very contradictory.

It is conceivable that when she saw Chen Fusi again at this time, she felt entangled in her heart.

Zhou Yun wanted to talk to Chen Fusi and ask him what happened to the endorsement of Vertical Axis Cruises, but he never found a chance.

The top executives of Vertical Axis Cruise took turns chatting with her, exchanging greetings and taking photos with her.

After much difficulty, she finally found an opportunity, and she immediately walked towards Chen Fusi.

Chen Fusi seemed to have expected that she would come, holding a glass of champagne, smiling at her.

"Mr. Chen, is it because of your relationship that you found me for the endorsement of Vertical Axis Cruises?" Zhou Yun asked straight to the point without any pleasantries.

Chen Fusi shook his head and said: "No, don't think too much, Vertical Axis Cruises wants to develop the Asian market, the biggest market of which is the Chinese market, you are the most popular star now, so Vertical Axis Cruises will invite you to be the spokesperson, with I'm fine."

"But seeing you appear here, I can't help but doubt this." Zhou Yun said.

Chen Fusi: "That's why I didn't tell you before that that I'm also a shareholder of Vertical Axis Cruises. I'm afraid you will think too much."

"If it's clear from the start, it's fine."

Chen Fusi: "Zhou Yun, you and I know very well, if you made it clear from the beginning, you would rather not accept this endorsement to avoid suspicion."

Zhou Yun smiled noncommittally.

Chen Fusi sighed lightly, and said: "If you want to avoid suspicion because I have shares in a certain brand, then you will lose a big piece of cake. I always like to cast a wide net, and any profitable business will Invest a little, many places you can't imagine, where you think there will be me, there will be me, so don't miss a lot of resources because of me."

Zhou Yun: "I'm not that stupid."

"Then I'm relieved." Chen Fusi said, "Sometimes, I'm really afraid that your temper will become stubborn."

Zhou Yun looked at Chen Fusi in astonishment.

If she wasn't too sensitive, then this sentence should be an intimacy beyond a certain limit, right?
Zhou Yun frowned slightly.

Chen Fusi raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender. Obviously, he also realized that he had said a wrong sentence just now.

"Okay, I have other things, so I won't talk too much with you. Anyway, you have become the spokesperson of Vertical Axis Cruises today. This is something to be happy about." Chen Fusi said, "Work hard, this Brand endorsement can bring you more opportunities.”

Zhou Yun couldn't help being puzzled.

Chen Fusi's words seemed to mean something.

It seems that there is still some opportunity waiting for her in the future.

But Zhou Yun didn't have time to think about it. After doing this activity, she had to go back to China to film without stopping.

Song Chi has already started working as a judge for the "A Kind of Concern" unit.During this period of time, Song Chi didn't have time to stay with Zhou Yun. Being a judge was hard work. Not only did he have to watch movies together, discuss, and support his favorite movies, he also had to assume some kind of official representative status and go to some events. Help the platform and do publicity.

Not to mention, Song Chi himself has a lot of friends in the world film industry. Many filmmakers know Song Chi and want to enter the Chinese market as much as possible, so they will strongly invite him to attend the premiere.

But Song Chi's time was limited, and another big star Zhou Yun returned to China to film, and he didn't have time. Under the recommendation of Shi Luoqi, some film producers sent invitations to You Jiang, Zeng Lili and Wang Jing.

Therefore, in the next few days, the leading actors of "Behind the Scenes" will have a lot of exposure.None of the three are actually popular stars in China, and Wang Jing is a little more popular because of Zhou Yun's relationship with the second part of "Dark Sky".

You Jiang and Zeng Lili have long ceased to belong to the ranks of stars. They were not popular movie stars in their time, let alone now.But Shi Luoqi has worked in movies for so many years, and she has all the connections and experience. She manages a lot of media and finalizes a lot of layouts to ensure these publicity and exposure.

These foreign media reports will then be slowly transmitted back to China.

The introduction of You Jiang and Zeng Lili are hall-level actors of Chinese Chinese films, and Wang Jing's introduction is another junior sister of Zhou Yun who is equally talented.

Both presentations are obviously exaggerated.

But the foreign media didn't know them, and they used the materials Shi Luoqi gave them as they were.

Shi Luoqi brought these evaluations back to the country through the mouth of foreign media propaganda, and did publicity and marketing, which caused a heated discussion in the country.

Whether you admit it or not, in fact, as of today, many people still have a desire to be recognized abroad.

In the minds of many people, the evaluation of foreign media represents a higher level of recognition.

This higher level does not mean that foreign media is superior to our own media, but that it is a media in another place. Their recognition means that our actors have conquered other media.

So, regardless of whether everyone really knows You Jiang and Zeng Lili, and regardless of their views on Wang Jing, after these foreign media reports spread to China, many people have a high opinion of these three actors Eye.

Invisibly, the cast of "Behind the Scenes" has also changed from the dominance of Zhou Yun's family to a star-studded acting school.

This is actually Shi Luoqi's purpose.

As a producer, her main purpose is to make the movie well.

Propaganda is a very critical caliber, not to mention, in recent years, with the coverage of online media, publicity has become more and more important.

Standing up is an indispensable step in publicity.

However, when everyone saw more and more photos of You Jiang and the three of them attending other film premieres or other events, a doubt emerged one after another: where did Zhou Yun go?
Song Chi and You Jiang, the five Chinese-speaking filmmakers participating in the Cannes Film Festival this time, have activity pictures from time to time, but Zhou Yun disappeared after being officially announced as the spokesperson of Vertical Axis Cruises.

One day, two days.

Finally, a hot search with the entry "Where did Zhou Yun go?" appeared at the top of the Weibo hot search list.

Domestic media called Chengqian Entertainment, Chengqian Entertainment's spokesperson replied: Zhou Yun is filming "Four Killers". After completing the Cannes opening ceremony and vertical axis cruise activities, he will return to China to continue filming.

After this news was released by the media, many people felt incredible, shocked, and unbelievable.

That's Cannes!

That is one of the most watched film festivals in the world!

Other actresses can't even go if they want to. You took the film that was shortlisted in the main competition unit to go there. Why don't you take this opportunity to get a wave of exposure and come back to film?
Do you want to be so dedicated?

At this time, the official blog of "Four Killers" also released a live picture of Zhou Yun on the set.

After Zhou Yun's fans saw this picture of the scene, they all chirped under this Weibo.

Not to mention that this incident caused such a shock to them, even Yin Linglin and others who were filming together were puzzled.

Thinking in another way, they felt that if it was themselves, they would definitely ask for a longer leave with the crew, at least they would have to wait until the premiere of their movie was over before coming back.

They didn't even dare to say that Zhou Yun was faking this matter.

No one dares to use this matter to pretend to be dedicated.

The sacrifice is too great.

Zhou Yun naturally noticed the strangeness in their eyes.But Zhou Yun didn't say anything, he just acted as if nothing had happened, and filmed his own movie with peace of mind, finished filming early, and finished filming early.She doesn't want to waste time in this crew at all.

It's just that she didn't expect that even Gu Huaichun would be alarmed by this incident, so she called her and said, "You are so awesome, you actually came back after talking about this kind of thing."

Zhou Yun sighed, and said: "I'm filming, what can I do, I also want to stay in Cannes for a few more days, watch movies, go shopping in that city, but if I don't come back to film, the crew will have to do more filming A few days, waiting for me alone, I feel uneasy."

Gu Huaichun: "You go to Cannes, you have such a serious reason, you feel uneasy, look at me, this show I am filming, damn, an actress participated in the recording of the show, say go I just left, I have been away for a week, and I haven’t come back until now, the producer and director are going crazy.”

"Ah?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "What's going on?"

"It's a very common situation, but your crew probably hasn't encountered it before, right?" Gu Huaichun said, "You shouldn't have such a situation in your filming."

"No, in "Words of Fallen Leaves", an actor also said to let the pigeons go." Zhou Yun said.

Gu Huaichun: "Now I see that they all have big heads, and the director is going to find a screenwriter to change the script, and change all the scenes of that person's role to another person's head."

Zhou Yun frowned upon hearing this.

If the script is changed like this, won't it be changed beyond recognition?
"I don't want to complain anymore, I hope this movie can be finished no matter what." Gu Huaichun said, "Compared with this person, Meng Ran's poor acting skills are nothing."

"..." Zhou Yun thought to himself, this is really not something worthy of praise.

It was only in the afternoon that I talked to Gu Huaichun about it on the phone, and in the evening, Zhou Yun saw a strange exposure on the Internet.

Gu Huaichun and Meng Ran are acting in this play, and the second female lead Tan Yingjie shoots Reuters.

She only complained during the day that she never went back to filming, but at night it was exposed that she was back on set?

Zhou Yun carefully looked at the photo of Reuters.

No, isn't Gu Huaichun's drama a costume movie?Why is Tan Yingjie in a modern look?

Zhou Yun sent a screenshot to Gu Huaichun, asking what happened.

Gu Huaichun sent a voice message: "This lady took a leading role outside without telling us, and it's over. I asked her why it took so long to record a show. Hehe, I really want to thank the person who sent it to Reuters." People, otherwise we don’t know how long we will be kept in the dark.”

Zhou Yun: "..."


You're filming the movie you're currently working on, and you're taking on another female lead?

Zhou Yun was filled with emotion.This actress named Tan Yingjie is too good.

I don't know how Gu Huaichun's crew communicated with Tan Yingjie. It is estimated that the communication was not smooth. Early the next morning, the crew's official blog actually issued a statement, accusing Tan Yingjie of concealing the truth while filming the drama. The production crew, on the grounds of going out to record a program, left the production crew and took another film without permission. Since then, they have not returned to the production crew, delaying the production progress of the production crew. This behavior is severely condemned, and Tan Yingjie will be held accountable through legal means.

As soon as this statement was released, the popularity directly overwhelmed other news in the entertainment industry.

Regarding celebrities, the things that are most likely to arouse the public's heated discussion are either scandals or scandals.

Tan Yingjie is not a well-known actress, and she debuted not long ago, but this kind of thing will not be ignored by everyone because the actress is not famous.

Everyone doesn't know her, but it doesn't affect everyone scolding her because of this incident.

Tan Yingjie probably didn't expect that the crew would directly tear their skins apart.

In the afternoon, Gu Huaichun reported the latest developments to Zhou Yun: "Tan Yingjie came to sue the crew and was willing to return all the film pay. What a joke, she caused so much trouble for the film crew, she thought it would be enough to refund the film salary? The screenwriter has put Her character was written to death."

Zhou Yun: "So fast?"

Gu Huaichun said: "The producer called her and her agent last night. If she comes back to filming immediately, let it go, but they refuse to agree, so what else can we do? Let's sue. .”

"This woman is fierce enough to dare to openly play."

"Forget it, but she is. Why don't you take a few days a week to come to our place to shoot? It's nothing if she just leaves." Gu Huaichun said, "Wait, if something like this happens Let's see how she will continue to hang out in the entertainment industry in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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