I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 505 Full of Expectations

Chapter 505 Full of Expectations
These two days, Su Yan was a little restless.

The people around saw it, but no one spoke, and no one mentioned it.

Those who knew Su Yan knew why she was uneasy.

She is currently filming with Xu Siyao.

The two are in the same crew, and they are harmonious on the surface, but there have been several frictions in private.

If it wasn't for the smooth completion of the filming, according to her temper, she would have put pressure on the crew and made trouble for Xu Siyao.

This time the filming is different from before. She has invested in this film, so she can't do anything wrong.

Therefore, in many things, although she was very dissatisfied, she endured it out of certain considerations.

In the past two days, Xu Siyao's face has obviously become much uglier.

But Su Yan knew why Xu Siyao's face was so ugly, because the person they both hated was in the limelight recently, whether it was in the circle or on the Internet, there were overwhelming news about her, and almost everyone was discussing her, which made her even more so. What they felt uncomfortable or fearful was that when these people were discussing her, they had unconsciously started to mention her from a perspective of looking up.

No one else said it, but Su Yan knew it herself.

Everyone who sees her will say hello, hello, a big star, really popular, has a lot of fans, is pretty, and may be carrying the ratings, the ratings are particularly good, an actress who will never let investors lose money.

But putting aside these praises, in fact, not many people really respect her and recognize her artistic achievements as an actor.

Whether everyone respects you or not is very clear.

Pretending cannot deceive people's hearts.

What Su Yan was jealous of was that Zhou Yun had unconsciously raised everyone's attitude towards her in this situation.

Why does everyone want to win prestigious awards?
Because the award represents the expectation of the peers in the industry, and it also virtually leads the public's impression and cognition of the winners.

And some actors have never won any heavyweight awards, but in the eyes of many people, he is already a well-deserved actor.

This matter will lead to a result. In the eyes of the public, Zhou Yun has surpassed Su Yan.

When people mention Su Yan, they will say, ah, a very famous actress, very popular, I have seen her play.

When everyone mentioned Zhou Yun, they would say, ah, a very talented actor, with extraordinary talent, and a queen.

They are all positive comments, but there is a difference between positive and positive.

What annoyed Su Yan the most was the Golden Spirit Jewelry.She had always been the spokesperson of the brand before, but when her contract expired, the brand stopped renewing her contract and chose Zhou Yun instead.

This actually represents a trend.

In the market, the brand side recognized Zhou Yun even more.

If it hadn't been for the explosion of "Questing the Heart" later, driven by this drama, she ushered in a career peak and returned to the ranks of stars favored by the brand, maybe she would be like Liu Qingqing now, gradually lose heat.

Liu Qingqing, who used to be a competitor with Su Yan, because there are no new dramas aired in the past two years, except for pregnancy, there is no other memory, and the best actress nominated for the Naoki Award has not caused any splashes, and the exposure is getting less and less .Of course, in the market, she is still the first-line, but she is also slowly being forgotten.

Su Yan has widened the gap with Liu Qingqing.

But at the same time, she was also opened up by Zhou Yun.

Su Yan has been a little worried these two days. She knows that her worry is basically impossible to realize, and she also knows that her worry may be unfounded, but she still can't help it, can't help worrying about it, in case, in case Zhou Yun What if I won the Best Actress at the Cannes Film Festival this time?
If he got it, needless to say, Zhou Yun not only secured his No.1 position among young actors, but also directly put himself in the ranks of top actresses.

As expected of Su Yan's manager, He Ting knew exactly what Su Yan was worried about, and it was what Su Yan was worried about when she opened her mouth.

"Don't worry, don't think too much, it's not so easy to win." He Ting said, "Think about it, how many of our actors have won the Best Actress Award in Cannes?"

Su Yan said melancholy: "I'm just worried about just in case."

He Ting: "I assure you, it's not that easy. For the main competition film that has already been screened, the French actress Garbo is very popular. Many media say that she will be the best actress this time." The number one seed player, with her here, even if Zhou Yun plays well, it will not be so easy to win the award. This time, there are no Asians on the judging committee. You know, filmmakers in Europe and the United States have always been hostile to Asians How important is it?"

Su Yan: "I know, I also know that it is very difficult for her to win the prize, it is almost impossible, but I am just worried that this matter will not come to fruition, and my worry cannot be put away."

He Ting thought for a while, nodded, and said, "That's right, but you are filming every day now, so you should focus on filming. The most important thing is to do what you are doing well."


When the evaluation of "Behind the Scenes" in Cannes was reported back to China, and when everyone knew that "Behind the Scenes" had a great reputation in Cannes, everyone in the film circle was surprised and delighted.

Being shortlisted in Cannes is only the first step, winning an award is the second step.

In recent years, it has been difficult for Chinese-language films to take the first step, so that everyone has forgotten how difficult it is to take the second step after taking the first step.

There are so many directors who have been shortlisted for the top three awards for more than ten years, but they have never won a trophy.

The reputation of "Behind the Scenes" has exploded, which shows that there is something going on.

A film blogger directly said: Now, Zhou Yun's status in the film industry will skyrocket again.


In Cannes, Zhou Yun participated in the premiere and post-screening interview of "Behind the Scenes", and received a large number of interview invitations from foreign media.

Including those particularly well-known media.

Film critics immediately posted their viewing records on their social networks, praising the film and Zhou Yun's performance.

Just at this time point, Zhou Yun's "Days" has either just been released or is currently being released in many European countries. The combination of the topic discussions and enthusiasm brought to Zhou Yun by both sides has become the most watched Cannes this year. actress.

The European media are actually not familiar with Zhou Yun.

"Days" is the first impression, and "Behind the Scenes" is the second impression.

Suddenly Zhou Yun attracted the attention of these media, wanting to know many stories about Zhou Yun.

However, Zhou Yun's interview was difficult to get an appointment.Her own schedule in Cannes is too full, and she has already been squeezed tightly.

To put it bluntly, because there is a huge market behind her, she is not popular in Europe and North America, and brands will not ignore her influence in China.

This is enough.

Zhou Yun rushed to the Dior show non-stop. This was an invitation sent to her by Dior himself, and she also gave her a set of advanced customization.

For a female star, a set of Dior's advanced customization is a uniform worthy of being listed in the yearbook.

This is why Zhou Yun accepted the invitation of the Dior show.

Even if she is the spokesperson of VX.

After the big show, there is another filmmaker dialogue event.

The event was filmed by French TV and will be broadcast in France later.

The filmmakers that Zhou Yun wants to talk to are all well-known figures from various countries.

We sat together to chat about movies, performances, and how we feel about life.

Zhou Yun is not familiar with them, but as the only Chinese, she always pays attention to be very nice, giving people the impression of talking and laughing, and can't keep silent, making people think that she is just a beautiful vase , let alone be aggressive, so that everyone has a bad impression of her.

Zhou Yun would never want to be himself at this time.

Create a certain image to help yourself be better known by everyone, so that everyone will not have a bad impression of her country because of her.

This is what she thinks.

Zhou Yun finally asked for another leave of absence from the crew of "Four Killers".

Because Yao Yuanfeng nodded, the crew of "Four Killers" readily agreed.

After all, it was a legitimate reason to participate in the Cannes Film Festival, and Zhou Yun was usually filming on the set, unlike the other three, who asked for leave from time to time to leave the set for business or program recording.

She usually stays the longest in the crew.

Zhou Yun's reception at Cannes didn't quite happen online and in the media.

Of course, not only her, but also You Jiang, Zeng Lili and Wang Jing have more or less been noticed because of the movie "Behind the Scenes" and have been invited to participate in many activities.

This time, Shi Luoqi didn't need to ask for tickets for them through his personal relationship. Everyone took the initiative to send the invitation letter.

The Cannes Film Festival doesn't last long.

In the blink of an eye, amid the excitement, it was time to close the curtain.

Shi Luoqi received a call, inviting them to attend the closing ceremony.

This call is very important - it means that "Behind the Scenes" will win the award.

Shi Luoqi was very happy.

Before the closing ceremony, she pulled everyone together and threw a party with no one else.

Shi Luoqi said: "No matter which award we win tomorrow, it will be the glory of all of us."

Everyone was excited when they heard the news.

So, he could really take an award back!
What could make the actors of participating films more happy and proud than this!

At the closing ceremony, for the first time, Zhou Yun did not wear VX on a major occasion, but wore a pair of high-end Chinese designer brands.

A gorgeous, light silver long dress, like a goddess.

She and everyone in the crew were preparing to go on the red carpet, but a huge crowd blocked the entrance, and she had to be interviewed.

The interview with the Chinese film media was straightforward: "Zhou Yun, do you think you will win the Best Actress award tonight?"

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "I hope this movie wins an award."

Photos of the "Behind the Scenes" crew appearing on the red carpet at the closing ceremony of the Cannes Film Festival were sent back to China in real time.

Many people in China are paying attention to this. When they saw the whole crew of "Behind the Scenes" appearing on the red carpet, those who knew the Cannes Film Festival were faintly excited.

Because they know that this is a sign.

"Behind the Scenes" will win an award!

Only film crews who will win awards will be on the red carpet at the closing ceremony!

Song Chi also appeared on the red carpet, but he appeared with the judges of the "Un Certain Regard" unit.

Zhou Yun did not meet him on the red carpet.

But a Chinese reporter who can do things said in front of the camera: "Xiaoyun, just now Song Chi asked me to tell you that he expects you to stand on the podium tonight."

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "You must be lying to me."

The reporter was taken aback, "Why?"

Zhou Yun said: "Song Chi wouldn't put such pressure on me in public, hmph, you guys still want to deceive me."

The reporter was dumbfounded.

He was indeed lying to Zhou Yun. It was just a joke, but who knew that Zhou Yun would expose it so keenly.


This scene was also sent back to the country in real time, and all the melon eaters on the Internet sent "hahahahahahaha".

——The black-hearted reporter's dilapidated record.

Walking into the closing ceremony, Zhou Yun's heart beat faster.

Many people, both acquainted and unknown, came forward to greet her, exchange pleasantries, praise her, congratulate her, and bless her at the same time.

Zhou Yun thanked each other.

Take your seat and wait to begin.

Moments like award ceremonies always make Zhou Yun feel a special sense of pride.

It's like they have done a lot of things seriously, and at this moment, they are going to get their own rewards.

Zhou Yun tried hard not to let himself think about the best actress.

She kept telling herself that the best actress hope is actually not great, because the most discussed thing about this movie is the specialness, genre and authorship of this movie.

Zhou Yun thought, maybe Xue Qin could win the best director award.

Of course, there may also be the best screenplay award.

Zhou Yun didn't know whether his guess would come true in the end.

What if you can win the Palme d'Or?
Don't make trouble, although "Behind the Scenes" is indeed very exciting, it has not yet reached the point where it can win the Palme d'Or.

Several voices were speaking in Zhou Yun's heart at the same time.

You won't give nothing in the end, but give a special nomination award, right?
That's a little less so.

There are so many units in the Cannes Film Festival, and there are still many other unit results to be announced before the winners of the main competition are announced.

Zhou Yun saw many filmmakers from all over the world come on stage and express their opinions in various languages.

She only knew a little about it, but the atmosphere made her immersed.

Everyone is devout to movies, and they love this industry with their hearts and lives.

Finally, the awards came to the main competition unit.

The first award issued by the main competition unit turned out to be the Best Screenplay Award.

Zhou Yun is full of expectations, will he win the prize?
She is very active inside.

The three major film festivals generally do not award different awards to the same film.

If "Behind the Scene" won the Best Screenplay Award, it would basically miss out on the following awards.

As Zhou Yun was thinking, the presenter had already read out the name of the award-winning film.

"The Winner", a very appropriate movie title, a British movie.

Before Zhou Yun could react, he had already started applauding.

She breathed a sigh of relief, because she was more looking forward to the future.

Can look forward to.

(End of this chapter)

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