Chapter 503
Hearing Gu Huaichun's tone, it seemed that he was really angry.

It's been a long time since Zhou Yun heard Gu Huaichun sarcasm people so angrily.

She smiled and said, "Don't be angry, if you meet this person in the future, stay away from him and stop filming together."

"Do you think it's enough to stay away from this person? There are quite a few people like her now." Gu Huaichun said, "You must have heard of Miss Numbers, right? I really met a person with a family background. , I just came here to play tickets, and I didn’t bother to memorize the lines, standing opposite you, I just talked to you 1234567, and you couldn’t say anything, just follow others to act.”

Zhou Yun has never encountered such a situation.

But if you think about it in your own place, if Zhou Yun meets this kind of person, he will feel dizzy.

Will she just put her face down and scold people?Not good.Zhou Yun himself feels that her temper has grown gradually recently.

Zhou Yun stayed in the crew for three days, filmed the scene for three days, and then embarked on the flight to Cannes again in full swing.

For her now, nothing is more precious than time.

She rushed all the way to the airport. Before boarding the plane, she had nothing to do. She checked her mobile phone to see if there was anything new on the Internet. When she saw it, she was shocked. Tan Yingjie, who had made a lot of noise because of taking dramas without permission, came out for an interview.

The little girl cried in front of the camera with red and swollen eyes, like pear blossoms with rain, "I know I was wrong, I was obsessed with ghosts for a while, and wanted to seize this opportunity. If I could, I also hope to be as dedicated as Zhou Yun, but I don't have her So famous, and not as popular as her, I want to hold on to every opportunity that comes to me, I know this is caused by my greed, and I have to apologize to the crew, because of my problem , causing a lot of trouble for everyone..."

Zhou Yun had a "black question mark face" on his face.

What's happening here?
If she apologizes, she apologizes. What else can she do for her?
Click on the comment area, and there are actually a lot of people commenting below——

——Jiejie, don't cry, seeing you cry makes my heart break.

——You are not as lucky as Zhou Yun, so you want to seize every opportunity, we all understand, we will always support you!

——Jiejie, don't be sad, no matter what happens, we will be by your side.


Zhou Yun was a little disillusioned, and his three views were a little bit shocked.

Isn't the attitude of these people... a little abnormal?Or is she herself abnormal?Zhou Yun actually doesn't like to use the word "Three Views" very much. In this era, too many people like to use the "Three Views" to evaluate a person.But every sound in front of him really made Zhou Yun feel unbelievable.

She had to take a screenshot and send it to Gu Huaichun.

Gu Huaichun came back with a screenshot.

Zhou Yun was so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

In the screenshot sent by Gu Huaichun, many fans of Tan Yingjie sent private messages to Gu Huaichun, asking him to speak for Tan Yingjie and support Tan Yingjie.

Although everyone's tone of voice was very good and their words were sincere, Zhou Yun could almost directly judge that this large-scale message with the same content was sent to Gu Huaichun at about the same time. It must be organized. the behavior of.

Who is doing this?

Tan Yingjie is not really a popular star, if her fans have this fighting power, they will not only play the second female lead in Gu Huaichun's drama.

Who is doing this?
Zhou Yun sent Gu Huaichun a few hugging emojis.

Gu Huaichun: I am really speechless to her.

Zhou Yun asked: Is this because her company bought the navy?
Gu Huaichun: Other than that, I can't imagine anyone else would do this. Anyone with a normal mind should know how to solve this matter, right?
Zhou Yun thought to himself, what else can be done, so he lay down and apologized.

But now Tan Yingjie's fans have set off a wave of momentum - although Tan Yingjie's behavior violates the spirit of the contract and professional ethics, it is understandable for a little girl who wants to become famous.

Be it Zhou Yun or Gu Huaichun, these celebrities should be more tolerant of newcomers like Tan Yingjie.

While Zhou Yun couldn't believe it, he also felt incredible.

Such shameless words can be said so openly.

Zhou Yun originally wanted to have a few more words with Gu Huaichun, but at this moment, he reminded her that she was about to board the plane.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to tell Gu Huaichun, got up and walked to the boarding gate.

During the long flight, Zhou Yun read a book called "Staying Indoors", which combined government and economy.She accidentally saw someone recommending this book, so she placed an order. She originally thought that she would not be able to read this kind of social science book with a background in economics, but who knew that she read it and read it in one go.

Zhou Yun couldn't help being a little surprised.

It is indeed well written, and it is a blind spot that she has never thought of before.

Coming back to Cannes, Zhou Yun was a little excited wearing sunglasses.

Tomorrow is the world premiere of "Behind the Scenes", and it's time to see the real story.

Zhou Yun has very complicated feelings about this movie. On the one hand, he hopes that it will be good, but on the other hand, he dare not hope that it will be good.This kind of feeling is that you just made a handicraft, and suddenly one day, it was shortlisted for the handicraft finals all over the world. You are excited, but also feel unreal, and dare not expect anything.After all, Zhou Yun felt that she did not put as much effort into this movie as she did in other movies. For example, "Four Killers" is currently being filmed. Before joining the group, she began to do action training. He was exhausted and wounded all over.These experiences allowed her to truly feel her contribution.

And during the filming of "Behind the Scenes", Zhou Yun enjoyed every day, filming and acting very enjoyable, with a kind of impromptu pleasure.

But improvisation is something that you will enjoy yourself, but you don’t dare to have high expectations for it.

Zhou Yun returned to the hotel and joined Xue Qin and the others.

During these four days, You Jiang, Zeng Lili and Wang Jing participated in at least three public events every day in the name of the "Behind the Scenes" crew.

Later, Zeng Lili didn't bring enough clothes. After all, she couldn't change several sets of formal dresses like You Jiang. The men's clothes didn't look much different. If Zeng Lili put on a worn dress again Going out, not to mention anything else, the foreign media will privately laugh at whether she has borrowed clothes.

Fortunately, Shi Luoqi knew a lot of people, so he pulled a batch of dresses for Zeng Lili in time for her to choose.

Zhou Lan prepared well for Wang Jing, and it went smoothly for her to borrow clothes from various brands.

Zhou Yun met several people again.

"Tomorrow is our own premiere." Shi Luoqi raised his glass and said, "I wish "Behind the Scenes" all the best."

Let's raise a glass together.

Shi Luoqi is in excellent condition, anyone who sees it will say so.

She said: "Tomorrow's premiere, Brian and Chairman Baden will come, and I also invited some friends, but it is a pity that this time there are not many filmmakers from our own country, unlike the last time Xiaoyun Like in Venice, there are many Chinese filmmakers."

You Jiang said: "We will strive for more in the future."

Shi Luoqi said with a smile: "Mr. You Jiang will come out to film more often, but you can't stop coming out of the mountain because you cherish your feathers. I have heard many young actors say that they want to invite you to film, but they are afraid that they will not be invited."

You Jiang said boldly: "Just ask them to send the book. I don't have that high requirement. As long as there is something to act in, it's not the kind of big bad movie that I don't want to act at all. I always support new directors."

"With your words, I know how to tell them." Shi Luoqi smiled, "This time I filmed "Words of Fallen Leaves" and accidentally filmed "Behind the Scenes", and I met the two again after many years. The teacher's superb acting skills are great."

Zeng Lili groaned and said, "People are old, and no one pays attention to their superb acting skills."

"How could it be?" Zhou Yun said, "Believe me, the spring of good actors has come, and everyone is paying more and more attention to acting skills, but it has nothing to do with age."

Zeng Lili pursed her lips and smiled.

Shi Luoqi said: "The focus of my next work will also be transferred back to China. At that time, I hope that there are suitable projects to continue to cooperate with several people."

Everyone talked and laughed.

It's the day of the premiere of "Behind the Scenes."

This day had already been arranged, and Song Chi would also come to watch the movie.

Not only that, Song Chi also brought two judges from the "Un Certain Regard" unit.

The premiere of "Behind the Scenes" was not very lively, neither a famous director nor a famous actor (for the world film industry, Zhou Yun is a newcomer who has just risen and received attention, but it is far from a famous actor point), various media are not so interested in Chinese-language films.

But the scene is still very star-studded.

Relying on his personal relationships, Shi Luoqi invited two popular Hollywood stars, and invited a national treasure-level French actress.

They hit the red carpet, sparking excitement among photographers.

Zhou Yun and the others were also a little excited in the waiting area. Today's red carpet is their home field.

Everyone is well dressed.

Song Chi had already entered the arena early, Zhou Yun took the hands of Zeng Lili and Wang Jing, and said, "Let's all hold hands and walk down the red carpet together later."


Both sides of the red carpet are media shooting areas, so they usually stop after two steps, face the shooting area for a while, and then turn around to shoot for the photographers on the other side.

At this moment, another car suddenly drove over and stopped.

All the guests have already got off the bus and waited for the venue, and almost all of them have entered the venue.

According to the original plan, Zhou Yun and the others will walk on the red carpet after the first two groups of guests enter the venue.

At this time, who is here?
Zhou Yun and the others were in a position where they could see the car.

The door opened, and a staggering figure got out of the car.

Is an old man?

At this time, another young man got off from the other side, came around and held the old man's arm.

Zhou Yun's eyes widened instantly, and he subconsciously turned his head to look at Xue Qin.

Xue Qin was also looking at those two people, expressionless, without revealing any emotion.

"That's... Director Jiang He?" You Jiang asked with a tone of surprise.

That's right, Director Jiang He and his son, Jiang Haitian.

Zhou Yun was surprised.

If she didn't know the relationship between Xue Qin and Jiang Haitian, maybe she would be as overjoyed as You Jiang.

As the top director of Chinese-language films, Director Jiang He also has many fans internationally.

He suddenly appeared today without any advance news, giving all of them a huge surprise.

But Zhou Yun thought, for Xue Qin, the surprise may be greater than the joy.

"Why is Jiang He here?" Shi Luoqi even muttered.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised when he heard it.She originally thought that Jiang He was invited by Shi Luoqi. If Shi Luoqi wasn't invited, how did Jiang He come here?

At this moment, Zhou Yun saw Mr. Bryan running over from nowhere, took the initiative to walk in front of Jiang He, shook hands with him, held his arm, and led him to them.

"Luo Qi, the great Jianghe director of your Chinese-language films is here." Brian said in an exaggerated tone, "Your entire Chinese-language films are one of the directors I admire the most."

Shi Luoqi smiled and stretched out his hand to Jiang He, shook hands with him, and said, "Director Jiang, we meet again. It is our honor that you come to support us today."

Seeing Shi Luoqi's posture, Zhou Yun couldn't judge whether Shi Luoqi knew about the relationship between Jiang He and Xue Qin.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, did Jiang He come out suddenly today to give a platform to his daughter's work?
She felt that it was most likely so.

However, Xue Qin herself may not be willing to appreciate it.

Jiang Haitian's gaze flicked across her face, and she subconsciously avoided it.

No matter which direction the relationship between Jiang He and Xue Qin went in the future, it had nothing to do with her.

Zhou Yun has no intention of getting involved in other people's lives, especially this bloody life.

Brian personally accompanied Jiang He onto the red carpet. At first, no one recognized who this old man was, until the reporters from China suddenly realized that they raised their cameras and frantically pressed the shutter. The foreign reporters beside him were also there. I recognized him in the continuous conversation.

Jiang He's war movies are well-known in the world, and there are still many fans of his movies in the world.

Jiang He's appearance was a surprise. He hadn't been out for a long time. No one expected that Jiang He would appear on the red carpet today.

Finally, finally, the crew of "Behind the Scenes" made their debut.

Zhou Yun led the cast and returned to Cannes, like a young queen. When she waved her hand, the aura was completely like being in her own home.

When she takes pictures at every fixed point, she must put her arms around Zeng Lili and Wang Jing and take every group photo.

Almost never shot alone.

Her charm exudes, whether it is looking back or fixed point, a kind of demeanor permeates the audience between her gestures and gestures.

Too many voices calling her name.

Many pronunciations are not so standard, but they are warm, intense, and seem to reveal a wave of fanaticism.

As Zhou Yun walked all the way, flashing lights twinkled like stars, it was the best time for blossoms, pursuit, and the best time.

She stood on the steps, surrounded by the crowd.

She waved her hand and blew a kiss to everyone present.

Even Shi Luoqi, who was standing aside, whispered softly deep in his heart: The era that belongs to Zhou Yun has opened a rich and colorful page.

(End of this chapter)

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