I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 504 The time of the premiere

Chapter 504 The time of the premiere
This is not a literary film, not boring.

At the beginning of the movie, the female director played by Zhou Yun is slapping the table angrily, pointing at the camera and cursing: "Do you know movies better than me?"

The screen paused the moment the voice fell.

"This woman is me." Zhou Yunnian's narration came out, "This looks ugly, right?"

As soon as the camera turned, a woman squeezed out from the crowd, and it was the aggressive woman just now.

But she has completely changed her appearance, wearing a ponytail, wearing a jacket, carrying a plastic bag with vegetables in it, walking forward with no expression on her face, without any makeup, her entire face is enlarged on the big screen, even Breathing seems to be able to clearly see the twitch of every texture on both sides of the nose.

Beside continued: "I used to be a director, of course, I am now, but there is no movie for me to shoot, I used to really think that the talent I had was just missing a chance, and I have to admit, if you are unlucky , No matter how many opportunities you have, it’s useless. If you make a movie and lose a movie, no one is willing to invest in you, and no actor is willing to act in your movie. In this industry, your name has become a cancer, and everyone If you see you, hide, even if it’s just to reminisce, they are afraid that you will ask them for another chance.”

The scenes of the movie are constantly changing along with the side. There are pictures of Zhou Yun working as a clerical worker in an office building, cooking at home alone, sitting on the bedside reading in the middle of the night, and sitting in a daze on the subway or bus.

In just one minute, nearly ten different scenes of Zhou Yun were filmed.

Light-style background music slowly emerges.

Zhou Yun's side stopped at some point.

The camera was aimed at Zhou Yun walking in the crowd, and the phone suddenly rang.

Holding the coffee in her left hand, she had to use a rather reluctant posture to take out her mobile phone from her bag and answer the call.


"Yes, I am."


What did the person on the other end of the phone say? He didn't let everyone hear it, and everyone could only see Zhou Yun's expression gradually becoming a little surprised in a daze, and then a kind of unexpected excitement and joy.


Yao Yuanfeng sat in the auditorium, watching the big screen.

He was already very familiar with Zhou Yun, but he still felt a sense of surprise when he saw the scene just now.

He had never seen Zhou Yun who was so full of life.

It is easy for an actor to act in a state, but it is very difficult to fully present a state without giving people the feeling of acting from the beginning to the end. The former requires technology, and the latter requires skill.

Such as Kate Winslet in "East Side Nightmare", such as Olivia Colman in "The Favourite".

In the eyes of many viewers, the previous scene may be a very ordinary scene that doesn't matter whether they watch it or not, but in Yao Yuanfeng's eyes, this appearance has unconsciously made everyone's attention to "" The image of Zhou Yun in "Days" was subverted.

She is no longer so beautiful, literary, and hearty, but looks a little swollen, irritable, and has a feeling of anger filling her whole body at any time.

And when she drove to the set domineeringly, picking and choosing the set as if she was patrolling her own field, and giving everyone a blow, Yao Yuanfeng was shocked.

In fact, it is very difficult for an actor to play a role and change a person. Most of the actors are praised for their good acting skills. In fact, it is just that this actor is particularly empathetic. No matter what role he plays, he can substitute the audience into it. But we really have to compare them The roles played may be the same.

Zhou Yun is in a completely different state in "Behind the Scenes", completely different from what Yao Yuanfeng has seen before.

In "Days", she is bright, brilliant, energetic, and a little naive, with a particularly bright smile, and when she is angry, her facial features move accordingly.

In "Questioning the Heart", she is bright in the early stage, bright and straightforward, and she is introverted in the later stage, reticent and calm, and all her emotions are hidden in her eyes.

In "Standing the Storm", she was tolerant and wronged in the early stage, pretending to be generous but unable to let go of it, and finally let go of self-restraint in the later stage and became a sassy woman.

But in the previous few plays, more or less, there are traces of acting-crying, or laughing, or what, there is a sense of the camera.

"Behind the Scenes" doesn't have this kind of camera sense, it's like a documentary.

This is the biggest difference.

Even if she came to the set and made a patrolling gesture, she didn't have a sense of stage performance.

This is not to say that she adopts a very life-like performance method. When she should catch the horse, she also catches the horse very much, gets angry, and gives orders, giving people a sense of bad temper and domineering. Irritability, especially when the film was about to turn yellow and the filming couldn't go on, dark clouds overwhelmed the city, and her whole body seemed to be haunted by ghosts.

Yao Yuanfeng loves the part where she suppresses her temper to persuade You Jiang and Zeng Lili to stay and film.

The fire is in my heart, and when I see people, I have to smile and beg them to stay.

Yao Yuanfeng has had such an experience, and he empathizes with it.He guessed that maybe people in this industry would feel more empathetic.

This drama is both documentary and horse-grabbing, with a wild air.

Yao Yuanfeng likes it very much. The script and lines are full of talent.

And the actors recited these lines in a cadence, like lighting firecrackers.

Especially good.

In all fairness, before seeing this movie, even though it was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Cannes Film Festival, Yao Yuanfeng felt that luck was a huge factor.

He believes that without Shi Luoqi working behind the scenes, the film could not have been shortlisted for the main competition unit so smoothly.

But seeing this movie, Yao Yuanfeng felt again, if this kind of movie is not included in the main competition, what kind of movie will be included?

"Behind the Scenes" is too authoritative.Its drama is not the drama of business, but the drama of a play, the drama of the characters, the contradiction between the story and the characters is ignited, and it does not stimulate the senses, but a more absurd feeling.

The contradictions are constantly moving, and the main line is a huge doubt. Can this movie in the movie continue to be filmed?

In the end, Zhou Yun's seven-minute emotional outburst one-man show completely showed her control over emotions and occupied every pore of the big screen.

She stared at the big screen, suppressing her anger, but she couldn't suppress it more and more, and finally got up angrily.

"You love to pat, if you don't pat, you will fall down, go to hell!" Like a roaring beast, she finally showed her true face at the beginning of the movie, with bulging veins and wide eyes, and her hysterical anger could no longer be suppressed .

Anger erupts like a volcano.

Yao Yuanfeng was shocked again.


He can only use this word to describe it.

At the end of the movie, she stood by the window of her room, watching You Jiang and Zeng Lili coldly walking out with her people one after the other.

They looked up at her from downstairs.

She looks at them.

After almost three seconds of static, she spit out a mouthful of saliva, and slammed the window shut.

movie, finally.


This is also the first time that Zhou Yun saw the finished film of "Behind the Scenes".

She was in awe.

Because, according to the original filming script, at the end of the story, the director she played should reach a settlement with the actors, obtain funds, and continue filming that movie, which is a happy ending.

Who knew that Xue Qin cut out those paragraphs with a click.

And this ending part, in the original script, should be that the two of them are going to leave. She spit out a mouthful of saliva, and ran out the next second to beg them not to leave.

Xue Qin actually took out this part alone and used it as the ending.

The theater lights come on.

Zhou Yun's first reaction was to look at You Jiang, Zeng Lili, and Wang Jing.

The final film presented is actually very different from the content they shot.Through editing, Xue Qin completely cut out another direction.

But Zhou Yun must also admit that the cut version is very good.

The last ending is full of a kind of discouraged irony.

Applause began to ring, at first it was sparse applause, and then, the applause sounded like thunder.The entire screening hall was filled with applause, forming an ocean of applause, and everyone's eyes were focused on the film creators sitting in the middle of the front row of the screening hall.

Is a movie liked by the audience?From the moment the screening of this movie ends, the state shown by the audience is enough to illustrate.

The moment Zhou Yun and other main actors watched the movie, they were surprised by the difference between the story content shown in the finished film and the story content when they shot it, and they were quickly responded by the enthusiasm of the people around them. covered up.

It can be seen from the reaction of the audience in the screening hall that they really liked the movie from the bottom of their hearts and were moved by it.If Zhou Yun has had such an experience in Venice, for Zeng Lili and Wang Jing, this is the first time for them to feel the love of people from all over the world for their films on an international occasion.

Someone in the audience cheered, as if to applaud them.

This kind of sea-like cheers and applause, as long as you experience it once, you will become addicted and you will never quit.

Mr. Brian came over and gave Xue Qin a warm hug.

He looked at her with the loving eyes of an elder looking at a younger generation, and said, "Congratulations, you have made a very remarkable movie, and I am proud of you."

Xue Qin was particularly moved by Brian's encouragement.

Shi Luoqi also hugged Xue Qin. From the reaction of the media around him, he knew that the media also felt fresh and liked the movie.

The main creator came to the stage.

Everyone moved Zhou Yun to the middle. Zhou Yun wanted Zeng Lili to stand in the middle, but he couldn't make it, so he had to stand in the middle with Xue Qin.

Everyone asked a lot of questions.

Film media from various countries were excited by this film and rushed to ask questions.

What everyone is most concerned about is actually the director Xue Qin.

In fact, good movies will have fans.A good author-type film director has as many fans as a popular film actor.Look at Quentin, look at Jiang Wen, you will know.

In everyone's eyes, the movie "Behind the Scenes" is Xue Qin's personal monologue.As a female director, she took a story about a female director making a movie.It's hard not to think of such intertextuality.

"Director Xue Qin, did you use a lot of real experiences to make this movie?" Sure enough, a reporter immediately asked, "In this movie, you sharply satirized the tyranny of the production company and the arrogance of big-name movie stars. Is it a replica of some experience?"

Xue Qin replied: "If you think of this movie as a simple reproduction of my experience, it is not in line with my original intention of making this movie. I actually didn't want to ridicule anything, and I didn't want to criticize any phenomenon. I just did it. The structure of such a story is used to tell a person's defense of himself. The focus is on the defense of oneself, not ridicule and accusation."

Zhou Yun nodded when he heard Xue Qin say that.

"What do you think of Zhou Yun's performance? Does the director played by Zhou Yun have your shadow?"

Xue Qin replied: "There are more or less, it is impossible not to, but as I said before, in fact, this movie itself is a fictional story and a group of fictional characters. They all project something of themselves—what they want to express, but it doesn’t mean that the prototype of a certain character must correspond to a certain person. I don’t think everyone should do such boring things. The movie is Movies, movies are not reality."

Xue Qin's words made Zhou Yun feel a little emotional.

At this time, someone suddenly asked: "Why does this movie end on a spittle? Don't you worry that this scene is too vulgar?"

Xue Qin looked at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun knew that she meant to ask her to answer.

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said: "I think the director didn't show vulgarity for the sake of showing vulgarity, but I always feel that when a person is really angry, he doesn't consider whether his actions are elegant or not. And in this movie, this vulgar action may also represent that I don’t want to pretend anymore. In order to allow the film to continue to be filmed, the female director I played made a lot of compromises and did a lot of things she didn’t want to do. Things, and in the end, she let go, gave up, and no longer intends to compromise. The spit she spit is more of a symbol, that is, well, now I have nothing to ask of you, you all go away . Something like this attitude."


After the interview with the main creator, Shi Luoqi organized a movie viewing luncheon.

There were a lot of people in attendance, including people who weren't at the premiere.

This kind of luncheon itself has the most social attributes.Shi Luoqi greeted the person she wanted to greet, and Zhou Yun, as the heroine, also shouldered the heavy responsibility of socializing.Of course, the Cannes Film Festival is a jury system, and this kind of public relations and social networking has no effect on the results of the awards, but their purpose is not for awards, but for selling films.

Zhou Yun was so busy that he didn't eat anything.

But everyone is very happy, "Behind the Scenes" has been well received by word-of-mouth, and the next step is to read the ratings of the program.

Shi Luoqi said: "I think you can continue to ask for leave with "Four Killers". According to this reaction, "Behind the Scenes" can win an award no matter what!"
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(End of this chapter)

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